intro to chiropractic

Post on 11-Sep-2014






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Overview of Chiropractic and its role in helping you with your health.


Introduction to Chiropractic

A Natural Method To Health Care

Dr. George W. Lucia, Jr.

What is Chiropractic?

It is a healthcare profession that utilizes a natural, conservative, hands-on approach to treat conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, without drugs and/or surgery.

There is a scientific and logical basis for chiropractic without denying it is a complex art and science with aspects that are not yet fully understood or appreciated.

With this understanding, you can see how chiropractic fits in with other healthcare specialties to provide an integrated approach to treating neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

What is Chiropractic?

What to expect from a Chiropractor?

Your chiropractor will take a complete history on your present complaint and past illness. You will also be asked about family history, other treatments you have received, your job and other questions in order to determine the nature of your illness. An examination will be performed to detect the nature of your complaint and may need further testing such as X-rays, laboratory analysis, etc. in order to determine the cause of your symptoms.

After taking a history and completing the examination, the chiropractor will determine if chiropractic care is right for you.

Understanding Chiropractic!

Chiropractors main focus are conditions associated with the spine. To understand chiropractic it is helpful to build a mental picture of the spine.

The Structure of the Spine

The spine is a dynamic structure composed of 24 vertebrae, ligaments bind the vertebra together, muscles attach to the bony extensions of the vertebra and a complex system of blood vessels nourish the spine. Between each vertebra are the discs which act as shock absorbers.

The Function of the Spine

The spine functions to protect the spinal cord which sends out nerve branches that send and receive signals for every cell in the body.

The spine also functions to provide support and structure to the body.

Chiropractor and the Spine

The chiropractor sees the spine as a series of motor units, each called a spinal joint complex.

Each joint complex is composed of 2 vertebra, a disc between, the ligaments, muscles, fascia, blood vessels and nerves.

The Chiropractic Examination

The chiropractor will perform a thorough orthopedic and neurological examination.

Indicators the chiropractor uses to determine the nature of the problem are location and character of the patients pain, their gait and posture, general range of motion, muscle tone, muscle strength and balance.


Palpation is the process of examining by means of touch. This is an extremely valuable tool for determining diagnosis and treatment.

Palpation of the tissues surrounding the spine for pain, tenderness, tightness and examining each spinal joint complex to analyze the degree to which it may lack proper motion.

Chiropractic Treatment

Primary goal is to restore motion to a fixated (abnormally locked) joint.

May apply ice if inflammation is present, or use some type of physiotherapy or other muscle therapy to reduce muscle spasm.

The Chiropractic Adjustment

Use of the term adjusting and manipulation are used interchangeably. The term adjusting is used more commonly because it implies a specific correction to a joint that distinguishes the chiropractic approach.

The adjustment will begin to return normal motion to that joint.

The Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractors may talk about “putting a bone back in place” to help a patient understand the purpose of the adjustment. However, vertebra DO NOT go out of place. The spines architecture includes incredibly strong sets of ligaments and muscles that work together to hold the vertebra in place.

Therefore, the chiropractor is NOT putting a bone back in place or “cracking the spine”. Instead, the purpose of the adjustment is to return motion to an abnormally locked (fixated) joint that causes biomechanical disturbance (i.e. Pain).

How many treatments are needed?

The correction of the abnormal motion takes a series of treatments that builds upon the other and each session will provide more relief.

Preventive care such as specific exercises and ergonomic tips on how to properly sit, sleep, bend and lift will be given in order to maintain proper motion and prevent further episodes.

Follow-up treatments may also be recommended.

Chiropractic and its limitations

Chiropractic is not a cure-all for all neuromusculoskeletal problems.

Sometimes adjusting is not indicated or successful.

Other treatment interventions may be required such as surgery and/or medications.

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