introduction digi-252 #0.1 paul r. godin presentation #0 updated december 2014

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#0.1 Paul R. GodinPresentation #0

Updated December 2014


Welcome to the DIGI-252 Course


This presentation includes: Instructor Contact Information SAIT Resources Course Information


Contact Information• SAIT Office:

Tel: 403-284-8976

Room: N409D

Email: paul.godin @

• Personal/Home Office:

Contact provided in class


Communication• You may communicate with me to:

Discuss any aspects of the class you wish.

Discuss your marks and achievement level.

Address any issues, comments or suggestions you may have.

To advise me of any absence.


Campus• Use the campus resources. Part of your tuition cost is supporting

these services; use them! These include:– Tutors and Learning Skills (403-284-7050)– Library– Athletics– Campus Health (403-284-8666)– SAITSA (Student Association) (403-284-8036)– Counselling services (any type of personal issues) (403-284-7023)

• Open labs. Open labs may be available and announced about the third week of the semester. Allows access to equipment.

IntroductionSemester 2


You will be challenged at increasing levels as you progress through the BXST program.

New concepts are build on prior knowledge.

Semester 2 assumes a good command of semester 1 materials.

Improve your skills as a student.

IntroductionBe a Professional Student


Time Management. Manage you time and prioritize your tasks.

Attendance. Catching up is often frustrating and time-consuming. Attend every class and get your money’s worth!

Balance. Maintain a balance between study, sleep, and entertainment.

Reward. Do what is important first, and reward yourself for accomplishing it afterward.

Understand the material. Aim to understand as much of the material as possible and continually maintain your knowledge level. Prepare for the next class. If you have difficulty understanding a concept, seek help immediately.

IntroductionAn interesting study on learning...


From an article by Marina Krakovsky, Stanford University on professor Carol Dweck’s study.

Those that believe that talent, intellect, aptitude and luck are something that you are born with, or feel there is an inherited limit to personal capabilities are less likely to succeed. People who perform to please others, to look smart, to create an image are less likely to succeed.

Those that believe that talent, intellect, aptitude and luck are something that can be developed through effort and hard work, and view learning as a challenge that can be surmounted are much more likely to succeed. Those that learn from failures and criticism, and view failure as a challenge are much more likely to succeed.

IntroductionLearning Resources


Instructor & Class Presentations Textbook (any digital electronics book**) Web site Presentation materials Lab Presentations and Exercises• Lab kits provided in lab including experimenter’s breadboard

The PowerPoint presentations and web site I’ve authored are continually being created and updated. Please provide

suggestions and feedback

**Recommended authors, in this order: Kleitz, Tocci, Floyd, Dueck



Technology Overload

Technology Relief

This certificate entitles the bearer to a relief period from a Technology-

Enhanced Presentation.


FOIPPFOIPP• The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

is in effect at SAIT.– Your privacy is assured.– Marks, any other evaluations or personal information are not

publicly given out, nor are they provided over the telephone or via email.

– Discussions between the student and the instructor are kept confidential.

– Please help me by:• Not asking me to violate the act• Book a time when we can discuss matters in private


Attendance• SAIT prepares students for the workforce.

– “The policy of the Board of Governors is to expect student attendance in all aspects of every program.”

– I will be taking attendance.– If you must miss a class due to circumstances, please

email or call in advance.– If you miss too many classes, you will need to meet

with the program chair.


Attendance“The policy of the Board of Governors is to expect student

attendance in all aspects of every program.”

ICT Attendance Policy (effective Fall 2009):

Unexcused Absences

Warning Meet With Consequence

10% of Total Course Hours

1st Instructor Discuss consequences of further absences

20% of Total Course Hours

2nd Academic Chair Deduct one letter grade from final course mark

30% of Total Course Hours

Academic Chair Course fail (‘F’ Grade)



15% of the mark for this course is on professionalism.

The rubric is based on what employers look for as skills in the workforce.

The professionalism “rubric” (marking guide) is available on the web site.


DIGI-252 COURSEDigital Logic Troubleshooting


IntroductionCourse Objectives


Develop a foundation in Digital Logic. Logic System Basics

Logic Gates (functions, diagrams, circuits) Latches and Flip-Flops Counters, encoders, decoders, registers ADC and DAC circuits Timing-based circuits Microprocessor basics

IntroductionDIGI-252 Structure


3 Hours of theory per week 3 Hours of Lab per week

The course is fast-paced. There is an expectation that you will schedule 3 to 6 hours of

time each week to read and study outside of class. Do not miss any classes. Read the textbook

IntroductionDIGI-252 Site


On to the site tour…….

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