introduction to xin yao

Post on 09-Jan-2016






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Introduction to Xin Yao. VIDEO (麻雀衔竹枝). What is Xin Yao?. What is Xin Yao?. Songs composed by the youth of Singapore. Main themes and ideas of the music reflect on Singapore’s history and culture-(lives of the youth). Not only restricted to Chinese songs. NDP songs are examples too. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to Xin Yao

Introduction to Xin Yao1VIDEO

What is Xin Yao?Dialect part: feeling love singapore in the songRegard singapore as his home

Produced in 1990s BUT prohibited on public media because dialect was not allowed UNTIL last yr3What is Xin Yao?Songs composed by the youth of Singapore.

Main themes and ideas of the music reflect on Singapores history and culture-(lives of the youth).

Not only restricted to Chinese songs.

NDP songs are examples too.Some artistesLiang Wern Fook

Eric Moo

Billy Koh Billy Koh Singaporean songwriter, composer and music producer, known for producing Singaporean singers like Kit Chan, JJ Lin and BY2.5Examples

A brief historyPioneered by our alumni, Professor Liang Wern Fook.

Started in the mid 1980s when the Speak Mandarin Campaign was first introduced.

Gained much more popularity in the 1990s.

Start of the Chinese pop culture.

Groomed artistes like Kit Chan and JJ Lin.7TakeawaysPortrays our culture and lifestyle in the past.

Sings of post-war Singapore.

Our history is reflected in the songs.

UniqueClean acoustic style of singing.

Simple chords in the melody.

A group of people singing and harmonizing together.

Accompanied by a guitar.

ImportanceDiscovered and groomed many Singapore artistes to be famous in the Chinese pop industry,

Revolutionised the Taiwanese music industry.

Kit Chan, A-Do and JJ Lin.

ImportanceForm of expression for youths

Preserve rich culture of Singapore and the youths in Singapore.

RelevanceMOE started out a project called Teaching Living Legends.

Revise the teaching of general music in school.

Something more localised.

12RelevanceIntroduction of Xin Yao and other local music in syllabus.

Shows that Xin Yao is an important part in Singapores society.

Not only in entertainment but also in education.13Importance of Xin YaoEmpowers the youth with the freedom of speech and expression.

Preserves our history and culture.

Shows the daily life of the youths in Singapore.Website

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