jefferson county colorado court 2014c38745 june 10, 2015 ...€¦ · 10.06.2015  · jefferson...

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Jefferson County Colorado Court 2014C38745 June 10, 2015 page 1 of 16




Defendant: Robert Racansky #







BACKGROUND!!1. On!April!09!2015,!the!parties!in!this!case!reached!a!pre=trial!settlement!agreement,!and!

filed! a! “Stipulated! Motion! To! Dismiss”.! ! The! settlement! represents! a! contractual!agreement!between!the!Plaintiff!corporation!and!Defendant.!SEE!PAGES!10!=!13,!ATTACHED!EXHIBIT!A.!

!2. On!April! 21!2015,! this!Court! issued! an! “Order!Dismissing!All! Claims!With!Prejudice”,!


!3. A!stipulation!of!the!contract!and!this!Court’s!Order!was!that!both!parties!agreed!to!be!

responsible! for! their! own! attorney! fees! and! other! costs.! ! The! Plaintiff! corporation!knowingly!and!willfully!violated!this!stipulation!with!the!intent!to!permanently!deprive!the!Defendant!of!at!least!$6,954.00.!

!4. On!May!01!2015!and!May!26!2015,! the!Plaintiff! corporation,!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! Inc.,!

knowingly! and!willfully! committed! a! breach!of! contract! by! violating! the! terms!of! the!settlement!agreement,!and!demanding!payment!for!$6,954.00!in!attorney!fees!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!had!agreed!to!be!responsible!for.!SEE!PAGE!16,!ATTACHED!EXHIBIT!C.! !

Robert Racansky
Robert Racansky
15 JUN 10 PM 12:52

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BREACH!OF!CONTRACT!AND!VIOLATION!OF!COURT!ORDER!!5. On!May!01!2015,!the!Plaintiff,!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation,!charged!$6,954.00!in!

attorney! fees!and!costs! to! the!Defendant’s!account,! in!violation!of! the!contract!and! in!violation!of!this!Court’s!“Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”.!

!TYPE DATE CC DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 04/30/2015 Beginning Balance $ 0,000.00 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 Late Interest - $ 0,075.00 -$ 0,075.00 Chg 05/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 0,149.00 Chg 05/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 0,328.51 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 HINDMAN 04/23/15 - $ 6,954.00 -$ 7,282.51 Cr 05/01/2015 L1 WAIVE LATE INT +$ 0,075.00 -$ 7,207.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,074.00 -$ 7,133.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,179.51 -$ 6,954.00 Chg 05/15/2015 LC Late Charge - $ 0,020.00 -$ 6,974.00 Chg 06/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 7,048.00 Chg 06/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 7,227.51 06/01/2015 Resident Balance -$ 7,227.51

“HINDMAN” is the Plaintiff corporation’s law firm, HindmanSanchez P.C. !6. The! attorney! fees! were! charged! to! the! Defendant’s! account! without! notice! to! the!

Defendant!and!without!the!consent!of!the!Defendant.!!7. On!May!15!2015,!the!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!the!Defendant!a!$20.00!late!fee!

as!a!result!of! the!unpaid!attorney!fee.! !Because!Plaintiff!corporation!did!not!make!the!Defendant!aware!of!this!attorney!fee,!the!Defendant!had!no!opportunity!to!pay!it!until#after# late# charges#had#been#accrued.! !Unlike!a!legitimate!business,!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! corporation! does! not! provide! a!monthly! account! statement! to! its! “customers”.!!For!years!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation!has!been!extremely!reluctant!to!provide!account!information!to!the!home!owners!when!requested.!!!The#involuntary#members#of#the#corporation#–#including#the#Defendant#–#often#have#no#way#of#knowing#what#the# current# balance# of# their# account# is! until! they! receive! a! demand! for! payment,!after! late!charges!and!other!fees!(including!attorney!fees)!have!already!been!accrued.!!It! is! unbelievably! Kafka=esque,! and! incredibly! frustrating! and! abusive.! ! No! other!creditor!behaves!in!this!manner.!!Most!legitimate!creditors!makes!account!information!available!to!their!customers!24!hours!a!day!7!days!a!week!365!days!a!year,!by!phone!and/or!internet.!!Due!to!a!ruling!by!this!very!Court!earlier!in!this!case,!it!is!now!more#difficult! for! home! owners! to! obtain! the! current! balance! of! their! account! from! the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation.!

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!8. Per!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!own!policies,!the!Defendant’s!assessment!payments!have!

been! illegally!re=directed!to!pay! the!attorney! fees!billed!by!HindmanSanchez!P.C.,!and!will!continue!to!be!illegally!re=directed!every!month!for!the!next!3!years!(at!least).! !In!addition!to!breach!of!contract,!this#is#also#Theft,#per#C.R.S.#§#18I4I401,!by!the!Plaintiff!corporation,!with!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!attorney!(!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!)!and!the!Plaintiff! Corporation’s! “professional”! manager! (! L.C.M.! Property! Management! Inc.! )!acting!as!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!accomplices.!

!9. On!May!26!2015,!the!Plaintiff!committed!an!act!of!extortion,!by!demanding!payment!of!

these!unlawful! fees! from!the!Defendant,! and! threatening! the!Defendant! if!he! failed! to!pay!the!fees!that!per!contract!and!Court!Order!the!Defendant!is!not!required!to!pay.!

!“We!are!notifying!you!that!either!new!charges!have!been!posted!to!your!account!or!your!account! is!past!due.! !State!Statute!requires!us!to!notify!you!of!your!option!to!enter! into! a! payment! plan.! ! To! enter! into! a! plan,! contact! LCM! by! e=mail! at!!.!!Please!note!that!per!State!Statute!action!is!required!by!you!to!cure!any!delinquency.! !Failure! to!do!so!within! thirty!(30)!days!of! the!date!of! this! letter!may! result! in! your!delinquent! account!being! turned!over! to! a! collection!agency,! a!lawsuit! being! filed! against! you,! the! filing! of! a! foreclosure! of! a! lien! against! your!property!or!any!other!remedies!available!pursuant!to!Colorado!law.”!

!10. This!demand!for!payment!was!the!first!notice!that!the!Defendant!received!that!unlawful!

attorney!fees!and!subsequent!late!fees!had!been!charged!to!his!account.!!11. This! demand! for! payment! of! attorney! fees! is! a! violation! of! Paragraph! 5! of! the!


“It! is,! finally,!requested!by!the!Parties!that! in!dismissing!the!claims!with!prejudice,!that!the!Court!additionally!order!that,!aside!from!those!payments!identified!herein,!that!each!party!is!responsible!for!their!own!fees!and!costs!incurred!in!this!action.”!

!12. This! breach! of! contract! is! also! a! violation! of! paragraph! 3! of! this! Court’s! “Order! On!

Stipulated! Motion! To! Dismiss”! attached! to! this! Court’s! “Order! Dismissing! All! Claims!With!Prejudice”:!

!“Aside! from! the! payments! identified! above,! each! party! is! responsible! for! paying!their!own!costs!and!fees!(if!applicable).”!


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REQUEST!FOR!ACTION!BY!THE!COURT!!13. The! Defendant! /! Counter=Claimant! therefore! asks! that! this! Court! reverse! it’s! “Order!

Dismissing! All! Claims!With! Prejudice”! and! attached! “Order! on! Stipulated! Motion! To!Dismiss”!of!April!21!2015.!

!14. The!Defendant!also!requests!that!the!Court!take!any!punitive!action!against!the!Plaintiff!

corporation! possible.! ! The! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation! has! a! long! history! of!violating! this! Court’s! Orders! –! issued! by! the! very! same! judge,! Tammy! Greene! –! in! a!similar!manner,!and!doing!so!with!impunity;!along!with!committing!perjury!and!fraud!in!this!very!same!Court.!!The!Plaintiff!corporation!currently!has!no!incentive!to!obey!the!law,!now!and!in!the!future,!nor!has!any!reason!to!respect!this!Court!and!its!Orders.!

!15. The!Defendant! also! requests! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be! Ordered! to! explain! the!

$6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN!4/23/15”! ),! produce! the! fee! agreement!with!and!!invoices!from!the!law!firm!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation!authorizing!those!fees,!and!to! provide! those! invoices! and! fee! agreement! to! the! Defendant! and! the! Court.! ! See!paragraphs!18!–!30!below.!



!16. Because! the! Plaintiff! corporation! committed! a! breach! of! contract! (the! settlement!


!17. The! Defendant’s! withdrawal! from! the! agreement! includes,! but! is! not! limited,! to!

withdrawal! from! the! “Acknowledgment! of! Robert! Racansky”,! dated! April! 08! 2015,!which!states!

!“By! my! signature! below,! I! acknowledge! that! all! dues,! assessments,! special!assessments,! and! other! sums! to! be! paid! to! the! Madison! Hill! Homeowners!Association,! Inc.! I! by! me,! is! to! be! paid! to! the! entity! designated! by! Madison! Hill!Homeowners!Association,!Inc.!I!to!receive!such!payments.”!


“I!also!acknowledge!that!at!the!time!that!this!letter!is!signed,!the!entity!designated!by! the! Association! is! LCM! Property! Management,! Inc.,! which! is! the! management!company!engaged!by!the!Madison!Hill!Homeowners!Association,!Inc.!I.”!

! !

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!18. Per! the! settlement! agreement! of! April! 09! 2015,! late! fees! (! at! least! $488.58! )! and!



11/15/2013 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 20.00 12/01/2013 Late Interest $ 00.28 $ 20.28 12/15/2013 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 40.28 01/01/2014 Late Interest $ 01.61 $ 41.89 01/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 61.89 02/01/2014 Late Interest $ 02.96 $ 64.85 02/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 84.85 03/01/2014 Late Interest $ 04.32 $ 89.17 03/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 109.17 04/01/2014 Late Interest $ 05.68 $ 114.85 04/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 134.85 05/01/2014 Late Interest $ 07.05 $ 141.90 05/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 161.90 06/01/2014 Late Interest $ 08.43 $ 170.33 06/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 190.33 07/01/2014 Late Interest $ 09.82 $ 200.15 07/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 220.15 08/01/2014 Late Interest $ 11.22 $ 231.37 08/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 251.37 09/01/2014 Late Interest $ 12.62 $ 263.99 09/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 283.99 10/01/2014 Late Interest $ 14.04 $ 298.03 10/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 318.03 11/01/2014 Late Interest $ 15.47 $ 333.50 11/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 353.50 12/01/2014 Late Interest $ 16.90 $ 370.40 12/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 390.40 01/01/2015 Late Interest $ 18.35 $ 408.75 01/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 428.75 02/01/2015 Late Interest $ 19.83 $ 448.58 02/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 468.58 03/01/2015 Late Interest $ 0.00 $ 468.58 03/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 488.58 04/01/2015 Late Interest UNKNOWN

04/09/2015 Settlement Agreement : At this point, all

late fees and late interest should be waived

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DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 03/01/2014 COLLECTION FEE $ 0,095.00 $ 0,095.00 04/01/2014 HINDMAN 03/24/14 $ 0,200.00 $ 0,295.00 05/01/2014 HINDMAN 04/24/14 $ 0,085.00 $ 0,380.00 08/01/2014 HINDMAN 07/24/14 $ 0,350.00 $ 0,730.00 09/01/2014 HINDMAN 08/24/14 $ 0,103.84 $ 0,803.84 10/31/2014 HINDMAN 09/23/14 $ 0,395.00 $1,198.84 11/01/2014 HINDMAN 10/23/14 $ 0,084.00 $1,282.84 There!may!be!additional!attorney!fees!charged!after!November!01!2014.!The!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation!has!refused!to!disclose!this!information,!therefore!any!figure!they!provide!in!the!future!must!be!suspect.!

!19. There! was! a! Counter=Claim! filed! in! this! case.! ! However,! the! counter=defense! was!

represented!an!attorney!from!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.,!not!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!!Nemirow!Perez! P.C.! was! paid! by! the! Plaintiff! corporation’s! insurance! company.! ! The! cost! of!defending! against! the! Counter=Claim! was! not! incurred! by! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.!corporation.!!Note!that!charges!from!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.!do!not!appear!in!the!ledger!of!the! Defendant’s! account.! ! The! amount! paid! by! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! Inc.’s! insurance!company!to!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.!is!not!known!by!the!Defendant.!

!20. The!balance!of!the!Defendant’s!account!was!$0.00!on!April!30,!2015.! !This!is!evidence!

that!all!late!fees!and!attorney!fees!and!costs!were!waived!and!credited!between!April!09!2015! and! April! 30! 2015,! per! the! settlement! agreement,! and! that! the! Plaintiff!corporation!was!aware!of!the!terms!of!the!settlement!agreement.!


TYPE DATE CC DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 04/30/2015 Beginning Balance $ 0,000.00 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 Late Interest - $ 0,075.00 -$ 0,075.00 Chg 05/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 0,149.00 Chg 05/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 0,328.51 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 HINDMAN 04/23/15 - $ 6,954.00 -$ 7,282.51 Cr 05/01/2015 L1 WAIVE LATE INT +$ 0,075.00 -$ 7,207.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,074.00 -$ 7,133.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,179.51 -$ 6,954.00 Chg 05/15/2015 LC Late Charge - $ 0,020.00 -$ 6,974.00 Chg 06/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 7,048.00 Chg 06/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 7,227.51 06/01/2015 Resident Balance -$ 7,227.51

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21. For!reason!unknown,!the!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!$75.00!in!“Late!Interest”!to!the! Defendant’s! account! on!May! 01,! 2015,! then!waived! the! charge! on! the! same! day.!!This! is! evidence! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! was! aware! that! the! charge! for! “Late!Interest”!was!unlawful!and!not!owed!per!the!terms!of!the!settlement!agreement.!

!22. The!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!$6,954.00!in!attorney!fees!on!May!01,!2015,!with#

the# intent# to# permanently# deprive# the# Defendant# of# that# sum,! plus! additional!unlawful!attorney!fees!in!the!future,!plus!late!fees!and!interest!for!the!unlawful!attorney!fees.!!They!did!the!exact!same!thing!in!2009,!2010,!and!2011,!by!demanding!payment!of!late! fees! and! attorney! fees! that! were! explicitly! prohibited! by! this! Court’s! Order! of!October!07!2009!(ordered!by!the!same!judge,!Tammy!Greene).!

!23. It!is!noteworthy!that!the!attorney!fee!is!dated!April!23!2015!(!“HINDMAN!4/23/15”!),!

which!is!just!2!days!after!this!Court’s!“Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”!and!the!attached!“Order!On!Stipulated!Motion!To!Dismiss”!on!April!21!2015.!!It!is!as!though!the! attorney! was! waiting! for! the! case! to! be! dismissed! before! billing! the! Plaintiff!corporation,! with! the! knowledge! and! intent! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! would!unlawfully! pass! this! cost! on! to! the! Defendant,! and! then! be! retained! by! the! Plaintiff!corporation! to! collect! this! illegal! attorney! fee! from! the! Defendant! at! additional! cost!(profit!for!the!attorney).!!It!wouldn’t!be!the!first!time!that!this!has!happened.!

!24. The! attorney! fees! demanded! by! the! Plaintiff! corporation! from! the! Defendant! are!

unconscionable,!usurious,!and!extortionist.!!25. In! the!prior! case! in!2009,!Madison(Hill(H.O.A.( Inc.(v(Robert(Racansky,! Jefferson!County!

Colorado! Court! case! 2008C62579,! the! Plaintiff! claimed! that! they! had! incurred!$1,772.35! in! attorney! fees! and! costs! up! to! the! start! of! the! trial.! ! See! the! attorney!generated! ledger,! Plaintiff’s! Exhibit! 4,! from! that! trial.! The! Plaintiff! corporation! later!claimed!it!incurred!an!additional!$6,219.75!in!attorney!fees!and!costs!as!a!result!of!the!trial! (! for!a! total!of!$7,992.10!spent! to!collect!$386.49! in!disputed! late! fees! ).! !As! this!court!may!recall,!the!Court!awarded!the!Plaintiff!!corporation!$6,600.00!in!attorney!fees!and! costs! (! ruling! that! some! of! the! attorney! fees! were! duplicative! and! excessive! ),!resulting!in!a!net#loss#to#the#Madison#Hill#H.O.A.#corporation#of#$1,005.61.!!That!did!not! deter! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation! from! engaging! in! reckless! and!unnecessary!litigation!in!the!future,!since!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!board!of!directors!is!spending!other!people’s!money.!

!! !

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26. From!November!2013! to!March!2015,! the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! corporation! refused! to!accept!monthly!assessment!payments!(!“H.O.A.!dues”!)! from!the!Defendant,! for!a! total!amount!of!$4,312.64.! !The!Plaintiff!corporation!then!spent!at!least!$1,282.84!litigating!against!the!Defendant!to!collect!the!assessment!payments!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!had! refused! to! accept.! ! After# this# case# was# settled,# the# Plaintiff# corporation#somehow# managed# to# spend# an# additional# $6,954.00# in# attorney# fees# paid# to#HindmanSanchez#P.C.,#which#is#more#than#the#cost#of#the#1#½#day#jury#trial#in#the#previous# litigation.! ! The!Plaintiff! corporation! then! intended! to!permanently!deprive!the!Defendant!of!that!amount!(plus!additional!late!fees!and!attorney!fees),!in!violation!of!contract!(the!settlement!agreement)!and!the!Court!Order!dismissing!this!case.!

!27. The!Plaintiff!corporation,!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! Inc.,!spent!at! least!$8,236.84!in!attorney!

fees! –! paid! to! HindmanSanchez! P.C.! ! –! to! collect! $4,312.64! in! assessment! payments!(“H.O.A.! dues”)! that! the! Defendant! had! paid! but! the! Plaintiff! corporation! refused! to!accept!over!the!course!of!1!½!years.!

!28. The# net# loss# to# the# Plaintiff# corporation# in# this# litigation# is# at# least# $8,236.84.!!

This# amount# represents# nearly# 4# years# of# the# Defendant’s# regular# assessment#payments#(#“H.O.A.#dues”#)#to#the#Madison#Hill#H.O.A.#corporation.!

!29. This!represents!a!breach!of!the!directors’!fiduciary!duty!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation!and!

its!involuntary!members!/!home!owners.!!If!the!board!of!directors!had!a!fiduciary!duty!to! the! law! firm! HindanSanchez! P.C.! and! “professional”! management! company! L.C.M.!Management! Inc.,! their! actions!would!be! indistinguishable! from!what! they!have!been!doing.! ! HindmanSanchez! P.C.! and! L.C.M.! Property! Management! Inc.! have! immensely!from! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation’s! board! of! directors’! incompetence! and/or!malfeasance,!at!the!expense!of!the!corporation’s!involuntary!members!/!home!owners.!

!30. The! Defendant! requests! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be! Ordered! to! explain! the!

$6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN! 4/23/15”! ),! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be!Ordered! to! explain!why! those! fees!were! charged! to! the!Defendant’s! account,! that! the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!to!explain!why!payment!of!those!fees!was!demanded!from!the!Defendant,!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!produce!the!attorney!fee!agreement!authorizing!those!fees,!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!to!produce!the! invoices! from! its! attorney! for! those! fees,! and! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be!Ordered! ! to! provide! the! explanations,! fee! agreements,! and! invoices! in! non=redacted!form! to! the! Defendant! and! to! the! Court.! ! The! Defendant! also! requests! that! said!explanations! regarding! the! $6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN! 4/23/15”! )! be!signed! by! each! and! every! individual! member! of! the! Plaintiff! corporation’s! board! of!directors.!

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A. “Stipulated!Motion!To!Dismiss”!with!“Acknowledgment”!!!April!08!2015!!pp.!10!=!13!B. “Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”!!!!! ! !!!April!21!2015!!pp.!14!=!15!C. demand!for!payment!of!!$7,227.51!!!!!! ! ! !!!May!26!2015!!!!pp.!16!

!!A!copy!of!this!Motion!and!Notice,!plus!the!attached!exhibits,!will!be!provided!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!attorney!at!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!via!e=mail!after!it!is!filed!with!the!Court.!!Jeffrey!Smith!Colorado!Attorney!#!40,490!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!5610!Ward!Road!!!!!Suite!300!Arvada,!Colorado!!8004!!303=991=2066!(direct)!303=432=9999!(main)!303=991=2067!(fax)!!!! !

Jefferson County Colorado 2014C38745 Sept. 28 2014 page 51 of 52

24. The Defendant:

___ Request(s) a trial to the court.

_X_ Request(s) a jury trial. By requesting a jury trial, the Defendant understand(s) that a jury fee must be paid unless the fee is waived by the Court.

WARNING: ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. IN SOME CASES, A REQUEST FOR A JURY TRIAL MAY BE DENIED PURSUANT TO LAW EVEN THOUGH A JURY FEE HAS BEEN PAID. Note: All Defendants filing this answer must sign unless the answer is signed by an attorney.

_______________________________________________________ Signature of Defendant. September 28, 2014

Address of Defendant: P.O. Box 18715 Boulder, Colorado 80308

Phone Number of Defendant: 720-989-1221

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