joan koerber-walker speaking 2011

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Combine innovation, strategy and leadership and you get growth. Whether you are planning your career, building a business, or starting on, Joan Koebrer-Walker knows how to deliver a message that gives you a return on your investment.





Keynotes, Seminars and Workshops focused on the Key Challenges facing

individuals and organizations today...

Innovation Business Strategies for Success Leading in Times of Change Personal Achievement

"A nationally recognized business woman and entrepreneur - Joan inspires audiences to envision innovative solutions and then create concrete plans to move from vision to action to results." The Business Journal— Phoenix For over 20 years, Joan Koerber-Walker has worked with emerging and established companies to grow their business with a formula of Innovation + Strategy + Leadership = Success. Her messages spring from a passionate belief that Innovation makes life better for the people who matter and that Strategy and Leadership are what move you from Idea to Innovation.. An engaging speaker, author, facilitator and advisor to organizations and executives, Joan helps you maximize individual and team performance and focus resources to the areas where they can make the greatest impact on achieving your goals. Joan's keynotes are based on personal experience in working with companies in the United States and around the world—companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to small and emerging growth business have used these messages to build on their success. More importantly, she makes the time to learn about YOUR business or organization and tailors each program to your situation and your needs. Each presentation is brought to life through personal stories the audience can relate to, real-life examples from leading companies and organizations, and easy to implement tactics and tools that allow the listener to move from theory to practice the very next day!

Joan Koerber-Walker, MBA

Innovation + Strategy + Leadership = Success

“Your talk tonight was fantastic. I wish I had heard it years ago, having learned most of what you were saying the hard way! Even at our stage, I got a lot out of it. I was watching the group during

your talk, and they were soaking it up. I really think you hit home with a lot of people. And your stories were great!"

Michelle M. Hanna, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Ribomed Biotechnologies, Inc.

Note: One year after this presentation, Joan was elected to serve on the RiboMed Biotechnologies, Inc. Board of Directors!

Business Focus

Focus on Success: The secrets of truly great companies. Participants are challenged to re-examine WHY they are in business and where their greatest opportunities for success lie. What is the Secret of Great Companies? How do leaders inspire their teams to greatness? How to create and keep enthusiastic customers AND what it means to your business. Keynote The Business of Innovation. Innovation is doing things in a new way—to make life better—for the people who matter. This session explores the secrets for success in the Business of Innovation: Finding your Focus—Finding the "-preneur" inside of you—Creating a culture of innovation—Connecting the dots. Keynote From Invention to Innovation….Not just NEW but Making a Difference. Having a great idea is not enough. The key to success is taking a new idea and putting it into practice—to making a difference. In this session, explore: How to get your team innovating. What it takes to move from principle to practice. How to bring others on board to build solutions that will make your organization FAMOUS. Keynote Twitter for Business—You’re Kidding, Right? Twitter and other social media platforms have moved from the realm of novelties to necessities in today’s business environment. In this session, Joan shares her journey from skeptic to practitioner in a field where there truly are no experts and every solution is unique. Learn how in the course of a year she learned to use social media tools and a bit of old fashioned common sense to build a community of over 150,000. Keynote Creating Employee and Customer ENTHUSIASM…Why satisfaction and loyalty are no longer good enough! What does it take to create customers and employees that are so exited about your organization that they BRAG about you? This session explores why satisfaction and loyalty are NOT enough. How to create enthusiasm in your organization and most importantly how to keep it going for spectacular results. Keynote

Career Focus

The FIVE C’s for Your Success We live in a decade of challenge and opportunity. There are FIVE C’s that each of us can use in business and in life to make a difference and move our selves forward. Join Joan as she shares how Career, Connections, Community, Collaboration, and Contribution can make a difference for you. Keynote REINVENTION—the secret to success in any economy. There is an old Chinese proverb (or curse some say) May you live in interesting times. Few would argue that that is where we find ourselves today. The secret to surviving and thriving in interesting times is to reinvent ourselves. To find new ways to may the most of what we have –and at times what we have forgotten. Join Joan to learn how to do just that! Keynote Breaking Out/Breaking Through A lot has been said and written about the Glass Ceiling, but: What is it? Who does it apply to? How do you break through? The glass ceiling is not just about women – it’s about ALL of us - as we look from where we are to were we want to be. In this personal, funny and sometimes poignant session Joan Koerber-Walker, founder and executive director of CorePurpose, Inc. shares her personal experiences from both sides of the glass ceiling AND shares three winning tactics YOU can use to break through. Keynote Having It All. Can you have it all? A successful career, a happy family, the rewards of community involvement? In this session, learn the secrets to having it all from someone who is ALMOST there. If she can do it—so can YOU. Keynote

“Joan brings fresh insights and ideas for ways to create new business models. She has a unique ability to assess internal and external business factors and create new business opportunities.”

Steve Church, Senior Vice President, Avnet, Inc.

Why engaging

Joan Koerber-Walker

is a savvy investment

for your organization

In today’s competitive business environment you need more than just a speaker at your next meeting or event. Your team is looking for action and results—solutions to problems—and a catalyst to move to them further towards their goals. Building on Joan’s experiences from a career as an executive in a Fortune 500 to founding and running a successful business, to leading one of the largest small business organizations in the country, CorePurpose keynotes are designed to motivate your team with energy, tools, a touch of humor and real-world examples hat can be put into practice the very next day. Because—Joan Koerber-Walker understands— It’s not what you hear or what you say that matters— It’s what you do with it!

More Audience Feedback:

“This presentation was tremendous! Joan gave me a handful of key insights I was missing in order to grow a successful business. I feel a renewed sense of encouragement and focus for my business strategy and development."

Kathleen Tomes, President Future Think Inc.

“Successfully launching new technologies is one of our industry’s greatest challenges. Joan Koerber-Walker captured and held the attention of a diverse audience of CEO’s, marketers, and engineers, sharing stories of technology successes and failures and using them to illustrate the key steps that must be followed to succeed.”

Bob Denton, Arizona Technology Council

“Facilitation is one of the most challenging duties of any leader. It can make or break the success of your strategy session, meeting, or project. Keeping all members of the group engaged, on track and contributing throughout the process takes real talent. Joan Koerber-Walker has that talent!

Francine Hardaway, Ph.D. Stealthmode Partners

To book Joan for your next meeting or event: or 480-332-9636

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