its time for the citizens to take blackwell back!

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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Disclaimer:Any Facts and/or Allegations herein are currently

unproven and all commentary herein is based upon such facts and /or allegations, the truthfulness and accuracy of which are likely in dispute. This slide show and any ideas and/or allegations contained herein constitute the opinion of Jessica Pepper,

President of iRock Inc. and Greg Deffner owner of Get LLC Real Cable.


Its time for the Citizens to take Blackwell Back!


Your city manager and council members.

Specifically Mark Stiles, Brad Bechtel and Mark



They met in the Governor’s office in September of 2009 and forted or efforts in re-

proposing Blackwell to be put on the National Priority List.


In August of this year, we went to the Secretary of

Environment asking the Governor to place the Site on

the NPL.


The governor can recommend a site to be placed on the

National Priorities Listing with just one letter. Placing the Site on the NPL would allow for a Public Health Assessment by

the CDC and Millions of Dollars for Clean Up.


Your City Council sent them to represent us. Did they once again stop Blackwell

from getting on the National Priorities List?


If that is the case, This goes against their

Oath Of Office.


The sole duty of an elected official is Clear under the

Oklahoma Constitution, Bill of Rights which states,


“All political power is inherent in the people; and government is instituted

for their protection, security, and benefit, and to promote their general



If they blocked the community from being put on the National Priority List

again. They blocked not only money to cleanup, but most

importantly stopped the CDC, “Center For Disease Control” from coming into



Because no action was taken by the Governor’s

Office to place Blackwell on the NPL, we petitioned the CDC to perform a Public

Heath Assessment.


The CDC responded, claiming that they were going to begin to collect

the information needed to conduct a Health

Assessment of the people of Blackwell.


This includes a “Site Visit”. In a Site Visit, residents of

Blackwell will have the opportunity to voice their

health concerns to a member of the federal government.


We will let you know when they plan to be in town.

So get ready!


You can read more about the Public Health Assessment

process, and view a copy of the 58 Page Petition

Document on


The CDC could conduct extensive test of all

Blackwell’s citizens. And by law must provide free

medical to any person sick from the smelter operations

or contamination.


The CDC has access to past death records and current illnesses

(Cancer, Kidney Failure, and

Neurological aliments).


The CDC is required by law to perform a

Public Health Assessment if the site is placed on the

National Priority List.


Your City leaders have done little to nothing to protect your health and safety. In fact, they

did just the opposite. Have they put you and our

children at risk? Have they lied to you about the extent of

the contamination?


It is a FACT that over 15% of the kids tested, tested above

5µg/dL, which is known to cause brain damage. Those test were only done on 167 children. Only 3 of the 167 where under the age of 6

years old. No other tests have been done, even though the

EPA recommended it in 1992.


Your City and the State, ignored the EPA’s

recommendation to have all of the children in Blackwell



Sooner Care mandates testing of Children for

lead. Have they done lead testing on your



The City was told to test 11 years ago, but they did not

comply with the lead testing. This recommendation was part of the 1st and 2nd

5 year reviews.


The 1st and 2nd Five Year Review are required by law to be kept at the Blackwell

Public Library….Check it today…They are

not there!



Are they afraid you might know too much?

Are they afraid you might ask questions they don’t

want to answer?


They allowed the BIA to settle for 1.9 million just

months ago.They knew massive lawsuits could come, because the BIA allowed workers to dig on the



This sell-out/full settlement was a bit



Just two weeks ago the BIA adopted Institutional Controls to stop anyone from digging on the

Site below 18 inches. This control is foolish because they were to already have 18 inches

of clean top soil covering the Site.


We know there is not 18 inches of clean soil anywhere on the BIP. The lie put out by

the BIA is that there is 18 inches of clean top soil. They were paid to have 18 inches of top soil. Only one spot on the

160 acres has clean soil.


Bechtel, Cordell, Wirtz, and Carroll took out FULL

PAGE ADDS in the local newspaper, calling us

liars and used the good hearted people of Blackwell

to help in their deceptive campaigns.


The people they used understandably supported them, because they did not

want to believe that their community is contaminated,

and their leaders would deceive them.


I’M SORRY but our town is highly contaminated, and people are dying from it.

IT IS WHAT IT IS!The repair costs for the

sewer lines and plant are in excess of $100 million.


Here are the real findings of the EPA and why

we scored so much higher than

Picher OK.



“…Samples collected in the Waste Disposal Area and the Residue Burial

Area had significantly elevated (greater three times background) concentrations of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt,

copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel selenium, silver, and zinc.

Additionally, the Waste Disposal Area had elevated concentrations of poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons…”


“…sediment samples collected from the site drainage channel had

elevated concentrations of antimony, arsenic, cadmium,

copper, mercury, selenium, silver, zinc…”


“…Samples collected from a field in the Draco Dust storage area and from the baseball park in the historical location

of the Jig Pond had elevated concentrations of antimony, arsenic,

cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc.Additionally, mercury, thallium…were

detected in soil collected from the baseball park in the historical location

of the Jig Pond…”


Further more…


All brick streets leach up contamination into the streets where we drive and children

play. The leached material turns to dust and is picked up in your cars and homes. Please keep your home and car extremely



The dust you breathcontains Silver, Antimony, Cadmium, at a minimum.


They allowed Don Shandy after billing almost a half

million dollars to the Environmental Clean-up Fund,

to receive a split share of whatever the court grants for the City’s damages or a split

share of any settlement agreement that is reached.


The City allowed Don Shandy to make the

agreement just weeks before they sued Freeport. Cordell and Shandy both

said they intended on settling out of court.



Look Familiar ?



Freeport cut their money supply off about 1 year prior. THATS why they suedthem, … they were no longer

buying their lunches.


I had to bring in attorneys to get the amount of money the

City was getting from the Mining Company. It turned out

the Mining Company was paying for lunches, bottled water, and all sorts of other expenses not related to the

clean up.


We discovered why the City would not give us the reports!

The majority of expenses did not go to cleanup, the same

expenses were not put in the annual budgets. They, in fact, hid this income

from us, MILLIONS, not including it on the annual



Engineering and attorney fees ate up the bulk of the monies. Barely anything

went to the actual cleanup. The City let Jim Willis change his title so

he could get more money from the mining company.


Environmental Clean Up FundFrom August 2000 to November 2008

Attorney Fees……..$1,146,886.25Engineering Fees…..$452,423.93

Total Spent on Sewers$120,803.02


Freeport would like to see us gone. If we were gone then no one would tell you thetruth about the contamination.


In the lawsuit the City filed against Freeport, most

everything we disclosed or told you about was put in the suit.


They admitted faking tests to pass. They hoped no one would read the lawsuit.


The City claimed that the ODEQ allowed City to take

multiple samples when testing for cadmium until they

found one that passed.


They said in the lawsuit that 4,000 pounds of cadmium and 24,000 pounds of Zinc

were captured over 26 months at the sewer

treatment plant. And they never took any of it to a

waste disposal site.


WARNING: The sad thing is the waste was being sold to farmers and citizens who put it on their gardens and flower



Other documents prove that the City of Blackwell knew that the sludge was

highly contaminated, as far back as 1979. Still they did

nothing to make the polluting party responsible.


They gave away or disposed of the sludge

until 2009. If you received the sludge for

your garden we suggest that you stop growing

you veggies and consult a specialist.


The City of Blackwell’s lawsuit against Freeport is

weak and can be easily defeated in court by Freeport. This would not be true if they were not so guilty by working

with them in the past.


In 1949 the City held an election for a bond to increase the

boundaries of their electrical system. They threaten the

people of Blackwell saying that the Zinc Smelter would move and take all of the jobs with

them if the bond did not pass.


Thanks to Phelps Dodge we found out that a good portion of that bond went to pay for

the Bag House at the Smelter.

The Bag House increased the Smelter’s profits by more

recovery of metals.


They never told you that?


Is the tax for the bag house and cadmium plant still on

your property tax rolls?


We requested a copy of the 1949 Bond from the City of

Blackwell. It was never provided.


The understanding as to why people who live here just

don’t feel well is coming to light, the tests we have ran,

document why many are sick, its in the air, and dust.

It is also in our water.


They lied on their tests, withheld vital information, like

our HRS score. It was a 70.71, folks. They knew it

was in the groundwater since 1957. Wells were not capped until



Its been leaching into your cellars and basements. They

didn’t warn you.


Its the City’s job.

Health and Safety.It should be their 1st priority!


You would not know any of this information, if we had not exercised our 1st amendment right despite their objections. They are still trying to stop



We, the entire group who has fought them, have been totally vindicated. But not

without a terrible price. For myself, I have lost my trust in

any form of government. The people will no longer

defend themselves.


We have a City Charter, and it is like our US Constitution. It is

worth defending and fighting for. Normally any changes are a

bad idea. The City keeps screwing with it, sometimes its Ok, but only in rare instances.


One of the recent changes made it harder to remove them

from office…wonder why!Now we know.


We are being influenced by outsiders, Viola Water, Phelps Dodge, Oklahoma Municipal

Power Authority OMPA.


Viola Water has a history of payoffs and has been sued so

many times…its not funny. Why are they here? Its

costing us $800,000 a year for nothing.


OMPA Sally Norris was their treasurer,

while serving as our City manager, and manager for our Municipal Authority. We are

overpaying $2 million a year in electrical cost. WHY?


We need a bid on our electric providers every year. This

will encourage lower electric rates through competition.


Phelps Dodge paid the City millions to keep quite. The

City then hid the income and budget. It’s called the 131

Fund for anyone who would like to see where the clean

up money was spent. It darn sure didn’t go to clean up.


They never ask you to vote on City purchases over $25,000. They use

the BMA to purchase items over $25,000 or use a lease purchase

which is illegal. They come up with excuses like, “elections are too

costly” and “we need to raise the City’s spending limit because it

costs us interest.”


The interest is way higher then a vote. They just don’t want

you to have a voice.


They tried to tell you that the City is only $250,000 in debt, this was also a lie, we are $12 million in debt.


They want to play word games, City, BMA, BIA,

Airport, and so on. The fact is we are the beneficiary and we are ultimately responsible

for paying all of the debts.


They run this town like it’s a BIG CORPORATION, spend, spend,

spend. If, they would look around, they would see we are a small

town, and our people have limited incomes. Population is going

down, not up.


We must make radical changes, but they are unwilling to change and work for us. Our City Government should push the Governor’s office to place

us on the National Priority List. And getting not Stopping the CDC from coming to town.

They should be helping us!


It’s time to rebuild. The citizens safety should

be first.


What happened to our cannons in front of the Pool. The City can not sell property valued at more than $25,000 without a vote of the people. The cannons were

worth more than that. There were 3 of them. One big one and two smaller ones. Go check the

price of a cannon on eBay.


It seems apparent we can not trust them to be working

for us.


Plus, we do not want them selling us out AGAIN,

concerning the contamination issue.


Someone should offer a charter change for removal of an elected official, and vote on an ordinance that

allows the Freeport case not to be settled unless the

citizens vote to approve it.


Bechtel, Cordell and Wirtz did sign to sell us out for less than $300,000, but only after

we exposed them did they change their minds. BUSTED Now they sued Freeport and

admitted we were right.


We have been vindicated, but they are still the same. You

must not let your guard down, they are still working to settle,

Minimum money, Minimum clean-up, Minimum Safety,

Minimum Health Standards and want to keep anyone from

getting compensated for the harm the contamination caused.


We have $100 million in damages. Not including loss of life and sickness.


We must take this town back and remove the outside



1. We should not have paid for the sewage capture pond, it was billed to us at almost $5 million



2. The cost of water treatment at the plant has put us $10 million in debt, and has not

provided safe drinking water. Again our City stuck us with

these costs.


3. The water shed was built because contaminates were being pumped from the North Bridge. Another million billed

to us.


4. The brick streets leach up contaminates that find their way into your home and car. They

will have to be capped or replaced.


5. The sidewalks and driveways pose the same problem. The cracks can

leach contaminates in very high dangerous levels.


Tests under the streets show contaminates over 20,000 ppm

lead and other high levels of contaminates, it takes only one

exposure to hurt you.


What we have found is that anyone who lives without

very clean conditions has a greater risk of becoming sick.


I will explain! Dust samples, this includes your home and automobile, all dust samples

show high levels of contaminates.


If, you do not clean your home and I mean keep it very clean,

you are being exposed to levels that will hurt you!


Your heating and air ducts must be clean, filters replaced often. Carpet needs to be new or well kept, bedding must be changed often, and couches and chairs that are fabric need a cover on

them and that cover needs washed weekly.


All dust must be removed from your living environment, this includes your car or truck.


The BIA formed a TIF area, they can use this to condemn your

property when the need arises. And only pay you what is shown

on your property tax value.


When the City was selling us out to Phelps Dodge in 2007,

they put in new codes that can fine you out of your

property. Those codes are in force today. Beware what the

outside influences can buy.


I don’t care who you are, if your over 18 get registered to vote.

If you have not voted in the past 2 years they may have purged your name from the voting list.

You must re-register!


Come by 1004 W. Doolinin Blackwell and we can help

you with your registration. Plus, we will pay for the

stamp to mail it to the Kay Co. Election Board.

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