iterators - · so program can...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Carnegie Mellon Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Professor Hugh C. Lauer CS-2303, System Programming Concepts (Slides include materials from The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, by Kernighan and Ritchie, Absolute C++, by Walter Savitch, The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup, and from C: How to Program, 5th and 6th editions, by Deitel and Deitel)

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 1

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Recall Programming Assignment #4

Read words from input

Store in binary tree

Print out words in alphabetical order, along with number of occurrences of each word

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Recommended implementation in C++ class TreeNode { public: int incr(); int getCount(); string getWord(); int compare(const string &w2); TreeNode *setleft(TreeNode *t); TreeNode *setright(TreeNode *t); TreeNode *getleft(); TreeNode *getright();

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 3

TreeNode(const string &w); ~TreeNode(); private: const string word; int count; TreeNode *left, *right; }; // class TreeNode


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Recommended implementation (continued)

class BinaryTree { public: TreeNode *AddNode(const string &word); int getTotalNodes(); void PrintTree(ostream &output); BinaryTree(); //Default constructor ~BinaryTree(); //Destructor private: static int totalNodes; void PrintTree(TreeNode *subtree, ostream &output); TreeNode *AddNode(TreeNode *subtree, const string &word); TreeNode *root; }; // class BinaryTree

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Recommended implementation (continued)

class BinaryTree { public: TreeNode *AddNode(const string &word); int getTotalNodes(); void PrintTree(ostream &output); BinaryTree(); //Default constructor ~BinaryTree(); //Destructor private: static int totalNodes; void PrintTree(TreeNode *subtree, ostream &output); TreeNode *AddNode(TreeNode *subtree, const string &word); TreeNode *root; }; // class BinaryTree

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There is something very unsatisfying about this implementation.

What is it?

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Recommended implementation (continued)

class BinaryTree { public: TreeNode *AddNode(const string &word); int getTotalNodes(); void PrintTree(ostream &output); BinaryTree(); //Default constructor ~BinaryTree(); //Destructor private: static int totalNodes; void PrintTree(TreeNode *subtree, ostream &output); TreeNode *AddNode(TreeNode *subtree, const string &word); TreeNode *root; }; // class BinaryTree

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These two functions are problem specific — not about binary trees

Output format is built into Binary Tree class!

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Would like to make tree traversal part of Binary Tree class …

… while printing details (and other problem-specific issues) are handled outside of Binary Tree class

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A construct that allows cycling through objects of a data structure in some useful order…

… so program can operate on those objects in sequence

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Characteristics of an Iterator Has state So it can keep track of where you are in the data structure

Has begin(), end(), ==, and != operations So program can start iterator, compare iterator objects, and know

when it has finished iterating

Has ++ operator (and possibly -- operator) So program can step to next object (and possibly previous object)

May have [], *, -> operators So program can access specific objects from iterator

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Binary tree iterators




Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 11

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Binary tree in-order iterator

/* This iterator uses a stack object from Standard Template Library*/

#include <stack> class iterator { TreeNode *node; // pointer to current iteration

stack<TreeNode *> stack; // record of how we got there

public: iterator(); //constructor TreeNode *begin(); TreeNode *end(); TreeNode *operator++(); bool operator==(iterator &); bool operator!=(iterator &); } //class iterator

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 12

Carnegie Mellon Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Binary tree in-order iterator (continued)

iterator::iterator() { stack.push(NULL); // initialize stack

node = root; if (node != NULL) while (node->left) { stack.push(node); node = node->left; }

return; }

iterator::operator++(){ current = node; if (node -> right) { node = node -> right; while (node -> left) { stack.push(node); node = node-> left; } } else node = stack.pop();

return current; }

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 13

Carnegie Mellon Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Binary tree in-order iterator (continued)

/* This iterator uses a stack object from Standard Template Library*/

#include <stack> class iterator { TreeNode *node; // pointer to current iteration

stack <TreeNode *> stack; // record of how we got there

public: iterator(); //constructor TreeNode *begin(); TreeNode *end(); TreeNode *operator++(); bool operator==(iterator &); bool operator!=(iterator &);

} //class iterator

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 14

Carnegie Mellon Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Binary tree in-order iterator (continued)

/* This iterator uses a stack object from Standard Template Library*/

#include <stack> class iterator { TreeNode *node; // pointer to current iteration

stack <TreeNode *> stack; // record of how we got there

public: iterator(); //constructor TreeNode *begin(); TreeNode *end(); TreeNode *operator++(); bool operator==(iterator &); bool operator!=(iterator &);

} //class iterator

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For these methods to work, class iterator must be a friend of class TreeNode

Private members of TreeNode must become protected

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Binary tree in-order iterator (continued)

iterator::TreeNode *begin(){ while (!stack.empty()) stack.pop(); stack.push(NULL); // re-initialize stack node = root; if (node != NULL) while (node->left) { stack.push(node); node = node->left; } return node; }

iterator::TreeNode *end(){ return NULL } //iterator::TreeNode *end bool iterator::operator==(iterator

it &){ return node == it.node; } //iterator::TreeNode *end bool iterator::operator!=(iterator

it &){ return node != it.node; } //bool iterator::operator!=

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Binary tree in-order iterator (concluded)

An iterator that steps through the binary tree in the appropriate order

Needs access to protected members of the TreeNode class

Pre-order and post-order traversal are easy and obvious extensions

Allows the design of a Binary Tree independent of what we want to do with it.

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Absolute C++, §17.3 & 19.1

Iterators also exist in Java Similar in concept Different in detail

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 19

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Iterator – An Abstraction

Generalization of pointer into an array

Key concepts Access to current element:– * and −>

(Sometimes also random access:– [ ] ) Next element:– ++

(Sometimes also previous element:– -- ) Equality:– == and !=

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 20

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Iterator Example list<Event> EventQueue; list<Event>::iterator it; for (it=EventQueue.begin(); it != EventQueue.end(); it++) { if (it −> time > newEvent.time) EventQueue.insert(it, newEvent); break; } // for (it = ...)

Iterators CS-2303, A-Term 2012 21

Iterator acts like a pointer begin() method set “pointer” to first element

end() method points to one after last element!

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More on Iterators

Can build own iterators for own container classes

Different iterators provide different operations E.g., linked list does not offer "--" or “[ ]" string and vector containers do offer "--" or “[ ]"

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Uses of Iterators

To help you sequence through objects of a container — e.g.,

Arrays, vectors Lists (singly- doubly-linked) Trees Input Output …

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Iterator Example (again)

list<Event> EventQueue; list<Event>::iterator it; for (it=EventQueue.begin(); it != EventQueue.end(); it++) { if (it −> time > newEvent.time) EventQueue.insert(it, newEvent); break; } // for (it = ...)

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In this case, it appears that iterator is a member class or

struct of class list<class T>

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The following is legal in C++

class C { class D { … } // class C } // class C

Class D is a nested class in Class C aka “local class”

Member functions of class D can access members of class C

Class D may be public, protected, private

See Absolute C++ §7.2 (end)

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You can also declare classes inside of functions!

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Recall Programming Assignment #4

Read words from input

Store in binary tree

Print out words in alphabetical order, along with number of occurrences of each word

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What other iterator is suggested by this problem?

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