joanne riach hi-net co-ordinator

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Joanne Riach

HI-Net Co-ordinator

What is HI-Net?

• Grampian Health Improvement Network

• An interactive communication tool for those with a remit for Health Improvement

• A central point for all your Health Improvement needs

• Not just another health website

Background to HI-Net

• Move to partnership working

• Health improvement now on everyone’s agenda

• Consultation workshops held 2001/2002– 45 reps from NHSG, Fire, Police, LA’s,

voluntary sector– Feedback endorsed network development

Background to HI-Net

• Originally proposed to be Grampian Public Health Network

• Grampian Health Improvement Network (HI-Net) more inclusive of all partner organisations

HI-Net Aims

To be an interactive website, designed to

improve communication and information sharing between

professionals with a remit for Health Improvement.

HI-Net Objectives

• Establish a Network– regular meetings, evaluation

• Communication– raise awareness

– support local networks

– website exists

• Information and Sign-posting– documents database, funding streams, ongoing activity

• Peer Support and Training– training resources

Who is involved?

• Phase I– Public Health/Health Improvement and some others

• Phase II– Local Authorities– NHS Grampian– Voluntary Sector– Any other organisations/depts/individuals with remit for

Health Improvement

• Public– limited access, primarily a professionally focused site

HI-Net Features

• Must be registered, a simple process

• Need to be logged in to access ALL facilities on the site

• Any problems, contact HI-Net Team

HI-Net Features

• Documents Library– Health Improvement documents– Download– Ability to upload your own, subject to

verification– Your documents can be protected:-

• everyone

• registered members

• specific group

HI-Net Features

• Discussion Forum– Can join in existing topics– Start your own discussion topics– Request your own area and use forum for

communicating with your group/colleagues etc– Can be protected– Forum easily accessible from any location

HI-Net Features

• Searchable Who’s Who

• View/submit Events calendar/Event reports

• View/submit Weblinks

• View/submit News

• Training/Conferences

• Funding Sources

Where HI-Net is now

• Nearing end of pilot phase I– 126 registered members– Exceeded initial targets

• Website in operation, graphics being developed

• Evaluation of Phase I

• Phase II launch end of March 04

HI-Net & NHS Grampian

• Internet – Public site– Not interactive– HI-Net aimed at professionals

• Intranet– Only accessible from within NHSG network, not

externally/from home– Not accessible to partner organisations– Not interactive

HI-Net & NHS Grampian


• Interactive, any registered member can upload/contribute to site

• Not part of the intranet, so accessible from any location

• Is a Partnership tool

– So has own identity, not just NHSG

– Allows for flexibility/extra features

How HI-Net can help YOU

• Use forums to communicate with other colleagues in your field

• Use HI-Net’s facilities to publicise and promote your work

– Events calendar, News, Training, Forums

• Instant access to information

• Share your information with others

The Future

• Tailored login, you see what you want to see

• Email bulletins tailored around your interests

• On-line tutorials

• HI-Net is YOUR site, what would YOU like to see on it?

The Future


Always evolving to meet user needs, feedback always welcome

HI-Net Team

Joanne Riach - HI-Net Co-ordinator

Andy Williamson - Webmaster

Rhona Johnston - Electronic Information Advisor

Thank You

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