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Javascript and jQuery

CMPS 193, October 18


Main features:● Scripting language = interpreted● Can interact with the DOM of a web page: DOM =

Document Object Model, a tree model of the logical structure of the web page (document).

● Powerful way of interacting with events.● Uses continuations to handle event-driven programming

(we'll see that).

In general, a web page is becoming a vehicle for delivering applications, and javascript is the most universal way in which to code such applications. With javascript, a page becomes a program, which can communicate at will with the server. Think of Gmail.

Including javascript

Via tags:

<script type="text/javascript">var x = 1;var y = x + 1;</script>

Via inclusions:

<script type="text/javascript" src="url"></script>

Language structureDeclaring variables:

var x = 1;var y = "Hello";

Types: the usual assortment,● "strings" and 'strings' (same meaning)● integers, floats● Boolean: true, false● null (like None in Python)

Constants:const TEN = 10;

Oh, note the semicolons!;


var a = new Array();var a = [];

a[0] = "cat";a[1] = "dog";

Methods: ● b = a.pop(); // Removes and returns last element● b = a.shift(); // Removes and returns first element● a.push("canary"); // Adds to the end ● a.sort(f); // f is a comparator function.● a.length // length of a.


var d = {}d['dog'] = 3;d['cat'] = 4;

d.length? 0

What's going on? Well, we are adding properties with values to the array object d. But never mind, it works (mostly) like a dictionary.

var d = {'dog': 3, 'cat: 4};is also valid.

d['helen'] == null // this is true


if (a == 3) { ... } else { ... }

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { document.write(i); }

while (condition) { ... } // the break statement works in loops

do { ... } while (condition);


function addup(a, b, c) { return (a + b + c);}

// Functions can also be declared in lambda-notation:

f = function (x) { return (x * x); }

Ok, so what's the fun?

The fun is to interact with the page DOM (document object model).

Browsers internally represent a page via its parse tree, and javascript can:

● Manipulate this parse tree (add / remove subtrees, add attributes to nodes, ...)

● Catch events, and rely them to javascript. ● Cause browser to server communication.

Problem: every browser offers slightly different DOM models, etc. Solution (99%): use the jQuery library.


JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a way to serialize into a string a Javascript object: array, dictionary, string, number, whatever. JSON is portable across languages (Python, PHP, etc, have libraries to decode / encode JSON).

Once upon a time, the idea was that XML was an universal language in which to encode data passed between web services (or between browser and server). But:

● XML is verbose● XML parsers are complex, and ... cumbersome (they

require a dom definition, yada yada)JSON is what is now universally used (except perhaps to encode HTML itself).

JSON in action

> var contact = { "Name": "John Doe", "PermissionToCall": true, "PhoneNumbers": [ { "Location": "Home", "Number": "555-555-1234" }, { "Location": "Work", "Number": "555-555-9999 Ext. 123" } ] };> JSON.stringify(contact);"{"Name":"John Doe","PermissionToCall":true,"PhoneNumbers":[{"Location":"Home","Number":"555-555-1234"},{"Location":"Work","Number":"555-555-9999 Ext. 123"}]}"

Using JSONBest for compatibility: include the json2.min.js library; see for this library.

Then, use

● JSON.stringify(obj);● JSON.parse(string);

Every language then has its libraries, on the server side; see again In Python, there are:

● simplejson● json library as part of the standard library.

JSON vs. XML XML JSONScalars types No. Oh, and good luck with < >

escaping, or is that &lt; &gt;Yes. Strings, integers, floats have native meaning.

Arrays, objects No. You need to invent a translation.


Null No. Need to use xsi:nil element plus importing a namespace...

Yes, 'null'.

Namespaces Yes No, but who cares?

Parsing Complicated... Great simple libraries.

Learning curve Easy, just learn XPath, XML Schemas, XSLT, XML namespaces, DOM, ...

Easy, really.

Luca's personal opinion: XML is the typical overcomplex overbrainy solution, which fails in practice. In practice, programmers need simple, effective, flexible solutions. JSON is the way to go.

Javascript and DOM

DOM: A tree representing the document.Install FireBug on Firefox, and look at it.

Every node has: ● nodeName● attributes● childNodes (an array)● firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling, parentNode● nodeValue

Oh, and it's slightly different across browsers.

jQueryjQuery is a Javascript library that:

● Is cross-browser● Makes it easy to interface to DOM● Makes it easy to send/receive data to browser (AJAX)

Comes with:● jQuery UI: A set of UI extensions that makes it easy to do

animations, tabs, accordions, and more.● CSS editor.

jQuery is becoming the default; my advice is: develop for it.


jQuery defines an object, $, that does magic for you.

Selectors: One of the basic problems is, "give me a certain DOM element".

<div class="blog_post">My blog post</div>

$(".blog_post") // class selector

<div id="result"></div>

$("#result").html("This is the result"); // id selector

$("div") // element selector

jQuery: simple examples

$("a").addClass("test");$("a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $(this).hide("slow"); });

jQuery:, .hover(), .keypress(), .keyup(), .keydown(), ...: These functions attach event handlers to elements.$('a').click(function(el) { el.preventDefault();alert('Ouch!');});


$(document).ready(function() {...});

Writing to the DOM

$(selector).html("Luca was here");


$.post('someurl', function(data) { ...});

$.post('someurl', {'cat': 3, 'mouse': 'Jerry'}, function(data) { ...});




Example: get the content of "hello.html" and write it in a div:

<div id="result"></div><script>$.get("hello.html", function(data){ $("#result").html(data);});</script>

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