it's terror, stupid

Post on 30-Jan-2016






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I would have resisted the urge to include a screen capture of the murderous Muslim laying dead on the street, not because I harbor any empathy towards her plight, but because we should not wish to emulate the delight Muslim murderers take in the violent death of others. That said, this is taken intact from the Daily News. So, if you feel like cheering...


It's Terror, Stupid!

How to give Obama and the White House Dissemblers (aka Weapons of Homeland Distraction, aka WHDs, which includes the mainlining media) the opportunity to lie, again, about the root cause of this unholy butchery and the subhuman species that perpetrated it:

Radicalized US Muslim was teased by colleagues about his Islamic beard and had clashed with Jewish co-worker over religion before he and Pakistani wife killed 14 at San Bernardino holiday party.

Great! Based on some "report," Obama can now concluded that this horror was nothing more than Workplace violence perpetrated by a thin-skinned lunatic and his deranged wife. Remote-controlled explosives and numerous pipe bombs mean

nothing. They whipped those up in the few minutes the mad Muslim ran off to get his unhinged better half.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after a mass shooting

Police said 14 died and 21 were injured after suspects opened fire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino  

Suspects left explosive devices rigged to a remote-controlled toy car at the center before fleeing in an SUV 

While the motive for the massacre remains unclear, Farook reportedly clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion

Farook got into a heated argument with Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of the victims

But lawyers for the Farook family said he was subjected to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance

David Chesley, attorney acting for Farook's family, questioned accounts of massacre and whether information released by police and FBI was accurate

He made bizarre reference to Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described

Chesley said of Malik: 'It doesn't seem plausible that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario' 

It emerged that Farook brought his wife to the US on a 90-day K-1 fiancee visa and that she passed counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting

Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, is a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror 

Their mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs and she was released without charge the next day

Police and federal agents searched a Redlands home, seizing 5,000 bullets, 12 pipe bombs and tools to make IEDs 

Investigators said Farook was in touch by phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects    

By Ben Ashford and Ruth Styles In San Bernardino For and Khaleda Rahman and Snejana Farberov and Mia De Graaf For

Published: 07:57 EST, 3 December 2015 | Updated: 06:41 EST, 4 December 2015

The family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook told FBI investigators that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard hours after it emerged that he had also clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before he and his wife killed 14 at a holiday party.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

However, they added that the slain health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain why he mercilessly gunned down 14 people, the majority his former co-workers, on Wednesday.

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently gotten into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Scroll down for video 


The California Department of Motor Vehicles released on Thursday an image of Syed Farook's driver's license that was issued to him in July 2013



Syed Rizwan Farook (pictured), 28, who is U.S.-born, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after the mass shooting at a government holiday party held at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino

Mr Thalasinos – worked alongside Farook as a county restaurant inspector and the pair are said to have regularly discussed politics and religion.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said she had called Thalasinos while he was at work when he was having a heated discussion with Farook.

Mr Thalasinos had identified Farook by name and told her the 28-year-old believed Islam was a peaceful religion. She added that Farook said that Americans do not understand Islam.

Mr Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly ranted about Islam on Facebook.

On September 11th, 2013, alongside a photo of a shirtless victim plummeting to his death from the burning World Trade Center, Mr Thalasinos posted: 'On behalf of this guy… You can stick your Million Muslim March up your asses'. 

In one of his final status updates on Tuesday, Mr Thalasinos responded to an anti-Semitic tirade allegedly penned by an apparent Muslim living in Ukraine, who railed against Jews and Israel.

‘Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm just passing this along to warn others,’ was Thalasinos' reply.

He was back online early on Wednesday morning sharing articles about Russian President Vladimir Putin and posting a negative comment about President Obama. 

Again, it is unclear if the dispute played a part in the massacre.

David Chesley, an attorney acting for Farook's family, today questioned accounts of the shootings and whether information released by the police and FBI was accurate.

To illustrate his point, he made a bizarre reference to the Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described in the official narrative.

'There have been suggestions that it may be something that was related to their work, that somehow he was a disgruntled employee,' he said.

'But it doesn't seem plausible to us that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario.

'There was a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not.

'But I mean obviously these things were found there, how they got there we don't know.'

Asked if he doubted if the Dec 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which claimed 26 lives, took place, Mr Chesley added: 'There has been a lot speculation about it is all I would say.

'There's a lot of people that said it happened but hasn't happened in the way that it was purported to have taken place.

'There's no question that incidents have taken place and evidence was found but we just question some of that.'

The family’s lawyers also revealed for the first time that Farook's mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs.

She was released without charge the next day but the vehicle is still in the hands of law enforcement officials, they said. The Farook family, including his father Syed, 66, older brother Syed Raheel, and sisters Eba, 24, Saira, 32, and her husband Farhan Khan, 41, spent several hours talking to FBI agents on Thursday. 

Speaking outside Mr Khan's house late last night, attorney Chesley insisted that Farook's relatives had no idea he was plotting a massacre or stockpiling weapons with his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27.

FBI agents discovered a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.

It also emerged that Farook was in touch by phone and through social media with more than one international terrorism subject. Meanwhile, Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, was revealed a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror

But Mr Chesley said there was 'no smoking gun' to suggest a motive but added: 'Both the sisters and the brothers as they went through the information today, there was one silly thing that came up - that some of his co-workers at some point made remarks about his beard. 

'But it so slight and no-one has ever stated that he has ever acted in a hostile or a violent way towards anyone. They were a very polite, conservative married couple.' His colleague and fellow attorney, Mohammad Abuershaid, added: 'There is no indication that he was involved with anybody physically.

‘All we know is that there was a couple of situations with people who might have teased him about his facial hair. 


Syed Farook, 28, got into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos (pictured right), a Messianic Jew who was identified today as one of the victims of Wednesday’s rampage


The killer's brother, Syed Raheel Farook (left) and his father (right), also named Syed Farook, leave a family member's home the day after the deadly shooting


Farook's brother, Syed Raheel Farook (pictured right, leaving his sister's house), served in the Navy from 2003 to 2007. He was attached to the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, serving as an information systems technician

'There's no indication he had a short temper. It was people just teasing him about his facial hair and how he looked. He had a long beard and a very short trimmed haircut. 

'It was just basic comments but he used to brush them off pretty easily. The family is in shock just as we are. They had no idea something like this would happen.' 

Both lawyers refused to comment on the dead couple's child other to say she was safe and being cared for. They said the family last saw Farook on Sunday for a family meal. 

The coupled lived in a rented apartment in Redlands, a 15-minute drive from San Bernardino, with their mother Rafia, who was held by police after a 3pm traffic stop on the day of the shootings. She was released in the early hours and the family lawyers refuted suggestions that Rafia was facing pending charges.

‘She was picked up in a traffic stop, I believe, and taken into custody,’ said Mr Chesley. ‘She was driving at the time Raheel’s truck. That truck is still in custody .

‘They brought her in for questioning and basically held her into the night and said we are not going to let her go unless the rest of the family comes in for questioning.’


A photograph taken by a robot evaluating the explosive device left at the scene of the San Bernardino massacre shows a yellow toy car attached to pipe bombs and wires 


A black and yellow duffel bag stuffed with home-made pipe bombs was recovered from a California home linked to suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik


The couple were armed with a .223-caliber DPMS Model A15 rifle, a Smith and Wesson M&P15 rifle as well as Llama handgun and a Smith and Wesson handgun (pictured)

Mr Abuershaid added: 'We don't know any motives yet. There is a lot of information still coming out.

‘The family has been cooperating with the investigation, they voluntarily went down to the FBI headquarters in Riverside and spoke to the investigators. They will keep on cooperating. 

'There was nothing to show that he (Farook) was connected to a terror group yet. He was working for the city, he had a full-time job, he was getting his masters, he was married. 'His brother was enrolled in the Navy, he served overseas, they were living the American dream. They were born and raised in Chicago, they came over to California and they all started having families.' 

Mr Chesley said that it was 'important that Muslims should not be intimidated or harassed' because of the shooting because there was no evidence as yet to say Farook's religion fueled the killings. 

Referencing the recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs by white 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear, Mr Chesley said: 'Those are the acts of mad people, they don't represent a religion'. He added: ‘It's important for everyone to know that the family was as surprised as anyone.

‘When they got the news they were scared that their brother was basically in danger because they were so shocked and clueless about what was taking place. 'They could not imagine their own brother as having done anything like this.'

Farook and Malik, 27, fired as many as 75 rounds inside a conference center at the Inland Regional Center during a holiday party for county health employees on Wednesday morning, killing 14 and injuring a further 21.

The couple came dressed in black tactical-style vests and armed with a .223-caliber DPMS Model A15 rifle, a Smith and Wesson M&P15 rifle, a handgun made by Llama and a Smith and Wesson handgun.

They also each wore a GoPro camera as they went on their rampage, police said. 

Federal officials said all four weapons were purchased legally in the United States four years ago - the handguns by Farook himself and the assault rifles by a third party.

A federal law enforcement source told the LA Times Farook and Malik bought the guns at Annie's Get Your Gun, a firearms store in the city of Corona that bills itself as a 'family-friendly gun store.' A person who identified themselves as the owner denied that the store sold the weapons to the shooters.



Lt Mike Madden (pictured) was the first police officer at the scene and described the ‘unspeakable carnage’ he witnessed

The first officer on the scene of the San Bernardino shooting described a scene of 'unspeakable carnage' and said he made the difficult decision to walk past the wounded to to try catch the suspects. 

At a press conference on Thursday night, San Bernardino police Lt. Mike Madden gave his account of the 'surreal' scene he found at the Inland Regional Center.

Madden, a 24-year police veteran who grew up in the city, described a hellish scene amid Christmas trees and decorated tables after a husband and wife team opened fire during a holiday party, killing 14 and injuring a further 21.

'It was unspeakable,' he said, 'the carnage that we were seeing, the number of people that were injured and unfortunately already dead, and the pure panic.'

Madden said he had to make the very difficult decision to walk past the wounded and the dead to try to find the shooters.

'This was tragedy that I've never experienced in my career, and I don't think most officers do,' he said. 'We resolved that situation quickly, but there's so much tragedy that's left behind.' 

Madden was less than a mile away, and he and another officer arrived simultaneously, and 'just out of pure luck' he pulled into best possible parking lot of the large social services center.

The shooters, he would later learn, were already fleeing and would later die in a gun battle with police, but, he said, 'We had every belief at that time that we had people still actively being shot.'

'There were people who were obviously injured, and obviously in great amounts of pain,' Madden said.

The officers found some 50 people in a back hallway, frozen in fear, making Madden worry that the gunmen were among them and holding them hostage.

'They did not want to come to us,' Madden said. 'We had to tell them several times, 'Come to us!' 'Come to us!' Once the first person came forward it opened the floodgates.'


The husband and wife unleashed a barrage of bullets on officers, who returned fire – and hit their rental Ford Expedition SUV (pictured) with 380 rounds


An additional 1,400 rifle rounds were found inside the bullet-riddled vehicle the pair used to evade police on Wednesday. Police also recovered more than 2,000 handgun bullets


The couple had arrived dressed in black tactical-style vests and opened fire, before being killed in a police shootout. Pictured: police released pictures of items recovered from the scene 


One officer was hit in the shootout, and was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Pictured: the deputy's vehicle was hit with multiple gunshots

During a standoff with police in Redlands five hours after the San Bernardino massacre, the husband and wife unleashed a barrage of bullets on the responding cops, who returned fire, peppering the couple's rental Ford Expedition SUV with 380 rounds. Both Farook and Malik were pronounced dead at the scene.

When law enforcement officials searched the bullet-riddled vehicle with Utah license plates, they found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition on or around the deceased shooters.

During a press conference this evening, the first police officer at the scene, San Bernardino Police Lt Mike Madden, a 24-year veteran, described the ‘unspeakable carnage’ he witnessed inside the conference room amid Christmas trees and decorated tables.– and his horror at seeing the ‘pure panic’ on the faces of the wounded.

Describing the situation as ‘surreal’, Lt. Madden said that he and other officers were forced to pass people who were injured in a bid to stop the attack.

‘This is a tragedy I have never experienced in my career – but everyone who responded knew their job was to bring calm to chaos.’

He added: ‘It was unspeakable the carnage we were seeing and the fear and panic on people's faces.’

San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said that 91 guests had been invited to the county health department’s holiday luncheon – but there were between 75 and 80 people present when the suspects opened fire.

He confirmed that 12 of the 14 dead were San Bernardino county employees. Of the 21 injured, he said 18 were county employees.


A woman in a headscarf reflects on the tragedy of Wednesday's attack during a candlelight vigil in San Bernardino on Thursday


A young girl pays her respects during a candlelight vigil at San Manuel Stadium


Local communities of San Bernardino have come together to mourn the victims of the mass shooting


People at a candlelight vigil in San Bernardino, California on Thursday to remember the victims of the mass shooting


Attendees offer their condolences during a Muslim community prayer vigil last night


An officer looks over the evidence near the remains of a SUV involved in the police shootout in San Bernardino, California


FBI investigators sort through contents of the garage of the suspects involved in Wednesday's mass shooting in Redlands, California

Later that day, Farook and Malik, 27, fired as many as 75 rounds inside a conference center at the Inland Regional Center during a holiday party for county health employees on Wednesday morning, killing 14 and injuring a further 21. 

The couple came dressed in black tactical-style vests and armed with a .223-caliber DPMS Model A15 rifle, a Smith and Wesson M&P15 rifle, a handgun made by Llama and a Smith and Wesson handgun.

Federal officials said all four weapons were purchased legally in the United States four years ago - the handguns by Farook himself and the assault rifles by a third party. 

A federal law enforcement source told the LA Times Farook and Malik bought the guns at Annie's Get Your Gun, a firearms store in the city of Corona that bills itself as a 'family-friendly gun store.' A person who identified themselves as the owner denied that the store sold the weapons to the shooters.

During a standoff with police in Redlands five hours after the San Bernardino massacre, the husband and wife unleashed a barrage of bullets on the responding cops, who returned fire, peppering the couple's rental Ford Expedition SUV with 380 rounds. Both Farook and Malik were pronounced dead at the scene.

When law enforcement officials searched the bullet-riddled vehicle with Utah license plates, they found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition on or around the deceased shooters.


An AR-15 gun seen resting on the sidewalk in Redlands, California, Thursday. This is one of four weapons Farook and Malik had on their person during Wednesday's bloodbath in San Bernardino  


A large bloodstain in seen on the street where Farook and Malik was shot dead by police during a gun battle 


A broken window and crushed fence is seen at a home in Redlands, California, linked to the San Bernardino shooting suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife


Pre-dawn raid: FBI agents search outside a home in Redlands, California, connected to Farook and Malik


FBI agents have discovered nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making improvised explosive devices at this residence 


The suspects' bullet-ridden black SUV is seen in a street in Redlands, California, early Thursday morning as police continue their investigation 


FBI and police investigator are seen around the vehicle surrounded by yellow evidence tags on the ground 


FBI agents search for evidence outside a rental home linked to the San Bernardino shooters

During an early-morning search of a residence in the city of Redlands associated with Farook or his family, Chief Burguan said agents came away with a massive arsenal of ammunition, including 2,000 9mm rounds, another 2,500 .223 rounds and several hundred long-rifle bullets, along with 12 pipe bombs and tools that could be used to construct IEDs.

Burguan noted that the couple were well-equipped to carry out another attack. He added that Farook had no criminal record that police were aware of.

It also emerged that the suspects attempted smashed their cell phones and tried to destroy their hard drives in a bid to cover their tracks.  

The suspects have apparently attempted to destroy all devices with digital memory, including phones and hard drives, law enforcement sources told ABC News. 

FBI computer forensics analysts will try to extract what they can, but sources told the station that the work will be 'painstaking'. 

The New York Times reported that the FBI had uncovered evidence that Farook was in communication with multiple Islamic extremists both in the US and abroad over the course of several years, among them at least one individual who was a terrorism suspect. 

According to Farook’s brother-in-law, Farhan Khan, he and Malik met on a dating website two years ago. The California health inspector then traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2013 to meet Malik’s family, and again in July 2014 to marry her. 

FBI Assistant Director David Bowdich said Farook brought his newlywed wife over to the US on a 90-day K-1 fiancee visa. CBS News reported that Malik passed DHS counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting.

The couple applied on September 30, 2014, for a permanent resident green card for Malik, which requires passing criminal and national security background checks. She was granted a conditional green card in July 2015.

On Wednesday morning, Farook and Malik dropped off their six-month-old baby with Farook's mother, according to KTLA, saying they were going to a doctor's appointment.




Casualties (from left): Damian Meins, 58, Michael Wetzel, 37, and Bennetta Bet-Badal, 46, were among the 14 shot dead inside at the Inland Regional Center




Loved ones identified Sierra Clayborn (left), 27, Larry Kaufman, 42 (center), and Aurora Godoy (right), 26, as victims of the mass shooting 




Also among the dead were (from left) Yvette Velasco, 27, Juan Espinoza, 50, and Shannon Johnson, 45



Robert Adams (left), 40, and Tin Nguyen (right), 31, were among the fatalities

By midday, according to police, the couple had donned assault clothing, armed themselves with rifles and stormed a holiday party attended by San Bernardino County employees, killing 14 people and wounding 21 others.

Before sunset, after a massive manhunt and a violent shootout with police on a residential street in the city of Redlands, Farook and Malik lay dead.  

By early Thursday afternoon, the first of the victims of the San Bernardino massacre have been identified as three health department workers.

Damian Meins, 58; Nicholas Thalasinos, 52; and Michael Wetzel, 37, were among the 14 shot dead inside at the Inland Regional Center on Wednesday.


On Thursday, San Bernardino County sheriff's department released the full list of the 14 people who died. They are:

Bennetta Bet-Badal, 46, Rialto 

Aurora Godoy, 26, San Jacinto 

Isaac Amanios, 60, Fontana 

Larry Kaufman, 42, Rialto 

Harry Bowman, 46, Upland 

Yvette Velasco, 27, Fontana

Sierra Clayborn, 27, Moreno Valley 

Robert Adams, 40, Yucaipa 

Nicholas Thalasinos, 52, Colton 

Tin Nguyen, 31, Santa Ana 

Juan Espinoza, 50, Highland 

Damian Meins, 58, Riverside

Shannon Johnson, 45, Los Angeles 

Michael Wetzel, 37, Lake Arrowhead  

Thalasinos's wife, Jennifer, told the New York Times her husband was a co-worker of Farook's at the health department and the two appeared friendly.

Meins had only been working at the San Bernardino County of Environmental Health Department for three months when he was shot dead. He leaves behind a wife, high-school sweetheart Trenna Meins, and two children, according to the Press Enterprise.

Wetzel also worked as an environmental health specialist with San Bernardino County. The 37-year-old leaves behind a wife, Renee, and six children.

Friends and family have identified two more victims: county health department employ Sierra Clayborn and Larry Kaufman, 42, who ran a coffee shop at the Inland Regional Center.  

On Thursday afternoon, a hospital official told reporters outside the Loma Linda Medical Center that two wounded people remain in a critical condition. Two others are in a fair condition and one is due to be released today.

Those who knew Farook, among them his colleagues at the San Bernardino County Public Health Department, described him as a devout Muslim but not someone who often talked about religion.

'He never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,' said Griselda Reisinger, a former colleague. 

Members of two local mosques where Farook worshipped sounded a similar note Thursday, telling NBC News they knew him as a mild-mannered, peaceful and highly devout man.

They also insisted that if he had indeed been radicalized, it did not happen at their mosques.

‘We never saw him raise his voice. We never saw him curse at anyone, disrespect anyone. He was always a very nice guy, always very simple, very straightforward,’ Nizaam Ali, of Dar-Al-Uloom Al-Islamiyah mosque in San Bernardino told the station.

Ali and his brother, Rahemaan, said Farook was a devout Muslim who showed up to pray every day but abruptly stopped three weeks ago.

They said that Farook had been a constant presence at the mosque for two years and had recently memorized the Quran. 

Ali confirmed that in 2013, Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia on hajj  - a religious pilgrimage that every adult Muslim must go on at least once - and to meet his fiancee, Tashfeen Malik, whom he intended to marry in the holiest shrine of Islam, the Black Stone in Mecca's Grand Mosque.

When he returned to the States, he approached Mustafa Kuko, the director of the Islamic Center of Riverside where Farook had been a member for several years, asking him to host a wedding celebration there.  

Co-worker Patrick Baccari, who shared a cubicle with Farook, told the Los Angeles Times he and his young family appeared to be 'living the American dream.'   


San Bernardino Police Department Chief Jarrod Burguan speaks during a press conference about the mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center on December 3


Officers are seen gathering evidence around the shot-up SUV belonging to the shooters


Grisly aftermath: An assault rifle is seen resting on the sidewalk near a large blood stain and a pair of black sneakers in Redlands   


When law enforcement officials searched the bullet-riddled vehicle with Utah license plates, they found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition on or around the deceased shooters


Local news footage on Wednesday evening showed one of the dead attackers outside the shot-out SUV. The suspect was killed in a police chase while still inside the vehicle, then moved on the street


FBI agents investigate a car in front of at a townhome in Redlands, California, linked to Farook and Malik


Malik had reportedly bought tow of the weapons used in the shooting rampage at Annie's Get Your Gun (pictured), a firearms store in the city of Corona

In the pre-dawn hours of Thursday morning, a search team comprised of police and federal agents combed the residence in Redlands, California, associated with Farook and his wife. A black sedan parked outside was also searched.

The home is where officers initially saw a vehicle matching the description of the suspects' SUV in the hours before the final gun battle that killed them. A bomb squad on Wednesday swept the building with robots. Public records show it is a possible residence of a family member of Farook. 

President Barack Obama addressed the shooting from the Oval Office shortly before noon Eastern Time, saying it is possible the massacre in San Bernardino was related to terrorism, but it's also possible it was workplace-related, or that the perpetrators had mixed motives.

'At this stage, we don't yet know why this terrible event occurred,' a somber Mr Obama told the press.

'We do know that the two individuals who were killed were equipped with weapons and appeared to have access to additional weaponry at their homes, but we don't know why they did it; we do not know the extent of their plans and their motivations.'

The commander-in-chief assured Americans that the FBI, who has taken over the investigation, will get to the bottom of what happened in California on Wednesday.

In his remarks, Obama also touched upon the issue of gun control, saying the nation must make it harder for people to carry out acts of violence.

'We see the prevalence of these kinds of mass shootings in this country, and like so many Americans, sometime feel as if there is nothing we can do about it,’ Obama said.

'We can't just leave it to our professionals to deal with the problem of these kinds of horrible killings. We all have a part to play.


Somber mood: President Barack Obama politicized the shooting from the Oval Office shortly before noon Eastern Time, saying it is possible the massacre in San Bernardino was related to terrorism, but it's also possible it was workplace-related


Call to action: The president said the nation, including the local legislatures, must make it harder to carry out acts of gun violence


Nation in mourning: The American flag over the White House is lowered to half staff to honor the victims of the San Bernardino shootings


A group of men embrace in prayer outside the crime scene where the suspects in the shooting at the Inland Resource Center were killed


Pastor Ernie Ceballos (R) comforts Jose Gonzales, who was prevented from returning to his home at the scene of the investigation around the area of the SUV vehicle where two suspects were shot by police


Lisa Gonzalez, right, wipes a tear away as she waits to return to her home near Farook and Malik's bullet-ridden black SUV

'We're gonna have to search ourselves, as a society, to make sure that we can take basic steps that would make it harder, not impossible, but harder, for individuals to get access to weapons.'

Earlier in the day, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at a press conference the Justice Department will be offering ‘any and all assistance necessary’ as the investigation into the California mass shooting continues.

Lynch was speaking at an event about criminal justice at the White House. She called Wednesday’s deadly massacre ‘unspeakable.’

Lynch says the government doesn't know a lot yet about the incident. But she says the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and other federal authorities have been dispatched.

The attorney general said that whatever the results of the investigation, there's no place for this type of violence in the US. 

In the hours after the shooting, more information emerged about Farook, who was born in the US, and Malik, whom he met in Saudi Arabia.

Farook's family was originally from Pakistan, but he was born in Illinois, while Malik was born in Pakistan and had lived in Saudi Arabia before coming to the United States, said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Farook had an older brother, he added, who had served in the US military.

NPR reported that Farook's brother, Syed Raheel Farook, served in the Navy from 2003 to 2007. He was attached to the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, serving as an information systems technician, and made at least one deployment to the Middle East.

Farook graduated from California State University, San Bernardino with a degree in environmental health in 2010, according to the university's commencement document. He later enrolled in a graduate program at the school but reportedly dropped out last year.  

As BuzzFeed first reported, according to Transparent California, which publishes public employee salary information, Farook earned $51,747 plus benefits, in 2013 working as an environmental health specialist. 

The gunman's father, also named Syed Farook, seemed shocked when talking to the New York Daily News in the wake of the slaughter.

“I haven’t heard anything,' the elder Mr Farook said before his son’s name became public. 'He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.'  


This image appears to show a body being pulled from the vehicle after the attackers had been killed 


The second attacker, who is believed to have tried to run from the SUV, can be seen in a pool of blood in the bottom-right ot this image, taken from local news footage


A differently-angled aerial shot of the scene shows the second attacker on the other side of the street from the SUV, which has had its passenger-side front and back windows shot out


The shooters began their massacre at the Inland Regional Center (top left) before fleeing. Police later traced them to a home in Redlands (bottom right), where a chase began which ended on San Bernardino Avenue (top center), where the two were shot dead


Heavily-armed officers are seen closing in on the SUV which the two killers drove on a deadly chase through San Bernardino


This is the moment a brave San Bernardino cop reassured terrified workers inside the Inland Regional Center that he would take a bullet to save them.

The unnamed officer tells people to 'try to relax' as he leads them through the corridors of the building where shortly before 14 people had been murdered.

He asks the clearly panicking crowd to walk calmly with their hands above their heads, and points out that he will be the first to be hurt should anything go wrong as he is leading the way.

The officer tells the group: 'Try to relax, try to relax. I'll take a bullet before you do - that's for damn sure'. The clip ends after the crowd is led safely to a bank of elevators and start filing in.

In an online profile reportedly created by Farook and his parents six years ago on the dating site, a 'one stop source for Indian matrimonial and dating services,' the health inspector described himself as 6 feet tall and said he didn't drink or smoke, according toABC News.

Farook wrote that he was part of a 'religios [sic] but modern family of 4 - 2 girls, 2 boys,' and that he enjoyed 'doing target practice with younger sister and friends' in their backyard.

He added that he enjoyed working on vintage and modern cars, and read religious books while enjoying eating out sometimes.  

He was also registered on, a dating site that is the 'first and only legal marriage service provider in UAE' (United Arab Emirates), according to the website description. In that profile, Farook described himself as being from Karachi, Pakistan, but was born in Chicago and was residing in Los Angles as an American citizen. His religion was shown as Islam. 

He also shared his thoughts on living a balanced life as a Muslim-American: 'I try to live as a good Muslim. Looking for a girl who has the same outlook, wear hijab, but live the life to the fullest.'

Public records suggest possible turbulence in Farook's younger life.

In 2006, Rafia Farook, who records indicate is Farook's mother, filed in a Riverside court for divorce from her husband, the elder Mr Farook.

She enumerated multiple instances of domestic abuse in the legal filing, and said her husband 'threatens to kill himself on a daily basis.' During one incident, she said in a court filing, her son came between them 'to save me.'   

The suspect's co-worker, Patrick Baccari, said Farook was gone for about a month in the spring. A short time after his return, he was joined by his wife, a woman he described as a pharmacist. A baby soon followed. 

An online baby registry on the site The Bump that has been attributed to Tashfeen Malik by NBC News mentions the city of Riverside, California, as the mother's address and a due date of May 17, 2015. Malik's short wish list included Pampers diapers for newborns, cotton swabs, baby body wash and a convertible car seat.

Baccari said the reserved Farook showed no signs of unusual behavior, although he grew out his beard several months ago. 

He said he had been sitting at the same table as Farook at the party on Wednesday morning, but his co-worker suddenly disappeared, leaving his coat behind. Baccari escaped most of the carnage as he was in the bathroom when the shooting started, and sustained only minor wounds from shrapnel which made it through the wall. 


Eligible bachelor: Prior to his marriage two years ago, Farook had been registered on at least two online dating webiste, including, which is billed as the 'first and only legal marriage service provider in UAE.' The screengrab above shows Farook's dating profile


An online baby registry on the site The Bump that has been attributed to Tashfeen Malik mentions the city of Riverside as the mother's address and a due date of May 17, 2015


Syed Farook's brother-in-law Farhan Khan (pictured) spoke at a press conference held at the offices of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Anaheim to say he was stunned to hear of his relative's involvement in the shooting

'If I hadn't been in the bathroom, I'd probably be laying dead on the floor,' he said. 

San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said that Farook was 'angry' when he left the party, before returning with Malik and a stash of heavy weapons. Burguan said that there was obviously 'some degree of planning involved' in the attack. 

Survivors of the shooting said the heavily armed duo entered the party venue and opened fire on the guests without uttering a single word.   

Police said a third person was detained, but during Thursday morning's press conference Chief Burguan said that individual played no part in the shooting and is not considered a suspect or a person of interest.

Burguan elaborated saying that police realized the person was wanted on a misdemeanor warrant and he was booked on that warrant.

Hussam Ayloush, the executive director of CAIR, said the couple left their six-month-old daughter with Farook's mother in the city of Redlands early on Wednesday morning. They told her they were going to attend a doctor's appointment for the wife. They never returned.  

Dramatic aerial images showed the aftermath of the police chase, which came to an end around a mile and a half from the scene of the massacre. 

The bodies of Farook and Malik can be seen near their shot-out SUV, surrounded by heavily-armed officers. One of them was killed in the passenger seat and later removed from the vehicle, while another of the pair appears to have bolted from the vehicle and been gunned down not far away.

Fragments of video from witnesses on the ground showed the killers and officers exchanging gunfire on the roads of San Bernardino as bystanders ducked for cover. The chase ended some time between 3pm and 4pm local time Wednesday - as long as five hours after the massacre began.

A source told CNN that the suspects threw pipe bombs out of the windows of the vehicle before the shootout with police.

A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the suspects threw a thick-gauge copper pipe out of the SUV, but no explosives were found inside. The fake pipe bomb was equipped with a piece of material made to look like a wick.   

One officer was hit in the shoot-out, and was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The married couple also reportedly had left explosives behind in the conference center in San Bernardino prior their escape in the wake of the slaughter.

A bag believed to belong to Farook and Malik was later found at the site of the holiday party. Inside, police discovered three crudely made bombs packed with black powder and rigged to a remote-controlled toy car.

The remote for the car was later recovered from Farook and Malik's SUV, a law enforcement official said, adding that its presence indicated that the couple planned to detonate the explosives from a distance but something must have stopped them. 


Police revealed late Wednesday that Farook and Malik were armed with two assault rifles and two automatic handguns in their battle to the death with the cops.

Officials told the LA Times that a .223-caliber DPMS Model A15 rifle and a Smith and Wesson M&P15 rifle were both recovered from the scene. They also found a handgun made by Llama and a Smith and Wesson handgun.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said they traced the guns and found that all of them were bought legally - the handguns by Farooks himself and the assault rifles by a third party.

It came as a police source speaking to Fox News said the killer duo used 'military tactics' to confront police. They reportedly had body-mounted cameras, which would have allowed them to record the massacre. 


A dramatic police shootout was underway in San Bernardino as police closed in on the terror gunman suspected of killing 14 and injuring another 21 at a disabled learning center on Wednesday morning

KNBC reporter Michelle Valles tweeted shortly after 6am on Thursday that the gunmen's shot-up black SUV was still in the street where the gun battle with police took place the night before. 

Neighbors in Redlands were shocked that the suspected shooters had ties to their city. 

A man who has been working in town told CBS Los Angeles he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people. 

Police have yet to offer a clear motive for the attack, though federal agencies have yet to rule out terrorism, and are hunting for links to ISIS and other extremist groups. 

Farook's brother-in-law Farhan Khan spoke at a press conference held at the offices of the CAIR in Anaheim to say he was stunned to hear of his relative's involvement in the shooting.

Khan, who is married to Farook's sister, said he last spoke to him a week ago. He said he had 'absolutely no idea why he would do this. I am shocked myself.'

'I just cannot express how sad I am for what happened today. I am very sad that people lost their lives. I am shock that something like this could happen.' Khan said other family members asked him to speak at the news conference, and to express their sadness over the shootings.  

The FBI are considering domestic terrorism and workplace violence as potential motives in the killing, which is the worst since Sandy Hook elementary school was attacked in 2012.

After Farook and Malik were killed, police served a search warrant on a home in Redlands, believed to be the one where the chase began.

Around six vehicles carrying helmeted police drove into the area. One officer carrying an assault rifle ordered reporters to clear the area, and an armored vehicle parked outside a row of homes.


A police helicopter hovers around the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, the scene of a mass shooting on Wednesday morning


Authorities guard the perimeter near the location of an officer-involved shooting in San Bernardino, California following a mass shooting that killed 14 people at a social services center for the disabled

Stories also began to emerged from those inside the conference center. Shortly before noon, dozens of people were seen existing the building with their hands up. Others were seen being taken away by paramedics on gurneys. According to the New York Times, those who fled were brought to a golf course behind, but were then moved from the scene due to a 'potential explosive device.' 

The Los Angeles Times reported how one victim hid under a desk when she was shot once in the lower back. 

Denise Peraza, 27, called her sister telling her that two armed gunmen, dressed in black, wearing black masks entered and started shooting at random.

'She said, "I just want to tell you that I love you" and then she said she had to go and she hung up,' said Stephanie Baldwin.  

She said after the shooting, everything was silent for around five minutes until police entered and she was taken out of the building. 

Marcos Aquilera told KABC his wife was in the Inland building when a shooter burst in and opened fire.

'They locked themselves in her office. They seen bodies on the floor,' Aguilera said. 

People inside the building sent panicked texts to friends and relatives as the gunmen armed with what has been described by CNN as AK-47s stormed the center. 


SWAT officers have been pictured riding through the streets on the side of an armored vehicle carrying out house-to-house searches

A woman named Holly who works at the learning center where the shooting took place texted her father, Terry Pettit: 'Shooting at my work. People shot. Waiting for cops to catch him. Pray for us.'  

Pettit replied: 'Hide find a good spot hide now.'

Holly said: 'I am but we are locked in an office. Cops SWAT helicopter, everything here.' 

Another worker named Gina texted her sister Monique: 'There's a shoot out at my work I'm scared.' 

The San Bernardino Fire Department tweeted at around 11am local time that first responders were on the scene in 1300 block of South Waterman Avenue. The shooting occurred at the Inland Regional Center, a non-profit organization for people with disabilities.  


A couple embraced following a mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center that left 14 people dead in San Bernardino, California


Survivors were evacuated from the scene of a shooting under police and sheriff's escort Wednesday


The attackers were wearing tactical gear, armed with rifles, and left a suspicious package


Workers and patients inside the building jumped under tables and turned off their cell phones to hide when shots began firing

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