into the woods rockwall final - acting studio productions

Post on 09-Dec-2021






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May 7-9WaterTower Theatre in Addison



Acting Studio RockwallPRESENTS

Tech Director KENNEDY Stryon

DIRECTED & Produced BY

Hannah Fisher

Choreography & Asst Director


Vahn Phollurxa

Set Design & Construction Fritz Wichern

Kennedy Styron & Keith Gillespie

INTO THE WOODS is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

Costume Design Tiffany Murphy

Music & Lyrics By Steven Sondheim

Original Broadway Production By Heidi Landseman, M. Anthony Fisher, Rocco Landseman, Frederic H. Mayerson, Rick Steiner, Jujamcyn Theaters

Originally Produced by the Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA

Originally Directed by James Lapine

Book By James Lapine

Orchestration Jonathan Tunick

Dance Captain Jessie Prince

Light Operator Keith Gillespie

A Note from the Musical Director

A Note from the Director Into the Woods intricately intertwines the fairytale characters we have all grown up knowing and loving with a twist along every path. In a story of struggle, loss, personal choice, and self discovery, Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine have created a stunning work that celebrates so much of what we emphasize in our teachings at the Acting Studio. Just as these characters learn through their journey, our opportunity for growth is so much greater when we give ourselves permission to make mistakes and learn from the lessons they provide. This incredible cast has so beautifully met each challenge presented by this difficult production, and we are so proud of the heart and passion they have poured into this process. To the production team, Vahn Phollurxa, Tiffany Murphy, and Kennedy Styron, thank you for going above and beyond to create the most incredible production experience possible. To our founders - Shane & Erica Peterman and Kellie Carroll, thank you for creating such a special place for young artists to learn and grow. To our students and families, thank you for trusting us and joining us in

this endeavor. And to my family and wonderful husband, thank you for all that you have done to ensure the success of our production! Hannah Fisher

Welcome to the woods! A place of uncertainty and possibility, brimming with stories waiting to be told. Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s eloquently woven tale challenges the messages of the fairy tales we grew up with, causing us to question what exactly these tales taught us. Should every girl dream of marrying a prince? Is there such thing as Happy Ever After? And what hap- pens, exactly, if we stray from the path? Funny how a seemingly inconsequen- tial little bedtime tale can stick with a child, in ways the storyteller may never expect. Funny how we can shape worlds with our words, but can forget to look over our shoulder to see what we’ve left behind. We may be the hero of our own story, but what do the seeds we plant become in someone else’s story?A single character does not a story make, after all. It takes a community. And it certainly did with this production. Into the woods is the most difficult show we have taken on at the Acting Studio Rockwall. Its interweaving stories requires a complexity of its own. I am proud of each and every one of the young performers who have taken the challenge of learning this massive show. Thank you for being here, supporting theatre and enjoy your children tell the story of Into the Woods! Vahn Phollurxa

Choreographer’s NoteI am so excited to be a part of this amazing team putting on Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods. This wonderful cast of performers have taken up the challenge of putting on a Sondheim show during a pandemic. This show is a challenging show due to the length as well as the constant speed and timing of the show. The non stop pace makes the show fun and creates the intense nature of the show. I was first  drawn to this show by the fact that Sondhiem created a show based on some of the Brothers Grimm stories. The true origin of some of these fairytales is not a happy ending, but a more eerie undertone, which is where Mrs. Hannah and myself created the “Children of the woods” a group of in essence lost children who have already been down the path our story is telling and are there to see if there will be a different ending this time. I would like to thank the entire production team of this show for granting me this opportunity

once again to choreograph and for the first time Assistant Direct an Acting Studio Rockwall Show. I wish this wonderful, talented, magical, and beautiful cast and family a wonderful show. Be ready to see a show that “children will listen” to. 


A Note from the Musical Director

Musical Numbers

Act One IntoTheWoodsCinderellaattheGraveHello,LittleGirlIGuessThisisGoodbyeMaybeThey'reMagicOurLittleWorldIKnowThingsNowAVeryNicePrinceFirstMidnightGiantsIntheSkyAgonyAVeryNicePrince(Reprise)ItTakesTwoSecondMidnightStayWithMeOnTheStepsOfThePalaceEverAfter

Act Two SoHappyAgony(Reprise)LamentAnyMomentMomentInTheWoodsYourFaultTheLastMidnightNoMoreNoOneisAloneChildrenWillListen

ProducerKeeli James

Musical Direction:Vahn Phollurxa

Samantha Brizendine

Victoria Fisher

Adalyn Arrington Audrey Bailey

Baylor Ford

Ellery Bailey

Emily Ford

Anderson Hoefer

Averleigh Fisher

Jack Davis

Samantha HillElla Gannaway Samantha Glaze

Ashtyn Arrington


Enrique Cabarrouy-Rivera Kimmie Corcoran

Shiplee Hughes

Gabriela Santano

Luke WhitleyBritany Webb

Jessie Prince

Elise King

Terra TougawMolly Snowden

Mallory King


Steeli Wilbanks Brit Witherspoon

Landry SharpMichael Murphy

Robbie Mosley

Adalyn Arrington (Jack) This is Adalyn's fourth performance with the Acting Studio of Rockwall. She enjoyed her last role as a Wickersham Brother in Seussical. Her other roles with ASR are Mersister, Adela, in The Little Mermaid and Tommy in Matilda. Adalyn has also been featured as Older Simba in The Lion King and Jasmine in Aladdin, both Linda Lyon Elementary school musicals. Adalyn is involved in the Lyon Pride Choir at LLES, where she is in 6th grade. She also loves the time she spends in the Triple Threat program at ASR. In addition to singing and acting, Adalyn a l s o e n j o y s t u m b l i n g , c h e e r, basketball, & school. Adalyn would like to thank her family for their support and Mrs. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany,and Mr. Vahn for their guidance and for working so hard on this show! Break a leg, everyone!

Ashtyn Arrington (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) This is Ashtyn's fourth performance with ASR! Most recently she loved her sassy role as Young Kangaroo in Seussical. She also played Ray in The Little Mermaid and was in the little kid's ensemble in Matilda. Ashtyn is a second grader at Linda Lyon Elementary. When she isn't putting on a show for us, she also enjoys basketball, soccer, and tumbling. A big thank you to Mrs. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany, and Mr. Vahn for being such amazing teachers and guiding these young performers. Break a leg, everyone!

Audrey Bailey (Granny, Little Red u /s , Chi ldren of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is a 7th grader at Cain Middle School. This is her 7th musical production and her 4th with the Acting Studio! Favorite past roles include Amanda Thripp (Matilda), Tommy Boy (Newsies), The Lamp

Vendor (Aladdin), and Nala (The Lion King Jr). Audrey is currently a Triple Threat member of the Acting Studio taking voice, dance, and advanced acting. She would like to thank her parents and sisters for all of their support, her grandparents for always being her biggest fans, and her teachers at the acting studio for a l w a y s b e l i e v i n g i n h e r a n d encouraging her to grow and be her best. Good luck everyone!! Let's make it a memorable show!!

Ellery Bailey (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is a 4th grader at Lyon Elementary School. This is her 4th musical production with the Acting Studio! Ellery loves taking acting classes at the studio this year! She would like to thank her parents and sisters for all of their support, her grandparents for always being her biggest fans, and her teachers at the acting studio for a l w a y s b e l i e v i n g i n h e r a n d encouraging her to grow and be her best. Break a leg, everyone!!

Samantha Brizendine (Milky White) is in 4th grade at Nebbie Williams Elementary School. This is her 2nd show w i th the Ac t ing S tud io ! Samantha takes acting classes at the Studio in Rockwall. She would like to thank her family for all their support, for believing in her and pushing her to be her best in every situation!

E n r i q u e C a b a r r o u y - R i v e r a (Steward) is a 6th grade student at Linda Lyon Elementary. This is his 2nd Acting Studio Production and 4th ever! Past roles include Young Simba (Lion King Kids) and Aladdin (Aladdin Kids.)In his first musical at Acting Studio (The Little Mermaid Jr.)Enrique was the understudy for Sebastian and was a member of the ensemble as well. Enrique would like to thank his parents, Ms. Hannah and Ms. Tiffany for helping him throughout the musical. Thank You!

Kimmie Corcoran (Lucinda, Jack's Mother u/s) This is Kimmie’s 2nd show with the Acting Studio. She is an 8th grader at Warren Middle School. She loved Seussical and is looking forward to many more performances. She would like to thank Ms. Erica, Mr. Vahn and Ms. Hannah.

Jack Davis (Narrator) attends 8th grade at International Leadership of Texas middle school. He has been in the theatre program there for two years where he 1st found his passion for acting. He later joined The Acting Studio of Rockwall ". Into the Woods" w i l l be h i s 4 th pe r fo rmance . Previously he played Banzai in "The Lion King", Grimsby in "The Little M e r m a i d " a n d M r. M a y o r i n "Seussical". He would like to thank Ms. Hannah, Mr. Vahn and Ms. Tiffany for all their help.

Averleigh Fisher (Jack's Mother; Witch u/s) is a senior at Rockwall High School and has done 7 shows with the studio including Into the woods. Her Favorite past roles has been Pumbaa from The Lion King, Chef from The little Mermaid and Horton from Suesical the Musical. She would like to thank her favorite D i r e c t o r s M r s . H a n n a h a n d Mrs.Tiffany for being great role models for everyone at the studio. She would also like to thank her f r iends and fami ly for a lways supporting her.

Meet the Cast

school shows and community benefits. She is currently in the Advanced Cain Mustang Girls’ Choir and a veteran Triple Threat with ASRW. Emily would like to thank everyone who has been a part of her studio journey with special thanks to Ms. Hannah, Mr. Vahn, and Ms. Tiffany for their training and guidance and her family for their love and support. She would also like to give a shout out to this talented and dedicated cast! Break a leg everyone!

Ella Gannaway (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is in 5th grade at Sherry & Paul Hamm Elementary. This is her 1st show with the Acting Studio! Favorite past roles include an Angel, Mouse, Soldier, and Bon-Bon (Nutcracker) with the Midland Festival Ballet. Ella takes Musical Theatre classes at the Studio in Rockwall. She would like to thank her parents & all her family for supporting her and coming to the performance!

Samantha Glaze (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is a so excited to be a part of this production. This will be her 2nd show with the Acting Studio. She is a 5th Grader at Linda Lyon Elementary and loves dance and hanging out with her friends. She takes Acting, Ballet, Jazz, and Voice at the Rockwall Studio. She looks forward to growing as an actress and would like to thank Ms. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany, Mr. Vahn, and her family for supporting her along the way.

Samantha Hill (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is in the 5th grade and is homeschooled this year. This is her first show with The Acting Studio and she is definitely excited to get back on stage after everything that has happened in the past year. Favorite past roles at her last performing arts school included Young Anna (Frozen Jr.),Babkak (Aladdin Jr) and Adult Nala (Lion King Jr). Samantha loves to tap and sing and aspires to one day be on Broadway. She is grateful to have been able to be a part of Into The Woods and has loved getting to know the songs and story!

Anderson Hoefer (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature, Jack u/s) is in 5th grade at Cel ia Hays Elementary. He enjoys being part of the Acting Studio’s Triple Threat Program where he trains in voice, acting, and dance. This is his third show with the Acting Studio and he loves the friendships he has made along the way! Favorite past roles include Young Simba (The Lion King Jr) and Citizens of Who (Seussical). He is represented by The Clutts Agency and looks forward to future opportunities. He would like to thank his parents, family, and friends for being here today and their constant love and support through the years! Thank you to Ms. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany, and Mr. Vahn for being such inspiring teachers and always challenging him to grow!

Shiplee Hughes (Giant, Lucinda u/s Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is in the 5th grade at Hamm Elementary School in Rockwall. This is Shiplee's 5th production with The Acting Studio Rockwall. Shiplee takes private voice lessons with Ms. Hannah at the Studio in Rockwall. She would like to thank her parents, family, and Studio family for supporting her dreams!

Victoria Fisher (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is a 5th grader at Hays Elementary School and has done 4 shows with the studio including Into the woods. Her Favorite past shows has been The Lion King, The little Mermaid and Suesical the Musical where she played Thing 1. She would like to t h a n k h e r f a v o r i t e D i r e c t o r s Mrs.Hannah and Mrs.Tiffany for always support ing her as she pursues her theater dreams. She would also like to thank her friends and family for always being there for her.

B a y l o r F o r d ( C i n d e r e l l a ' s Stepmother, Baker's Wife u/s) is a sophomore at Liberty University Online Academy. This is her sixth production with the Acting Studio Rockwall. Some of her favorite past roles include Ursula (Little Mermaid), Zazu (Lion King), and Ms. Phelps (Matilda). She is so happy to be in her third year as a triple threat with the studio. Baylor would like to thank Ms. Hannah, Mr. Vahn, Ms. Tiffany, and the cast for everything they've done to put this wonderful production together! Have a wonderful show and remember no one is alone.

Emily Ford (Cinderella) is 13 years old and a 7th grader at Cain Middle School. This is her 9th production with the Acting Studio. She was most r e c e n t l y i n S e u s s i c a l ( S o u r Kangaroo). Some of her other favorite performances include The Little Mermaid (Aquata), Lion King (Rafiki), Matilda (Lavendar), Newsies (Scab 2/Brooklyn Newsie), The Sound of Music (Brigitta), Shrek the Musical (Elf/ensemble), and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Latin Choir). Emily has also been in many

Meet the Cast

Elise King (Rapunzel) is finishing 8th grade at Cain Middle School. She played Mrs. Savage in her school's UIL One Act play: The C u r i o u s S a v a g e a n d w o n Outstanding Cast Member. Other favorite past rolls include a Bird Girl in The Acting Studio's Production of "Seussical", and Andrina from The Acting Studio's Production of "The Little Mermaid". She would like to thank Ms. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany and Mr. Vahn, along with her family, for their support.

Mallory King (Sleeping Beauty, Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is finishing the 6th grade at Linda Lyon Elementary. She is looking forward to her second production with The Acting Studio Rockwall, as Sleeping Beauty. Previous favorite rolls include the Kindhearted Mouse in The Acting Studio's Production of "Seussical" and Rafiki in the LLES Production of "Lion King, Jr". She would like to thank Ms. Hannah and Ms. Tiffany and along with her family, for their encouragement.

Robbie Mosley (The Baker) is 14 years old and is a Freshman at Rockwall High School. He loves singing, acting & the freedom of being on stage. This is Robbie’s 1st production with the Acting Studio, but his 13th production overall. Most recently, Robbie starred as Buddy in Elf the Musical and he’ll never forget his start as King Zoser in the Schulspunk production of Just Dig It. He loves the challenge and excitement that musical productions offer and is looking forward to many more.

Michael Murphy (Rapunzel's Prince/Mysterious Man) is in his Junior year & is 17 years old. He can't wait to perform with Acting Studio Rockwall again he previously worked with the studio being Rudolpho in Matilda the musical. Some of his favorite roles include Hans in Frozen jr. as well as Frollo in The Hunchback of Norte Dame. He would like to thank his Directors for this experience and wishes his cast the best of luck.

Jessie Prince (Florinda, Cinderella u/s) is a sixth grader at Stevenson Elementary. She is an elite veteran of The Acting Studio’s triple threat conservatory enjoying her 8th year on stage. She loved spending past summers taking workshops and performing in New York City and at Disney Land. Past favorite Studio roles include young Eponine in Les Miserables, Serafina in The Lion King Jr, and Flounder in The Little Mermaid Jr. She is very excited to be back at WaterTower Theatre where she played the lead in their Cirque Holiday shows. In 2019 Jessie was a finalist in the R ichardson Wi ld f lower fes t iva l budding talent vocal competition. She wants to thank her Studio coaches past and present for their support and belief in her. She feels blessed to be part of this very talented cast and show.

Gabriela Santano (Snow White, Florinda u/s, Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is in 6th grade at Amy Park Elementary School. This is his 3th show with the Acting Studio! Favorite past role include the Vlad Vladikoff (Seussical). Gabi takes voice & acting,at the Acting Studio in Rockwall. She would like to thank her parents, as well as all of her Acting Studio instructors for believing in her and creating such a great theatre culture! Break a leg, everyone!

Landry Sharp (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) is a spunky, thoughtful 5th grader who will be attending Hudson Middle School in the Fall. She loves dancing, singing, gaming and her puppy, Charlie. She is excited to be a part of one of her favorite musicals, Into the Woods, as her 1st production with the Acting Studio. Her previous performances with other theaters include, James and the Giant Peach (Spider), Totally Red! (Wolf, Narrator), Mary Poppins, The Ugly Duckling and many more. In addition to theater, Landry is a dedicated dancer with 8 years of formal training. Landry would like to thank her Mom, Dad, Sissy, Lallie and Gigi for their love and encouragement while she pursues her dream to one day be on Broadway. XOXO

Mol ly Snowden (C indere l la 's Mother) is a freshman at Rockwall High School. This is Molly's 7th performance with the Acting Studio Rockwall. Some of her favorite roles include (Mrs. Mayor) "Seussical the M u s i c a l , " ( A r i s t a ) " L i t t l e Mermaid," (Erica) "Matilda," and (Ugly Duckling) "Shrek." Along with Triple Threat, Molly also enjoys Advanced Theatre at RHS. A big thank you to the directors and teachers- Ms. Hannah, Ms. Tiffany, and Mr. Vahn- along with her family and friends for their hard work, support, and love. Break a leg to the cast of "Into the Woods!"

Terra Tougaw (Witch) is very happy to be in her fourth show with the Acting Studio! She was last seen at the Studio as a Bird Girl in Seussical the Musical and is excited to be performing again in Into The Woods. She will be a senior at Rockwall High School next year and is ready to c o n t i n u e h e r c l a s s e s a n d performances with the Studio. Terra wants to thank her family, as well as the amazing cast, crew, and directors for making this an incredible show!

Meet the Cast

Hannah Fisher (Director) is excited to return to the Acting Studio after several years as a student. Hannah performed with the Acting Studio in several shows i n c l u d i n g T h o r o u g h l y M o d e r n Millie (Millie) and Sound of Music (Sister Berthe), all while receiving training under the instruction of Shane and Erica Peterman and Kellie Carroll. She is a recent graduate of Coastal Carolina University where she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting. During her time in Myrtle Beach, Hannah performed at CCU as well as local professional theaters in shows such as Crimes of the Heart (Chick), Pride and Prejudice (Caroline Bingley), Three S is te rs (Na tasha) and Doub t : A Parable (Sister James). Hannah’s greatest love is sharing her passion with aspiring young artists.

Vahn Phollurxa (Musical Director) is co-owner & Artistic Associate of The Acting Studio Keller, has musically directed 47 musicals and performed in 23 musicals, with the bulk of his equity experience coming from the musical Miss Saigon.He is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma with a BFA in Musical Theatre. He has collaborated with musical theatre venues throughout Oklahoma, Texas, New Hampshire, New York, and Kansas, inc lud ing Lyr ic Theat re Ok lahoma, Reduxion Theatre, UCO, OCU, OU, Interlakes Theatre, Upstage Theatre, Shawnee Little Theatre, and Edmond S u m m e r s t o c k . S o m e o f h i s m o s t memorable productions include Side Show, The Full Monty, Sweet Smell of Success, F l ips ide: The Pat t i Page Story, Music Man, and Little Women. Vahn currently works at Keller and Rockwall as a music director, pianist and voice teacher.

Britany Webb (Children of the Woods, Fairytale Creature) This is Britany's second full production for the Acting Studio, having previously performed in the chorus for Matilda-The Musical. Britany currently takes ballet, jazz, advanced acting classes, as well as private voice lessons at the studio in Rockwall. Britany would like to thank Ms. Tiffany and Mrs. Hannah for all of their amazing guidance, and her family for their endless love and support. Break a leg everyone!!!

Luke Whitley (Wolf, Cinderella's Prince) is extremely excited to be joining the cast of Into the Woods. Luke lives in Heath with his family, and he is in the 9th grade at Bishop Lynch. This

Meet the Cast is Luke’s 4th production with the Acting Studio Rockwall. He was part of the ensemble cast in their production of The Lion King in the Winter of 2020, and then he played the role of King Triton in the Little Mermaid in the Fall of 2020. Most recently, Luke played the role of General Schmitz in Seussical. Luke would like to thank his Mom, Dad and his little sister Jordan for their love and support. He would especially like to thank the Acting Studio Rockwall for believing in him enough to cast him in his dual roles in Into the Woods.

Steeli Wilbanks (Little Red) is in the 5th Grade at Dallas Christian School. This is her 8th performance with The Acting Studio of Rockwall having recently played "Jojo" in Seusical the Musical, "Scuttle" in The Little Mermaid,

and "Timon" in The Lion King Jr. When she is not acting, she enjoys playing the guitar, and spending time in the woods hunting and weekends at the lake with family and friends!

Brit Witherspoon (Baker's Wife) is a freshman in high school and LOVES all things musical theatre! A magical musical memory i n c l u d e s w h e n s h e s a w Everybody's Talking About Jamie at the Apollo Theatre in London. This is her first show with the Acting Studio. She would like to thank all of her family, friends, and i n s t r u c t o r s f o r t h e i r encouragement and support.

Tiffany Murphy (Choreographer) is so excited to be a part of this incredible show. This is her fourth show being the choreographer with The Acting Studio Rockwall. She has previously student directed at Vines High school, assisted with the Studio's Homeschool Fine Arts Academy productions, and was the assistant choreographer of Frisco/G r a p e v i n e / K e l l e r S t u d i o ' s Production of Matilda. As well as choreographed Matilda the Musical and The Lion King at The Acting Studio Rockwall, Hunchback and F rozen J r. w i th the F r i sco /Grapevine/Keller Acting Studios. She wishes the cast a wonderful show!

The Production Team

Special ThanksAddison Theatre Centre

WaterTower Theatre

Rose's Costumes

Sunnybrook Studios

Fritz Wickern

Acting Studio Students & Families


Thank y ou!


We love watching you do your thing on stage! It is so neat to see how you grow with each production. We could not be more proud of you! We love you big!

~ Mom, Dad, Anna and Ellery

Congratulations on another awesome

performance! We love watching you light

up the stage and follow

your dreams.

Proud of you today and every day! Love you so much and can’t wait

to see what the future has in store for you!

With all of our love, Your Family


You are so much fun to watch on stage! Your joy and zest for life really shine through! We are so proud of you! We love you big!

~ Mom, Dad, Anna and Audrey


We are excited to spend this Mother’s Day weekend watching you own the stage as Little Red! Watching you and your friends grow together on stage is so much fun and we cannot wait to see you all together again performing “Into The Woods”.

You are such a blessing, and we are so proud of you and your never-ending talents! Enjoy this time and never stop smiling!

Shine big and have fun~We love you,Mommy & Daddy


We are proud of YOU!

Break a leg!

Love, Mom, Dad, and Sam

Moooooove Over We are so proud of you taking on any challenge no matter how big or small! You are a creative and bright and we look forward to seeing you give your best as Milky White.

Reach for the stars!

Love Mom and Dad

Tennessee Williams once said, “A play does not exist until it is on the stage.” Baylor, we are grateful for each opportunity that you have been given to step foot on the stage-doing what you love most in this life…acting, singing, dancing, interacting. God has blessed you richly and we pray that you always remember that it is Him who has given you your passions, desires, and talents. We will love you forever, Dad, mama, Hudson, Corbin, and Piper

Break a leg Shiplee!

We are so proud of you and all your hard work. Dad, Sis, and I can’t wait to see you on Broadway one day!


The Way is Clear The Light is Good

Break a Leg Boy Child!

We Love You,

Mom, Dad, Shelby & Emily

Congratulations Landry!!

We are so proud of you!

We love you! Break a leg!!

Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Lallieand Charlie

Type to enter textType to enter text


The Way is Clear The Light is Good

Break a Leg Boy Child!

We Love You,

Mom, Dad, Shelby & Emily

Britany Words can not describe how incredibly proud we are of

you. Have the time of your life, and BREAK A LEG.

Love you,

Mom, Dad, and all of your family

Michael Murphy

Congrats on this production! Love, Your Family & The Studio

Ella Gannaway

Congrats on this production! Love, Your Family & The Studio




@ Rockwall 6/14 - 6/18@ Grapevine 7/19 - 7/23@ Frisco 8/2 - 8/6

summer camp

Please pack a water bottle and nut-free snack and lunch every day. We will not dismiss for lunch.

Cost: $249 per 5-day campCamp runs Monday through Friday, 11am - 3pm. Ages 8-17 welcome! 817.488.0009More details & registration info on our website!

Make yourown short film…from writing and preproduction, toacting and a greencarpet premiere!


Cost: $249 per 5-day camp.All camps are offered at all four studio locations: Frisco, Grapevine, Keller, and Rockwall.

Each camp runs Monday through Friday, 11am - 3pm.Please pack a water bottle and nut-free snack and lunch every day. We will not dismiss for lunch. 817.488.0009More details & registration info on our website!


�����TO DO!


Life Skillsthrough

JULY��¥�� �:-)<-;<

!07? onEarth




in partnership withDallas Magic Academy

Musical theatre is alive andwell and this camp will be a

great introduction to the joy ofmusical theatre for beginner

and intermediate performers,exploring the foundations of

the three disciplines ofthe three disciplines ofmusical theatre: singing,

acting, and dancing.

This high-energy camp willteach life skills through play

and clowning experience.Expect introduction to gags,

improvisational clown games,clown character basics,

creating your clown character,creating your clown character,makeup, circus skills, physical

comedy, and much more!

This exciting new campexplores the genius behind

magical illusions taught by theprofessional magicians at

Dallas Magic Academy.Learn everything from wand

work, stage presence, andwork, stage presence, andmagic tricks to the Eight

Traits of being a magician.

SUMMER at the studio

Cost: $249 per 5-day camp.All camps are offered at all four studio locations: Frisco, Grapevine, Keller, and Rockwall.

Each camp runs Monday through Friday, 11am - 3pm.Please pack a water bottle and nut-free snack and lunch every day. We will not dismiss for lunch. 817.488.0009More details & registration info on our website!


�����TO DO!


Life Skillsthrough

JULY��¥�� �:-)<-;<

!07? onEarth




in partnership withDallas Magic Academy

Musical theatre is alive andwell and this camp will be a

great introduction to the joy ofmusical theatre for beginner

and intermediate performers,exploring the foundations of

the three disciplines ofthe three disciplines ofmusical theatre: singing,

acting, and dancing.

This high-energy camp willteach life skills through play

and clowning experience.Expect introduction to gags,

improvisational clown games,clown character basics,

creating your clown character,creating your clown character,makeup, circus skills, physical

comedy, and much more!

This exciting new campexplores the genius behind

magical illusions taught by theprofessional magicians at

Dallas Magic Academy.Learn everything from wand

work, stage presence, andwork, stage presence, andmagic tricks to the Eight

Traits of being a magician.

SUMMER at the studio

The Acting Studio




About Triple Threat...The Triple Threat Program is an exciting opportunity for students to train with professionals in the industry, perform both locally and abroad, tour in the summer to exciting locations and give back to their community through our outreach program.

TrainingStudents accepted into the program will be placed into the acting, dance and voice class(es) that are appropriate for their age and ability. All instructors at the Acting Studio are working professionals in the DFW musical theatre community who have a passion for sharing their craft with young professionals.

Performance OpportunitiesIn addition to the core curriculum, performance is an important part of Triple Threat. Students will be rehearsing throughout the semester for select performances throughout the year. All performance opportunities are optional, however they are strongly encouraged.

TourStudents involved in Triple Threat will have the opportunity to travel to exciting locations during the summer to perform, attend exciting workshops and educational programs, participate in community projects and have fun! From California to Florida, Hawaii to New York and even Europe - exposure to the arts through travel is an important part of an artist’s education.

Give BackGiving back is a huge part of The Acting Studio. We believe that it is part of your responsibility as an artist to give part of your gift back with no strings attached. Students research and participate in community projects that they identify with. It is our hope that making a small difference in the lives of others will make an unmistakable impact by encouraging others to give back.

3TTriple ThreatMeet the Owners

Erica Peterman Shane Peterman

Hello! We are working professionals in the industry who have a heart for sharing our love for theatre with others. For more information, please visit our website @ We look forward to meeting you!

Erica & Shane Peterman

Acting Studio Productions produce 5 full-scale productions per year. ASP is a designated not for profit that offers a great opportunity to grow in a professional environment, make new friends and shape character by teaching life skills through stage skills. Auditions are required.

ASP also provides an opportunity for individuals and corporations to have a direct influence on the arts the their community. By becoming a sponsor, your generous tax-deductible donation will directly influence all the aspects that go into producing a show. For more information on this amazing opportunity, please go to our website at, or call 214-705-8322 to set up an appointment.

501(c)3 Not for Profit Corporation

AUDITIONS SEPTEMBER 5th & 8thYou’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown

Performances November 1-3, 2012At The MCL Grand Theater in Lewisville

E-Mail for more info


Auditions for Grapevine’s 2012-2013 Triple Threat Program will be by appointment on

August 3rd & 10th.Please e-mail for more information.


ASPActing Studio Productions



About the Studio

The Acting Studio is a place for actors, singers and dancers of all ages to study and grow in the theatrical arts. The studio opened in the fall of 2009 in Grapevine, TX. Then in the fall of 2012 expanded with their location in Frisco. Owners Shane and Erica Peterman believe strongly in raising the bar for young artists while having fun! We offer classes in all three aspects of the performing arts and produce three full-scale productions each year.

Our Philosophy

The Acting Studio is a studio for excellence in the theatrical arts. We believe in teaching life skills through stage skills in a professional and positive environment. Excellence begins in the classroom and filters onto the stage, into the work and, most importantly, into the lives of our students. Each class, rehearsal and production are lead by positive, qualified instructors who truly care about shaping their student’s character as well as sharpening their performance skills.

The Triple Threat Conservatory  is an exciting opportunity for students to  train with professionals in the industry, perform both locally and abroad, tour in the summer to exciting locations, and give back to their community through our outreach program.

Do you want to be a performer who can do it all? For More Details, please reach out to : 817.488.0009


A Studio for Excellence in the Theatrical Arts



PERFORMANCES AUGUST 14Majestic Theater in Dallas


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