introduction to data management and data entry: protocol level 1 june 17, 2008 michael lee &...

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Introduction to Data Management and Data Entry: Protocol Level 1

June 17, 2008Michael Lee & Forbes Boyle

Data Entry Tool Author & CVS-EEP Project Manager

OBJECTIVES• We'll go through each part of the Data Entry Tool for Level 1

Sampling Protocol: Planted Woody Stems

Explanation of the Data Entry Tool

Setting up the Data Entry Tool

Data Entry Steps: Step 1: Project Planning Step 2: Level Protocol Choice Step 3: Data Entry Step 4: Error Checking Step 5: Report Generation Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS

What is the Entry Tool?• A Microsoft Access* database.

– Don't be intimidated! It doesn't feel like a database.• Based on VegBank ( data

structure.• Modified to fit our needs – we continue modification

as the protocol evolves.• It is a single file on your computer, with the

extension .mdb. This file can be downloaded, copied as a backup, and sent to others so that they can see or use your data.

*Designed in Access version 2003, works also in 2002 (XP) and 2000. Not supported in Access 97 or earlier. Works in Access 2007.

What does the Entry Tool do?• Organizes the process with the Main Menu.• Forms that allow efficient data entry – lookup data

quickly and avoid redundant typing.• Data validation ensures that problems are flagged

and then resolved.• Reports summarize the final data.• Reports also are printed to provide a basis for

Monitoring (VMD).• Quality Assurance, Advanced Features.


Getting the Entry Tool• It can be downloaded from the website:

–– cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.2.5

You're Ready to Start• Double Click the CVS_EEP_EntryTool_v210.mdb file

icon to open it in Access.• If Access is new on your computer, it may ask for

your name as part of the Office setup.• Next, in Access 2003 (but not earlier versions), you

may get up to two messages:– Do you want to open a file with Macros?

• CLICK "OPEN"– Do you want to block unsafe expressions?

• CLICK "NO"• These can be turned off, see Access help on security.

Confirmation Messages• Confirmation Messages are a part of Access that asks you to

be sure you want to edit data in certain ways.– e.g., deleting rows, updating a lot of data at once.

• These need to be turned off to use the entry tool.• It can do that for you

automatically, click "Yes, turn off confirmation messages" ifprompted.

• Messages will be turned back on after closing the entry tool.

• The entry tool can remember this preference and stop asking each time the tool is opened.

Using Access 2007:1) Enabling Macros

Using Access 2007:2) The Microsoft Ribbon: Ctrl F1

Using Access 2007:3) Compact and Repair

Welcome to the Entry Tool• The Entry Tool keeps track of when records are

added or updated, and by whom.– This can help track down what happened with data that

may not make sense.• Select your name if it's in

the list, or enter your initials and name.

• You can check the box to log you in automatically next time.

• Make sure the date and time are correct.

The Main Menu

• Tabs show the order of tasks.• Help boxes on the right are turned on by default.

Hover the mouse over something and help will tell you more about it. ("x" icon turns help off.)

• You can change who is logged in, view tips on using the database, hide the Main Menu, and quit.

Step 1: Project Planning• You can plan for a project already in the database, or create a

new project.– As noted in the protocol, you will need a unique project label from

EEP, as well as a project name. You need these before you start, as plot names depend on them.

• Calculate how many plots you need based on disturbed area. For riparian projects only, wetlands are different.– You can store required plot info with a project, or just use this as a

tool to calculate number of plots needed.• Enter length and width in feet.

– You can use other units if you wish, or you can enter raw area.• Press "calculate!" to show the number of plots needed.

Step 1: Project Planning

Step 2: Choose a Level

• The level chosen will change the appearance of later forms and the main menu options.

• More information about the five levels is available with the link at the bottom of the tab.

• Go to the next tab.

Step 3: Data Entry: Level 1

• Plot Data• Planted Woody Stems• You can also check for and view logical errors

on this tab.• The "extras" tab can be

used to enter people, projects, references, species, etc.

Plot Data• You can make new plots.

– You must specify project, team, and plot, and sampling level for all new plots.

• Or edit existing plots (choose from the picklist).

Basic Plot Data Entry Tips• The Plot Form matches the Plot Data Sheets closely.• Tab between boxes (Ctrl-Tab out of big ones).• Use Alt-Down Arrow on your keyboard to see the

contents of a picklist without the mouse.

Basic Plot Data Entry Tips

Any keystrokePicklist: Just start typing and pick the character. Alt-down arrow

Black arrow: Record is ready for editing, and is being saved while entered.

Pencil: Record is being editedAsterick: New record

Basic Plot Data Entry Tips• Press escape once to cancel editing one field.• Press escape twice to cancel editing a row/plot.

Picklists: Selecting Multiple Items• For some picklists in the Plot Data form, you can select more

than one option.– Soil Drainage, Plot Placement, Salinity, Topography, Hydrology,

Homogeneity, Stand Size, Season, Physiognomy• Initially, double click in the picklist or select [multiple].• Then in a pop-up white box, use ctrl on your keyboard and

click any number of values.– Press Escape on your keyboard to cancel.– Press Enter, Tab, or click another field to save selected values.

• The field will show [multiple] after you are finished entering, but if you double click that field again, it will show you which values are selected.

Planted Woody Stems• There's a link directly from the Plot Data

– Or you can link from the Main Menu (Data Entry tab)

• You can add new stems on the blank bottom line • You can edit plot header information (date)• Notes are available for uncertainty and internal

comments• Use keyboard arrow keys, and the "Enter" key.• Help is available at the bottom of the form.

Basic Planted Woody Stem Data Entry Tips

Magic Species Picklist• Species names are difficult in

picklists:– Many species names.– The names are often quite

similar (e.g., same genus).• The entry tool uses "Magic

Species Picklists" which limit the species based on the first two letters of genus and 2 letters of species (and one letter variety, if applicable).

• Enter 2 letters of the genus name and 2 letters of the species name and then arrow keys or mouse to select your species.

• If only one species matches, it is selected for you.

• Use CAPITAL LETTERS to disable this feature.

• Enter "*" to reset the list.• Configurable in Main Menu >

Options > Advanced Features

Can’t Find Your Species?• What if S. alba was recorded in the field? Genus?

Unknown Species• There are three "unknown species" scenarios:

– 1) Genus or family is known, but not the species. • Fill in "sp." "sp. #2" or "sp. #3" etc. in the "unknown species"

column. This separates distinct unknown species within the same genus (e.g. "Carya sp." "Carya sp. #2")

– 2) The data enterer can't understand what's written on the form (e.g., common name or unreadable)

• Use the species "DONTKNOW" which is a flag for a project director to make a determination later. Use notes field.

– 3) The species was not known in the field.• Use the "unknown" species.

• Applies to all forms where you enter species.

Step 4: Error Checking• Check for errors in all plots in Main Menu > Data Entry. Some

errors are just warnings that a stem is large.• Fix errors by filling in required fields, confirming values, fixing

mismatches, etc.• Ignore errors that are not really errors, or nothing can be

done about them.– Ignoring an error once ignores one error on one particular row.– Ignoring an error everywhere will ignore this type of error for all the

data in the entry tool (use caution!).– Just because you ignore an error doesn't make the problem go away.

If some systematic error was made, it would be good to explain it in the plot notes.

• Check for errors again, as fixing one error could have created a new one.

Step 4: Error Checking

Help and Errors

• Turn on help at the bottom of the main forms, move mouse over something and you’ll see more information about it (orange box).

• Check for errors (optionally after each plot, see Main Menu > options)

Step 5: Reports• Summary of stems per plot in Excel.

– Can choose a subset of plots in "Customizable Stats."

• Can be copied and pasted into a Word document and used in larger written reports.

Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS• First check for and resolve any errors.• Then close the Entry Tool.• Optimal, though Optional

– To speed upload, zip the Entry Tool File (with WinZip or Windows Compressed Folders).

• See Main Menu > Options for how to ftp your data file to CVS.

Step 6: Uploading Data to CVS

Try everything with example data

• Plan a project• Enter plot data for new plots• Enter some planted stems• Check for errors

– Fix some errors– Ignore some errors

• Create a simple report

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