it knowledge based sessions group 3

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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GEF. IT Knowledge Based Sessions Group 3. Charly, Elsa & Ruel UNEP-GEF TOT for Regional Advisors II. Content. Session I: Introduction to BCH Objectives & Practices Part 1.Introductory part & snapshots on BCH Portal {Elsa} Part 2. Practices [Hands on BCH portal] {Ruel} - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


IT Knowledge Based Sessions Group 3

Charly, Elsa & Ruel

UNEP-GEF TOT for Regional Advisors II


Session I: Introduction to BCHObjectives & Practices

• Part 1.Introductory part & snapshots on BCH Portal {Elsa}

• Part 2. Practices [Hands on BCH portal] {Ruel}

Session II: Registering Data in the BCH Central Portal using the BCH Management Center {Charly}


Session I: Introduction to BCHObjectives & Practices

Session timing: After presenting • CPB and the five components of NBFs {To

highlight Information exchange & public participation components}

• National Administrative system of NBF of the country

• AIA procedures required as per CPB and as agreed in NBFs

Total Time: 1 h 45 min.

• Session 1.1 45 min

• Session 1.2. 1h


Session’s I Objectives

By the end of Session I PARTICIPANTS:

1. Are able to transfer knowledge on countries requirements vis-a-vis CPB concerning BCH

2. Are able to transfer knowledge on BCH components; operational objectives and functions

3. Are able to use [Navigate the BCH portal, nBCH and find information]

Session 1.1: Introduction to the BCH portal

Duration: 45 min.• Presentation:15 min• Questions/Answers:15 min• Navigating the BCH: 15 min.

Methodology: Information relay & Practice

Materials1. Computers 2. LCD projector3. PowerPoint presentation4. Handouts

Outputs• Information package to transfer knowledge on nBCH and

BCH portal components;• Awareness on the utility of BCH ‘operations’ for CPB and

NBFs implementation procedures.

Preparation Tips1. PC & LCD Projector {ON & FUNCTIONAL}2. Handouts3. Internet Connection4. BCH training website {functional} 5. Coordination with the IT staff in the training area and

ensure availability of Troubleshoots Measures whenever technical problem occurs

6. Evaluation Form


Step1: Trainer introduce him/her-self

Step 2: Trainer will link the IT sessions to previous sessionsImportance of OPERATIONAL BCH portal for the implementation of CPB articles and NBFs

Step 3: Introduce the outline of the Sessions 1.1. & 1.2.

Step 4: Presentation {components}1. Article 20: Mandate & Role of BCH2. BCH portal & nBCH Components [Visualise WEBSITES]3. Functions & operational tools

Step 5: Snapshots on BCH website: Finding information as an introduction to next session and management of information

Session I.2:Finding Information on BCH portal

Objective: By the end of the session, participants are able to:1. Explain the functionality of BCH2. Find information3. Use and Access relevant data/information.

Methodology: Theory & Practice [Case Study]

Duration: 60 min.

Materials/Logistics1. Internet Connection2. Computers 3. Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc)4. LCD projector5. PowerPoint presentation (for guidelines on case study)6. Case Evaluation Form

Outputs & TipsOutput

As a result of this session, participants are expected to have walked through the system and are able to complete the tasks required of the case study.

Preparation TipsAs this session would necessitate case study/hands-on exercise, trainer is advised to:1.Check if the BCH training website is available/functional during the time that the activity will be introduced. 2. Coordinate with the IT staff in the training area and ensure its availability and remedial measures whenever technical problem occurs.

Case StudyContext: The participants will be put in a virtual situation where they will be

searching for NEA, NFP-CBP, NFP-BCH, Laws and regulations, unique identification of LMOs, etc. in their country and in other countties.

Rules:The case material will consider the following components for effective delivery of the hands of exercise:1. Objective of the Case Study2. Introduction about the case in focus3. Guide questions and reference materials needed 4. Presentation of each sub case clustered according to the steps

to be followed as mentioned in the previous discussion related to it. (it is ideal to have all the necessary screen shots available on the case material for quick reference purpose)

5. Case evaluation (as reference for further improvement of the material)


Step1: Trainer will first emphasize the importance of the session and its relation to the previous session.

Step 2: Participants will be invited to go to the computers (note: if there are enough computers, make the participants feel free to choose from among them, otherwise, specific instruction should be made i.e. 2 participants to 1 computer etc.)

Step 3: Once the participants are already in the computers, case materials will be distributed (note: make sure that each one of them has a copy).

Step 4: Trainer will briefly highlight few tips: a. Time b. Process to follow (the trainer may opt to present a “one-

slide” presentation of said mechanics for reinforcement purpose)

Step 5: Trainer will monitor the progress of each by approaching them from time to time and be ready to address questions and some clarification on the case material.


It is helpful for the trainer to end the session by providing a brief summary on the processes of the case study so the participants value its importance and be guided as well on how it will be linked to other succeeding sessions.

Session II: Registering Data in the BCH Central Portal using the BCH Management Center

Session timing:• 20 min. Theory • 40 min. Practice


By the end of the sessions the participants are able to use the Management Centre for handling and managing national data.

Materials/Logistics1. Internet Connection (important)

2. Networked computers

3. LCD projector

4. PowerPoint presentation (for guidelines on case study)

5. Handout of Case studies

6. Copy (Paper or CD) of BCH Training (84 p.)

Methodology: Theory & Practice [Case Study]

Outputs & Tips

Output:The participants have a full understanding of the logic of the BCH Database, the permissions and the way they can enter, edit and delete data

Preparation Tips:1. Technical oriented session2. Make sure that all the equipment is working well and the BCH portal is accessible. 3. Create your own groups of .nfp & .nau on the training website or use existing ones4. Having alternatives if the internet not works e.g. offline database (if available)5. Copy handouts and/or CD’s

Part I: Theory

Step 1:• Present basic Flow

through the Central Portal

• Explain the responsibilities of the NFP-BCH regarding the data input in the BCH portal.

Step 2:

• Remind about content of BCH and data required from country:


2. Members of National Biosafety Committees

3. National Competent Authority

4. Everything else is up to the country, but when there exist laws and regulations they have to be published a.s.a.p.

Step 3:

Demonstrate data entry regarding CS3 “Adding a new NAU (National Authorized User) using the training portal at

and explain the different permissions

NB:Make sure that the computer is online


Step 4:

Explain the permissions of entering data regarding validation at the NFP regarding CS 4 “Contact Information and Competent National Authorities”

Step 5:

Brief Q&A session on the theory

Part II: Practice

Step 1:Handout copies of the CS 5 – 6

Step 2: Depending of the amount of computers split up the participants into groups

Step 3: Assign 1 NFP and several NAU’s for each group

Step 4: Practice input data regarding the CS while they are monitored by the RA.


Outputs:1. Familiarity with BCH portal and nBCH2. Knowledge of BCH portal and nBCH components3. Finding information on BCH4. CPB related information management and handling.

Materials:1. LCD projector2. Computers3. Handouts of informations presented 4. Handouts of case studies5. CDs containing training Modules, case studies and presentations.6. Evaluation form

Preparation tips:1. Internet connection;2. LCD and PC ON and set;3. Case studies package on BCH to be used if troubleshoots skills

missing [If internet connection down],4. Time management through Projection of steps to be followed on LCD


Process:1. Present an informative introductory session;2. Perform practices session relying on case studies;3. Adapt case studies steps and procedures to flow

clearly 4. Adopt light texts and paragraphes to go through for

application of case studies5. Manage time

Trainer notes: Trainer should keep in mind when conducting the session:

1. Internet connection can be down;2. Monitor the participants continuously and do not

leave them on their own;3. Manage time using the projection of case studies

steps on flip chart or LCD projector

Thank You!

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