introduction the old lesson new lesson consolidation homework the end

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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2. Make questions for these answers : What’s your telephone number a. ………………………………………? How do you go to school b. ………………………………………. ? I walk to school. How old are you c. …………………………………………? I’m thirteen.








I. The previous lesson :

1.Choose the right words to fill in the blanks:

a.She will have a party ……….. her birthday.

b. We will ………… our old friends next Sunday

c. …………… you like a cup of tea ?




2. Make questions for these answers :

What’s your telephone number a. ………………………………………?8 963 987

How do you go to schoolb. ………………………………………. ?I walk to school .

How old are you c. …………………………………………?I’m thirteen .






II. NEW LESSON :A1. Listen .Then practice with a parner .

New words

bright (adj ) : saùng suûa

Look at this picture . This is a bright room .

2. These are lovely flowers .

Lovely (adj) : Deã thöông

3. This is a tub .

Tub (n) : Boàn taém

4. This is a shower .

Shower (n) : Voøi sen

5. This is a dishwasher .

Dishwasher (n) : Maùy röûa cheùn


1. Bright (adj.)

2. Lovely (adj.)

3. Tub (n)

4. Shower (n)

5. Dishwasher (n)

Structure : Exclamation sentence

EX: What a lovely home !

What a bright room !

What nice colors !

Formation : What + (a/ an) + adj + noun !

HOA : What an awful day !You must be cold ,Lan . Come in and have a seat .That armchair is comfortable .

LAN :Thanks .What a lovely living room !Where are your uncle and aunt ?

HOA : My uncle is at work and my aunt is shopping .Would you like some tea ?

LAN :No,thanks .I’m fine .

HOA : OK. Come and see my room .

LAN : What a bright room !And what nice colors !Pink and white .Pink is my favorite color. Can I see the rest of the house ?

HOA : Of course.

HOA : This is the bathroom .

LAN : What a beautiful bathroom ! It has a sink ,a tub and a shower.

HOA :Yes , it’s very modern . Now come and look at the kitchen .You’ll love it

LAN : Wow ! What an amazing kitchen ! It has everything : washing machine , dryer, refrigerator ,dishwasher, electris stove …

HOA : Yes,It’s very convenient . How about a drink ,Lan ?Would you like some orange juice ?

LAN : What a great idea ! I’d love some .


a. Which rooms do Hoa and Lan talk about ?

They talk about living room ,bathroom and kitchen

b. Why does Lan like Hoa’s room?

c. What is in the bathroom ?

d. What is in the kitchen ?

Because it’s a bright room and it has nice colors .

There is a sink,a tub and a shower.

There is a washing machine ,dryer, dishwasher and electric stove .

Look at these pictures .Make some exclamation sentences .

What a modern bathroom !

What a beautiful flower !

1. Learn new words by heart.

2. Prepare A2,A3 on page 30, 31.

3. Do exercise A1 / exercise book.






How to Keep Your House Clean in 20 Minutes a Day

There is no worse feeling than looking around your house, realizing that it looks like a trash heap, and then finding your in-laws standing on your doorstep three minutes later. My in-laws happen to be wonderful, and very non-judgmental people, but I still prefer to have my house clean when they drop by. Dishes piled in the sink make your house look dirty. Credit: unknown Copyright: unknown Enlarge + There are some people who are natural neat freaks, and their houses are always spotless. I am not one of those people. I lead a very busy life with three messy children.

First of all, there is no way you can possibly clean your whole house in 20 minutes. You have to start with a clean slate for my tips to work well, so I'll start by giving you some ideas on how to overhaul your entire house over the course of a day or weekend. No matter how awful you might think your house looks, it isn't that hard to clean it up if you have a system. First, start with the big, easy stuff. Kitchens and bathrooms are what really make your house look dirty, so start by making those sparkle. I generally do these rooms at the same time because they require the same cleaning products.

Rest assured that if I can keep my house reasonably clean in just 20 minutes a day, then anybody can do it!

Pick up all the dirty laundry and wet towels. Replace dishrags and hand towels. Do all the dishes so you have a clean sink. Make sure you wipe down all the counter tops in both rooms, and scrub out the tub. Make sure all the stuff that gets left out on counter tops is put away. Your home will look much neater and cleaner when you hide all your clutter. If you have too much clutter to hide in drawers and cupboards, then you need to get rid of it! Last, sweep and mop the floors.

Once you have a clean kitchen, the rest of the house seems easier to clean. Make all the beds, put away clean laundry, and pick up all the junk that gets left out. Again, if you have too much stuff, get rid of some. Sometimes it seems stressful to have to decide what to keep and what to throw away, but clutter wastes your time and space, so make a clean break now!

Once your house is clean, it is super easy to keep it that way in just a few minutes a day. You just need to have a schedule. I happen to work from home, but even if you don't, you can still keep a neat house. The first thing you need to decide is what has to be done every single day, and make that a priority.

Make your bed every day as soon as you get up. Don't let dishes build up in the sink. Make sure they go directly into the dishwasher (or get washed by hand) right away. You might have to nag your family for awhile to break this habit! Wipe up the bathroom sink when you are done using it. If these little things become a habit, you won't have to do a deep cleaning as often

Welcome to Decorate NowHi, this Lens is made to share with you my love of interior design and find the cheap beautiful things that can transform any room of your house. I hope to share with you some great tips and strategies to change your home room by room to be the welcoming, comfortable, beautiful, elegant environment you desire.Make your Kitchen Welcoming A splash of color!The Kitchen is the heart of every home. When you have a party, where do people congregate? When family tend to gather, where does that occure? For most of you it is in the kitchen.

For many years, the kitchen has been white. Knowing how white takes away the color in a room, we embarked to do a budget makeover. The low cost way is primarily paint. The cabinets are in good shape a and a light oak color. Stripping the walls of all art, there is less wall space in the kitchen then most rooms, so it should not be a daunting task to complete. It is important to remove everything from countertops and have a clean space. Then tape of everything so no paint lands on the countertops or cabinets. We decided on a tuscan gold and wow has it made a difference! The cabinets look better, the wall hangings look better, and I look better against a colorful backdrop

Tips for Kitchen Decor1. Paint a beautiful color that complements the room.

2. The other low cost items to do are add/ change cabinet hardware

3. Look for low cost art, stone hanging, quotes at discount stores, overstock to hang on the wall. I chose small shop vignettes on stone to hang on between countertop and upper cabinets. It bring more color and ambience in the room.

4. Kitchens tend to get cluttered, so simplest way to make a change is to clear that clutter. If you haven't used it in a few months get rid of it so your kitchen is full of items you love to use.

5. Consider adding greenery, flowers or pottery in corners or high upper spaces above cabinets.

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