january 2005 - tcetmississauga. i paid for it and i gave the certificate to my husband as a birthday...

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The Official Newsletter of the LINC Home Study Program January 2005


Drop the last year into the silent mbo of the past. Let it go, for it as imperfect, and thank God that it an go”. Brooks Atkinson

New Year's is the only holiday that elebrates the passage of time. erhaps that's why, s the final seconds of the year tick way, we ecome trospective. evitably, at trospection rns to oughts of


nd the nnual ritual of making solutions, which offer the first of any important tools for remaking

urselves!" Gary Ryan Blair

ew Year is usually considered a me for new beginnings. Making solution

for the ew Year a ommon adition many

ountries f the world and people usually ake resolutions about doing

omething or not doing something. It elps to start the New Year with ope and purpose.

What does new year resolution mean? Webster dictionary defines resolution as: The act of resolving. Determination. A fixed intention. The formal decision or opinion of the meeting. The picture definition in a T.V. or a monitor. Now, when we talk of New Year’s resolution, it basically is an extension of some of the above meanings of resolution. It means that you decide you will definitely do something in the following year or that you will definitely not do something in the New Year. In other words New Year resolutions are promises that people make to them selves about doing something or not doing something. Making resolutions, writing them down and trying to achieve them, is not only interesting but also keeps you focused. Written resolutions lets you see your goals in black and white and decide if they are really achievable. So try to make some resolutions for 2006. It will help you to welcome the New Year with purpose and hope. However, remember to make realistic resolutions, do not mistake them for dreams or unrealistic wishes. For example if you are working at an entry level position, resolving to be a senior manager of the company

Web corner…………..Pg. 6 Chinese Tongue Twister……………….Pg. 6 Recipes form Around the world………………….Pg. 7 Tongue Twisters……..Pg. 7 Activity Central… Crossword Puzzle…Pg. 8 Wordsearch…Pg. 9


New Year Resolutions……..…….Pg. 1 By: Zakia S. Chinese New Year…………………Pg. 1-2 By: Fu Ping S. & Qiang M. My Most Wonderful Experiences for 2005…………………..Pg. 3 By: Agnieska S. I remember 2005…… Pg. 3 By: Salomon S. My Miracle Baby….…Pg. 4 By: Rosa Alixon F. Eid…………..………..Pg. 5 By: Raja T. The Unforgettable Holiday……...………..Pg. 5 By: Qun Li.


within a year will be somewhat unrealistic. And don’t be too hard on your self in achieving your resolutions, be some what flexible and allow margin of errors. Also, it is wise not to expect too much in a short time frame. If your resolutions have deadlines, keep tract of your progress and stay organized by breaking them in to smaller parts so that you are not overwhelmed at the end.


Here are few examples of the resolut ons: iTo change careers. To go back to school To spend more time with parents To spend more time with children. To eat more vegetables To quit smoking To quit drinking To pray more often To loose x number of lbs/kilos Some suggested resolutions for LINC Home Study Students: To improve vocabulary – To learn 1,095 English words by the end of year 2006 (at the rate of just 3 words per day).

I think it is a realistic

resolution, if you break it down by

each day. Keep recording each new word learned in a separate journal and you will be amazed to see the list at the end of the year 2006. You will have at least 1000 new words in your journal taking in to account some missed days. Even if you manage to have about 800 words, consider it a success! 2. To graduate from the LINC Home Study Program – definitely for level 4s and 5s A lot of times it is a good idea to share your resolutions with family and friends; it will make you feel

more accountable and could help to keep you on track. So make a resolution, break it down in to smaller achievable parts, make a plan, ideally a written plan, add your willingness and determination to achieve it, and I am positive that you will achieve it. Happy New Resolutions! All the Best! Zakia S. LINC Home Study Instructor CHINESE NEW YEAR Every year I celebrate Chinese New Year with my family because it is the most important holiday for Chinese during a year and it is also a great time for family reunion and thanksgiving. Chinese New Year will begin on January 29 in 2006, and this is the year of the dog. The Chinese New Year has a long

history. It was recorded that

Chinese started to

celebrate Chinese New Year from

about 2000 BC. Legend says the celebrations of Chinese New Year re related to a beast known as Nian.

The beast Nian came out to eat people on new years until an old man found a way to conquer it. Then people started to celebrate Chinese New Year. The word "Nian" now has the same meaning as Chinese New Year, and people often use the term "Guo Nian", which may originally mean, "passed or survived the Nian". Now everyone loves Guo Nian.


Chinese do a lot of things around Chinese New Year. People normally clean and decorate their houses, buy new clothes, prepare enough food for holidays before the New Year.

The decorations are printed


with a lot of lucky words, red lanterns and red crafts. Kids are busy in shopping for different kinds of firecrackers. Most people have a haircut before the New Year. So everything and everyone look new and fresh on the New Year. The New Year's Eve is the time for families. The New Year Eve's dinner is the most gigantic dinner of the year, much like Thanksgiving dinner. Chinese eat traditional food, such as dumplings, Yuanxiao, Nian Gao,


vegetables and drink some Jiu( wine or liquor). After dinner, the families watch special TV shows and wait the

ina in order to avoid air



f New Year, the Lantern estival.


alton/Peel Region

coming of the New Year. While the New Year arrives, people go outside to set off firecrackers. You can hear or see firecrackers everywhere and this usually lasts for a few hours. Traditionally fireworks are the sign of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. But fireworks are now banned in some areas in Chpollution. Parents, grand parents, aunties and uncles put some money in red envelopes and give them to children, we call it Ya Sui Qian. This is an old tradition. People wish their yogeneration a happy new year. In some areas people can see dragon and lion dancing on the street during New Year, so the streets arewith a lot of cheerful people. The celebration of Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days. It ends on the 15th day oF Fu PingLevel 5 Angie’s class H






feet to

Chinese New Year tradition.

to travel

r country et involve in to celebrate.


alton/Peel Region

Do you know this sign? This is a man who is dressing traditional clothing and celebrating Chinese New Year named ‘C(means Spring Festival). Chinese New Year is the first day of the year according to the Chinese lunar calendar. By the western calendar, Chinese New Year happens on a different day each year, but it generally falls in January or February. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are celebrated as family affairs, the time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebrations are highlighted with a religious ceremony given the honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods ofhousehold and the family ancestors The sacrifice to ancestors, the most vital of all rituals, united the living members with those who pass away, departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundatiofor the fortune and glory of family. During the Spring Festival, the food with larger amount than usual are

wealth for householder. Meat Dumpling is one of the traditional foods for most of important festival.

NIAN GAO, which is glutinous rice pudding, and ZONGZI, which are glutinous rice wrapped up in reel leaves, are also popular in festival. The noodle should be uncut as they represent long life. The chicken must be with head tail andsymbolize completeness. In mainland of China, the most important event in the New Year Eve is watching CCTV program on TV. CCTV is China's national TV station, and the annual CCTV Chinese New Year Gala is the biggest show of the year in China. Each Chinese New Year Eve for the past 20 years, hundreds of millions of Chinese have gathered in front of the TV after a big dinner to enjoy the gala. Watching the show has become a

prepared to present abundance and

Around 12:00 pm of Eve, people go outside of home playing firework tocelebrate oncoming New Year. During the festival, people are visiting their relatives and friends. They are also attending to the party hold in restaurant and enjoying concert in the theatre. Because 7 days long holiday, more and more families are spending timearound country or world. By now, Chinese New Year is becoming the most important festival that around 1.7 billons Chinese in China and otheg Qiang MLevel 5 Angie’s class H



LOOKING FORWARD TO 2006 My most wonderful experience for 2005 started in February when I found a place offering dance lessons in a Polish community in Mississauga. I paid for it and I gave the certificate to my husband as a birthday gift. My husband and I went there full of wonder as to what kind of people

will be there.

We were

surprised when we

saw normal people like us. They were in various ages and they didn't know how to dance, like us. We enjoyed this experience till December and we learned a lot. My other wonderful experience for 2005 was in summer time during our vacation in Poland. I met my husband's family for the first time and I had a very good time with them. The end of 2005 brought me another wonderful experience, a new job. I was so lucky to get that job. It’s really a very interesting one! I hope the year 2006 will be full of new GOOD experiences for me and everybody in the world. Agnieska S. Level 5 Susan C.’s class Hamilton Region

I REMEMBER 2005 Every December 31 I used to recall or try to remember the things that have happened to me in the year that's just ending. For me it is important to have three good things and three bad things, the perfect

equilibrium. The best things that happened to me in 2005 were: to have had Internet service for my family in my native country and for myself so that we could exchange information

everyday and avoid many expensive phone calls. Another one is to have had a good job, it allowed me to help my family and myself too. In 2005 I had several appointments with my dentist, here in Canada the Orthodontist (specialist dentist) fee is very expensive. And today I have a beautiful smile. The bad news for 2005 are: My daughter had a car accident and broke her arm. My son failed the admission test for the university. I am still waiting for my Permanent Resident status. I am satisfied with life in Canada and am optimistic.


Salomon S. Level 4 Hamilton Region Susan C.’s class MY MIRACLE BABY I was thinking to write about my youngest baby a long time ago, but I was a little scared about that. I would like to say thanks to everybody at the hospital. I would like to be an example for other parents who have the same kind of problems that I have.

This is my story. I really wanted to

have another

Everything looked well but when I was less than three months pregnant I started bleeding. After that I had to stay in

hospital many times. For the first emergency the doctor couldn’t hear the baby’s heart. Then he told us, my husband and me, most miscarriages are in the first three months of pregnancy. I was so sad but I was so sure that he was alive. So they sent me to maternity and there they have a bigger monitor and we could hear my baby’s heart. I took a big breath. After that I went to my doctor and he explained to me that I had a haematoma and that was why I was bleeding. Then I spent more time at the hospital than at home. The doctor prescribed me bed rest but it was so difficult for me because I have another son at home and he was one ear old by the time I got pregnant. ou can imagine how busy I was.

The doctor said to me, that I have to go to the hospital for a real bed rest.


Then my husband and my son went to visit me every time when they could. It was so nice for me because I was depressed. The days at the hospital run so slowly and day-by-day I was worse and sadder. I started to bleed continuously, some days more than others. The contractions started too; at first every week, then every three days, and every day until my delivery. It was hard but I had very good care from the maternity team at The Welland Hospital. They were so lovely and patient. The doctor knew what to do at the correct time. I am very grateful to them.

baby and I got pregnant.

Finally they sent me to McMaster Hospital. I just had time to say bye to my husband and son. I couldn’t avoid crying during the trip to the hospital. By the time I arrived to McMaster the doctor told me that my delivery will be in less than one month and I

said no maybe in two months. It was in less than two weeks. Although the doctor explained to me that I was losing my placenta, by the time my baby was born I just had half of my placenta. When my baby was born, it was a long week with regular and very painful contractions. I spent more time in the delivery room than in my bedroom. He was born at 25 weeks at 1:05 a.m. There were like 16 persons at the operating room, one team for my baby and the other for me. I saw him when he was born and after that at Neonatal Intensive Care (NIO). He was so small like my hand. He weighed 890 g. (almost 2 lb.), his eyes were so big and he was so bruised. I was not allowed to touch him and he had tubes coming out for every part of his body . His bones and veins were visible through his skin. It was so hard for all of us and the doctors never said anything well, all were bad chances. I always thought everything was going to be good but one night I was with him at NIO and he stopped breathing. The nurse did make everything and he could survive. That night I couldn’t sleep and I cried all night. Well he was at the hospital for more than four months and when he was supposed to come home, they gave him a small operation for a hernia and again he needed the tubes for breathing. It was two weeks more to go home. He could have been blind but he improved all the sickness by himself. After that he went home with me but he was having some feeding problems and he still needs a tube for feeding. However, his growing and development are okay. He is a normal baby for his age. Now I need to say thanks to NIO at McMaster Children’s Hospital for all


their care for my baby. Without them he couldn’t survive. Rosa Alixon F. Level 4 Lesley’s class Niagara Region EID The Muslims celebrate two Eids, Eid-Al-Fitter and Eid-Al-Aladha The first one comes after Ramadan. Ramadan is the month

when the Muslims fast for 29 or 30 days depending on the moon sighting, from dawn till dusk. This Eid is called Eid Al-Fitter. Al-Fitter means People are breaking there fast and returning to eating meals at their normal times. The second Eid is called Eid Al-Aladha . Al-Aladha means sacrifice of the goat or sheep, in keeping with the tradition of prophet Abraham. This Eid usually comes after the period of Haj. Haj is the fifth pillar of Islam, this is when the Muslims visit Mecca. The birthplace of the prophet Mohammed in Saudia Arabia and it is recommended for Muslims to perform this once in their lifetime providing they have the means to do so. On the last day of Haj people must go to a mountain called Mount Arafa. That day is called Arafa day and it always comes the day before Eid Al-Aladha. On both Eids, people buy new clothes and bake special kind of desert for visitors. They congratulate each other, help the poor,

visit their family and friends and go out to have fun and celebrate. Raja T. Level 3 Hasita’s Class Hamilton Region THE UNFORGETTABLE HOLIDAY My family was very excited when we finished all the procedures to Cuba at the travel agency, and we looked forward to our departure. On January 3, 2006, when the plane was taking off, I realized my dream would come true. When we (my

and I) arrived at the Varadero Cuba airport, we felt the weather was warm and humid, different from cold weather in Toronto. After waiting for a long time because of going through customs, we finally got on the bus to the hotel.

husband, my son

After checking in at the front counter, we could not wait to have a snack at the 24-hour lobby bar. The sandwiches tasted good, but the fruit juice was too sweet. Lying on bed, we all were too excited to fall asleep.

The next

after a delicious breakfast, I saw the beautiful scenery at the beach. It looked exactly the same as I had seen from the advertisement. The sand was white, the sea is a light green colour near the shore, but becomes blue further away from the beach. Many people were lying on the chairs, enjoying the sunshine. The girls wore colorful bikinis and the children were either playing in the sand or playing in the sea. I

walked along the beach, felt the fresh air, the soft sand and the warm sea. Unfortunately, the morning on the third day, it began to rain. Fortunately we could stay at the hotel to watch TV, not Spanish TV shows, but Chinese TV shows. That was the biggest surprise to me. In the hotel at Cuba, I have a chance to enjoy CCTV (China Central Television) shows that I haven’t watched it for five years since moving to Canada. Another surprise for us was that we found a big shopping mall (Plaza Americans) near the hotel. We bought a wood craft and two bottles of rum (El Ron de Cuba) which were just $7 bucks each. On the following day, we played with waves under the sun, rode bicycles on the sea side, took a catamaran accompanied by a local young man, and other daily activities. We also tried a Mojito, Cuba’s most famous cocktail, enjoyed three à la carte dinners, they are Italian, steak, and Cuban tastes. When we sat on the plane to Toronto, my son said to me: “I don’t want to go back to school. I like all the unlimited food and unlimited drinks in Cuba. I want to stay there.” Yes, all of us want to continue the holiday, enjoy the luxury life forever, but that is impossible. The saddest thing was that we didn’t go to Havana, the largest city in the Caribbean and the centre of Cuban wealth. If I have a chance to go to Cuba again, I would visit more places to enjoy the mixtures of Spanish and African culture of Cuba. I am sure I should learn some Spanish when that day is coming.


By: Qun L. Level 5 Afroza’s class York Region

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information about what the leaders were doing at different points in the




eb Corner-Election Day

ith January 23rd fast approaching, he election is in the news every day nd is on many people's minds. ven if you cannot vote, you may be ondering about the candidates

people who could become leaders) nd their political parties or rganizations. You may not now that there are actually sixteen ifferent parties that Canadian itizens can choose from on Election ay. To find out more about the aders, the issues and the parties, ou can go to the following website rom CBC (Canadian Broadcasting ompany).


he site starts with profiles of all ixteen leaders. You can click on the ames of the five most well known nes, and then click on "Other eaders" if you wish to ontinue reading about the ones who re not so well known. Just below his section, there are some teractive timelines that give you

past. Below this, you will find the "Other Coverage" section, which gives you access to articles written on the CBC website about the leaders and their campaigns. The next section of the site, "Parties," deals with the sixteen political parties. By clicking on the various party websites, you can find out about how and when the party got started, and what the party stands for or believes in. The third and last section of the website, "Issues," deals with the issues or the questions that Canadians are discussing as they go to the polls (the place where they choose a leader on Election Day).

ection&utm_medium=election&utm_term=fp_cat_election2006&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=election Once you open this, you'll see in red: "Compare the candidates in your riding." Just below this, there is a box where you can type in your postal code. After you hit "enter," you will be given a comparison of each of the five major candidates in your area. On the left side of the page, you'll see a useful list of the issues. Under each candidate's name and picture, you'll see a very brief description of the position (or belief) of that candidate. Even if you cannot vote in this election, it makes sense to try and keep up with the issues, the parties and the candidates in the country in which you are living. And who knows? If you become a citizen and you vote in the future, your decision will be a whole lot easier! Happy surfing, Joanne A.


知道就说知道 (zhi1 dao4 jiu4 shuo1 zhi1 dao4) 不知道就说不知道 (bu4 zhi1 dao4 jiu4 shuo1 bu4 zhi dao4) 不要知道说不知道 (bu1 yao4 zhi1 dao4 shuo1 bu4 zhi1 dao4) 也不要不知道说知道 (ye3 bu1 yao4 bu4 zhi1 dao4 shuo1 zhi1 dao4) 你知道不知道 (ni3 zhi1 dao4 bu4 zhi1 dao4) If you know, just say you know. If you don't know, just say you don't know. You shouldn't know and say you don't know. And you shouldn't NOT know and say you DO know. You know?



FISH STUFFED WITH CRAB Ingredients: Whole fish (salmon or white fish) 1 kilo Crab meat (or imitation) 200/250 grams Mayonnaise 4 soupspoons Olive oil 1 soupspoon Salt, black pepper, Muscat


• Mix crabmeat with mayonnaise

• Stuff fish with resulting mix of crab and mayo

• Make several cuts on one side of fish and sprinkle it with salt, pepper, and Muscat Oil it

• Preheat oven to 2000 and place tray (with fish on it) into oven. Cook it for 25-30 min.

Serve up warm or cold with potatoes and vegetables.

DOLMA WITH MUSHROOMS Ingredients: Grape leaves (pickled) 0.5 l. can Onion 1 head Carrot 1 Mushrooms 15 Rice 1 cup Olive oil 2 soupspoons Salt 1 tablespoon Laurel leaves 2 Black pepper 5-7 Directions:

• Cook rice • Chop onion, carrot, and

mushrooms as small as you can

• Mix above ingredients and cook with olive oil on a frying pan for 15 min.

• Mix cooked vegetables and rise and cool it down

• Take a grape leave, put 1 tablespoon of vegetable mix right at the center of it, and carefully wrap it. Repeat this step for every grape wrap you want to prepare.

• Put grape wraps into a saucepan, add hot water, salt, black pepper, laurel and boil it for 20 minutes.

Serve up warm with sour cream. Contributed by: Lilija V. Level 5 Zakia’s student


Tongue-twister: "A sequence of words, often alliterative, difficult to articulate quickly." (Oxford Eng ish Dic ionary)l t If a noisy noise annoys an onion, an annoying noisy noise annoys an onion more!

Please peel this peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

The butter Betty Botter bought could make her batter bitter, so she thought she'd better buy some better butter!

Five fine Florida florists fried fresh flat flounder fish fillet.


Fill in the following puzzle with the words below.



Find the words below by circling them in the puzzle


Crossword Puzzle….Pg. 8 Crossword Puzzle….Pg. 8 Word search…Pg. 9 Word search…Pg. 9

EDITING: Igor Rosic LAYOUT & DESIGN: Glenda Mburu WEB CORNER: Joanne Astley And a special thank you to all the students and staff who submitted theirstories, recipes and activities for this issue.



JANUARY Chinese Horoscope

You'll have to cope with a planetary aspect that warps your judgment, provokes a lack of discernment, and inclines you to believe that the moon is made of green cheese. Consequently, refrain from making important decisions or from initiating moves or contacts that may affect your future. It's possible that you'll come up against important resistances in the pursuit of your objectives. Don't forget your old friends; renew contacts by inviting them to spend an evening in your home or by organizing a common outing.

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