ionic framework one day training

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Ionic FrameworkOne Day Training17 January 2015 - Irvine, CA Troy Miles






The Ionic Framework


ui router

Google Maps

Making Coffee!

Your clients

Want good looking, well performing mobile apps

They normally don’t care how you create them

It is usually your choice of tools to use to give the clients the results they want


Quick History of JavaScriptInitial version built in 10 days by Brendan Eich

Original name was LiveScript

Greatly influenced by a language called Scheme

Changed to please Sun Microsystems

Converted into a curly brace language

Renamed JavaScript

Why JavaScript Sucks?

Its use of global variables

It has strange scoping rules

It thinks it is smarter than you

Why writing good JS is hard?

Most programmers don’t bother to learn it

It is changed not embraced

The page load has protected you

Why JS is beautiful?

It is a functional language, close to Lisp and Scheme than Java or C

First class functions

Dynamic objects

Loose typing

and more…


JavaScript has surprisingly few keywords

break, case, catch, continue, debugger, default, delete, do, else, finally, for, function, if, in, instance, new return, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, var, while, with

Keywords not used

class, enum, export, extends, import, super, implements, interface, let, package, private, protected, public, static, yield

Using keywords in variablesCan’t be used as variables or parameters

But can be used as properties

Legal uses:

a.import = “test”;

a[“import”] = “test”;

a = {import: “test”};

Why the weirdness?

When the Internet was young, pages were badly coded

Both the DOM and JS interpreter tried to correct bad code

The results were less than stellar


Attempts to force two variables to be the same type

Unfortunately the results are illogical

Always use === and !==

Never use == or !=


JavaScript is function scoped

Variables have a two step creation process: declaration and assignment

variables are always declared at the beginning of a function

Function Power!

Functions are first class objects

Functions can be treated like any other object

They can make you code dynamic

Anonymous function

Functions don’t need to have a name

Can help minimize global space pollution


function() {/* code goes here */ }

Immediate functionsFunctions are normally executed only when called

It is possible to create a function executes itself


function superFunction(){ /* code goes here */ }();

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

Has no name

Immediately executed

Used to create a namespaces

Use in many JS libraries

IIFE (continued)

(function() { /* Nothing inside of the function can be seen on on the outside, unless we want it to */ }());

Object Literals

A pair of curly braces surrounding name/value pairs

Can appear anywhere an expression can

The property’s name can be ANY string

Quotes only need when the name is not a legal variable name

Object Literals

var empty = {};

var name = { “first-name”: “Alan”, “last-name”: “Turing”};

Arrays vs. ObjectsArrays are not true arrays

Sort of a special kind of object literal

Both can mix types

Not the same

Arrays inherit from Array.prototype

Objects inherit from Object.prototype

More on objects

JavaScript objects are always dynamic

New properties can always be assigned

There is no class in JavaScript

Closure defined

In computer science, a closure is a function or reference to a function together with a referencing environment—a table storing a reference to each of the non-local variables (also called free variables) of that function.[1]


A bit more comprehensible

When an inner function has a longer lifetime than its outer function and retains access to the context in which it was created

Strict Mode

Functional “strict mode” used heavily

Eliminates many JavaScript silent errors

Fixes some JavaScript mistakes


AngularJSCreated by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009

JavaScript MVC

106 kb production version (minimized, not gzipped)

Declarative programming for UI

Imperative programming for business logic

AngularJS Key FeaturesModel View Controller (MVC)

Data Binding

HTML Templates

Dependency Injection

Deep Linking


AngularJS <!DOCTYPE html><html ng-app="moduleName"> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>NG-Skeleton</title></head> <body><div ng-controller="aController"> </div><div ng-controller="anotherController"> </div><!-- if using jQuery it goes here --> <script src="../libs/angular.min.js"></script><!-- other libs and script files --> </body> </html>


Declares the boundary of an Angular app

The first ng-app found will be auto-bootstrapped

ng-app can optionally name a module

Can encompass the entire page <html ng-app>

Or only part of it, <div ng-app>

What the Browser Does?

Loads the HTML

Parses it into a Document Object Model or DOM

The angular.js script is loaded and parse

Angular waits for the DOMContentLoaded event

AngularJS’ bootstrap code executed

DOMContentLoaded vs load event

The load event fires once everything has loaded

The DOMContentLoaded event fires once the DOM has been created

DOMContentLoaded doesn’t wait for CSS, images, or iFrames to load

DOMContentLoaded fires well before load

AngularJS’ Bootstrap

Bootstrap looks for the ng-app directive

There can only be one of these

The module specification is optional

The module specification tells the $injector service which defined module to load

Model View Controller

Uses MVC or MVVM or MV* depends on who you ask

The goal is clear separation of concerns

The model is only concerned with data

The view presents the data to the user

The controller applies the business logic

Data Binding

In Angular, binding is built into the framework

Replaces text content of HTML element with the value of the expression

{{ expression }}

<ANY ng-bind=“expression”>…</ANY>

<ANY class=“ng-bind: expression;”>…</ANY>

HTML Templates

Many JavaScript MVC Frameworks use a client-side templating engine

AngularJS doesn’t

Angular uses HTML as its templating engine

No extra markup, no extra libraries

Dependency InjectionA software design pattern that implements inversion of control and allows a program design to follow the dependency inversion principle

Allows a dependency to be passed to an object

Allows code to clearly state dependencies

Leads to code which is easier to debug and test

Makes it possible to minimize apps without breaking them

Dependency InjectionThe DI pattern in AngularJS looks funky due to JavaScript’s shortcomings

The pattern is name of module, dot, name of provider, name of object, an array with the list of dependencies in strings and a function as the last item in the array

tempApp.controller('CurrentCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.temp = 17; }]);

Deep Linking

Deep Linking enables a website to restore state from a URL

URL and bookmarks are key part of the web

Early Single Page Apps lacked deep linking

They broke SEO and user expectation


“The coolest feature of AngularJS” - Misko Hervey

Attach behavior to DOM elements

Can nearly turn HTML into a DSL

Plain Old JavaScript ObjectsAngular uses dirty checking to keep the model and view in sync

Dirty checking runs equality checks over the data the view depends, it is a brute force method

Watch expressions are run every time data could change

Watch expression should be fast and idempotent

The methods on the $scope





Watches for model mutations

$watch(watched expression/function, handler, …)

Watch expression must be fast and idempotent


Called when you are transitioning from non-angular world into angular world

calls $digest


A digest is just plain old dirty checking

It works on all browsers and is totally predictable

Digest Loop

Possibility of an endless loop

Will only go 10 deep before exception is thrown

NOT like a game loop


A collection of configuration and run blocks which get applied to the app during bootstrap

Most apps will have one module

Most 3rd party libraries will come with their own

You inject dependent modules into yours

Configuration Blocks

Get executed during the provider registration and configuration phase

Only providers and constants can be injected into configuration blocks

Shortcut methods available for some common configuration blocks

Configuration Shortcuts

value(‘constantName’, 123)

factory(‘factoryName’, function(){return 123;})

directive(‘directiveName’, …)

filter(‘filterName’, …)

Run Blocks

Closest thing Angular has to a main method

Executed after services have been configured

Typically contains code which is hard to unit test

Order of Execution

Configuration blocks

Run blocks

Directive compile functions


Directive link functions


guaranteed to fire after current digest loop

If you use a setTimeOut, you will also need to do $apply

$timeout does this for you


The Brief History of Cordova

2009: 1st developed at an iPhoneDevCamp event

2009: Developers form a company, Nitobi

2011: Adobe acquires Nitobi

2011: Adobe open sources PhoneGap project to Apache

2012: Apache gives the project the name Cordova

What Cordova isn’t?

A website packaged in an app

A converter which turns JavaScript into native code

How Cordova differs from PhoneGap?

Cordova is an open source product

It serves as the base platform for quite a few commercial implementations

One of those is Adobe’s PhoneGap

Others are IBM Worklight, Motorola Solutions RhoMobile Suite, Intel XDK, plus more.

Cordova CLI

Command Line Interface

Two types of commands, global & project

Global Commands

create - creates a project

help - display help text or help for a specific command

Project Commands










Directory structureconfig.xml - global configuration file

hooks - scripts used to customize Cordova commands

platforms - native application projects

plugins - added plugins go here

www - your app’s code

(merges) - platform specific overrides

Hello Cordova World steps

1. cordova create helloapp com.rnc.helloapp

2. cd helloapp

3. cordova platform add android

4. cordova build android

5. cordova run android or cordova serve

PluginsAs of version 3.0 Cordova is implemented mainly as a collection of plugins surrounding a small core

Plugins are implemented in native code and/or JavaScript

Without plugins your application can’t communicate with the device’s hardware

Over 600 plugins currently available

Installing/Removing Plugins

Find plugins at:

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device

cordova plugin remove org.apache.cordova.device

Two essential plugins are device & console

Plugins not available until after deviceready event

Plugin Anatomy

Documentation: doc/

Native code in src directory

JavaScript in www directory

Using a Plugin

Remember: You must wait for the deviceready event

Read the plugin’s documentation

Implement the functionality according to docs

Best practice: Sniff for the property before use

Debugging First LookTwo browsers have built-in remote debugging

For Android, Chrome is your best friend

menu -> More tools -> Inspect Devices

For iOS, Safari is your best friend

Preferences -> Advanced -> Show develop

For both the device must be connected via USB

Adding Libraries

Most popular open source libraries will also work in a Cordova app

Add the library with the script tag, same as always: <script src=“js/jquery.min.js”></script>

For performance sake, place the minimized library in the www directory, don’t load from web

Simple Ajax Functionality

Cordova apps not bound by HTML same origin policy

But accessible websites must be included on the whitelist

By default access is allowed to all sites, but not recommended for production


At some point in the app lifecycle, you may wish to update Cordova or one of the plugins

Update Cordova: sudo npm update -g cordova

Update a plugin: remove it and add it back

BE CAREFUL - Newer versions may break your app

Problems with raw Cordova

No user interface

No support for HTML templates

No application framework

The Ionic Framework

The Ionic Framework?Combines Apache Cordova

with Google's AngularJS

along with lots custom JavaScript, HTML, and CSS3

to create purpose built mobile apps

which perform like native ones

and look beautiful

Supported Devices

iOS 6+

Android 4+

Windows Phone 8+ (coming)

FireFox OS (coming)

Drifty Co.

Founded in 2012 by Ben Sperry (CEO) and Max Lynch (CTO)

Based in Madison, WI

Creators of Codiqa, JetStrap, and Ionic

Raised $1 million from Arthur Ventures earlier this year

Are people actually using it?


Replaced their hand built PhoneGap app with Ionic in May

Excellent UI


The fastest way to find new music

5 star rated

iPhone only


Like Uber for trucks

iOS and Android version

Scrapped prior version built with PhoneGap

SworkitCreated by Ryan Hanna alone

Featured in the Health and Fitness section of the App Store

Downloaded over 3 million times

in the App Store, Google Play and Amazon Store

Modern Web Skills

HTML 5 / CSS 3 / JavaScript

Comfortable with command line tools


Sass (optional)

PrerequisitesJava SDK 6 or 7

Android SDK + Eclipse/Android Studio

Node / NPM




Why do I need Node?

Node apps are built in JavaScript

JavaScript runs on all platforms

Node comes bundled with NPM, Node Package Manager

It makes installing, running, and updating tools easy

Hence Node is a popular way to ship tools

Is there an easier way?

The Ionic BoxInstall VirtualBox, its free and available for most platforms

Install Vagrant, its free too

Install the Ionic Box

See blog post for complete instructions:

Ionic and Cordova

Ionic is built on top of Cordova

It also wraps many of its commands

Commands like build, platform, plugin all directly call Cordova

It also adds its own like serve, which makes it easier to run apps in browser

Create ionic app

ionic start myApp <template>





Can search from website

Can easily change size

free & open source


Cordova has a lot of available plugins

Plugins give access to the machine functions

ngCordova "Angularizes" plugins for ready use

You are always free to write your own wrapper code

What about tablets?

Ionic supports responsive design

Ionic’s grid with CSS Flexbox support

Side menu can be set auto open on wide displays


ionic serve

Google Chrome mobile emulator

iOS Simulator / Android Emulator / Genymotion

iOS / Android device

Crosswalk for Android

Versions of Android before 4.4 use Android’s no named default browser which is slower and less compliant than Chrome

It also means you can’t be exactly sure how your Cordova app will perform on these phones

Crosswalk allows you to specify a version of Chrome to run in your Android Cordova app


You can see up to a 10x increase in HTML/CSS rendering and JavaScript performance

Your app will grow 10-15 MB in size

Ways to break up an appBy file type

Files are placed into directories by their type: js, html, etc.

May be subdivided further: controllers, directives, etc

By feature

The files which make up a feature are placed into the same directories


An ajax app which uses a third party services from for data and Google Maps for maps

For those who have taken other classes from me, this app is simply too cool to die

Steps to make coffee

Make a side menu template app

Modify menu markup

Modify routes

Add listings service

Add lists


Add detail page

Add map page

Add Google Maps

Add markers to map

Make markers clickable



Cordova is a platform which allows for the building of mobile apps using web technologies

Ionic builds on top of that by providing a good looking performance driven UI and better developer tools

Ionic uses AngularJS as its JavaScript MVC framework

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