ionian inspires cricket 2010

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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Presentation of Cricket Festival in Corfu



In the footsteps of OdySseusthe Return to where it all began

Woodprint from “The Illustrated London News”, 1853


“No cricketer’s education is complete until, besides Australia,

he has visited this island...”

Cricket writer R.A.Roberts writing of Corfu

“We are all GreeksOur laws, our literature, our religion, our arts, have their roots in Greece.”

Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet 1792 –1822


In the footsteps of OdysseusThe journey to Greece is a journey of returning to the source; where it all began - A place where words were born that have become part of our global consciousness and means of expression; words like History, Philoso-phy, Democracy, Theatre, Poem and Athlete.

The return to Greece is a life journey that we can all take. The ancient Olympic ideal shines today as it did in the first ancient Olympics in 776BC – to engage in sporting competition and teamwork - as a way to bring peace, harmony and well being to those taking part.

To be in Greece is to walk on the sacred rock of Acropolis, along the alleyways that the great philosophers strode. To be in Greece is to taste the life-enhancing Mediterranean diet, to feel the protection of the gods of Olympus, to be charmed by the serenity of the landscapes and draw strength from Greece’s timeless spiritual heritage.

Now a chance exists to visit and play sport in the beautiful Ionian Islands, where modern Greek culture and history com-bine, where a special welcome awaits young people from around the world and where ingenious Odysseus struggled to return.

Cricket is the bridge, which will transport young people in this magical world of Greece. The spirit of Cricket as a continu-ation of the Greek Ancient Athletic ideal, finds fertile ground in Corfu, where East civilasation meets West.




The inaugural Ionian International Cricket Schools Tournament

The Ionian Islands government and the Hellenic Cricket Federation are pleased to invite school groups from across the globe to take part in the first Ionian International Cricket Schools Tournament, which will take place in Corfu from the 25th to 30th April 2011.

This is an invitation to schools and sporting associations to join us in Corfu in Easter 2011 to play in a unique cricket tour-nament, and in doing so share and celebrate all our cultural roots and the natural beauty of the Ionian and show us their way of living, their sports and games, their cultural identities in celebration of Cultural Diversity and Humanity.

The programme for the first Ionian International Cricket Schools Tournament includes:

• A 20-20 tournament (4 teams in each preliminary group)

• Exhibition games and coaching sessions. (Participating schools are invited to share their other sporting traditions during their stay in Corfu.

• A major Arts programme including Music, Dance and Theatre perfor-mances and workshops.

Accommodation will be provided free of charge in Corfu for participants.




International Cricket FestivalThe Hellenic Cricket Federation co-ordinates an international cricket festival on an annual basis. The aim of this festival is the celebration of the spirit and the diver-sity of cricket bringing together cricketers across continents, countries and communi-ties in a historical and magical place.The festival takes place in Corfu during May - June and September - October in Corfu. The game format is Twenty20.Those wishing to attend the festival may fall into the following headings, which are develop-ing steadily. In 2010 the two first had a great success.

Greek Diaspora Cricketers with Greek heritage. There are many 2nd and 3rd generation Greeks who play cricket overseas and may wish to play the game in the land of their ancestors. In 2010 a large tour was organised to Corfu by Greek Australians (the Australian Hellenic Cricket Federation), who during their visit visited schools, demonstrated and coached cricket, beach cricket and Australian football, with the cooperation of the Multicultural Department of AFL. Following the success of this tour we wish to invite clubs with Greek roots from all over the world.

Overseas teams on tourGroups booking a tour which allows them to stop over in Corfu and play matchs arranged by themselves or by the Hellenic Cricket Federation, against local and visiting teams.

Youth This component is focused on offering young cricketers aged 14-18 years old from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to play cricket in a unique and supportive international setting.

Schools Participants in this category are teams from schools, youth associations and clubs from around the world.


Cricket in Corfu and Greece – A historyThe first ever game of cricket played in Greece was at the ‘Kastropo-lis’ in Corfu Town, when British Navy sailors set up stumps there in 1823. After seeing the eccentric Englishmen at play, the Corfiots took the game to their hearts. It has thrived on the island ever since.

The Times newspaper of London reported in 1859 that: ‘Corfu has this year been visited by an extraordinary number of fashionable tourists politicians, artistic and sporting. The latter are the most numerous.’ The Corfiots soon adopted the game. On the departure of the British from Corfu in 1864 there evolved two lo-cal clubs - the Gongakis company and the Camvissis club. In 1893 these clubs merged to become the Gymnastikos club, one of the eldest clubs in Greece.

In 1923 the Ergatikos club was formed, changing its name to the Byron Cricket Club in honour of the celebrated poet in 1936. After the Second World War cricket in Corfu developed further with regular tours visiting the island from the UK such as the Eton Ramblers, the Cricketer XI, the old Wellingtonians, the Lords Taverners and The Cricket Society.

In 1976 a third local club was formed - Feax and in 1980 a fourth, resurrecting the name Ergatikos. The 1970s saw the structure of cricket in Corfu changed as it enrolled in the official Greek Federation for Amateur Sport (SEGAS). Junior teams (under 18 and under 14s) were created in each of the local clubs. Today the number of clubs in Greece greater than ever and increasing.









Greek cricket on the word stateThe Greek national team became an affiliate member of the International Cricket Council in 1995 and has appeared in the ICC’s European tournaments regularly since 1999 - hosting and winning the tournament the first time it competed.

In 2009 Greece came top of the ICC European League Division 5, which involved victories over Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Sweden, and Turkey.In 2011 Greece will play in Division 4 in the ICC’s 2011 European tournament, with Austria, Finland, Luxem-bourg, Malta and Switzerland.

Domestic CompetitionThe Greek domestic cricket competition comprises of Indoor and Outdoor leagues. The Indoor competi-tion takes place between November and March with the Outdoor tournament being played between May and October, but avoiding the excessive heat of August. There are currently 20 clubs participating in the Indoor and Outdoor competitions which are divided into Ju-nior Boys, Boys, Girls, Teenagers (Girls and Boys), Un-der 21s and Adults.


The Ionian Islands

The Ionian Islands are known as the seven islands that extend in a parallel line along the coasts of the mainland Greece.In spite of all their differences, these islands form a different entity. With common history, con-science, civiliation and natural riches, the Ionian Islands are the ambassador of the oriental world and at the same time the entrance to the magic garden of ancient Greek civilization.All shades of blue and green are the coloursof the Ionian Islands. The visitor will be astonished by the fresh and evergreen landscapes. The beautiful landscapes the architectural style and the civilization that one can admire in towns and villages create a unique and distinguished context for your holidays.A popular destination from the Roman times, the Ionian Sea offers today, infinite alternatives. The quiet seas and harbours, the lush vegetation and the elements of civilization make these islands attractive for Greeks and foreigners. In this idyllic location the sport of cricket is also thriving.Corfu is the hub of the activities but cricket branch out in other islands of the Ionian, in Cephalonia and Zakynthos with newly built cricket grounds, youth teams and great spirit. This immense energy emanates from the love of cricket by the locals. The Ionian environment is ideal for playing cricket. From April to October (with the exemption of few hot days in August) the weather is perfect for this kind of sport. The feeling of being in Greece is sweet, the Ionian Islands can offer to the families and friends of athletes unique experiences for explorations and relaxation.Access to the Ionian Islands is easy. More than a 100 charter flights a day from all over the world arrive at Corfu’s airport and from here direct flights connect all the main islands (Corfu- Lefkas- Cephalonia- Zakynthos).




A s you set out on the way to Ithacahope that the road is a long one,filled with adventures, filled with understanding.

The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,Poseidon in his anger: do not fear them,you’ll never come across them on your wayas long as your mind stays aloft, and a choiceemotion touches your spirit and your body.The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,savage Poseidon; you’ll not encounter themunless you carry them within your soul,unless your soul sets them up before you. Hope that the road is a long one.Many may the summer mornings bewhen -with what pleasure, with what joy-you first put in to harbors new to your eyes;may you stop at Phoenician trading postsand there acquire fine goods:mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,and heady perfumes of every kind:as many heady perfumes as you can.To many Egyptian cities may you goso you may learn, and go on learning, from their sages.

Always keep Ithaca in your mind;to reach her is your destiny.But do not rush your journey in the least.Better that it last for many years;that you drop anchor at the island an old man,rich with all you’ve gotten on the way,not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.

Ithaca gave to you the beautiful journey;without her you’d not have set upon the road.But she has nothing left to give you any more. And if you find her poor, Ithaca did not deceive you.As wise as you’ll have become, with so much experience,you’ll have understood, by then, what these Ithacas mean.

Constantine P. Cavafy, Greek poet (1911)

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