ipt youtube

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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By: Stephanie, Reshma and Sanea


Privacy is basically the protection of sensitive and personal data from unauthorized access. YouTube is obviously not very protective when it comes to privacy as its a video hosting site. People can upload videos about an individual and the individual not have a clue about it. This is a breach of privacy laws as the individual might not wish their videos to be up on the internet for everyone to see.

The example put up above relates to privacy on Facebook as Facebook is being forced to give away its user data to a media giant in the US called viacom. This sparked an outrage of privacy advocates in the US as it discloses personal information of the users of Facebook.



Information security refers to the safe keeping or protection of information or information systems from unauthorized access, modification, destruction and disclosure.

Apple IPhone Security Weaknesses Exposed On YouTube -- iPhone Security - contains information about user hacking into iphone and the possible ways in which this is conducted. This is a breach of security for iphone users as it provides possible ideas for hackers to attain personal information and data of the phone user. Youtube should be aware of such things as these, in addition, in relation to the youtube site itself it should be aware that there are revealing these types of information that is threat to all users.

Information that is put up on youtube is neither secure or private as others can access this information or rather video's and view it. Those that have created their own account on youtube has the potential of their information being exposed to others on the net as it is not secure or protected by the server.


Information that is stored on youtube isnt particularly accurate as anyone has the authority to place something up on the site simply by creating an account. As people have different opinions, their views and information that they put up can either be objective or inaccurate to an extent.


Data quality on you tube can vary as different types of people use youtube for Delivering information. Professionals can use youtube as a way of showing the world their intelligence. On the same topic a 15 year old child can put up information. Its up to the user to assess the quality of the data being put up and make sure the source is trustworthy.


Youtube, as they saying going is to “ Broadcast Yourself” , it enables viewers to give their reviews on the latest technology, review on a movie, or even create a music video.

Yet during the times, there has been a changing nature of work, as people take advantage of youtube for the wrong reasons. Such as posting T.V shows, the actual music video for a song, posting where to watch movies online, or actually posting a number of videos of a movie.

Youtube forbids any inappropriate material which goes against their terms and conditions but due to youtube not checking every video going online, people keep posting videos which portrays unethical use of this information system.

Due to this changing nature of work, youtube enables users to “flag” the content of the video as “inappropriate” , enabling an youtube employee to view it for themselves and check whether or not it abides by the terms and conditions.

The users of Youtube, especially those who have created a Youtube account, the information provided publicly could be the date the youtube account was open, the last time the user logged on, as well as the country the user is in and the number of videos watched.

In saying this, Youtube makes it optional for the user to state their age, name, gender, profile picture, or other personal information.

Youtube also has stated in their privacy notice, “We do not use your email address or other personal information to send commercial or marketing messages without your consent. We may use your email address without further consent for non-marketing or administrative purposes (such as notifying you of major YouTube changes or for customer service purposes).”

In terms of the information from the videos posted by the users, Youtube doesn’t have full control about what is posted and thereby inapporpriate information use can take place.



Health and Safety refers to whether or not the videos posted on Youtube are appropriate and are ethical for the free viewing of others.

Example: A video being posted about the a review on the latest Iphone, this helps people in gaining knowledge about this device.

On the other hand, if someone posts a video, say on where to illegally watch movies online, this is unethical as its piracy and is enabling the viewer to act in a way which is going against the law.

Another example could be, a video on how to make drugs, this is going against the law and putting the viewer’s health and safety at risk if they perform such an act.

Furthermore, the person posting the video, is also acting in an unethical manner.






Copyright is a major issue when posting a video on youtube, as not all videos posted abide by the copyright laws.

Example: Posting a movie online. Youtube does however take some precaution in informing the

viewer about copyright by showing this message ( to the uploader):

“Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself. The Copyright Tips page and the Community Guidelines can help you determine whether your video infringes someone else's copyright.”

Youtube doesn’t view videos before they are posted online. It is seemingly upto the “ copyright holders” to issue a notice on

the taking down of the video as it doesn’t abide by the “ Digital Millennium Copyright Act”

Thereby as portrayed through the number of articles , youtube has been taken to court has they have done little to ensure that the videos posted abide as per the copyright laws.

Youtube Video URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w6fJno3vEA

By: Sanea Stephanie & Reshma

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