introduction to research methods

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Methods ISCG 8024 Introduction to Research Methods Lecturer: Dr Iman Ardekani UnitecDepartment of Computing and Information Technology
  2. 2. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Methods Questions to be answered in this lecture: What is research? What is research for? Who were the first researchers? How research is developed (research life cycle)? A historical case study (for identifying common steps in research) How a research study begins? What is a research question?
  3. 3. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Methods What is RESEARCH? Research = SYSTEMATIC investigations What is SYSTEMATIC? Systematic = having METHODS So there are some METHODS! Lets find them using a scientific approach!
  4. 4. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Methods
  5. 5. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Methods What is research for? . . . . . . .
  6. 6. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani First Classic Researchers Socrates, 470 399 BC Developed original ideas = Creating thought
  7. 7. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani First Classic Researchers Socrates, 470 399 BC Developed original ideas = Creating thought Plato 428348 BC Wrote the ideas = Creating literature (dialogues)
  8. 8. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani First Classic Researchers Socrates, 470 399 BC Developed original ideas = Creating thought/ideas Plato 428348 BC Wrote the ideas = Creating literature (dialogues) Aristotle 384322 BC Analysed/ Classified the ideas = Creating knowledge Alexander 356-323 BC ?
  9. 9. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani First Classic Researchers Establishing and ruling the biggest empire in the world
  10. 10. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Life Cycle Developing original ideas Describing the ideas Analysing the ideas
  11. 11. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Ptolemy thought the Earth was at the center of the universe Sun, moon and planets all revolved around earth (Geocentric) Matched peoples expectations about where God would put Earth Published 140 A.C.E and not seriously disputed for 1400 years. Ptolemy 90-168 AD
  12. 12. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Ptolemaic Model
  13. 13. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Copernicus thought the Sun was at the center (Heliocentric) Moon revolved around the Earth which moved around the Sun along with all the stars. Published in 1543 Copernicus is labeled a heretic and dies with no-one believing his theory Copernicus 1473-1543 AD
  14. 14. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Galileo discovered that the Sun is at the centre of the solar system (Heliocenteric) and it rotates. He dioscovered the basic rules in motion and mechanics and mathematically formulated them. Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
  15. 15. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Newton discovered a set of laws the described the motion of all things in the universe. This served as the basis for our undestanding how the universe function. How about motion of electrons in an atom? Isaac Newton 1642-1727
  16. 16. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study What was the Newtons research question? What was Newtons resources for his investigation? What was Newtons approach for answering the question? What was the model? What was the data used by Newton for the verification of his model? What was the drawbacks of Newtons model?
  17. 17. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Historical Case Study Common steps in research Defining a research question Developing or borrowing a theory Developing a model Producing data (observation, measurement, ) Using the data .
  18. 18. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Question A good research question 1. answers something new 2. is based on previous research 3. is practical 4. is simple 5. is based on primary sources 6. is specific
  19. 19. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Question How to find a good research question? answers something new? is based on previous research? is practical? is based on primary sources? using a literature review.
  20. 20. Research Methods (version 2) by Iman Ardekani Research Question Class Activity 1. Bring an example for a good research question. 2. Evaluate your question in accordance with the criteria discussed in the previous slide.

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