introduction on sap security

Post on 24-May-2015






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SAP SECURITY training by yektek has unique content. SECURITY online Training will cover R3 security online training, BI security online training, HR security online training, CRM security online training, SRM Security online training and PORTAL security online training.


Security SAP Security Components Security Solution Map Access control concepts PFCG Conclusion


Prevent Unauthorized Access

SAP Security Components

Security Solution Map

An Overview of R/3 Security Services

Access control in SAP is composed of several concepts

Program code Authorization fields



Authorization objects Authorizations Profiles Role Users

Program Code

That calls an authorization check using the authority-check statement. This will look something like

authority-check object id field Authorization fields: That define a scope of possible values. Examples of authorization fields would be

ACTIVITY: defines the type of activity the user is doing with the data. Possible values are 'DISPLAY', 'MODIFY', 'DELETE', etc.

COMPANY_CODE: possible values are any single value, or any range of values, or any combination thereof such as '0438' and '0600' thru


Authorization fields

Authorization fields: That define a scope of possible values. Examples of authorization fields would be

ACTIVITY: defines the type of activity the user is doing with the data. Possible values are 'DISPLAY', 'MODIFY', 'DELETE', etc.

COMPANY_CODE: possible values are any single value, or any range of values, or any combination thereof such as '0438' and '0600' thru '1100'

Authorization objects

Authorization objects that define a group of fields.

For example, an authorization object called 'CO_MDATA', containing fields ACTIVITY and COMPANY_CODE, might used to control access to the company master data tables.

Authorizations, each of which belong to exactly one authorization object, that define authorization values (within the scopes defined by the authorization objects) to be granted to users. Note that an authorization is different from an authorization object!! Extending our previous examples, we might have an authorization, belonging to the authorization object 'CO_MDATA', called 'CO_MDATA_ALL', that grants all access to all company master data. Then 'CO_MDATA_ALL' would have the following values:






1. Profiles, each of which may contain several authorizations or profiles. A simple profile contains a group of authorizations. A composite profile contains a group of profiles (simple or composite). [Profiles can be conceptualized as forming the structure of a tree, in which end nodes (leaves) are authorizations, and all other nodes are profiles. Simple profiles are nodes whose children are all end nodes, and composite profiles are nodes, other than end nodes, who have no end nodes for children.]

Profiles are designed to define set or one or more functions or positions. For example, a functional profile might define all the authorizations that are required for doing a goods receipt, or for making a payment in the AP module. A position profile, on the other hand, might define all of the authorizations that are granted to an accountant, or to a warehouse supervisor. Often, a position profile is a composite profile consisting of several functional profiles.


Roles are collections of activities which allow a user to use one or more

business scenarios of an organization.

According to the standard SAP role concept, roles containing access rights are assigned to users. These authorizations are then checked when the user performs certain actions, such as starting a transaction.

     Assigning a Standard Role to a User     Changing Standard Roles     Creating Composite Roles

Note: The term activity group was replaced with the term role in SAP R/3 Release 4.6C.

Composite roles

Composite roles can simplify the user administration. They consist of single roles. Users who are assigned a

composite role are automatically assigned the associated single roles during the compare. Composite roles do not themselves contain authorization data.

Setting up composite roles are useful for example if some of your users need authorization for several roles. You can create a composite role and assign it to the users instead of putting each user in each required single role.

Derive Roles 

Derive Roles 

There are two possible reasons for deriving a role from an existing role:

        The role menus are identical but the authorizations for the menu actions are different in the derived role.

        The menu and authorizations of the derived role are identical, but the organizational levels are different in the derived role.

What is PFCG

The Profile Generator is a SAP tool. Can be used to automatically create profiles and assign them

easily to users. Only selects and uses the necessary authorization objects,

avoiding excessive validations in the system and thereby improving performance.

Facilitates functional communication between security or the authorization administrator and end users or consultants.

Makes defining and maintaining authorization profiles easier.

Configuring PFCG

Before using the PFGC for the first time, there are 4 steps that are required to configure and work with PFCG Tool.

1) Activate the PFCG Based on Instance Profile parameter “auth/no_check_in_some_cases=y”

2) Set Up the Initial Copy of Profile Generator Configuration Tables (T-Code SU25)

Transfer the SAP transactions and authorization objects from SAP tables USOBT and USOBX to customer USOBT_C and USOBX_C.

You can then maintain these tables using T-Code SU24. Table USOBT includes the relation between the transactions and the

authorization objects. 3) Maintain the Scope of Authorizations Object Checks in Transactions (T-Code

SU24) This is not a mandatory step, but can be used by customers to maintain their own

authorization objects to custom transactions. 4) Generate the Company Menu

Generate the SAP Standard menu and then the company menu.

Create Roles

1. Choose the pushbutton Create role or the transaction PFCG in the initial transaction SAP Easy Access. You go to the role maintenance.

2. Specify a name for the role. The roles delivered by SAP have the prefix 'SAP_'. Do not use the SAP namespace for your user roles.

3. SAP does not distinguish between the names of simple and composite roles. You should adopt your own naming convention to distinguish between simple and composite roles.

4. Choose Create. 5. Enter a meaningful role description text. You can describe the activities in

the role in detail. To assign Knowledge Warehouse documentation to the role, choose Utilities ® Info object ® Assign. The user of the role can then display the documentation.


2. Assign transactions, programs and/or web addresses to the role in the Menu tab. The user menu which you create here is called automatically when the user to whom this role is assigned logs on to the SAP System. You can create the authorizations for the transactions in the role menu structure in the authorizations tab.


SAP Menu

You can copy complete menu branches from the SAP menu by clicking on the cross in front of it in the user menu. Expand the menu branch if you want to put lower-level nodes or individual transactions/programs in the user menu.


Choose a report and a variant. You can skip the selection screen.

You can generate a transaction code automatically and copy the report description by setting checkboxes.

Save and Move to Authorizations Tab.

Generating Authorizations

To create authorizations for a role, choose Authorizations in the role maintenance.

The Authorizations tab displays creation and change information as well as information on the authorization profile (including the profile name, profile text and status).

Click on the change authorization

Choose Change Authorization Data

1. Choose the menu Click on the expand menu go to the respective authorization object and check the activity field assign the activity to be performed.

2. Save.

Assign Profile Name

Save the Profile and Click on Generate You will be prompted with Default System generated Profile Name You can keep this or you can change the Name of the Profile Once Generated You can assign the profile to Users.


Assign Profile to USERS

Comparing the new profile with existing profiles by using USER COMPARISION

Old profile is overwritten by new profile.



MiniApps for the role MiniApps are simple

intuitive Web applications. The assignment of MiniApps to a role determines which MiniApps the user sees in his or her mySAP Workplace.

Save and Exit


It sounds complicated, but once you start working with authorizations, it's pretty easy.


It sounds complicated, but once you start working with authorizations, it's pretty easy.

About Approva

Founded in 2001, Approva Corporation Founded in 2001, Approva Corporation provides enterprise controls management provides enterprise controls management software that enables Finance, IT, and software that enables Finance, IT, and Audit to automate and strengthen business Audit to automate and strengthen business controls. Approva’s software product, controls. Approva’s software product, BizRights, enables companies to perform: BizRights, enables companies to perform:

Approva Provides

Approva provides enterprise controls management Approva provides enterprise controls management software that enables Business, Finance, IT and Audit to software that enables Business, Finance, IT and Audit to

automate and strengthen business controls.automate and strengthen business controls.

On-Demand On-Demand TestingTesting

Closed-Loop Closed-Loop RemediationRemediation

Continuous Continuous Exception-Exception-

Based Based MonitoringMonitoring

What Is BizRights?

BizRights is a web-based, cross-application, cross-platform enterprise controls application. This means that BizRights can monitor security and transactional data from any ERP system or platform, as well as multiple systems and platforms. Examples of what BizRights can tell you:If the same user performed the same transactions in two different SAP clientsIf user profiles for SAP and Oracle create a security risk or Segregation of Duties (SoD) violationIf a user performed sensitive transactions that should be monitoredIf a user changed Master Data recordsIf a SAP client is configured to reduce risk If transactions were performed of an unusually high monetary value, such as purchase orders that exceed a million dollarsWhat your business is doing, according to your business rulesBizRights can monitor millions of records and thousands of transactions any time you want, as often as you want. BizRights is designed for functional business professionals as well as technical specialists, including: Financial Auditors, Internal Controls staff, Compliance staff, Business Process Owners,IT Security Auditors, External AuditorsMore than just finding and fixing SoD violations, BizRights can monitor business process transactions, including Procure-to-Pay, Financial Close, Order-to-Cash, and Payroll.

Segregation of Duties 

Segregation of duties is a basic, key internal control and one of the most difficult to achieve. It is used to ensure that errors or irregularities are prevented or detected on a timely basis by employees in the normal course of business. Segregation of duties provides two benefits: 1) a deliberate fraud is more difficult because it requires collusion of two or more persons, and 2) it is much more likely that innocent errors will be found.  At the most basic level, it means that no single individual should have control over two or more phases of a transaction or operation. Management should assign responsibilities to ensure a crosscheck of duties.


There are four general categories of duties or responsibilities which are examined when segregation of duties are discussed: authorization, custody, record keeping and reconciliation.   In an ideal system, different employees would perform each of these four major functions.  In other words, no one person should have control of two or more of these responsibilities. The more negotiable the asset, the greater the need for proper segregation of duties - especially when dealing with cash, negotiable checks and inventories


Authorization: the process of reviewing and approving transactions or operations. Some examples are:

>   Verifying cash collections and daily balancing reports. >   Approving purchase requisitions or purchase orders. >   Approving time sheets, payroll certifications, leave requests and cumulative leave records. >   Approving change orders, computer system design or

programming changes.


Having access to or control over any physical asset such as cash, checks, equipment, supplies, or materials. Some examples are:

Access to any funds through the collection of funds, or processing of payments. >   Access to safes, lock boxes, file cabinets or other places where money, checks or other assets are stored. >   Custodian of a petty cash or change fund. >   Receiving any goods or services. >   Maintaining inventories. >   Handling or distributing paychecks/advices, limited purchase checks or other checks.

Record Keeping

The process of creating and maintaining records of revenues, expenditures, inventories, and personnel transactions. These may be manual records or records maintained in automated computer systems. Some examples are:

>   Preparing cash receipt back-ups or billings, purchase requisitions, payroll certifications, and leave records.

>   Entering charges or posting payments to an accounts receivable system.

>   Maintaining inventory records.


Verifying the processing or recording of transactions to ensure that all transactions are valid, properly authorized and properly recorded on a timely basis. This includes following up on any differences or discrepancies identified. Examples are:

>   Comparing billing documents to billing summaries. >   Comparing funds collected to accounts receivable postings.>   Comparing collections to deposits. >   Performing surprise counts of funds. >   Comparing payroll certifications to payroll summaries. >   Performing physical inventory counts. >   Comparing inventory changes to amounts purchased and sold.>   Reconciling departmental records of revenue, expenditure, and

payroll transactions to the PeopleSoft management reports.

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