isaiah jeremiah & ezekiel

Post on 09-Nov-2021






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c. 1010 BCE–c. 970 BCE King David

c. 970 BCE–c. 931 BCE King Solomon

c. 960 BCE Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem completed

c. 931 BCE Split between Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and the Kingdom of Judah

740 BCE–c. 700 BCE Isaiah

c. 740 BCE–c. 722 BCE Kingdom of Israel falls to Neo-Assyrian Empire

c. 715 BCE–c. 687 BCE King Hezekiah of Judah

c. 649 BCE–c. 609 BCE King Josiah of Judah institutes major reforms

c. 626 BCЕ – c. 587 BCE Jeremiah & Ezekiel

586 BCE Jerusalem falls to Nebuchadnezzar and Solomon's Temple destroyed

539 BCE Jews allowed to return to Jerusalem, by permission of Cyrus

516 BCE Second Temple consecrated Ezra & Nehemiah

332 BCE Alexander the Great conquers Phoenicia and Gaza, probably passing by Judea without entering the Jewish dominated hill country on his way into Egypt. 200 BCE–100 CE

167–161 BCE The Maccabean Revolt against

157–129 BCE Hasmonean dynasty establishes its royal dominance in Judea during renewed war with the Seleucid Empire.

63 BCE Judea became a client kingdom of Rome.

40 BCE–4 BCE Herod the Great, appointed King of the Jews by the Roman Senate. 1st century CE

66–70 The First Jewish–Roman War ended with destruction of the Second Temple and the fall of Jerusalem.

70–200 Tannaim, (Time of the Mishna)131–136 Hadrian renames Jerusalem"Aelia Capitolina" renames the province of Judea to Syria Palaestina

220–500 Amoraim (Time of the Talmud)

315–337 Emperor Constantine Converts to Christianity

450 Redaction of the Jerusalem Talmud

550 Babylonian Talmud

7th century The rise of Islam

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