introduction to facebook javascript & python sdk

Post on 12-Sep-2014






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This is a workshop for teaching people building Facebook app with its JavaScript & Python SDK, and also included a code lab to let people do it in real


facebook JavaScript SDK

Introduction to

facebook JavaScript SDK!

Tutorials & Code Lab, 2013 Winter Colin Su Social Network Application

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Colin Su


> Software Engineer @ Tagtoo

> National Chengchi University

facebook JavaScript SDK

Before We Start…> Google Moderator:

Ask question here!

> Code Lab Repo: The code you will need it in the practice, check out the Wiki!

> Turn your smartphone to the vibrating mode

facebook JavaScript SDK

Outline> Facebook Developers Website

> Facebook App

> Facebook Components

> Facebook JavaScript SDK (Software Development Kit)

> Code Lab for Facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Basic KnowledgesChapter. 0

facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook Developer Site


> Documentation & Tutorials

> Facebook Developer Apps Dashboard

> Download SDK

> Online Tools

Developer Portal for Facebook App Developers

facebook JavaScript SDKFacebook Developer DashboardYou can see all your apps information here

facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook App





Developer Alert


> Access Token > App ID > API Keys > Request Permissions > Developer Roles

> Daily Report > Active User Statistic > Sharing Report

> Breaking Changes > New Updates > Review Status

> Domain Settings > Testing > Go to Production

The most basic unit for a developer on Facebook

facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook Component> Graph API - get data in and out of Facebook’s Social Graph

> Login - authenticate Facebook users on your website

> Social Plugins - don’t rebuild the wheel, take the power from Facebook

What can you do with Facebook JavaScript SDK?

facebook JavaScript SDK

Social Plugins> Like Button

> Share/Send Button

> Embedded Posts

> Follow Button

> Comments

> Activity Feed

> Recommendations Box/Bar

> Like Box

> Registration

> Facepile

You know, that like button

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Authentication> Facebook - username and password

> Facebook API - access token

> Preventing server gets your credentials directly

The Key to The Facebook World

facebook JavaScript SDK

AuthenticationIn The Real World Example…

Username/Password Access Token

Not easy to destroy when stolen Easy to destroy when stolen

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API> Everything on Facebook forms a


> Your profile is an object, and has a bunch of properties

> Every object will have an ID as the identity






Data Form of Facebook, with RESTful API 

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API

> Some objects will be connected with Relations

> You could fetch more data on Facebook through the relations

Data Form of Facebook, with RESTful API 






“Today I go to…

“Damn, I hate school…


facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook Dialog> Pop-up style Facebook widget

> Examples - Friend Request Dialog

- Login Dialog

- Friends Dialog

- Send Dialog

Redirect some actions, let Facebook do it!

facebook JavaScript SDK

Technical DetailsChapter. 1

facebook JavaScript SDK

What Can JavaScript SDK Do

> AuthenticationServer side cannot achieve this, the most important part of building Facebook apps

> Interact with your website usersthe thing could be done by ONLY JavaScript

> Load Facebook pre-defined components like buttons, comments, registration form in a second

> Pre-defined functions from Facebook out-of-box APIs and don’t rebuild the wheel

facebook JavaScript SDK


Redirect user to FB for authorizing your


Facebook response user’s access token to your


Rock it up!

user type username & password to login and


JS SDK gets authorized and feedback on the interface or program

Workflow of Authentication

facebook JavaScript SDK

Authentication> FB.login()

tell Facebook it’s about time to start the authentication flow

> FB.Event.subscribe(event, callback)tell Facebook what to do when user got logged in

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API> Callback model applied

> RESTful knowledge

facebook JavaScript SDK

Callback Model> one of JavaScript patterns

> make sure action has been done

The most important part while using other’s JS library

function callback


Okay! I will tell callback when I finished

I’ve done, here you go!

Could you plz do this for




facebook JavaScript SDK

RESTful API Model


> GET /user/{id} Fetch the information of the user with id {id}

> POST /user Create a user

> DELETE /user/{id}Delete the user with id {id}

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API> FB.api( graph_path , callback )

{ "id": "1681390745", "name": "Colin Su", "first_name": "Colin", "last_name": "Su", "link": "", "username": "littleq0903", "work": [ ... ], "gender": "male", "timezone": 8, "locale": "en_US", "verified": true, "updated_time": "2013-12-02T17:44:06+0000"}

FB.api(“/me”, function(response){ console.log(response); });

JavaScript Result

A Simple GET Example

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API> FB.api( graph_path , callback )

{ "data": [ {post}, {post}, {post}, {post}, {post} ]}

FB.api(“/me/posts”, function(response){ // will response an array in “data” console.log(response); });

JavaScript Result

A Simple GET Example

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API> FB.api( graph_path , type , options , callback )

Post ID: 6892345var body = 'Reading JS SDK documentation';FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: body }, function(response) { if (!response || response.error) { console.log(‘Error occured'); } else { console.log(‘Post ID: ' +; }});

JavaScript Result

A Simple POST Example

facebook JavaScript SDK

Social Plugins> out-of-box Facebook plugins

> no programmatic stuffsit’s just a piece of HTML snippet

> configure it by adjusting DOM attributes

Facebook’s Native Component on Your Website

facebook JavaScript SDK

Social Plugins> Insert a snippet into your HTML code

<div class="fb-like" data-href=""></div>

HTML Result

Code Example

facebook JavaScript SDK

Dialogs> FB.ui(parameters , callback)

FB.ui({ method: 'friends', id: 'brent'}, function(response){});

JavaScript Result

Code Example

facebook JavaScript SDK

Dialogs> FB.ui(parameters , callback)

Code Example

Add Brent as Friend<a href=“ id=brent &app_id=458358780877780 &redirect_uri=“>Add Brent as Friend</a>

HTML Result

facebook JavaScript SDK

Developer ToolsChapter. 2

facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook Developer Tools> Graph API Explorer

Examine the result of Graph API queries

> JavaScript Test ConsoleVerify your JavaScript code’s validation and examine the result

> Access Token ToolFor generating access tokens, for streamline your testing

There are some tools to help out your development of Facebook app

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API Explorer> simulate querying/FQL

> simulate GET/POST/DELETE request

> filter fields

> generate/use access token easily

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

JavaScript Test Console

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Access Token Tool> generate tokens easily

> user/app tokens in one place

> test various tokens for you app

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Code LabChapter. 3

facebook JavaScript SDK

In This Code Lab

> how to integrate Facebook JavaScript SDK into your project

> how to authenticate user’s Facebook account

> how to access Graph API with users’ credentials

> how to place a Facebook cool widget on your page

> how to use Facebook dialog to save your time

You will learn…

facebook JavaScript SDK

Before We Start…

> Google Moderator: Ask question here!

> Code Lab Repo: The code you will need it in the practice, check out the Wiki!

> Download the CodeLab pack

> Ready your editor, web browser, and passion!

Get prepared

facebook JavaScript SDK

Introduction to

facebook Python SDK!

Tutorials & Code Lab, 2013 Winter Colin Su Social Network Application

facebook JavaScript SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Before We Start…

> Code Lab Repo: The code you will need it in the practice, check out the Wiki!

> Turn your smartphone to the vibrating mode

facebook JavaScript SDK


> Web Application

> Heroku

> Facebook Python SDK

facebook JavaScript SDK

Web ApplicationChapter. 4

facebook JavaScript SDK

Website v.s. Web Application

> Website: display information to visitors

> Web Application: interact with users, response users’ various request

facebook JavaScript SDK

Web Application

> Front End: interact with users ( JavaScript)You’ve learned.

> Back End: deal with data (Python)The part related to this presentation

facebook JavaScript SDK

StacksWeb Framework Web Server Web Interface




facebook JavaScript SDK


> Platform as a Service (PaaS)

> Easy to setup

> Your code is everything

facebook JavaScript SDK

WorkflowThe Story of a Heroku Application

Write Your Code

Deploy to Heroku

TestCreate a Heroku


facebook JavaScript SDK

Technical DetailChapter. 5

facebook JavaScript SDK

JSON Serialization

> JSON to Python Object mapping

> json module

> json.loads(str) json string -> python object

> json.dumps(obj) python object -> json string

facebook JavaScript SDK

LoadExample of JSON Serialization

{u'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], u'b': 2} import json !# is a string text = '{"a": [1,2,3,4,5], "b": 2}' !result = json.loads(text) !print result

Python Console

facebook JavaScript SDK

DumpExample of JSON Serialization

{"a": [1,2,3,4,5], "b": 2} import json !# is a dictionary data = {u'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], u'b': 2} !result = json.dumps(data) !print result

Python Console

facebook JavaScript SDK> Web Framework


> Writing functions as Request Handler

> Only one file as library

> Documentation

facebook JavaScript SDK

Request Handler ExampleExample of Bottle’s Request Handler

hello worldfrom bottle import Bottle !#create your web application app = Bottle() !#define a function and point to /index @app.route('/index') def index(): return 'hello world'

Python /index

facebook JavaScript SDK

URL ArgumentExample of Bottle’s Request Handler

hello world from bottle import Bottle !#create your web application app = Bottle() !# <name> will be the 'name' argument in the function @app.route('/index/<name>') def index(name='default'): return "hello " + name

Python /index/world

facebook JavaScript SDK

Access RequestExample of Bottle’s Request Handler

<LocalRequest: GET http://localhost:8080/index> from bottle import Bottle #import request function from bottle import request !#create your web application app = Bottle() !#define a function and point to /index @app.route('/index') def index(): return request

Python /index

facebook JavaScript SDK

Heroku Deployment> First time, run heroku login to authenticate

> Must be a Git repository: git init

> heroku createCreate a Heroku app and add it to git remotes

> heroku config:set var1=val1 var2=val2Set Environment Variables on Heroku

> git push heroku masterDeploy

facebook JavaScript SDK

Git Remotes

> Git's remote branch

> Github, Heroku or your own Git server

> git push <remote> <branch>

Your Repo

Github Heroku

facebook JavaScript SDK

Installing Python Libraries

> requirement.txt Create this file and put it under the root folder

> one package per line

> <package name>

> <package name>==<version>

> (local) pip install -r ./requirements.txt

How to made Heroku server install Python packages for you

facebook JavaScript SDK

Facebook Python SDK> access Facebook Graph

> query with FQL

> Operating Data with Python is easier than JavaScript

facebook x

facebook JavaScript SDK


> In Python, sometimes source code is the best documentation

> Doc string

> So does

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API

> facebook.GraphAPI( [access_token] )

> access token is not necessary

facebook JavaScript SDK

Graph API Methods> get_object

> get_connections

> fql

> put_object

> put_like

> delete_object

> put_photo

facebook JavaScript SDK

Get ObjectExample of Facebook Python SDK

{u'first_name': u'Colin', u'gender': u'male', u'id': u'1681390745', u'last_name': u'Su', u'link': u'', u'locale': u'en_US', u'name': u'Colin Su', u'timezone': 8, u'updated_time': u'2013-12-05T15:31:10+0000', u'username': u'littleq0903', u'verified': True, u'work': [{u'employer': {u'id': u'240616999424812', u'name': u'Tagtoo \u5854\u5716\u79d1\u6280'}, u'location': {u'id': u'110765362279102', u'name': u'Taipei, Taiwan'}, u'position': {u'id': u'109542932398298', u'name': u'Software Engineer'}, u'start_date': u'2013-09-30'}, {u'employer': {u'id': u'454607821247176', u'name': u' \u53f0\u7063\u96f6\u6642\u653f\u5e9c'}}]}

import facebook !token = "..." !graph = Facebook.GraphAPI(token) !me = graph.get_object('me') !print me

Python Console

facebook JavaScript SDK

Put ObjectExample of Facebook Python SDK

Colin Su 3 seconds ago from Graph API --------------------------- !I'm testing api !--------------------------- Like . Comment . Promote . Share --------------------------- Obama and Mark Zurgerburg like this. --------------------------- Someone lalalalala 5 seconds ago . Like !Somebody ? 10 seconds ago . Like !!

import facebook !token = "..." !msg = "I'm testing api" !graph = Facebook.GraphAPI(token) !graph.put_object('me', 'feed', message=msg)

Python Facebook

facebook JavaScript SDK

FQL> Facebook Query Language

> SQL-like query for Facebook data

> support nested querying, batch querying

facebook JavaScript SDK

FQL QueryExample of Facebook Python SDK

[{u'url': u'', u'username': u'littleq0903', u'name': u'Colin Su'}] import facebook

!token = "..." !graph = Facebook.GraphAPI(token) !# me() is the built-in function for returning your id query = "SELECT name,url,username FROM profile WHERE id = me()" !print graph.fql(query)

Python Console

facebook JavaScript SDK

Python SDK Code LabChapter. 6

facebook JavaScript SDK

Code Lab Repository

> littleq0903/fb-python-codelab @ Github

> Wiki -> Code Lab Checkpoints

> Download the sample package

facebook JavaScript SDK


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