introduction to vbscript

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Introduction to VBScript.doc By Guy Thomas

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Introduction to VBScript by Guy Thomas

September 2005

Table of Contents

Introduction to VBScript - Home by Guy Thomas ........................................... 2 Section 0 Introduction to VBScript ............................................................... 3 Section 1 VBScript - Check Version ............................................................. 5 Section 2 VBScript - Variables .................................................................... 9 Section 3 Create an OU (Organizational Unit) in Active Directory....................14 Section 4 Create a User in Active Directory .................................................21 Section 5 Map Network Drive ....................................................................26 Section 6 Map a Network Printer................................................................29 Section 7 Create a Folder (Stage 1 of 3) .....................................................33 Section 8 Create a Text File (Stage 2 of 3)..................................................37 Section 9 Append Data to Text File (Stage 3 of 3) ........................................41 Section 10 Registry Scripting ....................................................................45 Section 11 WMI Scripting - Memory ...........................................................50 Section 12 WMI Scripting - Chassis Type ....................................................54

Who is this Introduction to VBScript ebook aimed at?

Administrators who need to write simple VBScripts.

Techies wishing to automate repetitive computer tasks.

Scriptwriters who are curious to know the difference between VBScript and JScript.

Network Mangers who to more control over their servers.

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Introduction to VBScript by Guy Thomas

Simple, yet powerful VBScripts

Introduction to VBScript I divided my mission into two strands. In the first strand, I will show you the range of computing tasks that VBScript can automate. While, in the second strand I will explain the VBScript commands, methods and syntax. To fulfil my mission, I am going to provide you with scripts, which have a practical purpose, yet are interspersed with VBScript learning points.

Here are the two parallel strands:

Tasks for VBScript 1. Check Version of VBScript

2. Variables and Hungarian Convention

3. Active Directory - Create OU

4. Active Directory - Create Users

5. Map Network Drive

6. Map Printer and Set Default Printer

7. Create a Folder

8. Create a File

9. Write Text to a File

10. Read and Write to the Registry

11. WMI - Memory

12. WMI - Chassis Type

VBScript Methods, Commands & Syntax

' Comments (1,10)

Error Correcting Code (3, 8,11)

If Then.. Else... End If (3, 8, 11)

Input Box (11)

Loop For...Next (2, 12)

On Error Resume Next (1)

Option Explicit (1-12)

Select Case (12)

Split (10)

Sub Routine (2)

WScript.Echo (1-12)

Underscore (_) (1)

Variables - Hungarian Convention (2)

VbCr and vbTab (1)

Bind to Active Directory GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") (3,4)

.Create("Organizational Unit") .SetInfo (3)

CreateObject("WScript.Network") (5,6)

CreateObject("WScript.Shell") (7,10)

CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") (7,8,9)

.CreateFolder .CreateTextFile (7)

.OpenTextFile ForAppending (9)

RegRead RegWrite (10)

MapNetworkDrive (5)

AddPrinterConnection SetDefaultPrinter (6)

WMI - GetObject("Winmgmts") (11, 12)

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Section 0 Introduction to VBScript

Simple, yet powerful VBScripts

Introduction - What are the Benefits of Learning VBscript? I truly believe that VBScript has a future for automating network administration. The sheer variety of jobs where a VBscript saves time still amazes me. For example, to map network drives or printers, to create users in Active Directory, to read and write from files. In addition, there are whole areas of computing which are transformed by scripting, WMI and manipulating the registry spring to mind.

This ebook will give you an appreciation of the range of VBScript objects, for example, Active Directory, LDAP, Network, Shell and FileSystemObject. We will also manipulate with scripting methods for instance, looping and if...then...else logic.

Skills (Multi-Skills) Surprisingly, the principle skills that you need to be proficient at VBScript are not mathematical, but logical and linguistic. Attention detail is more important than genius, especially when you are getting started. My most enduring advice is keep it simple, build your scripts gradually. Even though my scripts are straightforward, you need no conceptual jump to switch from these short examples to a comprehensive real-life script. Can you assemble one table from a flat-pack? Then you could build a whole office suite, provided you had the time. It s the same principal with scripting; at the end of this course, you will be expert at powerful short scripts. It will then be a short step to assembling a series of simple scripts into a complex production script.

VBScript is a simple yet powerful language with its own rules and syntax. In VBScript, we have a structured system for creating objects, manipulating their properties and setting values. Because the VBScript language is so efficient, each and every word is loaded with meaning.

My not so hidden agenda will be to increase your scripting vocabulary. We can begin by looking out for specialist uses of common words such as, loop, split and echo. Let us get into the habit of examining each statement and analyzing the significance of every word. Here are three examples to illustrate what I mean.


What is the name of the object created here? Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") (Ans: objShell) What is the property of objShell called? objShell.SendKeys "Hello Guy" (Ans: .SendKeys) How could we change the value from "Hello Guy" to say "Goodbye"? objShell.SendKeys "Hello Guy" (Ans: objShell.SendKeys "Goodbye")

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One revelation from my post-bag, which constantly amazes me, is the different ways that people write scripts. Another surprise is that each person thinks that their way is the only way to write code. Naturally as your mentor, I will give you ideas, but please distil my advice and devise methods which suit you. Here are a few secrets learnt at the bitter school of hard knocks.

Secrets of Scripting

Develop a naming convention for all your scripts.

Save your scripts in a special folder.

Don't be afraid to create lots of versions of test scripts. Many is the time that I end up with a script that does not work and I cannot find out why. The speediest solution is to revert to a version that I saved earlier which did work.

Make liberal use of comments, especially at the top of the script. Six months later, you will forget why made the script.

When scripting Active Directory, create a test OU, a test user.

Always remember that Scripting mimics task that you can carryout manually with Explorer, Active Directory Users and Computers or even Regedit.

Get a good scripting editor at the outset, for Example OnScript.

This page covered the following VBScript ideas.

My theme of this ebook is that VBScript provides variety of opportunities to automate network tasks. To be successful at VBScript while you need to be multi-skilled, a logical and methodical mind is more important than mathematical skill.

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Section 1 VBScript - Check Version

Which Version of VBScript are you using?

Introduction to Checking Version Numbers I want to begin with the relatively easy task of checking your VBScript version numbers. For this first script, I want to concentrate on the pure VBScript commands, methods and syntax. For example, WScript.Echo, .Version, underscore (_) and vbCr.

There are occasions when you need to investigate the VBScript version number. For example, if you have old clients with version 2, some VBScript commands may not work. To give a specific example, you may want a script to pause, in which case you could use WScript.Sleep. The problem is that this, .Sleep property was only added in WSH version 5.1. In fact, we are faced with a paradox, modern XP machines, which don t really need to pause, obey the .Sleep command, whereas Windows 9x machines, which need .Sleep, cannot interpret this command. Thus, our task is to build a very simple script that checks the version of VBScript.

The first bonus of checking version numbers is that our investigation reveals just how many components are involved in a VBscript, for instance, Windows Scripting Host (WSH) and also VBScript itself.

Topics for Checking Version Numbers

Example 1 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version

Example 2 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version and Build Number

Example 3 - VBScript to Check the VBScript Version

Summary of Checking Version Numbers

Example 1 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version VBScripts need a shell called WSH (Windows Scripting Host). I visualise the WSH shell as a room where the script engine performs its instructions. My point is that if there is no WSH room , then VBScript cannot process our instructions. Examples 1 and 2 are designed to extract the version information about WSH and 'echo' the information to your screen. (In Example 3 we switch to the VBScript executable itself.)

Prerequisites This is a script that will execute equally well on a Windows server or an XP machine.

Instructions for Checking WSH Version

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor. 2. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example, WSH.vbs 3. Double click WSH.vbs and read the version in the message box.

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Sample VBScript to Check the WSH Version

' WSH.vbs ' Sample VBScript to check WSH Version ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.3 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- On Error Resume Next WScript.Echo "WSH Version: " & WScript.Version WScript.Quit

Learning Points Note 1: WScript.Echo calls for a WSH message box. The next command "WSH Version: " & WScript.Version, tell the script engine what to put in that box. I am expecting the script to return a WSH message box displaying - WSH Version: 5.6. See screen shot opposite.

WScript.Echo may seem trivial, as it does not actually do any useful work, however, WScript.Echo is worth mastering, as it is probably the number one technique in troubleshooting VBScript. Incidentally, this command is not case sensitive. (Wscript.echo is equally as effective.)

Note 2: Observe that we have a mixture of literals - "WSH Version: " and variables - WScript.Version. Paying attention to detail pays off. In this instance, notice how the space before the closing quotes makes the output easier to understand.

Note 3: Time and time again ampersand (&) is your friend for joining VBScript components. I have to confess that I am often concentrating so hard on the more difficult commands that I forget the ampersand. When I make this sin of omission, WSH brings me up sharply with a message: Code 800A0401 - Expected end of statement.

Note 4: 'On Error Resume Next' is not strictly necessary in this script. This is the basic troubleshooting command that says, if there is a problem, carryon and do your best. In other scripts, On Error Resume Next salvages useful commands after a mistake, moreover, it suppresses the WSH error message box.

Note 5: I almost forgot to mention ' Comments. A single quote tells VBScript to disregard what follows the single quote. The first five lines of this script are remmed out using this technique. The idea is to add explanations of what the script is designed to achieve. With a long script, I like to add comments between each section.

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Example 2 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version and Build Number Script to Display WSH and File Information

WSHname.vbs ' Sample VBScript to check WSH Version ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.3 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- On Error Resume Next WScript.Echo "WSH Version: " & WScript.Version & " " & WScript.BuildVersion _ & vbcr & "File name: " & WScript.ScriptName WScript.Quit

Learning Points Note 1: Most of the time, I only use WScript.Echo and perhaps WScript.Quit, I was surprised to discover that WScript has so many other properties, for example .Version, .BuildVersion and even .ScriptName. From a teaching perspective, the message is that objects have properties, which we access with the syntax Incidentally, my WScript build number was 8827.

Note 2: One potential problem with VBScript commands is that they run to more than 80 characters. Moreover, VBScript has no concept of word-wrap, so if you just continue the same instruction on the next line, VBScript will interpret your intention as two instructions and not one. Fortunately, there is a solution, the underscore (_). What underscore does is tell VBScript that the command has not yet finished, but to read the second half of the same command on the next line.

If you are familiar with other scripting languages then you could looking upon the (_) is as an escape character for the carriage return.

Note 3: Observe the command vbcr, this makes a carriage return in the actual output message box. It is purely cosmetic, but it often makes output easier to understand. Take the time to be sure of the difference between (_) and vbCr. For instance, remove the (& vbCr) and the script will still run. However, remove the (_) and it will not work.

Example 3 - VBScript to Check the VBScript Version As we will see, our scripts require both VBScript itself and also a WSH shell. This script concentrates on the version number of the VBScript executable. Incidentally, you can confirm the information by checking the information directly on cscript.exe and wscript.exe in the Windows\System32 folder.

Please note that this script checks VBScript and is different from Example 1 and 2 which report version numbers for WSH. Specifically, check how the commands ScriptEngineMajorVersion and ScriptEngineMinorVersion replace WScript.Version.

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Sample Script to Check the VBScript Version ' VBScript.vbs ' Sample Script to check VBScript Version ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.1 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- WScript.Echo "VBScript Version: " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion _ & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion WScript.Quit

Learning Points Note 1: Unlike example 1 this script needs to build the version number from two numbers, and artificially concatenate a dot (".") in between the two parts of the version number.

Challenge: These three scripts are so short that you could easily bolt them together. This would mimic real life situations where you build scripts in stages, get them working and then bolt them together to create the production script.

Summary of Checking Version Numbers From a practical point of view, it may be necessary to check the version of VBScript or WSH. From a pure scripting point of view, there are parallels with English. When composing ordinary English, many of us - me included, are unsure when to use a semi-colon; a dash is even harder to master. Syntax is equally important in VBScript, therefore take a minute or two to master the underscore (_) and vbcr.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

WScript.Echo, vbCr, Underscore (_)

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Section 2 VBScript - Variables

Variables are a vital scripting tool

Introduction to VBScript Variables On this page I am going to take two learning themes and weave them together. One theme is represented by VBScript variables and the other theme is creating a computer account.

Later on this page, we will discuss the advantages of using the Hungarian Convention for naming variables, but first, let us review what the term variable means in the context of VBScript. One obvious definition of a variable is the opposite of a constant. Constants remain at their initial value, whereas variables can change their values during the course of a script, for example, processing a different account each time the script goes through a loop. Think of variables as placeholders for items that will change during the course of a script.

In this ebook, we will create three types of Active Directory Objects, .Create("Computer..."), .Create("Organizational Unit..."), and .Create("user..."). This page features the .Create("Computer..") method, once you have mastered the VBScript technique for a computer, then you can apply it to different situations, for example, create an OU (Section 3) or create a User (Section 4). Even if you don't have Active Directory, you can still study the VBScript methods, for example, GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE"), .SetInfo and .Put.

Topics for Variables

What is a VBScript Variable?

Example 1 - Using a String Variable

Example 2 - Using a Variable to Increment a Loop

The Hungarian Variable Convention

Summary of VBScript Variables

What is a VBScript Variable? The discipline of declaring variables gives me control over VBScript. Variables help me plan and best of all, variables help me when it comes to troubleshooting scripts. I use variables in two ways, firstly, suppose I want to repeat the name of one computer again and again throughout the script. What I do is assign a name to a variable at the start of the script, thereafter I use the variable when I want to refer to the name. For example strXP = "XPMachine". The payback for what may seem like extra work, is when I want the script to work with a different value, say strXP = "VistaMachine". I only have to change the value in one place, moreover, I know that place will be near the top of my script.

My second job for variables is as placeholders in loops. Incidentally, loops never cease to amaze me for their power to automate repetitive tasks. Let us imagine that I have a VBScript routine, which creates a Computer, imagine also that I have a list of 100 machine names in a file. Loop + variable + incrementor = lots of new Computer accounts. To keep it simple, on this page the scripts do not read from a file, instead each loop appends a different number to the base name, XPMachine1, XPMachine2 etc..

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Example 1 - Using a String Variable In this first Example, observe how VBScript employs the variable strXP to build the new computer object. See how I set strXP = "XPMachine. Then look again and see how many more times strXP appears in the script. Now see how easy it would be to change strXP to = "VistaMachine", compared with the hassle of changing each of the two, or is it three, further occurrences of the corresponding computer name.


While I designed this script purely to demonstrate variables, there is no reason why you should not create and test the following VBScript provided you are connected to an Active Directory Domain.


1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. ComputerSimple.vbs 3. Double click and then check the message box 4. You may like to launch Active Directory Users and Computers and check

the Computers container for new Computer accounts. Press F5, or refresh as necessary.

' ComputerSimple.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a Computer (Simple) ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.2 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim strXP, objRootDSE, objContainer, objComputer strXP = "XPMachine" Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Computers," & _ objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

Set objComputer = objContainer.Create("Computer", "cn=" & strXP) objComputer.Put "sAMAccountName", strXP & "$" objComputer.Put "userAccountControl", 4096 objComputer.SetInfo WScript.Echo "Created a new computer called " & strXP WScript.Quit

Learning Points Note 1: For now, trust me, just concentrate on the variable strXP and do not worry about how the script binds to Active Directory. (We will cover Active Directory components in section 3.)

Note 2: By declaring and using variables in your VBScripts, you can manipulate their values later in the script. Trace all the occurrences of strXP in the above example.

Note 3: Incidentally, VBScript reserves a place in memory for each variable.

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Example 2 - Using a Variable to Increment a Loop. Loop counters are another classic application for variables. See how the script creates 10 computers and puts them all in same OU. The variable intComputerNum is a vital cog in enabling the script loop ten times. The result is an efficient script, which builds computers accounts. Thanks to the variable intComputerNum, the machines have unique names, XPMachine1 to XPMachine10.

' ComputerLots.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create 10 Computers ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.3 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim strXP, objRootDSE, objContainer, objComputer Dim intComputerNum, objNew strXP = "XPMachine"

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Computers," & _ objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

For intComputerNum = 1 To 10 objNew = strXP & intComputerNum Set objComputer = objContainer.Create("Computer", "cn=" & objNew) objComputer.Put "sAMAccountName", objNew & "$" objComputer.Put "userAccountControl", 4096 objComputer.SetInfo Next intComputerNum = intComputerNum -1 WScript.Echo intComputerNum & " new computers created "

Note 1: In Example 2 (above), I would like to isolate the For... Next loop and concentrate on the role of the variable intComputerNum. So often, the real reason why you are creating a script is to automate a repetitive task. That means getting the basic task correct, (Example 1) and then 'topping and tailing' the script with a For ... Next loop. (Example 2).

Note 2: The command: For intComputerNum = 1 To 10 controls how many loops, how many computers to create. While I used a long variable name intComputerNum, many scriptwriters would have used, For i = 1 to 10. The reason that I choose a long name is because 'i' is such a short variable name, if you blink, you miss the fact that the command is using a variable.

Note 3: From an Active Directory perspective, this script demonstrates that you need to create a sAMAccountName for a computer object. It also shows that the default UserAccountControl value for a computer is 4096 and not 512. I say again, we will feature the Active Directory commands in later scripts (page 3).

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The Hungarian Variable Convention The idea behind the Hungarian naming Convention is to give variables consistent and meaningful names, especially with the prefix part of the variables. VBScript allows to you declare variables beginning with any reasonable alphanumeric character. The Hungarian Convention says, 'Wouldn't it be a good idea to always begin string variables with s (or str) and integers with i (or int)'. At a stroke, the prefix gives you an extra clue about the purpose of the variable. For example, strContainer expects a string value such as "XPMachine"; whereas a variable called intCounter, intimates that the values will be whole numbers.

VBScript does not insist upon the Hungarian Convention. On the one hand, I wish VBScript would enforce strict naming; on the other hand it allows you, or I, to develop our own dialect of the Hungarian Convention. One of the stricter dialects of the Hungarian Convention uses mainly single letter prefixes, for example, s for string, o for object, i for integer.

My message is this, devise your own dialect of the Hungarian Convention and stick to it. If you would like to research the Hungarian Convention, look for the names Charles Simonyi, who invented the convention and Charles Petzold who adapted it to Windows scripting. To summarise, naming variables consistently is important, the Hungarian Convention is a worthy concept. Incidentally, other scripting languages enforce the convention more rigorously than VBScript.

Here is a system that I try to adhere to:

int - Integer. Example intComputerNum representing 10 or 50

str - String. Example strOU or strDomain

obj - Object. Example objUser or objComputer

There are other less common variable prefixes, for instance: err - error, dtm - date, boo - Boolean. Are variables case sensitive? The answer is no. For instance, strXP would be the same as StrXP or strXp. That does not mean that you should change capitalization from one instance to the next. Get into good habits; they will reward you when it comes to dealing with Active Directory properties which are case sensitive.

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Hungarian Convention Example: Let us revisit Example 2, and identify my version of the Hungarian Convention, for example, the variables strXP objNew and intComputerNum.

' ComputerLots.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create 10 Computers ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.4 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim objNew, objRootDSE, objContainer, objComputer Dim intComputerNum, strXP strXP = "XPMachine"

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Computers," & _ objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

For intComputerNum = 1 To 3 objNew = strXP & intComputerNum Set objComputer = objContainer.Create("Computer", "cn=" & objNew) objComputer.Put "sAMAccountName", objNew & "$" objComputer.Put "userAccountControl", 4096 objComputer.SetInfo Next intComputerNum = intComputerNum -1 WScript.Echo intComputerNum & " new computers created "

Learning Points Note 1: VBScript is an object based language, therefore I prefix the names of my Container and Computer objects with obj, e.g. objComputer.

Note 2: when I need a numeric variable, I prefix it with int e.g. intComputerNum, other writers would use iComputerNumber. Incidentally, it constantly surprises me that VBScript relies on pure logic more than pure maths.

Note 3: When it comes to values, many of my variables rely on names, so I prefix them with str, short for 'string variable' e.g. strXP.

Summary of VBScript Variables Choose meaningful names for your variable, select a word or words that describe the purpose of the variable. Best practices suggests the length should be about 8 - 16 characters. strXP gives you a clue that this could be an XP name, while objComputer is fairly self-evident.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

String Variables, Number Variables, Object Variables, also For .... Next (Loop) and .Create("Computer...")

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Section 3 Create an OU (Organizational Unit) in Active Directory

Build your container object

Tutorial for Creating an OU (Organizational Unit) with VBScript This script builds on the knowledge of variables covered in section 2. It also extends the .Create("Computer...") method to .Create("Organizational Unit..."). As promised in section 2, here is where we concentrate on Active Directory techniques such as binding the RootDSE namespace.

When I visit companies, it surprises me that only 50% of network managers create any OUs in their Active Directory. The rest keep all their accounts in the Users (or Computers) container. The distinction between OUs and container objects is not just a matter of a strange book symbol on the OU, see Accounts OU on diagram opposite. OUs are great for not only organizing your user accounts, but also OUs make it easier to fine-tune your group policies. (You cannot create or assign Group Policies to the Users or Computers containers.)

When you start scripting Active Directory objects it is important to distinguish between an OU and a Container object. It is easy to make a mistake and try to write, CN=Accounts, or OU=Computers, when it should be OU=Accounts and CN=Computers. (See diagram above.)

Topics for Creating an OU (Organizational Unit) with VBScript

Our Mission and Goal

Example 1 - Create a Top Level OU

Example 2 - Create a Child OU

Example 3 - Adding error-correcting Code

Summary for Creating User Accounts

Our Mission and Goal Unlike the FileSystemObject, or Network scripts, this mission requires access to an Active Directory domain. While we create OUs (Organizational Units) primarily as containers to organize users, let us take the opportunity and learn about scripting commands such as: 'Set, Create(Object), Get(Object) and .SetInfo'.

The subsidiary reason for studying OUs is preparing for that day when you need to alter objects in that OU with a VBScript. There are traps for the unwary; for example, you need to ensure that your script binds, not to the Users container, but binds to a named OU.

Example 1 - Create a Top Level OU Please would you inspect Active Directory Users and Computers and confirm that there is no tiny book symbol on your Users folder. My point is that Users is a container object, referenced by CN=Users and not an OU referred to by: OU=Users.

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Meanwhile, back to the main goal, creating a top level OU with VBscript.

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1. Important: Which OU will create? My script uses OU=Accounts to generate an Organizational Unit called accounts. If you prefer a different OU name, then change line 10 in your script.

2. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 3. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. Accounts.vbs. 4. Double click and examine the message boxes. 5. Open Up your Active Directory Users and Computers and inspect the OUs.

' Account.vbs ' VBscript to create an OU (Organizational Unit) ' Note two steps to set domain ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.3 - September 2005 ' ----------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objRoot, objDomain, objOU Dim strContainer

strContainer ="OU=Accounts"

' Section to bind to YOUR Active Directory. Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") objDomain = objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDomain)

' Section to create the OU defined by strContainer ' Also note the use of: .SetInfo

'On Error Resume next Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer) objOU.SetInfo

WScript.Echo "New Top Level OU created = " & strContainer WSCript.Quit

Learning Points - Binding to Active Directory Building on my theme of mastering VBScript commands, I would like to draw your attention to the following section of the Example 1 script.

' Section to bind to YOUR Active Directory. Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") objDomain = objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDomain)

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Note 1: GetObject() retrieves data. Later, in the full script we will make a new OU with the sister command CreateObject().

Note 2: The 'Set' Command means that the variable called objRoot points to the base of the LDAP name space. Think of rootDSE as tunnelling down into the heart of Active Directory and then returning with information. In this instance, naming information.

Note 3: DefaultNamingContext is a wonderful command because it removes my need to know your domain. Without this technique, we would have to hard code the domain name. Thanks to DefaultNamingContext, the script retrieves the distinguished name automatically, in my case it would be: dc=cp, dc=mosel. (DC = Domain Context, not Domain Controller). While, I do not know the name of your domain, when the script runs on your machine it automatically extracts the name of your domain. Clever.

Note 4: You may see other people's scripts, which Set ObjDomain with one line instead of two. I admit that it is possible to write tighter code, but my way helps us to breakdown the stages of binding to Active Directory. As you will see, I am keen on scripts which employ the 'salami' technique to slice a task into manageable stages.

Learning Points - Creating the actual OU Here is the section which creates and then saves the new OU.

strContainer ="OU=Accounts"

'On Error Resume next Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer) objOU.SetInfo

Note 1: Guy loves variables, so here is the name of the variable which holds the OU name: strContainer ="OU=Accounts"

Note 2: Observe the use of the 'Set' command, as in Set objOU.

Note 3: What the script is saying is this, start with the domain (objDomain), now create a new OU (Not a user or a computer). Next, the script extracts the name of the new OU from the strContainer variable.

Note 4: Another member of the Set family is .SetInfo. Take special note of .SetInfo because overlooking this command can mean that the script runs silently, without error, but unfortunately, nothing actually gets created! Omitting .SetInfo is rather like filling in the dialog boxes, but forgetting to click the OK button.

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Example 2 - Create a Child OU The idea of this VBScript example is to create a child OU. My assumption is that you have already made a parent or top level OU as described in Example 1.

Creating a child OU is simple but there is a classic trap. Which of these two sequences should you use?

strContainer = parent, child. or strContainer = child, parent?

Answer: strContainer = child, parent

Assuming that the parent is called Accounts, here is a real example: strContainer ="OU=Child,OU=Accounts". See diagram opposite.

Some people find this sequence counter intuitive, others, try both ways and see which works. The gifted deduce the sequence from first principles. If you had to add the user name, then the full DN (distinguished name) would be: cn=guyt,OU=Child,OU=Accounts,dc=cp,dc=com. When you see the full path, the sequence "OU=Child,OU=Accounts", becomes obvious.

Tip: When scripting OUs, pay particular attention to the placement of commas. To create a child OU we just need one comma in the string variable. (In other cases, but not here, we need two commas.)

' VBscript to create a child OU (Organizational Unit) ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.3 - September 2005 ' ----------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objRoot, objDomain, objOU Dim strContainer err.number = vbEmpty

' Section to create the OU defined by strContainer strContainer ="OU=Child,OU=Accounts"

' Section to bind to YOUR Active Directory. Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") objDomain = objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDomain)

On Error Resume next Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer ) objOU.Put "Description", "Guy's OU" objOU.SetInfo

' Confirmation Message If Err.Number = vbEmpty Then WScript.Echo "New Child OU created = " & strContainer Else WScript.Echo "Problem: " & err.number End If WScript.Quit

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Learning Points - Creating the Child OU Note 1: The key way to control this script is through the strContainer variable. To create the child OU I amend: strContainer ="OU=Child,OU=Accounts"

Note 2: With Err.Number, I have added primitive error-correcting code in preparation for Example 3.

Example 3 - Adding error-correcting Code As with every-day life, I always like to anticipate what could go wrong in my scripts. Specifically, I want the script to handle two situations: 1) Where the child OU already exists 2) The situation where there is no Parent OU

To handle the errors, I divided the OU path into strParent and strContainer. Most of the error-correcting takes place in the subroutine called GuyError().

' VBscript to create a child OU (Organizational Unit) ' With error-correcting code ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.4 - September 2005 ' ----------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objRoot, objDomain, objOU Dim strContainer, strParent err.number = vbEmpty

' Section to bind to YOUR Active Directory. Set objRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") objDomain = objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & objDomain)

' Section to create the OU defined by strContainer strParent ="OU=Accounts" strContainer ="OU=Child," & strParent

On Error Resume next Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer ) objOU.Put "Description", "Guy's OU" objOU.SetInfo

' error-correcting Code If Err.Number <> vbEmpty Then Call GuyError Else WScript.Echo "New Child OU created = " & strContainer End If WScript.Quit(0)

' error-correcting code to create Parent OU Sub GuyError() If Err.number = "-2147019886" then Wscript.Echo "Child OU already created" WScript.Quit(1) Else Wscript.Echo "Error " & Err.number Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strParent ) objOU.Put "Description", "Guy's Bulk Users OU" objOU.SetInfo Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", strContainer ) objOU.SetInfo WScript.Echo strParent & " Child and Parent OU Created " End If End Sub

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Note 1: Firstly, I researched the specific err.number for the situation where the OU already existed, the answer turned out to be -2147019886. In the WSH Message box you actually see, Error: 80071392. (To check the math launch Calc.exe in Scientific Calculator mode. Now compare 80071392 Hex with 2147019886 decimal)

Note 2: All scripting languages have sub-routine functions, I challenge you to trace how 'sub GuyError()' makes use of strParent and strContainer.

Summary Creating an OU It is surprising how often you need an OU. For example, testing Group Policies or testing Logon Scripts. There again, perhaps you just want to organize your accounts in Active Directory Users and Computers. It's worth remembering that while I call it OU, Microsoft give the object its full name Organizational Unit.

My script will build your Active Directory Organizational Unit. All you need to do is adjust the variable: strContainer = "OU = Accounts". If you have the time, then go through the script searching for all the script commands. Should there be any methods or verbs that you do not understand, do refer to the learning points.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

.Create(organizationalUnit", If...then... else...End If, Child and Parent OUs, sub GuyError(), err.number

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Section 4 Create a User in Active Directory

Bind to Active Directory

Introduction to Create a User in Active Directory Creating Active Directory objects is a fertile area for VBScript. My suggestion, or even challenge is to search for common ground in all Active Directory type of scripts. For example, each Active Directory script 'binds' to the root of the domain name space. Invariably, Guy's scripts employ a strContainer variable to control the OU where the new object will be born. Production scripts also need a loop. After all the reason that we are scripting rather than performing the same task manually is to save time with routines that automate.

Tutorial for Creating a User Account with VBScript This page has VBScript examples to show you how to create User accounts in your domain. I urge you to take on board my advice to build your scripts in stages. The benefit of creating scripts in small sections is that not only do you understand each part, but also your brain will see ways of applying a section in a different scenario. For example, once you learn how to bind with Active Directory to create a User object, it's easy to modify the script and create a Contact object instead.

Topics for Creating a User Account with VBScript

Our Mission and Goal

Example 1: Script to Create a User in Active Directory

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points

Example 2: Script to Create a User in a Named OU

Summary for Creating User Accounts

Our Mission and Goal Our first goal is to create a User account in Active Directory's Users container. A more realistic mission is to create users in a named OU, and we will tackle that goal in Example 2.

Breaking down the task of creating a user

Whilst our mission is to create a user in an OU, the teaching progression is to create one user in the default Users container, then modify the script to deliver the account to an OU, which we control with strContainer.

Declare the variables.

Bind to active directory.

Add the sAMAccountName.

Additional tasks not covered here.

Enable the account.

Add other properties, for example sn, office.

Add a loop to create multiple users.

Read names and other attributes from a spreadsheet.

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Example 1 - Script to Create a User in Active Directory In this script, we concentrate on the essential VBscript commands necessary to build a User account in Active Directory Users and Computers. For example, GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") and .Create("User"). Even though I am experienced at creating VBScripts, I still run manually through creating the object in Active Directory Users and Computers. What I find is the GUI's menus, actions and dialog boxes help me to rehearse the corresponding stages in my script.

Prerequisites I recommend that you logon at a domain controller. If you are a long way from the server, Remote Desktop would be a suitable alternative. If that is not possible, you could get these scripts to work from an XP machine as a non-administrator. However, why introduce extra complications? Especially at the beginning, you want easy success, with fewest obstacles.

Instructions for Creating a User Account in Active Directory

1. You should run this VBScript on a Windows Active Directory domain. 2. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript

editor. 3. Decide whether to change the value for strUser. DomGuy2 is not a

particularly attractive name. 4. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: Users .vbs. 5. Double click Users .vbs and check the Users container for strUser.

Script to Create a User in a Named OU (Organizational Unit)

' Users .vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a User in Users . ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.3 - May 2005 ' ------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim strUser Dim objRootLDAP, objContainer, objNewUser strUser = "DomGuy2"

' Bind to Active Directory, Users container. Set objRootLDAP = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Users," & _ objRootLDAP.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

' Build the actual User. Set objNewUser = objContainer.Create("User", "cn=" & strUser) objNewUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strUser objNewUser.SetInfo


' End of Sample Create Users VBScript.

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VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: The first 10 lines explain the purpose of the script and declare the variables.

Note 2: The simple, but clever command, which allows the script to work with any domain is: GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE"). Crucially, this statement binds WSH / VBScript to Active directory. The next line puts the focus on the Users container, as that is where the user will be born. Incidentally, the correct syntax is cn=users, whereas OUs that you create need the OU= prefix, for example OU=Accounts,.

Note 3: sAMAccountName controls the logon name, this is the name that users should enter in the dialog box after they press the Ctrl Alt Delete, logon sequence.

Note 4: .Create is a method to build an object. See how we script "User" not "Computer" or "OU".

Note 5: When creating or modifying users, invariably you need .put and .SetInfo. The .put method is the equivalent of selecting a box in Active Directory Uses and Computers, in this example, sAMAccountName sets the correct property and .put unloads the value set by strUser. .SetInfo is the VBScript equivalent of pressing the OK button in the GUI. In both cases, it represents the final act of creating or modifying the User object.

Note 6: This script represents 'work in progress'. For a real production script you would need to enable the account, and most likely, add several other properties, for example givenName. My desire is to get you started. Build the script in stages, understand each component, then add another section. Incidentally, I have an ebook dedicated to all aspects of bulk importing users from data in a spreadsheet.

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Example 2: Script to Create a User in a Named OU (Organizational Unit) Prerequisites

Create a new OU. I called my OU Accounts, what name will you choose?

Instructions for Creating a User Account in a Named OU

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Find the strContainer, and then change to the name of your OU. 3. Decide whether to change the value for strUser. 4. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: UserOU.vbs. 5. Double click UserOU.vbs and check the Computers container for


' UserOU.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a User in a named OU. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.4 - September 2005 ' ------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objRootLDAP, objContainer, objUser, objShell Dim strUser, strName, strContainer

strUser = "BookKeeper21" strName = "Bookie" strContainer = "OU=Accounts ," ' Note the comma

' Bind to Active Directory, Users container. Set objRootLDAP = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://" & strContainer & _ objRootLDAP.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

' Build the actual User. Set objUser = objContainer.Create("User", "cn=" & strUser) objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strUser objUser.Put "givenName", strName objUser.SetInfo

' Optional section to launch Active Directory Uses and Users Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run "%systemroot%\system32\dsa.msc"


' End of Sample UserOU VBScript.

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: The key difference between the two scripts is: strContainer = "OU=Accounts ,". Trace how VBScript applies this variable to set the Organizational Unit.

Note 2: The following command looks easy to script: GetObject("LDAP://" & strContainer & _. However it took me ages to get the speech marks and ampersands (&) just right.

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Note 3: This optional section is merely me having a little fun. What this section does is open the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC ready for you to inspect the new User account. My other reason for adding this code is show that the script has executed successfully; otherwise, I just sit and wonder if VBScript has finished interpreting all the commands.

Note 4: I suggested in Example 1 that you could add other attributes, trace how I added givenName through strName. To see what I mean, I suggest that you alter the value from "Bookie" to a more realistic name.

Summary of Creating User Accounts The first example script shows you how to create a new user account in the default container of Windows domain. In the second example, we control the name of the OU where the account appears in Active Directory Users and Computers. The tutorial's hidden agenda is learning how to apply the VBScript object, methods and value technique. There is one other guiding principle, start simply. Build complex scripts in stages.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

Set objRootLDAP = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") .Create("User"), .Put and .SetInfo

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Section 5 Map Network Drive

Map a Network Drive - A Classic task for a VBScript.

Introduction to MapNetworkDrive The practical task of this script is to map a network share to a local drive letter. The best example of this tactic is when users access their home folder on a server, via a drive letter. Unlike the Active Directory scripts, this script should execute on any machine.

VBScript has a whole family of methods, which manipulate the network just as if you used the Windows Explorer; look out for the line which builds the VBScript object: CreateObject("WScript.Network"). The scripting spotlight on this page falls on a VBScript method called MapNetworkDrive. On the next page we will examine the parallel method called AddWindowsPrinterConnection, which maps printers. Similar methods (not covered here) include, RemoveNetworkDrive and EnumNetworkDrives.

Topics for MapNetworkDrive

Our Mission and Goal

Example - MapNetworkDrive VBScript Method

Learning Points for MapNetworkDrive

Guy's Challenges

Summary of MapNetworkDrive

Our Mission and Goal Our mission is to map a network drive. Users may think that their home drive is a local H:\, but you and I realize that the H:\ is a mapping which represents a folder on a server. There is only a slim chance that a user would know how to create this H:\ drive manually. Moreover, the chances of them remembering to create the drive mapping every time they logon are practically zero. Consequently, this is a job for a VBScript that runs automatically at logon. Incidentally, I have an ebook dedicated to all aspects of logon scripts if you want more detail. This page is all about getting you started with VBScript.

MapNetworkDrive Method

MapNetworkDrive follows the VBScript format of object, method, and value. Firstly, we create the network object called objNetwork. Next we employ the MapNetworkDrive method to create the local drive letter. For our examples, we deploy MapNetworkDrive with two arguments, drive letter and UNC path. You can observe in the examples that each argument is controlled by its own variable, strDriveLetter = "H:" and strRemotePath = "\\alan\home".

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Example - MapNetworkDrive VBScript Method A reminder, our objective is to map a drive letter to a network path. In this example, H:\ maps the UNC path \\server\share. Please note that the reason this script works for me is that my share name is called, '\home' and my server is '\\alan. Consequently, my UNC path for the variable strRemotePath = "\\alan\home".

Pre- requisites.

1. On Line 10, change the server name from '\\alan' to your server name. 2. Make sure that your server has a share called '\home'.

Instructions to MapNetworkDrive

1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Check strPath, your server is unlikely to be called "\\alan, so amend to the

name of your server. 3. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. MapNetworkDrive.vbs. 4. Double click your script and check in your Windows Explorer for a new

drive called: home on 'alan' (H:).

' ' MapNetworkDrive.vbs ' VBScript to map a network drive to a UNC Path. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.4 - September 2005 ' -----------------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objNetwork Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath strDriveLetter = "H:" strRemotePath = "\\alan\home"

' Purpose of script to create a network object. (objNetwork) ' Then to apply the MapNetworkDrive method. Result H: drive Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath WScript.Quit

' End of Example VBScript.

Learning Points for MapNetworkDrive Note 1: VBScript is an object based scripting language. On line 14, you can see how the code creates objNetwork. Line 16 then applies the famous MapNetworkDrive method to achieve the actual drive mapping.

Note 2: If you run the script a second time, then you get WSH error message code 80070055. The temporary solution is to launch Windows Explorer, and then delete the appropriate mapped drive. In my example, right click on: home on 'alan' (H:) and select: Disconnect. (See diagram opposite.) Now you can run the script again. A better solution is to add error-correcting code, however, for now, I want to focus on one goal, mastering MapNetworkDrive.

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Note 3: At the top of the script is a heading section. The idea of the header is to explain what this VBScript will achieve. Some scriptwriters feel that the Dim statements, which declare variables, are also part of the header section.

Note 4: Option Explicit is a VBScript command to force me to declare variables. Not only is this 'best practice', but in my case, it alerts me to typos when I try to use the same variable later in the script.

Note 5: Once we declare strDriveLetter, then we can assign it a value, in this case "H:". One perennial problem I have with scripting is paying attention to detail, especially the syntax. Even with the simple drive letter - H, we must be careful. For the script to succeed we need precisely "H:". Neither "H:\", nor "H\:" will work.

Guy's Challenges MapNetworkDrive provides an ideal vehicle to explore the personality of VBScript. Discover what you can change, and what is fixed by VBScript. My advice is to start by changing strDriveLetter = "H:" to strDriveLetter = "L:" (or any other available letter). I will be surprised if you fail to map the UNC path to the new letter.

Try changing strDriveLetter to plain strLetter. You should get this working, but only if change strDriveLetter not once, but in three places. If you accept this challenge then Option Explicit will keep you on track. The point is that you have control over the name of the variable.

You could try changing MapNetworkDrive to MapMyHomeDrive, or you could just accept my assurance that you cannot just invent methods to manipulate WScript objects. Instead, you have to learn the rich variety of built-in VBScript methods. My message is never miss an opportunity to learn the name of method, for example, EnumNetworkDrives, RemoveNetworkDrive and of course MapNetworkDrive.

Summary of MapNetworkDrive MapNetworkDrive is the classic method that logon scripts employ to provide home directories. Once you master this VBScript, which maps drive letters to UNC shares, you can extend your range to mapping printers.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

Key VBScript term: MapNetworkDrive, observe this method: CreateObject("WScript.Network")

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Section 6 Map a Network Printer

Map a Network Printer and also set the Default Printer

Introduction to AddWindowsPrinterConnection Logon Script One of the jobs of a Windows logon script is to provide applications such as Word or Excel with a suitable network printer. I will show you how to build a VBScript that uses the AddWindowsPrinterConnection method to create a printer. As a bonus, I have a second script that adds code to set the default printer. You probably cannot help spotting similarities between these scripts and mapping a network drive in section 5. For example, CreateObject("WScript.Network")

Topics for AddWindowsPrinterConnection Scripts

Our Mission

Example 1

Simple Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection

Example 2

Full Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection

Example 3 - SetDefaultPrinter

Printer Logon Script Summary

Our Mission Our mission is to create a script, which provides the user with a connection to a shared printer. As so often happens, the script mimics your manual actions, in this instance adding a network printer in the Printers (and Faxes) folder.

Printer Methods

Printer VBScripts follow the classic format of object, method, and value. We create the network object called objNetwork. Next, we employ the AddWindowsPrinterConnection method to create the network printer. Finally, we get a new printer icon in the Printers and Faxes folder, which matches the value set in strUNCPrinter. What gives any scripting language its power is the methods or verbs, in this case AddWindowsPrinterConnection, in other scripts SetDefaultPrinter or even RemovePrinterConnection.

Example 1 - Simple Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection Our objective is to create a printer icon, which connects to the network printer called \\zara\HP LaserJet. Printer scripts employ a variety of different methods; in this instance, we concentrate on AddWindowsPrinterConnection. If you have Windows 2003 or XP clients, the procedure is straightforward; this method only needs one parameter or argument, namely the UNC path to the shared printer. For example: AddWindowsPrinterConnection strPrinterUNCPath

Note that in the case of Windows 2003 and XP clients, there is no argument to specify the driver; the client will automatically download the correct driver from the print server.

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Pre- requisites for Mapping Printers

You need a machine (server) with a shared printer.

Instructions for a simple Printer Logon Script

1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Change the server name from "\\zara to the name of your print server. 3. Create a shared printer and use that name in place of \HP LaserJet in my

script. 4. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. Printers.vbs. 5. Double click and then launch your Printers folder.

' ' Printers.vbs - Windows Logon Script. Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\zara\HP LaserJet"

Learning Points Note 1: I do realize that scripts go wrong. However, with printer scripts, it s often the result of 'over-think', so begin with simple plan and pay attention to the syntax. In this instance, there is one method AddWindowsPrinterConnection and one parameter or argument, the UNC path to the network printer "\\zara\HP LaserJet".

Note 2: This basic script needs no commas. I mention this as another example of keeping it simple, don't go into 'over-think' and add unnecessary commands.

In addition, there is no need for an argument to set the printer driver or port number, the server will take care of that business automatically.

Note 2: This script conforms to the classic VBScript structure, object, method, and value. We create a network object, objNetwork, apply the AddWindowsPrinterConnection method and then assign the value of your shared network printer.

Note 3: I deliberately made Example 1 as short as possible so that it would highlight the essential commands. Normally, I include a header section and declare variables, as you will see in Example 2.

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Example 2 - Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection This script has the same core commands as the first example but with a few extra coding niceties. As you get to know my VBScript style, so you will see my familiar heading section, liberal use of variables and a WScript.Echo message box to confirm what has happened.

' PrintersLong.vbs - Windows Logon Script. ' VBScript - to map a network printer ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.3 - September 2005 ' -----------------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, strUNCPrinter strUNCPrinter = "\\zara\HP LaserJet." Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter WScript.Echo "Check the Printers folder for : " & strUNCPrinter


' End of Guy's Windows logon script.

Learning Points Note 1: Option Explicit forces us to declare variables before we use them in the VBScript. The idea is to reduce spelling mistakes.

Note 2: One reason that I like to employ variables is to make it easier to troubleshoot in general and display messages with WScript.Echo in particular.

Example 3 - SetDefaultPrinter As you may know, I believe in building up scripts in stages. However, once you have created two or three printers you probably want to control which printer is the default. Thus, setting a default printer is a natural progression, and any production script would have both methods, AddWindowsPrinterConnection and SetDefaultPrinter.

Scripting printers is easy because there are fewer parts to each command. In the case of SetDefaultPrinter, we need only the name of the printer - that is all. Here is the SetDefaultPrinter method and its one argument:

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Instructions to SetDefaultPrinter

1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. SetDefaultPrinter.vbs. 3. Double click the script and check your Printers folder. Which is printer is

now the default.

' ' SetDefaultPrinter.vbs - Windows logon script example ' PrintersDefault.vbs - Set the default printer ' VBScript - to map a network printer ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.4 - April 24th 2005 ' -----------------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, strUNCPrinter strUNCPrinter = "\\zara\HP LaserJet 2420" Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter

' Here is where we set the default printer to strUNCPrinter objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strUNCPrinter WScript.Echo "Check the Printers folder for : " & strUNCPrinter


' End of Guy's Windows logon example VBScript.

Learning Points Note 1: The basic SetDefaultPrinter is a short command with no commas and only one argument - the printer share name.

Note 2: Surprisingly, you do not need to know the whereabouts of the print server.

Note 3: To see this script to best effect you need a third printer, which is initially set to the default printer. The good news is that you can play 'fantasy printers'. Just call for the printer wizard and pretend that you have an Epson xyz or a Lexmark 123ABC, just to practice your scripting.

Summary of AddWindowsPrinterConnection Mapping Printers is an important application of VBScript. All you need to experiment with this script is a shared network printer. Incidentally, in a production script it costs little to add an extra line of code, which explicitly sets the default printer.

From a pure scripting point of view, this script teaches the VBScript rationale of creating an object and then using methods to perform useful tasks such as connecting to a network printer and then setting the default printer.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

Key VBScript terms: AddWindowsPrinterConnection, SetDefaultPrinter, Key method: CreateObject("WScript.Network").

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Section 7 Create a Folder (Stage 1 of 3)

Store those scripts

Introduction to Create Folders One of my favourite strategies with scripts is taking a section from one script and pasting it into another script. This is my point, regard the script on this page as the first stage in bolting three scripts together. The result in section 9 will be one big script, which creates a folder, a file and then appends text to that file. I admit that this is a difficult project so early in your scripting career; however, I want to make the scripts useful as well as instructional.

Topics for VBScript

Meet the VBScript terms

Example 1 - Basic VBScript to Create a Folder

Example 2 - Create a Folder with error-correcting Code

Example 3 - Script to Create a Folder, then Open Windows Explorer

Summary of Creating Folders

Meet the VBScript terms Here is a reminder of the overall plan. In Stage 1, on this page, we build a folder. Once we have created the folder, then in Stage 2 we can add a file, finally, in Stage 3 I will show you how to write text to our file. As I mentioned earlier, VBScript is a simple but powerful language. I would like to introduce the VBScript commands that we will be employing:

1) Dim: Stands for dimension, it means I declare the variables.

2) Option Explicit: This does not achieve anything on it's own, however, it works with to Dim to force us to declare all variables. The benefit of Option Explicit is that it reduces errors caused by typos. For example, if we set strDirectory = c:\logs but later referred to the variable as strDir instead of strDirectory, the result would not what we expected.

3) strDirectory: Is a variable which holds the path to the new folder. Feel free to amend c:\logs to a different folder or even an alternative drive, for example (D:\vbscript) would work equally well as a place to hold your scripts.

4a) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). This statement is the heart of the script and needs careful dissection. As ever proceed slowly, inch by inch and it will be a synch. Set objFSO means initialize the variable.

4b) CreateObject tells VBScript to create a new object rather than get an existing object. Moreover, what we want is a scripting FileSystemObject and not a user or a printer object. Think of FileSystemObject as defining the object, in this case, it will have methods for manipulating folders.

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5) Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) This powerful command brings all our components together and finishes the job of creating the folder. Think of objFSO, which we so carefully created on the previous line, as being a magic source of new folders. All we need to do is to tell this magic object, to CreateFolder (not CreateTextFile), and tell it what name to give the new folder

namely the value held by the strDirectory variable.

6) WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory. This is an optional instruction to display a message, which reminds us what the script has done. As you will see, I love WScript.Echo boxes, especially when the script is at the testing stage when we want to confirm that VBScript has at least interpreted the previous lines of code. Note in passing how I reuse the strDirectory variable. Observe if you change strDirectory s value, the confirmation message changes to reflect the name of the new folder.

Example 1 - Basic VBScript to Create a Folder Be aware that this script works brilliantly - first time. You get the folder specified by strDirectory, but if you run the script again, this time you get errors. My work-around is to keep amending the value of strDirectory, for example, on the second running change strDirectory = "C: \logs" to strDirectory = "C: \logs\take2". However, I realize that this technique is no long-term solution, but do not worry, in Example 2 we cure the problem with error-correcting code.

Prerequisites This is a script that will execute equally well on a Windows server or an XP machine. Should you get permission errors, I recommend that you logon as administrator.

Instructions for Creating Folders

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Decide whether to change the value for strDirectory (Particularly the drive letter).

3. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example, NewFolder.vbs. 4. Double click NewFolder.vbs and check Windows Explorer for strDirectory.

Sample Script to Create a Folder

' NewFolder.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a folder (Simple) ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.4 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, strDirectory strDirectory = "c:\logs" ' Create FileSystemObject. So we can apply .createFolder method Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Here is the key line Create a Folder, using strDirectory Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory WScript.Quit ' End of Sample VBScript to create a folder

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VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: CreateObject holds the key. What we want here is a FileSystemObject object because it's suitable for making folders and files. My point is that for this section, we don't need a network or an Active Directory object.

Note 2: Now what we need specifically is a folder. So, we apply the .CreateFolder method to the objFSO and thus ensure that we get the desired folder object (and not a file object).

Example 2 - Create a Folder with error-correcting Code This script builds on Example 1 by adding error-correcting code, the benefit is that the script now copes with situations where the folder already exists. One of the quirks of VBScript is that adding error-correcting code often takes more effort than creating the main task. Another advantage of adding the extra code is that it makes you understand what is going. Writing error-correcting also teaches you to anticipate what could go wrong.

From my spreadsheet days, I have always loved the 'If' function. In VBScript the 'If' construction may take five or more lines, it works like this:

1. If - test - then (the word 'then' ends the first line) 2. What should happen, if - test - is true 3. Else (a line unto itself) 4. What should happen if test was false 5. End If (on its own line)

' NewFolderEC.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a folder with error-correcting Code. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.6 - May 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, strDirectory strDirectory = "c:\logs"

' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Note If..Exists. Then, Else ... End If construction If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo strDirectory & " already created " Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory End If


' End of Sample VBScript to create a folder with error-correcting Code

Example 3 - Script to Create a Folder, then Open Windows Explorer Here is the icing on the cake. Not strictly necessary, but a final flourish that opens Windows Explorer for you to check your newly created folder. First, get the basic model to create the folder (Example 1). Then add error-correcting code (Example 2) and finally, add 5 lines to open Windows Explorer.

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' NewFolderEC.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a folder with error-correcting Code. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 2.6 - May 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, strDirectory strDirectory = "c:\logs"

' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Note If..Exists. Then, Else ... End If construction If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo strDirectory & " already created " Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory End If

' Extra section to open Windows Explorer If err.number = vbEmpty then Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ("Explorer" &" " & strDirectory & "\" ) Else WScript.echo "VBScript Error: " & err.number End If


' End of Sample VBScript to create a folder with error-correcting Code

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") is my way of demonstrating that the script has achieved its goal. The active part is In this example, it simulates you clicking on the Start (Menu), selecting Run and typing, 'Explorer'.

Note 2: You may have noticed that objShell is made by: CreateObject("WScript.Shell") also it has a different job compared with objFSO, which was built with FileSystemObject.

Note 3: At first don't worry about these different types of objects. Just work smart, find a suitable example, copy the code, and amend to your circumstances. After a while you will have your own library of scripts and can start bolting together sections and building production scripts.

Summary of Creating Folders We have covered a great deal of ground. In terms of theory you can appreciate how VBScript employs the Object, method, value system. As far as script structure is concerned, here is a classic example of declaring variables, creating objects and manipulating properties. Another important lesson is to add error-correcting code, in is important to anticipate what could go wrong, and ensure that the script always quits gracefully.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

FileSystemObject, .CreateFolder, .GetFolder, If...then...End if and also CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

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Section 8 Create a Text File (Stage 2 of 3)

How to create a file

A VBScript Tutorial for Creating a File Think of this page as the middle of a trilogy leading from creating the folder to adding text to the file. The examples on this page explain how to create a text file. When you have created your file then I have another page showing you how to write or append data. Before you tackle this page, I recommend that you review Stage 1 to create a folder.

Topics for Writing or Appending to a File with VBScript

Our Mission and Goal for this Section

Example - Sample VBScript to Append Text to a File

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ForAppending

Summary of How to Append Data to a Text File

Our Mission and Goal Our mission on this page is to create a text file. Naturally, we need a folder to hold our file, therefore, our script will test to see if the folder exists, and if not, then our code will create a folder.

Example 1 - Basic VBScript to Create a File with CreateTextFile The idea behind this script is to highlight the code need to create a file. The cost of focussing on one method is that Example 1 works fine the first time you execute the script, but if you run it a second time, you get an error. To cure the problem, move on to the Example 2. A temporary solution is to keep altering the strDirectory. Here is what I did as a work-around:

First Run strDirectory = "C: \logs"

Second Run strDirectory = "C: \logs\guy1"

Third Run strDirectory = "C:\ logs\guy2"

I admit this work-around is poor scripting, but my dilemma is keeping the code simple, versus a slick script that is difficult to follow. To tell the whole truth, I fervently believe that you learn more when scripts go wrong - providing you can fix the error quickly.

Prerequisites This is a script that will create a file equally well on a Windows server or an XP machine. To ensure that there are no permissions errors, I recommend that you logon as administrator.

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Instructions for Creating Files

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Decide whether to change the values for strFile and strDirectory. 3. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: SummerFile.vbs. 4. Double click SummerFile.vbs and check Windows Explorer for strDirectory.

Sample Script to Create a File

' SummerFile.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a file using FileSystemObject ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.7 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFSOText, objFolder, objFile Dim strDirectory, strFile strDirectory = "C:\logs\guy1" strFile = "\Summer.txt"

' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Create the Folder specified by strDirectory on line 10 Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)

' -- The heart of the create file script ----------------------- ' -- Creates the file using the value of strFile on Line 11 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile) Wscript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile


' End of FileSystemObject example: VBScript

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: All FSO scripts begin by creating a File System Object with CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). You really do need the word "Scripting"

Note 2: The specific method for creating the file is called: .CreateTextFile. Observe that we also employed the sister method CreateFolder.

Note 3: By tracing strFile and strDirectory, you will appreciate how to employ variables in VBScripts.

Note 4: If you run the script for a second time it generates the file exists error 800A003A. So, in Example 2 we are going to introduce error-correcting code.

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Example 2 - Create a File with error-correcting Code This script is much more productive than the primitive Example 1. My idea is to anticipate situations where the folder already exists by adding extra code. We are also going to employ a shell object (objShell) to run the Windows Explorer, this means that we can see instantly whether the script worked as designed.

Sample Script to Create a File and Check if a File Already Exists

' SummerFileEC.vbs ' Sample VBScript to create a file with error-correcting Code ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.6 - June 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, objFile Dim strDirectory, strFile strDirectory = "C:\logs" strFile = "\Summer.txt"

' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Check that the strDirectory folder exists If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)

WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory End If

' Check whether strFile already exists. If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory & strFile) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile) Wscript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile End If

set objFolder = nothing set objFile = nothing

' Section to open explorer so that you can see the new file If err.number = vbEmpty then Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ("Explorer" &" " & strDirectory & "\" ) Else WScript.echo "VBScript Error: " & err.number End If


' End of VBScript to create a file with error-correcting Code

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VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: If you do not add error-correcting code, then there is a real danger that running the script again will destroy the original file. What .FileExists does is to check to see if there is already a file with the name as that referenced by strFile.

Note 2: This script also contains code which protects against the folder already existing - FolderExists.

Note 3: A tiny point, but originally the script produced a WSH error message. The solution was to add set objFolder and objFile = nothing. Here is another example where we learn more when things go wrong. I have known for a long time that I should nullify objects when I have finished them, but idleness and wanting to keep the script short have resulted in a sin of omission. Sometimes I get away with it, but not in this example.

Note 4: objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") is my way of showing that the script has achieved its goal. The active part is In this example, the script mimics you clicking on the Start (Menu), clicking on Run and then typing 'Explorer'.

Summary of Creating Files With file system objects there is a natural progression, create the folder, then the file, finally to read or write text into that file. This page shows you how to create a file using the CreateTextFile method. Next step let us explore reading or writing data to the file.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

FileSystemObject, .CreateFile CreateFolder, .FileExists .FolderExists, objShell.Run

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Section 9 Append Data to Text File (Stage 3 of 3)

Write Data to that file.

A VBScript Tutorial for Writing or Appending to a File The examples on this page represent the climax of our mission to write data to a file. To recap, the first task was to create the parent object - the folder. Then, we created the child object - the files, now here in the following examples, we are going to append text to our file. I recommend that you review Stage 2 to create a file.

Whilst my examples are trivial, if you imagine these Examples as sections of a larger script, then you will appreciate the versatility of the OpenTextFile.WriteLine method.

Topics for Writing or Appending to a File with VBScript

Our Mission and Goal for this page

Example - Sample VBScript to Append Text to a File

VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ForAppending

Summary of How to Append Data to a Text File

Our Mission and Goal Often, at least in testing, you can just echo output data to a message box. However, I imagine in a production script that you want to be writing or appending data to a text (.txt) file, if so then OpenTextFile is the method for you. Even though you can also command OpenTextFile to read data, I would prefer to employ the CreateObject("Excel.Application") method for reading text from a spreadsheet. In summary, it's a case of horses for courses, OpenTextFile for writing, Excel.Application for reading.

Example - VBScript to Append Text to a File This is a long script, therefore, let us break the code into sections. The best approach is to master the create folder and create file sections, before you concentrate on our present mission, to write text to a file. Remember that our script must locate the file. Also, remember that in turn, the file has a parent object, the folder. Although the final bonus section is not strictly necessary, I like file scripts to open explorer so that I can check the new data.

Before we start, there are three variations of the OpenTextFile method:

1) Reading the text.

2) Writing text (perhaps I should say over-writing text).

3) Appending data (as in leaving the existing text and adding more).

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VBScript controls which variation of OpenTextFile you get with a special constant. 'CONST' is a VBScript subject in its own right. However, for the purposes of this script, I suggest that you just accept the CONST values and focus on the OpenTextFile object and the .WriteLine method.

' OpenTextFile Method requires a Const value ' ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 For this script I choose: ForAppending = 8

Prerequisites This is a script that will execute equally well on a Windows server or an XP machine. To ensure that there are no permissions errors, I recommend that you logon as administrator.

Instructions for Creating Files

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Decide whether to change the value for strDirectory, strFile and strText. 3. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: AppendText.vbs 4. Double click AppendText.vbs and check Windows Explorer for strDirectory.

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Sample Script to Append Text to a File

' AppendText.vbs ' Sample VBScript to write to a file. With added error-correcting ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.5 - September 2005 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, objTextFile, objFile Dim strDirectory, strFile, strText strDirectory = "c:\logs" strFile = "\Summer.txt" strText = "Note pay another check to bank"

' Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Check that the strDirectory folder exists If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory End If

If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory & strFile) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile) Wscript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile End If

set objFile = nothing set objFolder = nothing ' OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value ' ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8

Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ (strDirectory & strFile, ForAppending, True)

' Writes strText every time you run this VBScript objTextFile.WriteLine(strText) objTextFile.Close

' Bonus or cosmetic section to launch explorer to check file If err.number = vbEmpty then Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ("Explorer" &" " & strDirectory & "\" ) Else WScript.echo "VBScript Error: " & err.number End If


' End of VBScript to write to a file with error-correcting Code

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VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: This is a complex script built from two other scripts. If you have not done so already, you may wish to recap: Stage 2 creates a file.

Note 2: As with many file scripts, the first task is to create an object. Once we have that crucial object then we can persuade it to manipulate the text, here is the classic FSO command: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). Once we create objFSO, we can GetFolder and CreateTextFile.

Note 3: The central point of this script is the OpenTextFile method. What we must also do is control whether to read, write or append (as in this case). Examine carefully the CONST statement. This example uses: Const ForAppending = 8. However, if you wish to over-write the text in the file, the command is ForWriting = 2, (not ForAppending = 2.

Note 4: You may well be asking, what is the point of an example such as this script? Well, try to imagine a WMI script that has interrogated the operating system for disk information. Would it not be better to write the complex data to a file than merely echo the output to your screen?

Note 5: Without adding these two lines the VBScript fails with a permissions error: set objFile = nothing set objFolder = nothing

Summary of How to Append Data to a Text File This is the definitive FSO script. I am sure that you will find many opportunities to adapt this VBScript code into a WMI script, or indeed any script, which requires storing the output in a file.

If you have already learnt how to create files and folders, then the OpenTextFile is the logical progression in controlling the data in the actual file. By fine-tuning the 'CONST For xyz', you can append data or over-write the existing file. The real power and joy of this FSO technique comes in projects where you want to store the data permanently in a text file.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

FileSystemObject, .WriteLine CreateFolder, GetFolder, If ... then.. end IF.

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Section 10 Registry Scripting

Read and Write information to the Registry

Introduction Registry Scripting Being even a minor expert at VBScript requires a variety of subsidiary skills. Take scripting the registry as an example, in addition to mastering the .RegRead and .RegWrite commands; you also need to be expert with Regedit and possible Windiff. One of the benefits of being multi-skilled is that you can apply tricks learnt in one project to another area. For instance, if you are familiar with how the FSO objects read and write to files, then you can apply the same techniques to the registry. Naturally, it also works the other way around, what you learn on this page about interacting with the registry can be applied to writing Event Logs to a textfile.

Topics for Registry Scripting

Mission to Read the Registry

Example 1 - To Extract Windows Version Information from the Registry

Mission to Write Keys to the Registry

Example 2 - To Write Information into the Registry

Summary - Scripting the Registry

Mission to Read the Registry The purpose of the first example is to read the registry. The logic is simple, namely to create a Shell object, manipulate it with the .RegRead method, and then extract the registry values. Finally, we echo these values to a message box.

From a pure scripting point of view, I would like to highlight that the registry scripts require a 'Shell' object rather than a 'Network' or 'FileSystem' Object. The two key methods or verbs are .RegRead and .RegWrite. Therefore, keep an eye out for objShell.RegRead and objShell.RegWrite.

Many registry paths can be very long. Therefore, to control lines of code greater than 80 characters, the script uses the _ (Underscore). Remember that when VBScript sees a carriage return, it thinks, 'this is a new line of code'. By ending a line with _, you can effectively join two lines so that the script host (WSH) interprets them as a single line of code. Another view of this solution is to regard the _ as an escape character for the carriage return.

Example 1 - To Extract Windows Version Information from the Registry Instructions

1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. ReadReg.vbs 3. Double click and then check the message box 4. You may like to run Regedit and navigate from the HKLM to the "Windows

NT\currentVersion\" section referenced by the script.

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' ReadReg.vbs ' VBScript to read Operating system version from the registry. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.3 - September 2005 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------' ' Option Explicit Dim objShell, objUNC, arrOS Dim strVersion, strOS, strSP, strWinLogon

strOS = "ProductName" strVersion ="CurrentVersion" strSP = "CSDVersion"

strWinLogon = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\"_ & "Windows NT\currentVersion\"

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strOS = objShell.RegRead(strWinLogon & strOS) arrOS = Split(strOS, " " ) strSP = objShell.RegRead(strWinLogon & strSP) strVersion = objShell.RegRead(strWinLogon & strVersion)

Wscript.Echo "Operating System " & vbTab & strOS & vbCr _ & arrOS(1) & " version " & vbTab & strVersion & vbCr _ & "Service Pack " & vbTab & strSP


' End of script.

Learning Points Note 1: This script employs a Shell object to manipulate the registry. Here is the line that builds the object: Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").

Note 2: The featured method is .RegRead. This collects the information just as if you had opened Regedit then copied the information.

Note 3: In the script, I shortened the registry hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to HKLM, this is a well know abbreviation, and it works well.

Note 4: Observe how I recycle the strWinLogon variable for three separate jobs.

Note 5: Study the use of vbCr (Visual Basic Carriage Return). Remember that vbCr is merely for formatting text in the message box. vbCr is different from _ (underscore), which was for joining two lines in the script itself. You can also see a sister command for a tab, as in vbTab. Here is a classic example of studying vbCr and _, and by comparing and contrasting their usage, you get greater insight into how each works.

Note 6: The Split command is an indulgence. From time to time, I like to add extra frills which improve the output. Split, as the name suggests, breaks a string. The string in question is "Microsoft Windows xyx". In this instance, we employ a space with " " to split the string. In the output, arrOS(1) refers to the second complete word "Windows". If you tried arrOS(0), it would return the first word - Microsoft.

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Challenges My greatest joy would be if you adapted my script to read other registry values. Extend the script to read not only from the WinLogon section, but also from the many other folders in the registry. So, amend my script to read other values, then echo the output to a message box.

Summary - Reading the Registry Here is a simple script to read values from the registry. Even though the concept is straightforward, take the time to understand the fine detail of the VBScript command, for example vbCr, _(underscore) and & (ampersand).

This script's hidden agenda is attention to detail.

Mission to Write Keys to the Registry You may have noticed a pattern with my scripts. Each script has two parts, a clear practical goal, and a VBScript learning point. In this script, the practical goal is to add a 'Welcome message' to the registry, the result will display in the Logon dialog box. Meanwhile the learning point is to master the .RegWrite method.

Example 2 - To Write Information into the Registry I want to introduce you to a registry change that does not require a reboot. The goal of this script is to add a welcome message to the logon dialog box. To save logging off, you can see the very same message by pressing Ctrl Alt Delete. When the Windows Security dialog box appears, read the top bar and observe your strMessage.

My learning message is practice writing to the registry, but only by experimenting with a risk-free area. The tactics are to create a new key called 'Welcome', then assign it a string value, for example, 'This is Guy's Kingdom'. Before we examine the .RegWrite syntax, you may notice that WScript creates a Shell object - objShell. My point is become a collector of these WScript objects, Network, FileSystemObject and now Shell. Perhaps it's me suffering from 'train-spotting' but when ever I see a new script the first thing I look for is the objects, the second think I look for is the methods or verbs such as .RegWrite.

The .RegWrite method has three parts (arguments):

1. The name of the registry Key that we are creating or writing to. Note the slashes " \ ". In particular, notice that there is a " \ " after Winlogon\, but not after Winlogon\Welcome.

2. The value itself e.g. "Guy's Kingdom" 3. The registry key type, e.g. REG_SZ (string) or REG_DWORD.

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Example: objShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\" _ & "Windows NT\currentVersion\Winlogon\Welcome", "Guy's Kingdom", "REG_SZ"

In the actual script, I control "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\...." with the variable strWinLogon

Another minor point is that because the key is so long, that I need an underscore _ so that WScript sees my code as one complete line. Incidentally, note that I need an & (ampersand) as the speech marks are also split over the two lines. This looks trivial but there are plenty of traps when you are joining text within quotes. Microsoft\" _ & "Windows


1. Copy and paste the script below into notepad. 2. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. Welcome.vbs 3. Double click and then check the message box

You may like to run Regedit and navigate from the HKLM to the winlogon section

Export the Registry before you make any changes

' Welcome.vbs ' Example VBScript to write to the registry. ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.4 - September 2005 ' ----------------------------------------' ' Option Explicit Dim objShell Dim strMessage, strWelcome, strWinLogon

' Set the string values strWelcome = "Welcome" ' New Key strMessage = "You are entering Guy's kingdom" strWinLogon = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\" _ & "Windows NT\currentVersion\Winlogon\"

' Create the Shell object Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' These are the two crucial command in this script. objShell.RegWrite strWinLogon & strWelcome, 1, "REG_SZ" objShell.RegWrite strWinLogon & strWelcome, strMessage, "REG_SZ"

' I like a confirmation message Wscript.Echo "Press Ctrl, Alt Del read top of Menu = " & strMessage

' The line below was purely for testing ' objShell.RegDelete strWinLogon & strWelcome WScript.Quit

' End of script.

Learning Points Note 1: Here is what creates the Welcome key: objShell.RegWrite strWinLogon & strWelcome, 1, "REG_SZ".

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Note 2: I found the commas a little tricky. Observe there is one comma after the registry key (strWinLogon & strWelcome,) and another comma after the value (1,).

Note 3: At first, my script failed because I omitted to put speech marks around the "REG_SZ". This script needs a string value therefore we use "REG_SZ", other registry scripts may require "REG_DWORD". My message is pay attention to what the instructions say, DWORD or SZ.

Note 4: Trace the flow of the variables, strWinLogon, strWelcome and strMessage.

Note 5: Perhaps it's just me, but whenever I script the registry, I make a mistake with the path. For example, this script uses Microsoft\Windows NT\ section of the registry and not the Microsoft\Windows\ folder. My message is pay attention to detail, especially if nothing happens and you need to correct the script.

Note 6: Regedit is the utility for understanding and troubleshooting this script. In particular, Regedit can ensure that you have the correct spelling, once you locate the registry key, then go to File (Menu), Export. Now you are all set to copy what ever is in the Selected Branch dialog box. Naturally, you paste this registry string into your script.

Challenges I have 'commented out' the line which uses .RegDelete. If you want a challenge, then you could remove the apostrophe and thus remove entries from the registry. However, I emphasise - be careful with .RegDelete. Make sure that you do not delete the whole of Winlogon. Incidentally, if you do remove the ' comment and then run the script, at first you will see your strMessage, but when you dismiss the WScript.Echo message box, the script will continue executing and delete the strWelcome.

Ideally, I would like to add more exciting, but potentially dangerous settings to the registry. If you feel that you have mastered this .RegWrite method, then I am sure that you could research other keys to add to your registry.

From a pure scripting point of view, you could add extra (_) and see if the script still runs as designed.

Summary - Scripting the Registry If you need to add new keys and values to the registry, then VBscript is a great solution. The key is to practice on innocuous settings just to master the .RegWrite methods and syntax. Make sure that you export the registry before you undertake major projects with .RegWrite.

Do not neglect the .RegRead method, as it can be the foundation of other scripts, for example, scripts that test if Software has been installed on a machine.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

.RegRead, .RegWrite, (.RegDelete), CreateObject("WScript.Shell"), Split, vbCr, vbTab, (_) underscore.

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Section 11 WMI Scripting - Memory

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

Introduction to WMI In earlier pages we met Logon Scripts, File System Objects and Active Directory scripts. The WMI branch of the VBScript family has a different look and feel from other members. Now, to appreciate the beauty of a jewel such as WMI, you should view the crystal from different angles. To gain perspective and understanding we will examine WMI from these five different angles:

1. See WMI as a method to automate the collection of hardware and software data.

2. Regard WMI as a database holding information about computer disk, services and processor and objects.

3. View WMI as a pipe connecting magically to the inner secrets of the Microsoft operating system.

4. Approach WMI as a distinctive dialect of VBScript with its own WQL vocabulary.

5. Treat WMI as a tool rather like a microscope to probe, and measure, the operating system's properties.

When you think about it, the operating system knows everything!, Windows Server 2003 must know how much memory each process is using, how much free space there is on each partition, which devices are on which Bus. With WMI scripting, you can query CIM library and view information about any aspect of the operating sytem.

WMI Topics

Example 1 - Discover your Computer's Memory

WMI Tutorial - Learning Points

Example 2 - WMI Memory Script with an Input Box

Summary - WMI Memory

Example 1 - Discover your Computer's Memory Here is a VBScript to discover how much Memory (TotalPhysicalMemory) there is in a particular machine. What we need to do is interrogate the CIM (Common Information Model) class called Win32_ComputerSystem. Calling for CIM is rather like going to the library and asking the assistant to get books from the archive. The first example examines the GetObject and ExecQuery, while the second example script adds flexibility with an InputBox.

Prerequisites for your WMI Script No specific requirements. This script should display the amount of memory on any computer.

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Instructions for Creating your Memory WMI Script

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: Memory.vbs 3. Double click Memory.vbs and check the TotalPhysicalMemory (Memory).

Script to Discover how much Memory (RAM) is in your computer

' Memory.vbs ' Sample VBScript to discover how much memory in your computer ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.2 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objWMIService, objComputer, colComputer Dim strLogonUser, strComputer

strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each objComputer in colComputer Wscript.Echo "Computer Name: " & objComputer.Name _ & vbCr & "Total Memory " & objComputer.TotalPhysicalMemory Next


' End of Memory WMI / VBScript

WMI Tutorial - Learning Points From a WMI perspective

Note 1: We need to connect to the Root of the CIM namespace. The first procedure is to tell winmgmts to access the root of the CIM library. Study this line carefully as it crops up in so many WMI scripts : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Each of the above words is instructive, once again we create an object called objWMIService. Observe how we tell GetObject that we want a "winmgmts:" type of object, and not a shell or network object.

Note 2: In most WMI examples, we need security clearance to query the other machine's hardware, this is why we add : & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _

To begin with, just trust me and accept that WMI scripts usually need this command to be sure that you have sufficient rights to query the operating system.

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Note 3: Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ Here we have a standard VBScript phrase to prepare for the WQL command: "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem". The part of Win32 that we are particularly interested in is _ComputerSystem. Win32 has dozens of possible properties, here we need to query neither the disk nor processor, but we do want is the ComputerSystem component.

From a VBScript perspective

Note 4: Even though there is only one computer, the script still needs the loop: For Each....In... Next. Believe me, I tried to simplify the script by removing the loop, but all I got was an 'Object required' 800xxxxx error.

Note 5: In this example, .TotalPhysicalMemory is the property that displays the amount of RAM. However, in other examples we would substitute different properties depending on our purpose, for example .NumberOfProcessors or .SystemType.

Note 6: VBScript does not understand word-wrap, so if the command spans two lines we add the _ (Underscore) at the end of the first line.

Example 2 - WMI Memory Script with an Input Box This script builds on Example 1 and adds code for an inputbox. The result is greater flexibility for you to point the the script to any machine on the network. As a bonus, it includes a simple arithmetic routine to display the TotalPhysicalMemory (RAM) in mb not bytes.

' MemoryInput.vbs ' VBScript with Input box, to discover how much RAM in computer ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.4 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objWMIService, objComputer, colComputer Dim strLogonUser, strComputer, intRamMB

strComputer = "." strComputer = InputBox("Enter Computer name", _ "Find Computer Memory", strComputer) Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each objComputer in colComputer intRamMB = int((objComputer.TotalPhysicalMemory) /1048576)+1 Wscript.Echo "System Name: " & objComputer.Name _ & vbCr & "Total Memory: " & intRamMB & " mb" Next


' End of Sample Memory WMI / VBScript

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WMI Tutorial - Learning Points Note 1: The extra learning points in Example 2 concern VBScript rather than WMI. Most example scripts use strComputer = ".", which refers to the current machine. (The computer where you run the script.) By adding an Inputbox() command, you can easily change the computer value to the NetBIOS name of any machine on your network, at run time. Surprisingly, an IP address did not work, it must be a machine name.

2) The other extra feature of this code is to perform a simple math calculation and covert bytes to megabytes, which is a more meaningful unit of RAM memory.

Summary - WMI Memory These WMI examples show you how to measure physical data such as TotalPhysicalMemory (RAM). As you acquire VBScript skill, so you can tune up your scripts with an inputbox. Once you have mastered one Win32 object, in this case Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory, then you can apply the same method to investigate objects such as disk or processor. Just amend the above method by substituting Win32_PhysicalDisk or Win32_Processor.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

Win32_ComputerSystem, GetObject("winmgmts:"...), InputBox()

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Section 12 WMI Scripting - Chassis Type

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

A WMI Script, which Employs Select Case to Discover Chassis Type The practical point of this WMI script is to discover if the computer is a Mini Tower, Desktop, Laptop or a Rack Mounted unit. While this is a fairly trivial task, it frees up our minds to concentrate on the pure VBScript commands. View this script as a vehicle to dissect and experiment with 'Select Case' and InputBox().

WMI Topics

Example - Discover your Computer's Type or 'Chassis Form'

WMI Tutorial - Learning Points

Summary - WMI Memory

Example - Discover your Computer's Type or 'Chassis Form' This example employs WMI to interrogate the operating system for information on the computer's chassis type. The VBScript portion of the script neatly demonstrates the Select Case statement.

Prerequisites for your WMI Script No specific requirements. This script should display the type or 'Form' of any computer.

Instructions for Creating your 'Chassis Form' WMI Script

1. Copy and paste the example script below into notepad or a VBScript editor.

2. Save the file with a .vbs extension, for example: ComputerChassis.vbs 3. Double click ComputerChassis.vbs and check the Computer's Chassis


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Script to Discover your Computer's type or 'Chassis Form'

' ComputerChassis.vbs ' VBScript to discover the computer type or 'Chassis Form' ' Author Guy Thomas ' Version 1.4 - September 2005 ' -------------------------------------------------------' Option Explicit Dim objWMIService, objComputer, objChassis, objItem Dim strComputer, strChassis, colChassis

strComputer = "." strComputer = InputBox("Enter Computer name", _ "Find Computer Type", strComputer) Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colChassis = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure",,16) For Each objChassis in colChassis For Each objItem in objChassis.ChassisTypes Select Case objItem Case 1 strChassis = "Maybe Virtual Machine" Case 2 strChassis = "??" Case 3 strChassis = "Desktop" Case 4 strChassis = "Thin Desktop" Case 5 strChassis = "Pizza Box" Case 6 strChassis = "Mini Tower" Case 7 strChassis = "Full Tower" Case 8 strChassis = "Portable" Case 9 strChassis = "Laptop" Case 10 strChassis = "Notebook" Case 11 strChassis = "Hand Held" Case 12 strChassis = "Docking Station" Case 13 strChassis = "All in One" Case 14 strChassis = "Sub Notebook" Case 15 strChassis = "Space-Saving" Case 16 strChassis = "Lunch Box" Case 17 strChassis = "Main System Chassis" Case 18 strChassis = "Lunch Box" Case 19 strChassis = "SubChassis" Case 20 strChassis = "Bus Expansion Chassis" Case 21 strChassis = "Peripheral Chassis" Case 22 strChassis = "Storage Chassis" Case 23 strChassis = "Rack Mount Unit" Case 24 strChassis = "Sealed-Case PC"

End Select Next Next WScript.Echo "Your computer type is: " & strChassis WScript.Quit

WMI Tutorial - Learning Points From a VBScript perspective

Note 1: I am very fond of the, 'If.. Then...Else' construction, however it becomes unwieldy after about the third 'else'. Then, one day, I discovered the superior Select Case construction. Straightaway, I knew that Select Case would be my salvation for scripts that dealt with multiple choices. My only difficulty is remembering the correct sequence of those two words: Select Case.

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From a WMI perspective

Note 2: We need to connect to the Root of the CIM namespace. The first procedure tells winmgmts to access the root of the CIM library : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Note 3: In most WMI examples, we need security clearance to query a machine's hardware, this is why we add : & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _

To begin with, just trust me and accept that WMI scripts usually need this command to be sure that you have the right to query the operating system.

Note 4: Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ Here is a standard VBScript phrase to prepare for the WQL command: Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure". The part of Win32 that we are particularly interested in is SystemEnclosure. Win32 has dozens of possible properties, here we need to query the SystemEnclosure collation of properties.

Summary - WMI This WMI example shows you how to interrogate the operating system and discover information about the computer's Chassis type. As you acquire VBScript skill, so you can tune up your scripts with an inputbox. Once you have mastered one Win32 object then you can apply the method to investigate objects such as Win32_PhysicalDisk or Win32_Processor.

This page covered the following VBScript methods, commands and syntax:

Win32_SystemEnclosure, For Each... Next, Case Select, GetObject("winmgmts:" )

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Index for Introduction to VBScript

Who is this Introduction to VBScript ebook aimed at? .......................................................... 1

Introduction to VBScript by Guy Thomas .................................................... 2 Simple, yet powerful VBScripts ............................................................................................. 2 Introduction to VBScript......................................................................................................... 2

Tasks for VBScript............................................................................................................. 2 VBScript Methods, Commands & Syntax.......................................................................... 2

Section 0 Introduction to VBScript................................................................... 3 Introduction - What are the Benefits of Learning VBscript? .............................................. 3 Skills (Multi-Skills) ............................................................................................................. 3 Secrets of Scripting ........................................................................................................... 4

Section 1 VBScript - Check Version ............................................................ 5 Introduction to Checking Version Numbers ...................................................................... 5 Topics for Checking Version Numbers.............................................................................. 5 Example 1 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version ............................................................ 5 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 5 Sample VBScript to Check the WSH Version ................................................................... 6 Learning Points ................................................................................................................. 6 Example 2 - VBScript to Check the WSH Version and Build Number .............................. 7 Learning Points ................................................................................................................. 7 Example 3 - VBScript to Check the VBScript Version ...................................................... 7 Sample Script to Check the VBScript Version .................................................................. 8 Learning Points ................................................................................................................. 8 Challenge: ......................................................................................................................... 8 Summary of Checking Version Numbers.......................................................................... 8

Section 2 VBScript - Variables..................................................................... 9 Introduction to VBScript Variables......................................................................................... 9

Topics for Variables........................................................................................................... 9 What is a VBScript Variable? ............................................................................................ 9 Example 1 - Using a String Variable ............................................................................... 10 Learning Points ............................................................................................................... 10 Example 2 - Using a Variable to Increment a Loop. ....................................................... 11 The Hungarian Variable Convention............................................................................... 12 Hungarian Convention Example: .................................................................................... 13 Learning Points ............................................................................................................... 13 Summary of VBScript Variables...................................................................................... 13

Section 3 Create an OU (Organizational Unit) in Active Directory.............. 14 Tutorial for Creating an OU (Organizational Unit) with VBScript......................................... 14

Topics for Creating an OU (Organizational Unit) with VBScript...................................... 14 Our Mission and Goal...................................................................................................... 14 Example 1 - Create a Top Level OU............................................................................... 14

Learning Points - Binding to Active Directory ...................................................................... 16 Learning Points - Creating the actual OU ....................................................................... 17 Example 2 - Create a Child OU....................................................................................... 18

Learning Points - Creating the Child OU ............................................................................. 19 Example 3 - Adding error-correcting Code ..................................................................... 19

Summary Creating an OU ................................................................................................... 20

Section 4 Create a User in Active Directory ............................................... 21 Introduction to Create a User in Active Directory............................................................ 21

Tutorial for Creating a User Account with VBScript............................................................. 21 Topics for Creating a User Account with VBScript.......................................................... 21 Our Mission and Goal...................................................................................................... 21 Example 1 - Script to Create a User in Active Directory ................................................. 22 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 22 Script to Create a User in a Named OU (Organizational Unit) ....................................... 22 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 23 Example 2: Script to Create a User in a Named OU (Organizational Unit) .................... 24

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VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 24 Summary of Creating User Accounts.............................................................................. 25

Section 5 Map Network Drive .................................................................... 26 Introduction to MapNetworkDrive.................................................................................... 26 Topics for MapNetworkDrive........................................................................................... 26 Our Mission and Goal...................................................................................................... 26 Example - MapNetworkDrive VBScript Method .............................................................. 27

Learning Points for MapNetworkDrive................................................................................. 27 Guy's Challenges ............................................................................................................ 28 Summary of MapNetworkDrive ....................................................................................... 28

Section 6 Map a Network Printer................................................................ 29 Introduction to AddWindowsPrinterConnection Logon Script ............................................. 29

Topics for AddWindowsPrinterConnection Scripts ......................................................... 29 Our Mission ..................................................................................................................... 29 Example 1 - Simple Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection......................... 29

Learning Points.................................................................................................................... 30 Example 2 - Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection..................................... 31 Example 2 - Printer Script with AddWindowsPrinterConnection..................................... 31

Learning Points.................................................................................................................... 31 Example 3 - SetDefaultPrinter......................................................................................... 31

Learning Points.................................................................................................................... 32 Summary of AddWindowsPrinterConnection.................................................................. 32

Section 7 Create a Folder (Stage 1 of 3).................................................... 33 Introduction to Create Folders......................................................................................... 33 Topics for VBScript.......................................................................................................... 33 Meet the VBScript terms ................................................................................................. 33 Example 1 - Basic VBScript to Create a Folder .............................................................. 34 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 34 Sample Script to Create a Folder.................................................................................... 34 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 35 Example 2 - Create a Folder with error-correcting Code ................................................ 35 Example 3 - Script to Create a Folder, then Open Windows Explorer............................ 35 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 36 Summary of Creating Folders ......................................................................................... 36

Section 8 Create a Text File (Stage 2 of 3)................................................ 37 A VBScript Tutorial for Creating a File ................................................................................ 37

Topics for Writing or Appending to a File with VBScript ................................................. 37 Our Mission and Goal...................................................................................................... 37 Example 1 - Basic VBScript to Create a File with CreateTextFile .................................. 37 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 37 Sample Script to Create a File ........................................................................................ 38 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 38 Example 2 - Create a File with error-correcting Code..................................................... 39 Sample Script to Create a File and Check if a File Already Exists ................................. 39 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 40 Summary of Creating Files.............................................................................................. 40

Section 9 Append Data to Text File (Stage 3 of 3)..................................... 41 A VBScript Tutorial for Writing or Appending to a File ........................................................ 41

Topics for Writing or Appending to a File with VBScript ................................................. 41 Our Mission and Goal...................................................................................................... 41 Example - VBScript to Append Text to a File.................................................................. 41 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 42 Sample Script to Append Text to a File........................................................................... 43 VBScript Tutorial - Learning Points ................................................................................. 44 Summary of How to Append Data to a Text File............................................................. 44

Section 10 Registry Scripting ................................................................... 45 Introduction Registry Scripting............................................................................................. 45

Topics for Registry Scripting ........................................................................................... 45 Mission to Read the Registry .......................................................................................... 45

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Example 1 - To Extract Windows Version Information from the Registry ....................... 45 Learning Points.................................................................................................................... 46 Challenges........................................................................................................................... 47 Summary - Reading the Registry ........................................................................................ 47

Mission to Write Keys to the Registry ............................................................................. 47 Example 2 - To Write Information into the Registry ........................................................ 47

Learning Points.................................................................................................................... 48 Challenges........................................................................................................................... 49 Summary - Scripting the Registry........................................................................................ 49

Section 11 WMI Scripting - Memory .......................................................... 50 Introduction to WMI ............................................................................................................. 50

WMI Topics ..................................................................................................................... 50 Example 1 - Discover your Computer's Memory............................................................. 50 Prerequisites for your WMI Script ................................................................................... 50 Script to Discover how much Memory (RAM) is in your computer ................................. 51 WMI Tutorial - Learning Points........................................................................................ 51 Example 2 - WMI Memory Script with an Input Box........................................................ 52 WMI Tutorial - Learning Points........................................................................................ 53 Summary - WMI Memory ................................................................................................ 53

Section 12 WMI Scripting - Chassis Type ................................................. 54 A WMI Script, which Employs Select Case to Discover Chassis Type............................... 54

WMI Topics ..................................................................................................................... 54 Example - Discover your Computer's Type or 'Chassis Form'........................................ 54 Prerequisites for your WMI Script ................................................................................... 54 Script to Discover your Computer's type or 'Chassis Form'............................................ 55 WMI Tutorial - Learning Points........................................................................................ 55 Summary - WMI .............................................................................................................. 56

Index for Introduction to VBScript........................................................................................ 57

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