jehovah flyer #13 -

Post on 02-Jul-2022






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Layout by Patty Rambo

Here are some scriptures to read and ponder in your own heart.

Please pray about what you have learned after reading this flyer.

We hope you will discover in your heart who Jehovah was.

Please write in the answer in the blank line as you read.

These scriptures come from the first bible, the King James Version,

read your own Bible.

Would you like to know who Jehovah was?

Abraham and Isaac

Genesis 22:14

To learn more about JEHOVAHand to order a


The Book of Mormon is a second scriptural witness of Jehovah. It is spoken of in the

Old Testament and fulfills prophecy. It tells of Jehovah’s visit to the Americas.

The Book of Mormon tells of a Jewish prophet whose name was Lehi. He took his family and

left Jerusalem in 600 B.C. to come to the Americas. Lehi is a descendent of Joseph of the 12 tribes. His coming here fulfilled

the blessing given to Joseph by his father Jacob.

This land of the everlasting hills is the Rocky Mountain Chain that goes from high up

in Canada to the tip of South America. see Genesis 49:22-26

If you’d like to talk to a local missionary and have discussions in your home, please call:

(In US and Canada Only)

To make FREE COPIES of this and 4 other flyers, including “42 Evidences of the True Church”, go to


Jehovah is the covenant or proper name of the God of Israel. It denotes the "Unchangeable One," "the eternal I AM"

Exodus 6:2&3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, 26:4

Hebrew – Elohim and Jehovah , original no vowels – YHWH Hebrew – It was probably pronounced Yahveh, or Jahveh = anglicized rendering = The self-existent One or The Eternal – Old Testament – Lord Capitalized To Jews the name so sacred it could not be spoken, so substituted Jehovah with Adonai = "The Lord". To say the name was blasphemy and would be stoned to death. King James translators followed the same practice. Jehovah -capitalized Lord. Lower case other important people

= 2 Samuel 15:21

Jehovah-jireh. "The Lord will provide," or "will see." The name given by Abraham to the place where he offered Isaac.

(Genesis 22:14) Jehovah-nissi. The "Lord is my banner," Name given to Moses to the altar erected after the victory at Rephidim.

(Exodus 17:15) Jehovah-shalom. The "Lord is peace," Name given by Gideon to altar he erected at Ophrah (Judge 6:24)

Jehovah-shammah. Heb., translated "the Lord is there. In English, the name of the New Jerusalem in Ezekiel's vision

(Ezekiel 48:35) Elohim = God, Father Jehovah = 1st born son = Jesus Christ, Lord God – Elohim is the father of spirits, who can become gods

Hebrew 12:9 Jesus is one with God and also a God as taught by old testament prophets. Jehovah Elohim (One of Gods) Adonai, Jehovah = Lord, Lord King James translators, to avoid repetition "The anointed one" – Lord God Genesis 15:2,8- Deu 3:24

Hebrew – Meshiaeh = "The Anonited One – Anglicized – messiah Greek – Christos = The Anointed One – So became Jesus the Christ - Messiah When Jesus came Jews had apostatized and had lost the understanding of God/Father and Son and Holy Ghost. They thought there was only one God. They wanted Jesus to be a political savior to free them from the Roman rule. They had no concept he was the son of God. John 17:3, Luke 3:19-23

They had lost the concept that the Lord/Jehovah would come again as redeemer.

Isaiah 41:14, Luke 2:11, Hebrew – Messiah = Jehovah

JEHOVAH Creator of the world

and God of the Old TestamentElohim = God = Father

Jehovah = Lord = 1st born son = Jesus Christ v

John the Baptist was the forerunner of? OT Isaiah 40:3 _________________________________________________

John the Baptist was the forerunner of? NT Mark 1:3-4, Luke 1:76,17, John1:23, 26, 29, Matthew 11:9-10, Luke 3:15-16 _________________________________________________

Who will the Jews pierce/kill? OT

Zechariah 12:10 _________________________________________________

Who will the Jews pierce/kill? NT

John 19:34-37, Revelations 1:7 _________________________________________________

Who is the husband of the bridegroom? OT

Isaiah 54:5 _________________________________________________

Who is the husband of the bridegroom? NT

Revelations 19:7-8 ________________________________________________

Who is the first and the last? OT Isaiah 44:6 48:12 ________________________________________________

Who is the first and the last? NT

Revelations 1:8 1:17-18 2:18 4:8-9 11:17 21:6 22:13 ________________________________________________

Note: Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet; Omega is the last. They are also names given to Jesus Christ and are used as symbols to show that Christ is both the beginning and the end of all creation.


Who was the rock? OT Samuel 23:03 Deuteronemy 32:3-4 _________________________________________________

Who was the rock? NT

1 Corinthians 10:1-4 ________________________________________________

Who did God tell Moses, to tell Israel, had sent him? OT

Exodus 3:13-14 _________________________________________________

Jesus say he was God, which was blasphemy, and they were going to stone him to death? NT

John 8:52-59 Note: 58 _________________________________________________

Who followed Israel in the wilderness in the cloud? OT Exodus 3:11-14 13:17-22 33:9-10 ______________________________________________

Who followed Israel in the wilderness in the cloud? NT

1 Corinthians 10:1-4 ______________________________________________

Genesis 1:1 Revelations 1:8 22:12-13 20

If there is only one God, who is Jehovah, is He Almighty or mighty? Old Testament New Testament

After reading each scripture, write down “Almighty” or “mighty”and the name of who it is: “Jehovah” or “Jesus”. Isaiah 44:6-8 _______________________________________

Deuteronomy 6:4 ____________________________________ Isaiah 45:5-6, 22 ____________________________________ Isaiah 10:20-21 _____________________________________ Jerimiah 32:17-18 ___________________________________ Revelations 1:8 _____________________________________

This shows that Jehovah and Jesus were both called mighty and Almighty - which makes them the same person. It helps to show that Jesus is Jehovah.

Who created the world? OTGenesis 1:1, 2:5,8,9 , Isaiah 45:11-12


Who created the world? NTohn 1:1-14, Ephesians 3:9,

Hebrews 1:1-14 (worlds) __________________________________________________

Who is the Holy One of God? OTIsaiah 43:15, 54:5 __________________________________________________

Who is the Holy One of God? NT


Who is the Savior? OT

Isaiah 12:2 • 43:3, 11, 13 45:21, 25, 26 Hosea 13:4 & 14 __________________________________________________

Who is the Savior? NT Acts: 4:10-12 5: 30-32, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, Matthew 1:21, Luke 2:11 Acts 13:23 John 4:14-15 __________________________________________________

Who is the Redeemer? OT Psalms 45:15, Galacians 3:13, Isaiah 41:13 &14 49:26, 59:20, 54:5 __________________________________________________

Who is the Redeemer? NTActs 20:28, 1 Peter 1:18-19 Romans 3:24, 25, 1 Corinth 1:30-31 Ephesians 1:7 Colossians 1:14 Galatians 3:13 4:4-5 __________________________________________________

Who will be the Judge? OT

Psalms 50:6 9:7 96:13 1 Chronicals 16:33 11 Timothy 4:1


Who will be the Judge? NT

Matthew 16:27 John 5:22 Acts 10:42 Romans 14:10 11 Chronicals 5:10 __________________________________________________


Mark 1:24, Luke 4:34

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