~iy · 2013. 11. 7. · ~iy d113r llr. president r new york , york . july 25, 19s9 . continnine azy...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • '•

  • ~IY d113r llr. President r

    New York , New York . July 25, 19S9.

    Continnine azy recent conversation with :you concem1n!: the Federal building project for H;yde Park, I hAve inquired int o t.hia nnd !ind that the Joint Departmental Committ ee on Juno 25, 19&9, allotted $88, 000 for the acquisition of a sit e M d tho er ec t ion of a building to provide apace for the~o Puk ~oat office and for activities or the Depart.-~ont of Agricu t ure ,

    J.lr , Purdur.1 Wor111s me that funds nave been definitely allotted ! or thi s project . There baa been no prees relense for the resson that the ccc:dttee felt it would be better not to adverti se until atter tlte adjourt!l:lent or Congress.

    Jlonorable Franklin D. !!Ooaovolt The White Houao ·:1ashineton, o. c.

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  • 'lur :tr•aident _.>ran;;ll.n Delano !!ooeev•lt· l/ote11 by Ll11ud Stouteoburfth :Utot .... ," ~r~f.u.4. it.a>-~

    U:; tether John Albert stoutenbur~h'e Deecription ot tte Jaoobue Stoutenburgh !!ouoe ot Hyde Park, Dutoheee County , H• epoJ

  • I •

    / l.!ias J::lsie ?ritchar d was born in the William stoutenburgh

    Stone House at Union Corners then belonging to I eano . sh• moved to one of t h e better houses l n the village so she might keep house tor her brother who was a physician r who never tllllrried) and a bro-ther Isaao whom I pr e:ferred, who had wh i te hair nod beautiful blue Stoucenburgh eyee. I recall him as walxiog throur,h the village ·•i th grant whit& boards on his shoulder s , for he was n carpenter. uone of the so three had mnrr1ed .

    In 1902 and 3 , I spent che summers st l!Jld• Park and saw I.tis& Elsie daily . Col . Eliot and I were deeply interested i n getting r eliable data a s to the bnokgrouod o:f the family and its affairs and the old hou se . lli ss l\:l sie , a anent , tall woean who made no f riends in the village, seemed to be a f it custodian of the past, I, after many visi t s, l!llined her affeoti on , She always spoke of th a family and espe al.ally of J114obus . llise Elsie had during her life lived in only t wo houses , both thoee in Hyde l'nrk. She was baptized i n the ~utch Ohuroh in 1832. She lived in the past and M used to write down fncts na she gave them. These when ohacl:ed , ware always f ound r eliabl e ,

    Sh• had seen the house ns a young girl . '!er mother, :lleanor stoucenburgh, had stayed there with he r cousins , nod old I s aac in whose house she lived h.Qd told her how he had as a boy crawled to

    "t he Uonsion" during tha Re volution to f ind a fishing rod, ThS family had abandoned the rnnns ion and had buried the i r silver and had gone to stay at Isanc's father ' s house , this because the man-sion had become a target. It was fired upon when the British went up t he River to burn Kingston . (Uote by u. s.L. - The Eritish wor map shows "Stoutenburgh" plainl y marked.)

    l.!1ss l'r i tohar d said tho.t .. nah i nr, t on had spent sevarol days 1n the house built by John Stoutenburgh. '

    :!he thought the fnct that the sons ot Jacobus were to eerv1ce nt tha time might have been responsible for the at tack upon tha house . 1/wnely , Col . Tobias , Col . 4th Dutchess

    Capt . Peter Capt. John. , • cnpt. Luke l'r1 va ta ,/ill iam.

    Sha showed roe a gr ea t Cannon- bnll which She used as o door-stop. It hud stuck i n the th1ok wal l e of the house. I h.Qve her l etter giving me this cannon- ball.

    She epokA wt th pain of the dsstruoti.>n of the ho11se and took me out to the spot showing me where the slnve or servant quarters were (in Ur . .. nles place, where four houses were set nside for this pur-poee , rhe slaves or ser vonts never occupied r ooms or quurtere in the house but daily onme to the house for orders and service . )

    (Uiss J::leie gave me ih e ortgtnal deed to the Gore .- note by Ll . S. J:: , )


  • -~ p..,.,-...,. r?w,MJr. 11t1;. .,, l~i. II~ Ji--. 1'"~ ~1;. 'I> 11-. 1/tu

    •3• "Th~l;j1.t1t'f lt;ot" _ 3he ehowed ClAI che laat ch•rr~ tree , &lao where eoce of the atones from the house had been ueed 1o tl'.e gutter before the entrance of the ·•lll•e plooe .

    "Imperial coeear, dead and. turned to olay, Ulght stop o chill.II. t o keep the wind away. •

    , •

  • ~o every ~aneratlon of my tomlly , thore ~ac.. members of fuin· Uteo who trace boo;. to the Greot :1 t ne !'artnoro l'lltent . ':'lleee !o::illlea om:e ye '1?'ly to my mother's , to tolk of Hyde Par~ . .u::on~•t theoe , the Johneone who hod l lved sever al ~entrotlons in " ;c de ?ar k. ~oot , lf not 1111 , ore dtod now. ~he Rev • ..J.len Johnson later came to au co . 'l'he~· epo,.e of cov. J oh neon• o ho1 .. e ot \JDeterdom oa be lnp ooptad fro1~ t he Ja oobue l!ouae. Th•1 had seen both, and were , I balleve, unrel ated to the Gov. Johnson fomlly . In other t l c ee , their name wti a spelled in two wtiya . They went book to Sir Caleb Heothoote , owner . I believe , of the Bt h .1ater Lot .

    'lhe !line Ptil'taere llook so.id •ura. Johnson hud the I ndt on Deed" to the creut ti tna :.'ortnere l'oten t . Unfortuootely , tLsn I hod oot read tht1 book, so I could not a.ek hie abO\lt it .

    ';'he ~ooeevelte oarrted into this tautly. ~hey , Le~ :ohnaoo, 1.11 ee .:.'uJ)hemi11 end other a apohe ot the • ;;toutenb:..rph .... r.sion" . ?l.e u. p , Rogers with llard baollfruur.d epo40 often ot thd old house nod other r.a tters ot l otereot to '!:;de Pork iu Its bertr.nini::.

    uo"' to return to the .i're:;ant and 1te Mede, absent so yesterday I Sl.lt •:.1th photograph& of thtt and :he drawi ng of t he aroh1teot .

    l!y f amtly ore all ~toutenburgh Houees

    I coma t o t he onnol1.eion f ir ot , thnt lt .. ou1d saeo udV1Goble if yw thOUFht beet , to oopy th• John Stoutenb1.rrh Houahy I thoupht Craoil nouee .. a s called croole .uosioo, I om 0011 a bsolu tel y oo.,vlooed io looking over houees Of tl•t past th&; this Od1 0U B tl tle "manelOO" WQd !;Ivan to 001l880 Of two o t orles .

  • - ll-

    The Dutch hou sea of one story or one esory and a hal~ were to m:y v.a;; of th1nlt1 ng muoh more uttrootive, I :feel thut thie houes oould indeed be u fittlns monumen t to Jaoobua and would be enjoyed bi the people of Hyde Park as o Poat of:floe .

    That you, dear President ?.oosevel t, a a l' re eldent of the United Stotee , ahould hove aeleoted th i s h~: ee to whioh to do honor ohould multe aeon ond •very de acend11nt of my family deeply grote:tul 11nd ever Heoeible of your klndneee .

    ci..., ... r 10. ,,~-urs. ,,oJ. tar Graeme !lliot 520 ~oHt 87th Street Ue.,. Yor. City

  • _.,, v~ o-+' . ... .. • 'J

    " . \ ,

  • '


    Dear .. 1.1-

    .... Jft -, - .. le a peHl'l>llltf -· 1 _, pt a - ,..., ottlA• tor ., .. - •lll&p .... lpriJls - - -pe "' wuu.. -· ._....,.

    Y" wlll - ar'lel• "' Oel-1 &ll.e• elat.s"S -·a.. el&·-----at - ... fd - rl••I' l'1.U •• -'1..ur ~u..1 1'1• - all' •WS- .i-.- -IA - -- l'&ll81J - a "'ll - •'-7 -alUe ....... --117 -· n1et -· _. - .... el.ala - _ ... u -· -- lU.. - ·-•cal - - _ .... - ....... - ,. .. - • - "1• • ..._ - ·

    .... 709 ..., -· .. lo -· trpe ot .S.dp .. -4 re1.1wl n s. --· (don't lell ...,Md;( •-t U ) _, .,. _, MM • •sea-.. 1Mlllilne - ---- "' -lns - r-i ...-1..i~ aa'1•1'1H '°" lid-.. --·

    U tb1e ctrea4t1&1 ._. R11M11 Aoe1 not 4et IAltelJ _. ftl, I bope .. M al 1174- hok - ""''- PAPI ot lopt•bep - -1t 70111 are baok be "" to l•• .. kno• an4 OOMi up '° Ma •l th ...

    Sl•• l•l• . . .. 7801••· ......... -. 7c 4 ke.epd-e, llftl'.-.

    ~ _, ..

  • ft·-· .. u.. Deal' .... a.a.ta• ..... .., ......... ,_ __ -.......u. ..... .. - !P' - ,.. ... ='~ ~-" ::r.!-:..--... --~--rr--' 11p1'11fC.

    I tcal4 llll• 111ii ....... ~ -11 LI hi ........ lllle l• 1llrUW a• .. .__, 11114 ~ .. .,... ........ .. ett a. In .. DWl t •• Osmtt Illa..,._, 1oe1-. 1940 'I- ....

    I ~ tiape Ulat , .. will '9 •bl• ....... .,.. ...... fll .... -· ... lt' ,_ - - .... Fft will ie• - .... en4 al• 1•• - .... J'O'll ., - .......... • ..... ., Jlftsla"• aw • .._ .U.• •n d ..... .._ •

    .... 11a1-. .. s:u.t • ...............

    ... hft our •

    ... 'I ...

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  • r~ d.o ~ ~L. r- ~ tint tu.I'" ~ 'i-111 ~ l~ ~~ I Qiii(. ~l ~6 r iln..ii 1 ~Mo- .,

    m~r- ·~~ ~....n.a mll..~~J~ z,;;J. ,

    ~-r 10 - 1~ ~ 7 -


  • '\ ' I 1' 29, 19'9 JM'• '° Ullt l'ftilll..a ,.._ .. ,.~ \

    ft 5 •


    iz-. ~ of Se1* 12, 19'9 dkcb I.

    S.1 lid• ~ ftt~U~-~•DN-l'--:a.i:&..!9'9 .

  • . -/ ~ l~llecl 11 plu ot the Property ot

    W.W • . Woodworth, B1q--B7de Pie •



  • 0fDrt nf lift f11ib11$da Chlt!t al . I .«!.

    October 13, 19J~·

    \! I

    Attached hereto is a phot.oatatic cow of the Synopsis of Bids for the new Federal building site at H,.Se P&rlc, Mew York; also a 11&rlced blue print ehmring the locations of the aitea offered.

    Duri.Dg t he i.Dveetigation by aite 11gents A. J. Loamy end w. Plath it cue to their attention that the Union Free School Building, located at the aouthweat comer cf ilbeey Poet Road and Ubertaon Street, with d!..aensicns of 101' 2" on the Albany Poat Road 1 1981 on ilberteon Street, and 1541 on the eouth 11.De, ie to be abandoned upon the co111pletion of the n"" Central School building about January 1940.

    In view of the fact that the Union Free School Building ie to be abandoned the site agents wrote l(r. Ralph R. Sllitb, Sr., President of the Central School Board, Brde Park, New York, cbnceming the eetter, end trenellitted to hia a blank propoea,l for11 tor bi• use i.D the neut the school board deeirea to submit a torae.l bid an the property. The site 'ient• are withholding their report until aaae definite word is received froc tbe..Ceotral School Board.

    I thought you would like to have the above-mentioned Synopsis of Bids and the blne print ehowing the locatione.

    I aball be glad to discuss the matter with you when I ue you next week.

    Sincerely :roura,

    Honorable franlclin D, Rooaavelt1 Tha 11bite House , Waeb.in&ton, D. C.

    I ,..

  • ..

    . ~

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    MDCORAJfDUM roR I, D, I\,

    Vou14 7ou aalt the LlbNl'lan •' lt)'.S. Putt '° 1•4 7ou a plotare eha ha• there ot tho ol'lglnal bouao ot Dr. John lllar4 whioh •\ood on the E:a•\ •14• ot the Po1\ Jlloa4 Ju•• North ot 11•. Jwa Ohm ob,

    I wu14 lllto to ••• 1' nu' lla"1r4&7 llO"'lng •• we 11111h' van' '° OOP1 u tor Via now R14• Putt po•'9 ott1ao.

    P. D. R.


    I , I .~ 11



  • ..

    1 • baTtac ,._ P' a ptetaN ., .. ,, ................ ,... .. 11......, ., "74• Puk and I w111 ••• St _, WMlt en4.

    1 .. u .. 17 •JiP*"!'" ttie • • a. _, or "91- Yll ot ue Ge11H'1 .... lllll "" .._ ~ ' 'r ..,. C.11 h1• I llla1l be 4e1lati to baww Ma m •• be 414 be,... u4 t.U .... ot -. 41etr1buUon. I do hope he 1• ... ,,_..

    llww a.la WI "WT - r I rde • ...... ,_.,

  • ........... ~ ..... .. ......,,.,,_ Oet-oMr I2tJt,

    '°'*"----. - ?Qfllfl 19,9 Dear Mr. Pre1U.ent,

    Wou1' you lM •1ll1nc that your ~ok 1ho1llt lM &n-

    no1U11et 1n U.1 19}9 Y•u Book (•ll11h •111 Cit 1n tb1

    aaU 1n o .... lMr) &nil , 11' 10, •olllt 70• appro• • I.la•

    •oN1nc ol tAI 1nol o11t tr&tt or an Amlom• H•nt. t

    R•nr:r Raok•tt anil I are .. ob 1nt1r11t.et 1n o ..

    t1nt1np a~at. Or. Jolm Bart '• bou1 a1 a pou111ll • • -

    a1cn ror tile poet orr1c1 at Ryt• Park ~

    Ant, ob ~. 1r a n .. 1obool 11 nam•t "Val Kill" t o

    ba•• t.h• ch1ltren tall&ht to g1.,. •val" Ule Out•b pro-

    nm11at1on , • •h1cb rhJltl• •1tb •ro1• not •1tb '(All•J·


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    ........ , .... -. --.. u 1 st• A II ,,... p e z• _. wld1e n .. • ~ • ..,t..ina._...__...._


    •f'lwW1711' --.... ,.. .... _.. • _.. '111£&•••:,_• .... ... .... .... • -•12112•• - - ? 372£52£ ...

    ,_ It-pg ... .......... .......

    MiltJWIM ?a a· ·--SQ m. I ....... _ ..... _ ......... ft&' 'c ' Pw1 I ... 'i&a - G 1 Un --ii .. lctU_,.. .....

    •· &. L "8ZIW• .......... ~ 127 us-.-. -waa.

    ,._ clc?lml .... li.,~ I & ..

  • Bon, Pranltlin D, Rooeevelt 1l74e Park, •, Y.

    Dear Kr, Roosevelt:

    &74• Park, •.T. Ootobtr 80, 1989

    Bepreaentativee of the 1Jn1te4 State• Government have oalle4 upon me relative to puroha11ng m;y propert;y as a 11te for the n .. Poat Offioe, t o,.ther with the propert;y on the oorner of Kain Street an4 .&.lba~ Po1t Ro .. whioh 11 owne4 b;y ~r1. Sarah Ba;ylea 8e44on,

    I want ;you to know that I am perfeotl;y willing t o 1111 1111 propert;y at a fair an4 rea1onable prioe either given b;y m;yeelf or b;y author1ae4 appra11er1.

    I feel that the Post Offioe ehoul4 be in the oenter of our Village an4 that the buil4ing iteelf with the ground• 1urroun4ing it will bt an improvement. I have 4one 1111 ver;y best to make 1111 buil41ng1 attraotive for B;yde Park an4 for the traveling publio, b\lt &1 ;you and I know thi1 wa1 a terrible looking plaoe when I took it over, and I am now willing to vaoate beoaaae it i1 what the Village neede,


    Sino ere~

    ~·uv or

  • j ,



    ., 4-r I e1

    l - to ,.,.. ..... llope *' ,_ -••in1 8119• ...... to ... t1u ... JOU -- .. lah9t ta_., .... .... •• - •bod to ,.., ., • - Pllft om.

    buf.141111 la ....... 91.Uap ... " •• Mm -· ... tbet ... eew t11e pi.a Id '"Ille Bad no-• built 1IT 11r. 1111111 ..... •boat 1"' 11114 ....... lit' llr. ! .. ' ta 117,.

    'fte:N la • •ate ot lt la a --'P' 'boolt apt - 111'. lll! -- - • '1- .. - '* ..... *O'JrSas a 9qllaft eater, .., lltoftN latab u4 GDI 8k:ii "1Dp Qll tile - - mutb.

    •• -1.d .... like to ftnd the o~ st.•e Of tbla lloUH -4 )IWllQ8 dll do9 to pt l .. mslMl '" ·s-

    8- people

  • • 'r

    -·-I aal• ..a 1111111 I ,_ MN - •1 111111•

    ot111M ... ....-- ... 1te~ ~.t• w NA e' 1•n1U ... tbe ••d• -14 nl''lr •¥ • r t.a tiae n.u..- .. itn 111 ... a11 IUld w111t11 uoU

  • '

    HKNftY T. HACKSTT A TTCMllHSY 6 Cou..........- AT LAW

    ue UN.oH STnn .-OU.Hu...... Hew Vo..:•

    llov. 10th, 19)9.

    Hon. Franklin D. Roose....,lt The White Houae Waahington, D. c. Dear Franlclln1

    It has juat occurred to • that llr. Lawaon Purd,y, whose !atber, the Rev. JU11s s. Purd,y, wu the Rector o! St. Jamos from 1860 to l,8q6 and resided in the rectory just north of the Church, ought to lcnow sOlltthi.ng about •'!'be Red Houee• o! Dr. Jobn Bard. At the ti.M ot the cent4nn1.t.l or the Church ha epolce ot hie bo1bood dlt,JW and o! the irain tiold o! John A •

    • o.ororr juat north of the Qiurch •

    llr. l.an&don purcbued the land ll>-cludinr "Th• R.d Houee • east o! the Poet 11'*1 ! 'roa John A. DoGro!t on April 20th, 1872, !our 79are before Dr. Purd/f left Hyde Part< and ie l&id to ban tom doom •The Red Hou•• • •

    I thinlc that llr. Purd,y' e addre11 ie 105 B. 22nd St. , Hew York Cit7 .

    With kindest rerarde, I am

    CM£ i f'd ...± J.,;Ji;J --rl~ i- .. ''fo W. 1sfb

  • H•NlllY T. HACK•TT ·~a Cr-·- AT LAw

    &MU-~ .... _. .... TW

    Koo. h'&nklJ.A !>. Roo.en l t. tht lh1Wi Hou•• ·~·• D. C. O.a.r 1rl.nkli.n1

    ..... 22»4, 19)9.

    Repl.Jinr t.o your let.t.er o! How-. 20t.h, in r.tetenct \.o t.ht hOIDll or Dr. John Bard kno11Ql •• t.h• "Rtd Hout•" , I int.erv'itwed M.rt. Juie1 A. De-Grof!, the .0Uu1r ot Art.hur DtOroft, and 'lllhot1t hutba.nd • •• -.he tamer on ttw rlat.hanitl P. Ro1er1 place tor a numbtr o! T••r•. She told me that ah• rU!llmber-.d the !\td Houae 1'hen John A. o.Grotf lived in it. &nd that it tt.ood in a IMJ.l Jl"O\A.P ot Nple trees in the open lot south of t.ht l.aM leadi"" in\o tbt fa..t9 tr"'C* tht Poat Road. Somt o! th• maple t.reet an it.ill tu.nd.t.n, in the OJMft lot aouth or the J.an. ~ into th• Vanderbilt ,.,..

    l u onclo•in8 btredt.b a prin\. of a put. o! tM mp or tbe t9lln ot ff)d9 Park ea.larpd to twJ.c. thti 1iu u lt. appea.1'9 1a. U.. •1\.1&1 ot •••York and wic:1olt7 - J. Y. 186?•. On \h.la 11&.P t.hl hou.t or John. A. o.Gro!t appNl"tl t.o be> non.b Mad ..... t. of U. cbu.rcb ,-ard. The f&l"D hotldlngs ~to ti. m-a.r t.ht Poet. load. na." ... aleo another haoae at.anding on Utie eu\. 1td1 of U\e Poat. ao.d about. h.1.1.t 'IQ' do-. the Sext.o:i Hill. l'hen the new eonc"W: 10-.d WU built. & few J9&f'9 ACo t.he lut. trac. ot t.hSa houM, '*'1ch oona1ti..d or an old at.one .U, .,.. r..,,.itd. t be.11••• t.hat. t.hia hou.•• wu one. occupl-4 b7 t.b• OUliepio tt.:d..U, tlbo .. ,.. r.1.atAd t.o Dr. John Bard. Th.• Gllllapi• lot. 1a -tdcb I lhink t.h.1• hou•• atood wu ment.ioned in t.he deed from Alexander I . Kouek to John 4. DtOrott c!&l.od ..., l••. ll!U.

    The loc•t.ion of Dr. JohnS&rd.1 1 "Red Hou1e• 11 f'llrt.her 11t.1blithtd by t.ho Collowinfr roterenco t.&ken fro• a book ent.St.led "Pierre rauconnior &nd Hi• Detcend.,.t.•" br Abr-1\ul HrMlt. ll•ltlontt.•in, lt. D, , Philadelphia 1911 •t pap 8L1

    •The bu.J.ldln& in 1772, J euppoae, na the "'idenco ot Dr. Joh:n Bud on t.h41 Poet. rto.d , 't11Ult. Ju.at. tu en0Ur4h back t.o aiat t.h.e tin. Ti•• ot the river, but. ••c•pinf the tul.l tore• of th• winter winda. 11

    1 t.hlnk Kr. ~ s,.,.n •t.at..td in hie &rtiili on ~ P•.r1c: that. John A. O.Orot·r U "4 1n t.he a.cl Hou11 anl.11 hi •old 1' ... llr. ~ft In 1872.


  • .,

    HaNRY T. HACKll"n' AW.. C•-·- AT L..41,w ....... .._ ,...,,.......... ....v ..

    J aa "t.1u,\S.l\a encloe•d b•"wit.h t.M 1-t.t.er trm Mr. I.anon f\IJ"d:1 \.o TOU dated Jllov. 161.b.

    1'1t.h kindeet. rop.rdt, l •


  • lloY I bwl" 20, 1939

    Deer Henr71

    The enoloaed ha• Ju' ooae t'Na

    La-on P\ar47. l'tw 1 t I gaUlar Chat the 014

    Bar4 houae •• aboa' wheN Mr. llheara' hou9e

    now atand• - ln oiher vord• • north ot Vl•

    farm lane.

    \1111 70u Hnd ihl• buk io .. at

    your aon•.,1enoet



    Let to the President Hew York, Hew York

    • u ner,

    tdr/tmb 11/18/39 trom Lawson Purdy, 640 West 158th St.

  • --~-~ ----~. - ----~-~ .

    : ~ Jl ~lrJ,. K:: ~~ - w..' /ifl,, ~ ;c ~~~~,Jk~ er~~ ~

    ~ ~

    ~~ ~ooµ,J --- L ~ - Jh.,r, ~ FU'&.A.... ~ tooµ,, ~ ~X,~~

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  • • •

  • . .

    . .

    Orao• 1

    n.. rr.o1.- - - to n.p""' atUebo4 la hto -- to ..-... 1l1a to .. 1 ....... 11-

    about tht ottw.


    • · .

  • - · LCllll8 a.. Ulllll

    r. D. L

  • ..... a.a..

    ----.11. ...... 1-.. .. '9e • .._ ..... ,_ ..,_ ... ,_ - ..., I cu.,,_ ft/I .. _ f//l _f//I ...... ..al ... -, a ._,...,.. ft/I .. ml ... •• ... .... 111111 till .. ... ,..,,, .... ... - ,_ • - .:a:. ':.t::=;: :: ::fil.u:u:t , .......... __ 0 ,, ..... ,.. ......

    ..,..._._, , ... -. .. ,.. __ .. ,~ ........... . -..-.. 1-.. •-11111•• a ... ..., .......... ,. ..... .. . ·-·----'-· - ..i--su... -.... -.-. ._ ... atr • .......

  • r;.;iod.e. t ftro tt1r• f .:..eo1or :rett ~·• 1.r ... , .. 1• ietedtcr l e. :l-.• .,us r•t.e CO)tlrt. o1\i.Ch. ~C. ~o;{.)O .. ~ ,.,ro.;::;o-1Ct .. ()04d, tt~ 1:-• & ( reaC: d•&al c'f l•t-.1 T•M.iTCh,. ar.d. oa:;.1 .. ~cce Y.1-:.~ i::to! .. LlO l r•qulrtMGC:• of tft• l•• to order ;hat; an:. subu~ent title c.trht be goo4 a c.4 CIU'i.:t tC.ltlt • ..

    I It ••& cu •• ttl by !J. 3oos•nl:. :.t.4;: •• co • .un toa t1 •1th .. w.'I! tu.l't'l 1' ac.4. tve ~ .e utt•r t- r~r:~r t?.J.:t ... ~t •i;ti U-.• •1•·' Q! ado;.1t -1.c; c. r•1ol\itl"'u at ~r.lu t1;:9 r:sc.n;Dair.r O\"T rlct.i: 't.> •1.10.ft \Jl't .1.1r1£~h. It .. ou. '•"• •nj' •urr•e-:t wee 110 ;.. •• . J lea .. !%7 to le; tA hta.r troci )IW t.n ~h• l:".tllaat.lt..t .

    ·1er1 trulJ #0\U' 11

    't['d) ... . '4 . J:!..w..l.111

  • ·-


    ~nl 1 or.4 cott ' l:b. , l•w .. '11r• J'"'"'.tt w,r- at1oa :ho:. l i:.a.-. u o~c thla OOp)" of ~h .. l• :t•r .,, :hCI~ th• flTOJ. trt) mG:, be uet11d t o r tho rt! Tf11J&1u eet for th tn Col • . ,.J.1 o t; ' ¥ v. 1ll . ,

    Sh111 ld th• •tlilap:e :hrOltfh ~O\l t D•• OY~r t., •l'O' "?t.J , Jl.l,.J-.1• , ... , .. e .,., ·?"::J;. t ... aed. :::1 ... :1s L• oror: bit al ........ d. :t.e t:I'"

  • nm •-. nw ,_ ron om1111 (DI) I ~r;.7 ~.~ ~~ .-. - __,


    :..-=c.-:..-w: SA~

    MM'dt*ITQ( J0a tlll liiillWi!I


    !be d.eeip tor ~ uv >o•'l Olfl0t bv.114.inc h.ae ~ preparK tor l\trthtir 4111G\19aloa wi\b. i be lr••ld.ellll or lt M pre.fer• li, •M *-'ch will '-• ... , io tbe -.S.i• Bou. for .acb co--•• u bt ..,. Vleb '° -· he qu.1tloo. ot 90TUc tbe ol4. he•BouN \o tbe baok of ~ hit otflc• lot u.4 r••Uc l t to Xr1. hMr h&I 'Mu 1A•11tlpte4 at Cl'•&t 1..,.... !Mr. ~· to 'be ao lecal -.Uior1t7 lrl' atoll \lll• ee 'be ac.oompu-.... a...,.,, ol t.M Calptroller'• 4eol1loa M4 .-. h.r"\Mr 01rcum1taoe1 ln coAAec\loa with tb.11 utter are 11 'lllG O.Q the &tt.chad. ebelit, 7ollowllte • reoect Ttatt to .,.. r.n. •• look la\O the looal altuatloa, >er. lualq •f'09 of ih11 otfloe pPNued. \!Mt oplaloa that a oloN eam.taatlOll ot \.» TU1.oue 4et"1l• of \be h'Hr louM lM h1a to 'kl.ten tlt.at. it 111-t. d&t• fro. tbe per1o4 \etwa lttO IA4 18501 ID4 *111 ,_. ot \hit 1ntulor tria aa4 ._ fro.at. eelrmice l• bt•..,.••tac, •nou ot u- .-o.rk l• ou.•••aa4.iac aa .. .-.ple Ot writ 4.oDe at the oloN of \be Ornk .. 't1.Yal. pel1.o4...•

    t'M h-1114-t,

    the tit• Bo\l.H,

    • •

  • UCllPt 01 a:»IP'rJIDU.ll11 DIOlllOI AID IOlll iUifBD OWlUICllUlall DI OOliDCl!IOI llft !Ill OLD 111111 llOllll BOW LOO£DI) OI '!Ill 11!1 or m nv 1'011! omas J'OU.DlJR> NI

    H!lll Pm, 1. r.

    " • • • U 11ppur1 \lid IA the A!IMDOI ot epecitlc 1\a\u\017

    wthor1'7 \b&Htor, OoYUmen\ ottlcar1 &A4 hea41 ot clepan•"" - uo\ leplJ.T rH\ 0on ........ ~owu4 proper\7, 'buil41Jlc•, or

    par\1 ot buil41J1c1, to priTa\1 par\le• or pr1Tate en\orprl111, •

    Later ll11lla\lon which perml te r1n\al 11Ult1l their ruoTal

    l>lco•• nooa•&&r7' lo held \ o tllnlllh uo 81l\horU7 \o reut the

    proper\7 \o Mr1. rr..r. 'l'o &Told 4-Ullllnc the hoUll would

    require the Oonrnaent to 1lla1n&\e the bol 11 and the rear portiOll

    of \be rr .. r lot trora the pUrchul, and perai t ~ old hoUll \o

    be aon4 back, leannc a rlght-ot-- b7 which the hou11 could

    be approached in 1 \I nev looatiou on around vbieh would b1 11n in

    lire, rr..r•1 ovnerllhlp, it lhe vould reduce t ho price of the propert7,

    to ,3,000 or more, - ..,uld require \he 4e1truct10ll ot '"" larp

    pille tree• llllich u 11 Te17 4e11rabll to re\ain.

  • ... .. "" ..

    --·--- - Im.MW (9) ..... u . 1 ..

    ·-- ' .............. -.-·-.. ...._,. .. _,....,,.....u ...... -.. .. = ..... IWU • a1rlllw 11&• U. IPL 1111 11 _. U M ;sac "• ..... 1111 '9 ..... ___ .. ._ ,_... • .......... .... .......... ., ........................... ., .. ................ ,, ................. -..-:::r,11• --'I II' ._. as••" 11e • a...i es LPMr• -. - lie II 5'1£1111. Ila I ;• fll ... ' 5'2.U .. e It ldw .. - IUU ill& 1 la LI rt'w Ill• tlllle - .. l&wa ...... , ..... ,.,, ? •• -· ""'' .. -- .... a. ...... 1Mll lltr ... w, •• 'n'tr ..... fll tllla tftlae I C 11 ti ....... . .... • ... _......., ... --- ....U•., ........ ... l:A Illa .. '91.1 ...... it ........ ,._ .. ;erl:A l 1 I U. wlU.. _1Mle_fll .. l It ............ ...... &e 1 IEPtll' L ..._fl• w11r l• •ae ;::. • • --.i• et wlll ... .. •• "' ........ lle9lwl ,.. •

    . , ., ...........

  • r I


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    .. ... ,.,,_

    .. _F D « YIW ___ _ ____ , ____ _ ................ •r· •·L

    " • • • U SI n ... la ... 170•- etl .....,.. ft I tl.-r

    •\llerttr o ...... ,.,,.._ ... , ..,._ ......... fll 'ct 7 'I "Ir •• hp'IF ._, ... ___ IMl1-•' JI ; llt , '91"''1P• •

    ,..., et wu411111, " ,n.,... ,... ... "' ,...._.. Ell ,.,_ • l.aMr 18cf,lll .. • *ltll ..-S" :rat.i -...U u.&. rwwwsal

    --· Rllli $9

    ll W .. 111181171 M ..... ft ......... JI I It ...... ._, ...... ...U ..... tMMwwd&

    .............. ___ _., " .... ,, ... -- ... - - ••'II•

    ., .......... 1" ,._ ... ,. ....... ,...., ... .u -- " " __.-... 1 •tac • ~11'• ................... .....

    " Cl ¢1° .. "' - i.e ...... - IN-' *14111Wlllt"1"' ..

    .... ....,,, *'•1 -f,.,t _.. .. v~ ~~f:at'~ •• h •• ' , ...,. u. ....._ ..._. ' "'r .... ,._ ... .

    ....... _,-~ ......... ii I w?lwetl .. ....

    ,._ ._ *8 U l1 WIF .....a. " ftt ?•

  • '

    ;;f '(,1.1~ 01\-;~ ---AGGICY ~·'


    :a.•.:..-::.---= g\ .. >Jll

    l'Z!P:W!p!!ll F1lR U!SS TULLY1

    W door J.:1a • Tul.lJ' 1


    Ml.Y ? , 1940.

    In a.ccordanoo rlth our t.olophone con,•oreation tbese are the raota in connection With the propolOd nn Post O!'tice and AQIJ:lll.tural Buildini; at li;'de Park•

    The drawingo ore coo:ploted and tho opociticatl.ons are bolnt mde. It is tho intention to pl&co the work on the ...,._ ket tor b1do 07 the twe:it7- titth ot IQ.y.

    '!ho crdinary thlrt.7 days tor tho work to ....in an tbe Mrlott l:Ao bo«n abortened to """'t>' da)'a 11h1ch ....,. that tho bide are to bo opened en JIJne 1.4 and it tho low bidder io found to bo quallliad and thoro are no coaplicat1ans, this ahould permt the contract to bo in torco b7 the tnnUeth ot .hlne.

    Ever>- possible ettort Ttill bo IOldo to h..vo the contrac-tor otart operation• at once w1 th tho hope o! coopletine the builcline by tho ciddle ot Daeeml>Gr.

    Tho Preoidont mipht be intoreeted to know that wo Clldo a.n ettort to have the p:reaent old ?-Teer lfouao NJ.moved !'rOl!l tho oite, but information I rocoivod trOll ltrde Park oho;TS that thoro an no bidders. It loolca vo.ry 1111.lch •• if the old lioaGO would have to cO:lll: down.

  • '

    ' .


    f5P- . EAST a?n ST1t1t1tT V})~)

    lf .. \

    .. •14 ..... la •• ll" apt.a .. ti. S1ll' Jru'k: JIMtotttoo el I o...n hll ,.... - lloppp ,..... "1•1• - -...

    U lo o )1-uN u..pt - U•n 111 ae *° 11 ,,. .. m .. ... ,... .. ri .. UM ._tat 1IDllmJ1m u4 *° lo e'ftr oolll - llol.pftll la o ,._ .. worlt.

    nu.~.,,........ .... ,,_ •bMn lrleM.

    ~l~ ... "'11M-1111r ala\ 1MO

    - · llllhr - IUOl "'•·-u-,., >ta 11111-6 ......... JI


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