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Post on 31-Jul-2020






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3 ---· --------· ---·--·-··-··--·-·---.. ··--·--···· .. ----·--·-- ··-···- - ·------- .. . I ... ·----·-

1 ' ICA No .2'J<l -2018 etc .



Clli'ili.J:jQ_: TCA NO_d~l:.Wl.R Mohammad Javed Raza etc.


Federation of' Pakistan through l'viinistry ofNational Food, Security and Research, Islamabad & Another

Appellants / Petitioners by : Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmad Rana, Advocate Mr. Umer Sajjact Chaven, Aclvocare Mr. Sharafat Ali Ch . Advocate Barrister Naveecl M . Khan, Advocate Raja Inam Amin Minhas, Advocate Mr. 1viuhammad lrfan, Advocate Syed M . Bilal Ahmad, Advocate Mr. Taimoor Aslam Khan, Advocate Mr. Mudassar Abbas, Advocate

Rc:sponclents by : ·Mr. Anwar l'viansoor K11an, Attorney General f(n

Pakistan, Ch. lshtiaq Meharban, DAG, Ch. Tahir Mahmood, AAG & Mr. Saqlain Haider, AACI Mr. Sajeel Sheharyar Swati, Advocate with Muhamh1ad Tahir Saleem, Deputy Director (Rec.) & Muhammad Zahid Akrarn, Assistant Director (Legal), PARC.

Date of hearing 14.03 .2019

AAlv1ER FAHOOQ J. This' judgment shall decide instant appeal

as \Nell as other appeals and writ petitions, mentioned in the schcdttlc

hereto, as comrnon qt1estions oflaw and facts are involved .

') The facts, in brief, are that in 2008-2009 during tenure of Ur. Zaliq :·

Altaf, Chairman Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), ah()tlt

'\~\od to U9Ti<lll;1~oyees, in various pay scales, were appointed in viola! I on t ll ' . e(\:' c/J , ~ \ ~rescribed 1{jles and procedure. In 2011, various inquiries were conductt•d

\ \ j-Jv a. Committee comprising of three Federal Secretaries under tile then '14 lJI'-1 LUI ':I

1 , , )~rime Minister's directive. As a result of findings of the Committee, tltL' l.': I') I'' ; '' .• ' ';' ( ~I _}., . ~

~uttJoli~· ·' · ·ernpJcwe~~!Nere ttrrmlnated from service. In 2012, then Secretary, aurn.I J !l ·•"' ~ ~ d i ~ IIL"\rHl l [)(auf\'tJv• l

ll>lin l•· ' " ..,d }':•q l•lluurl ' · 1 f' d 1 1 ~.,,.1\l1liL11!..£try of Food c1n .~~ Agnculture, wrong y re erre t 1e matter to t IL ~

Cabinet Sub-Committee posing them as sacked employees . 1vleanwltiil' ,

on 26.04 .2011, the then Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Glllilrti W11 s

disqualified by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan w .e.f. 26.0t1.2() 12

vide judgment reported as 2012 SCMR 909. The employees, wlwsc

se rvices · were terminated, filed writ pe tition before this Court (W .t> .

-----w-~~---,.-~-··-·~---------·----· •-- ·-----.. -----~·----------··-·------ -·---- ·- [" ' ---·-- --·--

I /


2 ICA No .294 -2018 etc.

No.l970-2011), which was dismissed vide judgment dated 27.0tL2012.

Subsequently, there was exchange of correspondence between the I.'l.:levattl

Ministry and the Office of the P1 ime Minister regarding reinstatement nf'

petitioners in service. The Prime 'Minister allowed reinstatement. on

02.05.2012 without cancelling/withdrawal of termination orders dated

21.05.2011. lt is pertinei1t to observe that since the Prime Minister was

disqualified w.e.f. 26.04.2012 and the judgment was handed dow11

subsequently, therefore -in order to validate the acts of Prime Minister, an

Ordinance was promulgated i.e . the Validation Ordinance No.06 of' 2012

valiclati~g the act of Prime l'v1inister from 26.04.2012 to 19.06.2012. The

referred Ordinance lived its 'life and expired there-after. Mr. Naveed I

Saleemi, the then Chairman, Agricultural Policy Institute, implemented

the orders of the Prime Minister. A writ petition was filed by the

en1ployees of PARC challenging reinstatement of 269 employees. The

referred writ petition was dismissed and Intra Court Appeal (lCA No.3 7tJ.

20 12) was filed, which also was disposed of on 30.05.2018 allowing

PARC to scrutinize the reinstatement of 269 employees in fair, impartial

and indiscriminate manner. Earlier, on 10.04.2013, PARC submitted 11

comprehensive report' regarding appointment of 269 employees and as 11

result thereof, the Ministry of National Food, Security and H,~~;can : ll

directed PARC to resolve the isstle on its own in light of the fact that. it is

an autonomous body . Subsequent to the disposal of above rne11t ioru;d

lCA, various show cause notices we~e issued to 269 employees and so1:~w of which culminated in termination of service. The referred show cu\lt)l!

~ .1 ; (1 -_\V ·, ' ' \~~ 'ti~~~jgi'smissal orders were challenged by way of petitions under ~~~ .,( ,

1rticle 199 of the Constitution, which were dismissed by the J udge-i11 -

_ ham:b~rs vide the impugned order, which has been challenged in llppeals

.. ~1ilst oth_~r writ pelitiuns challenge show cause notices issued by PAHC. , , < , ~~ I I •

Th~ :Writ petitions were ordered to be heard along with appeals.

'· 3:··' .. .;Learned counsel for the petitioners/appellants, inter alia, contended

that the matter regarding appointment of employees stood finalized, ~~ ~~

the· Prime Minister directed their reinstatement in service and at this

subsequent stage, it could not be reopened as it has become a past and

closed transaction. It was further contended that petitioners have acquired

right, which cannot be taken away in an arbitrary and whimsical manner.

·-------------·----------------- ··-·---- ·- -----·--- ·--

/ I

I 3 ·• ICI\ No.2~ - l - 2018 etc.

It was submitted that cWtl though service regulations of PARC are non ­

statuto ry yet a pelition under Article 199 of the Constitution is

maintainable inasmuch as respondents while issuing show cause notices,

have tlouted the law; in light o f judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court of'

Pakistan reporred as 2013 SCMR 707, a petition under Article 199 o l' the

Const-itution is rnaintainc:tble where rules of service are non-statwnry, il'

th e re is violation of principles of natural justice or the law.

4 . Learned counsel ~·or the respondent Co uncil, inter alia, contended

that vvrit petitions arc not maintainable, as the service regulations ol'

PAl"<..C are non-statutory . It was further contended that order of the then

Prime Minister regarding reinstatement of employees in service is also

without lawful authority inasmuch as order was issued on 02 .05.2012,

whereas Hon'ble Supreme Court of P akistan gave effect to the

disqualification of P rime 1v1inister w .e.f. 26 .04 .2012 and the Validation

Ordinance promulgated to protect the act of Prime J:v1inister lapsed lifter

120 days, hence the protection, if any, has gone . In support of referred

contention, Mr. Sajcel Sheharyar Swati, Advocate Supreme Court placed I

reliance on case reported a~; ' Pakistan Medical & Dental Council thmuglt

Present and 3-others Vs . Muhammad Fahad M a lik and I 0-others' (20 I X

SCMR 1956) .

5. Learned Attorney General for Pakistan also addressed the

arguments and submitted that PARC is an autonom o us body created and . l

governed under Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Ordinance, 11JH I :

. .,...-~\'\l.~ l\ t)\ Ltya·~,.~'&i£Y>itted that Prime Minister has no role in the functioning o!' tile l(j,l:>' . .tl~,

~un~l and only Federal Government can give policy direction to tile

1,, Q.Hil-~\-'ias provided in section 5 of the Ordinance, whereas tile

.. : ntt\onmg of the Council vests with the Board of Governors. Leanu~d , ,.l f

.Al •'\ 1, ' ' (J, j· ,·' , . Attorney General · placed reliance on case reported as ,.Miss Benazlr

\ , ,I

1:3hutto Vs. Federation of Pakistan etc.' (PLD 1988 SC 416) to argue that

even curative Ordinance expires after lapse of 120-days .

6 . ln response to the arguments of learned Attorney General fbr

Pakistan and Mr. Sajeel Slleharyar Swati, Advocate Supreme Court fur

PARC, learned counsel for the petitioners in W .P . No .1932-20 18 and

others argued that the effect of repeal of law is that amendment made

outlives the Ordinance. Reliance was placed on case reported as

·---·---------------· --------- -------- ·-- --·

I I 4 ' ICA No.294 · 2018 etc.

'Federation ofPak·i~ran Vs . br. Mobashir Hassan' (PLD 2012 SC 106). It

was submitrcd that the facts and reasoning in case reported as 'PakisL111

Medical & Dental Council through Present and 3-others Vs. Muharnm;td

fahad Malik and H)-others' \'2018 SCMR 1956) are different from till:

facts ancl circumstances of instant case . Learned counsel also pL1cnl

reliance on Interpretation of Statutes by 1vfr. S.M. Zafar as well as case

reported as 'Government ofPunjab through Secretary Home DepartnH:tll

Vs. Zia Ullah Khan and 2-others' (1992 SCMR 602).

7. Arguments on behalf of learned counsels for the parties have been

heard and the documents, placed on record, examined with their aiJ\c


' 8. . As noted above that the appellants and petitioners have chalktJgt:d

show cause notices issued by PARC regarding their reinstatement in

service and in some cases, termination orders.

9. It is an admitted position that terms and conditions ot' servicl! t>f

employees of PARC a re governed by Pakistan Agricult1.11'Lll F~L!:lvar~.·ll

Council Employees Service Regulations, 1984. The reFerred 1-tcgttlat itlll ~>

are non-statutory and the Judge-in-Chambers, while handillg dowll ilw

impugned judgment, has elaborately dealt with the issue. None: t >!' I he

counsel for the appellants and the petitioners were able to cntJtrovt~l · t 111~

position hence it remains an admitted and accepted position that nile~; ()1·

service ofPARC are non-statutory. ,·

10. It is trite law tha t where rules of service of any Organizatit>~l till' I: l)e c n 1-sPl1;utory, the relationship between the employer and clnpluy('t ' ~ H i~;

'master and servant' and a petition under Article 199 t d' lllc

not maintainable. An exception to this genc·ral ruh" was

• ". 1'<· -:"''. 'c'i:eEl!~<!d_ ~lY the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan in case reported as I • ' r ··.' • '". ~\ ·· .• {) I r

· :De'f~hce · 'officers Housing Authority Vs. Federation of Pakistan' (20 13

SCMR 1707). In the referred judgment, the august Apex Court obset vcd

that even where the rules of service of are non-statutory, il' til en: is

violation of principles of • natural justice or there is some illcg,llity

otherwise, a petition under Article 199 of the Constitut irm IS


11. On the touchstone ofca:..•c reported as 2013 SMR 1707 supra, it is In

be examined whether respondent Council has committed any hreacl1 ol'

·-·------·----------·-·----·-... ------------·- ·----------. .. r-- --- - ·-·--- -


natural justice and/or illegality otherwise. Notices have been issued by

PARC, meaning thereby that opportunity of hearing is being provided or

has been provided to the employees hence there is no violation of

principles of natural justice.

12. PARC is creation of Pakistan Agricultural Research Counc il

Ordinance, 1981. Under ·section 6 of the Ordinance, the managernent and

the functioning of the Council vests with the Board of Goyernors . The I

Federal Government, as such, has no role in the governance Dr

functioning of the Council, however, Pederal Government ca11 tssue

policy directives from time to time. In the referred facts and

circumstances, the decision by the then Prime Minister to reinstate 269

employees on 02.05.2012 carries no weight inasmuch the Prime Minister

does not surface in the functioning of PARC. Even-otherwise, if decision

is to be regarded as c ne of Federal Government, the fact that it order~;

reinstatement of employees, cannot be regarded as one of policy a11d tilL:

then management of PARC, following the decision, committed a11

illegality . In view ol" referred position, reinstatement in service of tl1c

employees, cannot be regarded as creating a vested right or t.hat it uecut11c

past and closed transaction. The effort is being made by JlAl~C tu

examine each case on its merits by issuing show cause not lcc;s and

scrutinizing the qualification and eligibility of every employee.

13. The petitioners/appellants have no locus standi, c.tt this stage, t() .\ '

assail action on behalf of PARC. In this behalf, it is trite law that a shL1Jw . d \.(• fie lrucu· . . d d · · l 1 1 1 1 ·

0'1-l~\\\\'~ · cause noll~ 1s not an or er or a ec1s1on >ut on y sets t 1e w 1ec 111

motion. A petition, challenging t·he issue of show cause notice, is 11ut

-1 ~~ Jjit"l<tcltlnable unless same Is w1rhout lawful authority or jurisdiction .

1 1 ; ' .. J:n, cases, where the petitioners/appellants have been terminated c· '· ' ;, . . : ... : ~ ·b 7 of

~:.'.~, ~ :; ·~· ·· · ~·8:~\(.s~r(H~~. no exception can be taken to the said action on !Jellall" of"

;, ._, .. · ·· 'PA'tt~ inasmuch regulations of su:rvice of PARC are non-statutory and tHJ

f illegality exists in the referred orders . In view of above, impugned

judgment handed clown by the Judge-in-Chambers, does not suffer from

any error of law or fact, calling for interference in the appeals; writ

petitions challenging show cause notices, also fail due to the reasons

mentioned in the impugned judgment and as noted above.

-·-w8-••·----w·---· .. ---------- ---·-----·-----·--·--··--·--· ------- ---- . ~-- . . ...


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. '•, . . . .-.



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0 I~ D f; r~ __ §Li!":: E_T i!LT!-!L!~?!:d~!~LA~8J2Jil§tLQ.Q_!JB.I.J§_LAh'!h~f\Q


W.P.rJo.:.2t82 o f 2018 J\sim H:l~/<ll <lllcl olh'-'r.s

V0rsus f·;linisL•·~, u l I'J; iliOil:JI Foucl, S.:;cur,ty cone! f~OSC<11 c.h, L:Lc.

-· ··- --······ ·-, - ........... --- - - -·--- ------. -·-----;,-- ----- ..... _____ ---------------·----· -:;. t<u cl orut:r LD:1tu of oru .o 1/ :_ 01 · d,~r w;t.h si,;n..;ture of .Judg e nnd lhi.!l of panic~ or coun~.el j : j'Juc.<~!·"- ~!£!0i... Pi:o<;:'-'•:51111.:;)$ . ·-- ________ -----2~~,£:~nuc:.~~~~ry__ _____________ _

Oi .06.20·t 8 Mr. Tai11100r A::>larn Kh::m , Advocutc for lho pctitionElr~.

_.. -\.

Tl1rouu11 the i11slant writ petition under

,\, liclo! 109 <)i llw CcH 1Slilulicnl, lhu petitioner:;

ILI'.'U ~;otiQil t In (~ followinu r'"liof:-

"It I I1.JU o/ 1!1e <II'Urmcnr:; ntnd<'J : 1b01iU , it is most rc'.;p,':; I (u,'~v pr :Jycd L! J."J t t.'us Nona uralJ!c Court t11;1y [Jr.lctous/y be plc'.JSdrl/o ~J//ci\V lhc instant Pdi!IOII Lly [Jr:JCi::Jus !y dc•cli!rin[! /llr.i actions ol /.'1,} li'csponclcnt No .2, to be :loi'e>irl of merit.•; .ltlcl rn.Jy hindi_!' be plc.J~;ct'f to ciuc1.1ru Lila action or ,~;:;cunce of Sli,JIV C.1u:;u NJ()(;es on .1 past

nnd closed trans.1ction . :~s t!IC"~./~11 Dnd a:; sucl1 1111// .Jni/ \ 'CJicl ."'b tmtio and IIJ~-'.1' J.;indly declare IIJ.Jt lllcJ issue of I'CIIJs!:J/unu•nt ts no longer Ofl0/1 to question h.ll' ill[f ,Jit . .J."IItJ.! finality W1LI

prolectdd unclfJr the princt}Jies of t.'S:Ioppc/ nne/ lur7u:·; poanitun!i.Jc, in lila 111/,•nos f .•; o/jus/it:c."

c Q I HJ; tU IoNS 0 f:.J'J-1 ~..l-_t;.['-. G.N.ED_ <~Q !JN S E L F 0 B T !·U: .1~-~TlT!Q~ E R_§:

·) IVIr, T z1 imoo r As I<:~ rn ~< h~lil, I c CliTlCd cou nse I

lur· llw petitioners suiJmitlocJ that cluring t11o

krlllro of 01·. Zafor Altaf C\s the Clmirm~1n of the

p ~dd :-; t~lll Anricultural Council

("IJ./\.I<.C."), 3·14 employees W(nG appointee!

• ~'\FIIIlSl v~1riou:; posts in P.I\.I~.C. Aflor the expiry

•JI Dr. Z::1f:-lr Altai's tenure, hi:., successor

C()ll:iti tiJted <• Comrnitlco to c::<::lmino ll\(2 vo:diclity of

tiH.: ·· ;clicl ~ippoi 11tm 12nh. Tho Bo<1rd of Govemors

I " l~ o C " ) o f P . A . f~ . C . , i 11 its 3 0 l II m o ,; l i 11 g , h P.l cl on

OU.UU.2CHhl, ob::;crvecl th<Jt the said appoint111cnls

did not ~;f:,Gm to llZ\ 'Je IJ1~8n c.lLily Clpprovcd.

::lll l.l:d) q Lr 1; r 1ll y , a Commrlt(o e w Z\S cons ti lu tecJ to

too 1, i r1 tCJ l11 0 I cg at i ty of th.::: s Cl icJ ;1 p pc. in tmen ts. The

I ,,j



'I' .. '

. I•

l''l w

\ .... ·

\ ______ - \

S<:tlll Com mttt.:e:: , in 1ts inte rim report clatecl

:2 5 . 0 ·1 . ~ 0·1 -1 , p o i n ted o u l i r r (~ SJ ul :::1 r i tic s in t h c

<tp p o inllll L• fH p rocess. Tho r oC~ ft e r , tho Prim u

l\1in is l c r cons titut e: cl ;1 Co nlln lltc,c lo inquire int o

t nl~ irr •?!JLI I:.J r i t ies co nHlt l lt c d by til e fornw ,

C i\ <tlrll ·t< tt l, P.,J._ I<.C. Th is I:C IIIIn itlefJ co mpri se d cd

t l tlfO rnl <t li on Tc,C i liwlogy Div is icw, ) <tlld Sc c r Gtary

( l ltl ~rti :; tr v or Co ln tnu nic<ll tor t ). Thi s Cornmilte e ,

1 :•.o:-:; _ :2no:3 lo su bt nil l e d i t~~

l ' u< . Ullll \ I U I I ci::l ! tOns for t llc I ~ I I ill C

Th e C o mn· ttlo e's

1 t :•. 0 11111 h ! tl li ; , [iu n s •::c r e ~• s t'o II uw~ :

't il.

i 11).

r fle prt.~Slllllpfion / fla t !IlL' Of JfJ Ointl1/ tJOI !J tlt?r,:y fii!Ji.1 ti'cle can be (HO V<:J d o n ly tvh e n lhrt rvfc,v.? nt ,.L'Cord ts 1-'~ t ot•ic/l}c / ' ' ' llw tlw n .lf•potnttng .1!1 /hority. Dr. ?.. 1!';1r All.1t; fo ri/l Ot i 7/uinnan PAHC, t o ge t l1is v iu w s/c om nic•nt:J in auc i1 c .1sa. Tlii9re for.:•, Miui~: try of F ood ,'\: r l !friculture may provtcl c rcltJ va n t r e c o rd t.J IJ.'m axp ot/1[/ous/y. T/ Jerd:?tt,Jr, l u r ttwr ac tion tl ~··nrran te<i, m ay lJ t' lfll /1: 1/c ci iJy tiJu t 1\ l inis tr y

All suci1 appointfllen t . .,· t! J.J t tv.;r c m a d e in l'icJ i.l tion ol the ru/c~;;{.J roc: l~ flurc:;, as p er f' t!por t pres<Jn ted L')' S uLJ-C'otnmitto c of Minis try of Food.); Ayricultu, .. o, b e dispensed 1vith. t l.ft i J imtn<JciJn i D cf(oc t. •·

On ·1·1. 05. 20 ·11 , th e Prim e Minl:.>ltlr <:tpproved

C l l ll r1ni tt co' s s :~ id r econ llll GtlCktli cJils . Viele

. l c: tl L:r· d~tl od 1 3.05.20 1 1 , lh o C :tbitlcl Di v ision

'' ~ l'\LI C:.i l 0 d th o Mini s try of Fo o d i:.t ncl Agricullur·e to

l <il1rJ fltrl he r n eccsse1ry a ct io n as per the

t·,; ,:u: tl ll\ t::! ll ckrti o tl S c;f tho Comntilt\H! c o n s liluted

lty t il .: Prim a Mi n is te r. V id e l o tl (~ r el a ted

1 d .US. ::0 ·1 I , lll c fvlini s tr ~' o f Foo cl ~l• ld Aa r ic ullure

tt l fo tntod th e C h~1 i rn1 3 n , P .A. R .C. th ::l l on lh e

r c:co mn-. c ncl u t ions of th e Commillu c constituted

I.>J' ll t•.J ! ~ r i m e Mini s te r-, l he k rll C:! t' h;1cl directed th a l

ctll ~lJ-.I iJ Oi ltl t n e ms th ;:. t we: r o rn a cJ e rn v iolation of

I 1.'

I \

' . '· ..


' ,, '

0 I

,., tli

.•i 'I I .,

., II

)1 '· I

\ V I' i 1\J _ 2 1 ~.;:_: , .'. !I I,.,

the be dispensed wi th .

f.=ul t ilurmot e, the: Ch::drrn~tn. r.A. I~ .c. W<1S cc-dlorl

11pon to irnmecii<:d .:!ly ;m,;I•::!•IICnt th 8 Pri11\i:

Minister ·~. rlwecrivc! ancl fur11i::;h c:1 complianc d

l" l~ pod i 1l lh IS I'G~j<:11·cJ.

·I I'' ;\.R.C. issued orfice orders lcrminatillU

u1 clurs s cl oul tl1e reC~SOi'Jt; why the ap J:>o inlm e nl ~;

lt . •'ll! IJu:! n f;J unclto be Ulll ~-,wful. Aguri.:!ved by llltJ

:.:tiel oifice ord,:r::;, lhc lel'lllitlcllc:d cmp loyec:=1

III VOl\Ccl till! Co n stitution<:~! jtlrtsdiction oi thl ~i

C , HII l I J 'I fi l1r1 ~ a n Lilli be r o f w ,. i l p o li 1 i on s /) e f o r o

L/ 11~ C uu rl. Th esc writ pe li li(•ll ~ 'Ne i'(J c1 is ni s st:Jd,

vi<lo con:.;oliclalecl judgment clcttocJ 27.0·~ . 20'1 2.

£). Trw Hun'lJie Supreme Court hac! also takc11

P A. I~.C. 111 Human Rigllt':; cuse I•Jo.20163/20-1i.

~.illh:o lil•! rcprcsctllations filuli bv llw t(~rminatecl

t ' III!Jiuy._H !:; h~1d not be:en CIC!Citled by thtt

L~ U111po t c11 l ciUlhority, the Hon'hlu Supro lllu Court,

v ic!. : o rcl ur cJc·,tecJ ·t8.0o. 20 ·1·1, cli1 eclecJ th at th o

~; •. ~II d ,. E! p r·n s e 1Ha tion s s hou lei be d n c 1 cl ucJ wi til in Cl

/l UIIOcf tJ f nne month in ~lccorcl<:mco w il11 lll e law. I

TlltJ ru u t tu r, ;} hand fu I u f lc rrn Ill~' tc cl .:!m p Ioyce:...

r i . !~ p p <:m ? 11ll y , 3 Co 1 n nt i L te c co 11 ~ t i L u t o d un c.i e r

1111~ C 1·1<1 in 11 a ns hip of tile F ode r;tl IV1 in isLe r for

Affuir~. considerccl t.he m<:~tter

___ rnq:1rclinq tlw 2G9 lorn1i11atGd emp loyees of ~· \ . ~

I' . 1\. 1\. C . in i ls m c e tin g h c; I d on 1 7. 01 . 2 0 ·1 2 an cJ

cl2cidocl lo r ofr;r lhe matlnr to tile Prinw Minister

tor l11cir rcinst.:1tement. On 2G.01.2012, th e

M i1 ~1i~t.ry of National Food, Sncurity and r~esearch (''1\llinis tr y of r-.JFS&R"), proroscd th a t the 269

rurrt1ina tecl ernployees bo reinst;;ll.ed in service

will1 tlw CliJproval of the Prime Ministe r . The

ju s ti iic<Jlion for this proposal was thnt it was not

·----------··-.. ·~-------·--­·-r-··-· .. ------···-...---

~·· I




,, I' I· . I -. ;-.:,. ·- ' '

lik f:-o~il . u1 ir.c:: :ll i:; k1· 1nin ::1 t~d r:~1·ploy.::t:~s if liH}

p1 :'::"; ril :. c.r.l pn,c.:•ciur·l: fo r nl <:l l;i l l~J :lppointmfnl l:.

l1. : d I '<.' •. : 1 1 vi'·· I: 1l d i ; 1 11 c I 111 Cil o v '" r 111.:: ','c.:~' r s l he s ,.,1 d

C~ Ill pi1:Jj' L I !~ i ~<iU ~Jd I! I Cd V;i I L1 <.1 h 1,! ( : Xp C! riu11 c; t:.: V!h j C l1

c:u,J!d 11,_ Ld !l1::c:d fur [he I) Cllcrm.:-,nt of th,!

I il l' tcrmilwtcc/

"111 pI o yo l.! ~ of P. A. F!. C. In tl1 c !i ~11 c/ :> u 1 n i1 1 ;J ry 1

i l VJ;::; ~. ; ,!-:; ,, illl:llliO II l.!d lh;l[ liW COi illl1ill J.Ji~ ch:.lil·ed by llh:

F\: d c: r o~l M i 1' is l e r f n r R ~~ 1 i q i o L 1 s A r f: 11 r !; h "d cle c; i ci e c1

l11:1l liH: :..;,1id i:mployecs sllc;ll ld IJc rcin:..;L::l!cc/. 011

!):!. 11:).~01 ~, Lli e P1·ime Mini:; l l:r :1pprovccl thu

pr"lll.l ::iill u l r ...: in~; tat u n1~nl of the :!GD Lc ! rrnin<~t.eci

I ) I vI:; kill Ill r ()I Inc c. I ll )(~ s (! c I"( ~ I. ::1 r '/' lVI ill is try 0 f

1 ·/Ff·;~~r< tkli. ll1a Prin18 Mi11i~.tur l1:1d :qlprovecl tlw

1 ,·: ill :;l;d, , lll•.:nt ui l.l~<: 2Ci9 t,~ rmlll:ttl!d L.llnployccs o /

P.t • . I~.C. l i lfornl <~ lioJl to this et'rt~c l w;,1s also given

v 1r.I1J IL.Jll.ur Llc.1tcd 04.05. 20·12 by tlw fVIini~tl-',' ol

1Ji-G0. 1~ lu th.-; Ch:iirm:c111 P.f. .. R C. Furl11crrnorc,

li lt! \!IdS l u

i1 llj .d •. : IT\ i..' ll t ll1 c o ,-cJc:r::; o I ll1l.! F' ,·j mu Mini ~; t c r <:~n cl

rupr<rl .::ornpli ,;nce. Viele Idler cJiilucl '18.06.2012,

llll ~ ~.lilllslry o \ NFS&.R one,~ <l£)3in clirected the

C i1~1lr11la!l, P. A.R.C. to imj)lorno,lt th(: orcJurs ot the

P1·11111! Mini:>ter regarding rhe rclnst<ltornenl of 2G9

Uliiplnye<:l!.:i of P .A.R .C.

L. 'Jido not ific3lion cJ:,lecJ 12 .0?.20·12, P.A.F~.C. implo:mc: nled lhe cl8cision of th e p,· irlle Mini:;ler

<111c l J·E·in::.latccl the 243 <=mp l oycE~s in P . .<\.R.C.

~) . T\';cnly tv;o ~~r-i:::ling cmp loy r:c~; of P.A.R.C.

liluLI wri t p e tition No.200G/2 Cl ·l2 secl<inu the

i~~:.t1:1 1 1l:1" ol· :·t l.·vrit of rruo-(\ '(}tF:IIIto lo th e

---·---· ------·------·-·-·-- -··-··



,, i


',,1' I



It i• I'

I j ,,

r- -··----1


1 •••

\\' \J . ~ 1,_,_:: I:-;~/~ l 1 I

ii,n:"nc. , ',gc.l ; ·; ~; t. :.lk s,-,,cJ orcler uatecl 25.06.201 ~~.

i,,,l . .:l Cu llrl ~lppc:llt\)o . 3 74-I/V / 20 · J :~ W<1S preferred.

·1 (J. !11 lhc pc;riocl lJetwecn 2n·12 to 2017, the

P./U~.C. did nothin~j adverse to the; reinstated

c~ rn ploy c:c:>. It <:tpp.:! ,,,-:;; tl1.:1 t th C:~ ,-e 3 p pain tmen U

ruinsl~llc mont of lhc: 2G9 C111ploycos of F>.A.R.C .

\'::1s t lll ckr im,c~ li9ation by the) t•J./\.!3. Since I.C . .t\.

t - J,·l.37- i-W/~O I ? '.'J:t s p QnrJing be foro this Court,

tl\ .. : Boc: ot' F·. ::._ R. C ., 111 1ts -10 th t llC!<~ti ng, hclcl o n

1~'. ·1 ·1 .20 16 , J .:-c ict<;cl to Cl\V3it th,~ decision of thi :,


11 . T!, r~ Ch:lirlll~-\11, P./\.1\.C. in l1is ldle1· datocl

rui~>sl:;;lo2u in <• cluhi ous ma11ncr. l~urthcrmor e, it

\'!~1:; s t"l nd lil e~t th 8 CI[Jprov~d for the reinstatement

o l liH~ s::-.icl t} IYiploy.::os w.:1s issued by the Prirno

M111t:.dt.: r <tl tile tim e when he l1 <1cl b\~en made

tly :j fttllcticmr!l 11y ll1 c 1-!on'bi!:! Supru mo Courl. The~

Cli.drlll<111 P.A.R.C. rc:qucsllecl lho Ministry of

I JF~Id:l{ to i <.l<e-up this cGso with tho

I : :, I "!) I i ~; 1111 1 e Ill 0 i v 1 ~ i on o r tl H~ L ,., w an Ll J us li c c

lll\.'1 ' .10 11 ;m.:l ~Juicl8 P.A.I\.C. rcg;1rcling furlhOI'

•:u11 1 :;t~ u l .tCliOil to l'lc cl clopte:d. Vilitl IL~Ller ciZ~lecl

1 1 . ( 1 ,', . ? 0 i 1 , t he rv·1 i 11 i s l r ~~ u r f\J F S & 1 < i n f o 1 m eLl th e

Cl~<ll1111;tll, P./\ .R.C that tn L cr 111~ ; of Section 2·1 of

tilt.: GotltHnl Cl<.1us;~~; ;\ct. ·t 89 l, 311 <:~tilhority who

\ ~ ~~ ~~·;:.L~S till Ol·cJc:i· CC>I l Ctl~lri[)G its t;Hrlit)r'' oruers.

· I til lh O!Ill Cl !' c, the Ch;~lrnl~t!l I '.A.R.C. WQS

ir,f<JIIIJr; ..l lh::1t hG coulcl laKe furll10r .1 11d necessary

~ICtlllll ~~~- LIH.: level of P.;\.R.C. in accor cl ~ tncc with

n !11.::, . Co 1 1 ~, c:: q 11 c 11 ll y , clu r i 11 SJ ll w mo nl h s of Apr i I

< t~ lc.l M~ty 2018, notic es we 1·e i::.suecl to the

r<.~m:il;llucl 8111ployecs cc:~llin[J 11pon lllern to sl1ow

c;·ll l~; .:; a:; lo why th eir r<:!insl3LGnll.!l!l orcJers may

110 l I><~ w i l hcl ra wn. F ec ling lh r ed ten eel IJy these

COI! III\I.IIlict~lions. th o r e instatod c.:mploy•ees of

--· .. -----·--·----- - ---~~- -----····-·····------------·- ···

.I 1:

' •

r /d~.C. filed ~1n .. pplic~1lion (C.I'v1. No.237G/201 0)

in · .. C .A . No.37-+-VV/20 ·f 2 before this Court prayinu

for 811 injunct i o 11 a ~FI ins t P. A. R. C. for t a l<i n g

.:-1CI ve rs l! <:lc ti o n .:19 ~ins t ih e a f) pI i C<l n ts. Viele orci e r

u:.nccl 11·i.G::i.20i 8, p~1~ s cd by lhu Division fJencll

d l lll i~; Cot ld P.A.R.C. w.1s res lr <i in ecl frorn

p; ,~ ;si119 ~ ~ fin: tl Clrdc-; r pur~>li:Jnl to the notice~;

ISSLICfl lo thr) ;npplic::Jnls / ri? ln sl~ltccl em pl oyees.

S 11 b s u que n lt y , tt 1 '' sa i cl t . C. A. \'J~ls di s rr~i ssed n~,

n ot prc~ssul.

t 2. Viclu order d<llecl 2 '1.05.201U, pn~;~.cd by thu

Division Gencll of this Court in W.P.-1932/2018

''M uh z,rnn·, ZJ ~ etc . V ,, "·

F<.!ll..cr;1tiot1 of Pakistan ~mel ano llwr", this Court

nrciL!rocJ by wc,y of 111tcrim relicl lii~H no C~dversc

•ll:llun c;hdll be t<:1ken or;ainsl tile P'~titioncrs

IJIII·:,LJ:lill t1) tl lU sho•:; CCILISU notiCl~S. Apparenlly,

!IOllcc:; impu>Jnecl in the insl<:llll P '~ lition h a~;

.iii 'Ui lcl y t.; ·d\(:ll pl:'tC e . Till! politioncrs rea r lh<lt

lliult' 1 c:ill:; t c.rem~nt Iii P.1-'\ f~.C. J 1t lr~;u~111t to the

tlltl•:r~ p:,~sccl. b~,r the Primo Ministor cou ld be

\'.'ll/t( II'. I'N i t ~•t :my slugu . Luctrr\13(1 cOUilSO/ for th o

lh~liliLl11t!f'S prctyed for lllc ru:,pcncl;~,lls to be

lit,! 1'lt1lit.ionl~rs .

t -1. ·I li<.lv<.: he::ncl tho conl<!ntions of tho learned

COIII I!:td rnr th o petitioner~ ancl Pl~rusect the

·1 -1. Thi s en so v;~s heard ::J t IGn ~Jlh. The

:dill 1111:.:.s 1ons ; '' ~1d e by lh e I <J ~· r-r1e cl c OUilS\J I for lhe

p •. dlllul!(•r:·> : 11·o reflcctecl 111 tho rccurcl. This c:.:~so

Jh,;rl,lill:i to the issuance: of nolic13s to the

p0tit1orwr::; c<tllin~J upon th e111 to exp lain ns to why

thuir i'<Jinslalement in serv ice macJo in the year

:2U ·t ~ ::J hould not be withdrawn. Prior to their

r~~ i11~: lol.urnenl, the petitioner·s had been

' 1(

I ••


' I' I j:l

'I' I•



I - -


·---·-- ___ __ .. , _ .. __ _

' I. l' t-J._, ~ I 0 2 'I I I ·,

'' " l.llllll~ll c: <l fru111 s.:n,1;;c clt~e lo irr~.~~JUI~tritics ~''''' ill. .: (J.dilt ·~~ 111 ti.IL:ir c:t ppoitHttt.~t t t proces~. Aftt:Jt

ll t,: ir· t c~ rtnitt:·,ti o n frorn ~;c: rv1cc , ll11; petitioner ~;

v:1 · r,~ rc:ct; mmcndecll o IJt:: n;insL1letl not becausu

ii~<:ir <q>i,c;lnt;ne:tH '-'lOS fot tncl [,·, IH: ''' accorci<H1C•~

:: tilt lite l:w; nne/ iJli·: applic<tble niles but becaus,:

/II I[ -.. · .r:t~: llcll ll.c f:tuil or lite :?(:) ~_) Lerrninaterl

" 1·11 pI oy (!,:..; i i th o p rc: s.-:r i IJc cl p roc<~ cl uro io r 11131< i n~J

tlki1· : tp 1 Jointm-.;nt ~; h ;:,d be <~ n v io l;·,tccl ancl (ii) that

0 \L:i" thD }'l.!~li'S the Said l::l1lpioy . .?.8S had £)ained

vnlllabiE c,;.:p<~riencc which coulo he utilized for

lit e IJellemwn t of lit e c/cp :.:; rtmcnl. Tho Cabinet

:.i lli >-Cunm1 i I l l!t::


r;: c, >Ill nt.:: nckd

(; lllj J k.l )1 0 (! :; .

fo r



llw 1·tcg ula riz~1 tio 11 of

crnpioyc:c~; h ;:tcl <t I so

re:in s t:·.tenwnt of these

:t~J'1111~l tl1 e petiiiorH~rs. Shov; cause 1wtices were

i:.:.;tJt:cl to Lll e: pc::litit"!ll e rs '.'1 110 ~-tpp r ehemi the

jl:l:, .. in!J of the acl vc: r se: orclers 3rJuins llh cm.

I ~i. T h u q ues lion l11 a l fir s l n cecl~; lo be

JLIII c:tl ic ll.;il·t [.) ,tcljudicwle upo n lit e im;L_III\ fJeltlion

~ JI VU ;l lll•) Lt c: L lh::ll P .A. R.C. '::; scrvtccs ntlcs ::.1rc

thl ll -· .t ~1 lu tory. T II is Cou d lt ::1s alt-(: < tdy clism isscc:l

:,; ,}'Jt::r~ll \'Hit petitions fi led by urnployoes of

l).l\.1\.C. ruumlli119 rmttters rel"tiii~J to llw Lr!rrns

:11 1 d t: o 11 d iIi u 11 s of tit c i r s e r vic,;. Thus o p e li t ions

lltc.lud,.: WY.r..Jo.25·14/2017, l illud "T<.tl1ir J:11nshaicl

\.,, ,, Tit~: Cll clirrn~JJI, Anricultural

Vs. P~lf.-i ~;l <lll Agt·icullural

[\ l ! :, d i II c h C 0 lll\ c i I" , W.P.i'Jo. ·1 '-13 /:> o 1 B, titl ed

C u Llll c i I", W. P. hJ o. ·1 3 i 4 I 2 0 1 8 , liliGd "Dr. M.

rli:'tllltliiOLi Lll H~l SScl f\ ole. \Is. Til,_· Chettrm<lll,

··-·· ... -··· ··-·-... •····--·-··- - ... -·--------··---·- -~- --·---- --

,, j

' f: !,, ,,. ·'

· ' I


; I


'-.. ··


\\ ' !•:·.~):.: S~ .'. 1 tll:

I Jc,.1 C,(J 'I/:~u ·Ul, litk ci 'Tn. Chulnn1 Ali \1~. Pc1kisla11

.1\cJricultur:.l F~ cs -3~1rch Council". Tilost~ peliliorH;

v:uro rJiS111i:.>:j0d ::.ol;;l:/ 011 llw g1·ouncJ tht1l

P.A.R.C.'s Sui-'JICC nlles were non-~;lalutory.

·1 i'. It is V.:tcll selll~cl th;;n 3 writ 11clilion cloes not

lil: m lll~.u~~rs perlainin~J to tile: terms and

co ,,clitic,ns o i e n:ploy eos CJf :1n Oruaniz<Jtion or

(;,:" fJurc.tion where such term s ;J nd concl1tions arL.~

not ~uvl~l · ll<:! cJ by ~tc.,lutory rule s. Whure tile terms

~mel condilio1ts of se r·'tice aru not !:JOVE.!rned by

::;l:llutcH:; 1·u1 r~s. U1c employee's n:::lationship witll

L:111plo','Gr is that of "m as ter '-tnLI servant".

1'\cf,~runc e in this regard 1113}' bo 1113clc to the

c ~1s l.! s c f .E'_J.A. Co rt2.Q@1jQf1. 1/.!i~-J~ygci Sulerna n

~~1 ;.HllJ~~ i ;;.',' L_( ~QJJ) __ ~ C NLD _1 g_:.!._5 t .A1 ~ t' i!!J!Dl£~1...8 s h ra f

\/ :; , J!! \i t'~I! !2 ~1n [\ L.lmit£.9J2.9,J..Q.~QMELli1JJ and Jj£l..?o

Hll :?~i::! IQ S !.!.l.~ri_xs. __ 1Jle ReQl?..tiQ.r _('!.~~9 SCMfl

?Jtl'l Lglr.:.-'I iJ. U11cl or Section of Pakistan

1\!Jricultur~:ll R8sc~1rch Council OrclincJnce, 1981,

til l} rccJcre~l Government m ;,y, by nolifJC3tion in

liH~ official G~1zc:tte, mal'e rule~ for CMrying out

l/1,~ purpo::;es of til e said Ordinonce. Such Rules

a ,-(, to provi d e for (i) th e 1linctions of the

Clt:li, ·lll <t n ; {ii) the appo intment ai1Cl tho terrns and

r:,J II<iilic"IS of se 1·v ice of the wholc-limt~ · 111embers

u / tl,,! P A.R.C., including cli~:;cip linnry rn<iltor ancl

(Iii) ll1e C011cJitions unc!er whic l1 P.A.R.C. may

l)l ili !l i1110 ~I ITDII~J e lllCrJtS with OliiC!I' illstilution::;

,, , ,d ,·,r~ / ~III ILzllions, wlwthc 1· pulllic, pi-IV<lle or

~l lii OIJ(J ili O II~i bodies . lvl o1·e irnp o 1l<mlly, Sr~ ction 2G

t:JI til,, ~r1 icJ Orclill<''lllCC! •:elllpOVv'e l·:, lh•.J P . J.\ . I~.C . lo

111,11\ ~: ~~ ~~[Jt il:•li o n s VJil11 tho IJI'nvi o u: . s:\11ction of

lh e F1)dnral Government. Such r~ogulalions are to

provldu lor inter-alia the <tppointlll(:)lll of the

u llic,~r:; cl lld employees of P . A.f~.C . ~1 :-; well as the

\,), .11,:, ~.ncl con ditions of se rvic e of tho officers nnd

~ ..... ~-------·~-~--·----­·-------------- ·--·-·- -----~--------, .. -~-------·--

r. I


I ~

\ ~ . \\ I' I J, 2 I,:~ .'" ,

•!llll.oi':l','• "-' ·. l i·'.;\. 1-! ,~ 11"\CIIIiiii1CJ I• C! I\ S i O I\ ~\l"lll

.;; .\·:I IJIIII \I,.J ;;tLitlr.;r~ . In '-..!:-\e t·c i!j,J o r !l1c p ovvc 1 ~)

<J nL~ 1 I" ·~ LI un-1,:~ Sr.!Cti,··,n :..'L1 o l· lll·~ ~c licl Orclm:.,ncl:,

ll I' ' [) u c; 0 r I J • P· .. ~~ . (; . Ill :'\ ( II: p ; II; I ::. l ~I 11 ,, g ric lJ ll u I"~ II

I"\ I ".il •. It"(" I\ (Scr vic t:

r:., ~ J·rl;illul .~;_1, 'I ~.ld~l. l""ll~..: ·1 DS-1 1\c· ~Jlll:Jtions"),

·:. I, '-.:: l1 In i .:·:·· . l.'t.l jJI" l"~ s;:: r1 bod Ll w 0 1.\1 l IU)' il \C 11 l poI icy

• 11" I p1·," 1. c 1.1 1 , :. ~~ 0 11 •c r .11 co 11 clu c l ~IIH I d 1 sc i p \m, :

I \ I I t i ·,; :1 n d li1111 L lc:. C I I J 0:.; 1l1 011 L li o.IL Ll 1 t: Uri 1.:! V ;::\ 11 C c •

l ' l!lliiUi"l J!I! ITiiolS LO ll1 •·"i1· ~lppui lllll\o ! ill in P./\ . f~.C .

Tilt! s .. o1d f(C~j'll ~ .ti o,IS of P .. :\.R.C. 1"18VC.: lJee n helcl

I;•/ th,; HcH, ' i)ic:: Su i~;·cmc: Coud to be: 11011-

~l<• L , Jt orJ. \/,elL: JLi Cl£,41'1101\L Ci<l kcl "IC. .0 6.20 10,

rl:i! ;..:c d '') lii C 1-iun'biC S~ipremo COL.rt in Qivil

!.J'.! \1! i Qu~; t·!r.:?" ~~0.:HQ_;?.QQl?.O\i8J.lt!9_cJ . ...::.m.f.!z H u~~all1

~~'' 'II ~~~ i.L . it w~s in<t:: r- a/i,l h ~::lcl e;s follovv~:-

su!J;;,_:· r vi211 I ~!.\l:t"'O,-·l ·J.n~·u;(;r.."'! ~t ·luch ;s U12 /J:Jr<Jnt .'.J l\'.

rules to

ancl (/) ()

Lii•U2t" s,:.::U:J/1 :.?D- o( (/)(] On .. ltll~""iiiCC, Council C:JII

ll l .tf<t! r,•[J.:!,;/:";11/S 1", ',1/ l prel'iOUS S.1nCll:J /I .J( lll<J r::.' ,ierul Uovernn12nt ll'lli::r :Ja:; uncier soc!ion :?5 o l Ul:...' ().'-c/.'n:.•n~::..~ r:.:u. 1

.:; fli.J~Ili~-1 ,UO\•\'C'. i~; gfV211 (0 th,.,) .=-L·l/, •t ~~.' l ~·fll ,_., ntnent .=Jn~/ no! t/1e (-.. ._"'unc/.1.

1/1 I ·f~ .. ..l 1\ ' .._1( l/1:..' .i::J: .. )\ .. :: ( JC{lJ,'J/ .1/J./ / c.~ijL I / pO~i/iOIJ,

1·. /J,:·,·~- S t}/ l '11.:2 .''c?{l:i/.-J ~ion~ .if'.! nJ:JCJc.' I.J)" /lid C~ounc il

, 1/,,1 n . ."lt L! / 11 c ,:._:cli:r:ll Covernrn en1' sr:cf, rag ul!ltJon ,· t:ltW I u .. ' /J<•io' :o [Jc stn!utory rcncs More so _:L't .. liLin ·,() or" !.jlt.! t>ru.'n.-j'JC ... .} {ll.J/~l ) v,}t}' Dlcurly /JQS

\·i,·:~;r:uitl;..? , l ;/ ru ::JL1l.,s ur !/Jl.' en !,uloyees of rh,., l~·. · /'L11 :t!i...Jn (Counci1j i. ::.1 . t/J('_Y :1 rc no t t:tvil st!rttants Li'~· ~)p2.'~t:ron of st!::tiun l~:'( I} (Jf Ul£• 1\'l'Dulau·on, cltt)

t ','l/;)/l)l1t '1'~ i.../ !/tl; (.'L1li.'ICiJ Cl'('l/1 if i.JC{Ore f/J~/f"

,,.,,t.tcuuu " ' i.'Jc, Cou11cii 11 r!rC en it sorv:1nt bur IJ)'

•',''<'1",7(/o.l/1 of/"~\· !l lt?/ 1" :iCICiJ s/:I{IIS U!:.<lf l,IJU : Ir~.

~·;u 1.":1·' /1 ' •2(;;]_ __ ;-;_!rrJ : !Q(_ !i L! tu:Qry _ .!..Jdl~:Lf.®YliJ tiny ;;, n:l!:! • J~·· Q/_!i!!l._Qi.I.If:!IQJ'.iJ.dS i!f.JlL"d J20:!J.J.JJ.;;JL uncle[ ~· , •f: ti•". '! -~ ·~;_;;:,[ tl!.!l. O.rdinJJ·Icn_ ((lJ.ffiL!L!oJY. r. :Jnnot_,;failll 1~ --~ ~?!' .Ut Tt f.!!i'J!t!£s; of su::l.• (~0.CJ2QCi11i~ 'U~ _{L~·l_ ser\.!.}_cr~ .. L;

(:'' !1~,-~\.~.;.- l._.· .. ~!.rn.~.>lr>J:.El.!7'!2· ___ .d!t·..:t~ __ £1P~'.::~~rt' r·~·t !:.tJ~ -~G!J.:J.L•-2.rJ.' 1(/ ,' t ,'':') rJ

(l.: \11(11". U:J is [t(ld.Jd)

----------·-·------------- ·-·------ ---­----~---------------------





\ I I ~'

-'1 I



I' --

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\/ :, C1r;v.~rll[lrc:nl•;Jff~;l!-ist~_tn {:~(117 sr;r~:m_~-?.!:'J), tlru

l·l ,qr 'hlc: S upr •. :~,tl' Cuurl lt. ~lc l 111:1\ :.:irlCr; tlr:~ Si~,ln

H<11ll\ c.f l ):d-; isutl Oft"tccn~ \Pl~I"ISIDn-ctlilr-Gr:,tui t y) ~~~ · uul;lltrHI~:. lfl:~o. ·.-:t-~r~: nurl --:;l.Hulory, therefore:,

Ll1 r uirqllcl)'\·, ,;;; of Llh; Si:d..: S..J111\ uf P zdti::;Lin coultl

IlLli 111'/C•i, ,__; t11,; (:o, ·,~: tilulion:ll ju.·i~;diction of thu

lli!ill t.::•.1 t li"l 101. ;1 cllr,::,ction ic1· the gr<111t 01

jiL!I i(i,lic,-11 il~<:r,;<,:;cs in pen~ion i1 1 I Ill.-:: with those

cl e I , -, r m i /1•) •:111 d ll e r· l h o F{ u I c s or ~~ c u trl c1l ions of '-'

:,[;·,tutor'/ body wc_Je st::~tutor·y 01· ollwrwisc, rtll::Jcl

to h~ :,(!211 V.'l-.idller Lhe Rules or Regulations "deal

t1·· it/1 instruction::; for t/10 internal control or

rn:l!l::l!)t.?monc, o,o· t!Jc:y arc.•. bro:JCicr than and or

.~,-)tJJp/inwniarv fD /Ire parents ::;tatut<JS in matters

,J{ ,: rue i::~l imp on :1 n c c: .. _ Th c for ITI c 1· v;c r .:.! I 1 e I cJ to

1)., :;Lttutory, \'vl~t"rE~lS the l::~ltcr \Ner.:; lo be non­

:..l.ltulc•l·1•. ThL; ·1934 Regul<1t1ons clealing with

::~ppo,nltnents ancl

di:jciplin;lr·y procccclings of the employees of

1-J./, .R_C <:t1·e c le:1 rly for tile mtcrn~ll control and

111:t11:1genkn t of P.A.F<.C.

:: I. A-:; lh c S<:l·vice rul8s of the P.14. .R.C. <:~re non-

!; 1:-. LtJlorv, this potii.ion IS lr<~blc to bu cli::;rnisscci i:ls

noL lli;:Jinl;:,inab lc. It would not be :tppropriate to

dil:1i(! on the merits of the C3SO.

~2. In l11i~ vi8\'/ of the rnalter, the instant writ

pcditiun is rt.~n:t i:::;::-.t::ti._fa limioe. l ilc pctilionors are

'tl liiH:rly to appro~:~cn the appropr1<.1t0 fururn for

1.~(\ ~. 5 -' . )

/ ,_ < . (MIAr·JGU L 1-l/\SSJ.\1-.J AU I=<ANGZEB)


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