intervention activity sheet 1

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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navotas national high schoolintervention worktext



NAME: ________________________________________ Year & Section: ___________________

I. OBJECTIVES A. Read and comprehend narrative text B. React to the moral of the story C. Note explicit and implied details from the story read

II. LESSON: Reading Narratives


A. Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread. The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while. Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner's ear, and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise. "What was that?" asked the restaurant owner. "That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin. "What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner. "The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup," answered Nasreddin. "Now go back to your restaurant."

1. What food did the poor man have? A. soup B. bread C. nothing

2. What kind of food did he see in the

restaurant? A. bread B. meat C. soup

3. Why did he hold the bread over the

soup? A. So the steam from the soup

would go into the bread. B. So he could warm his hand. C. So the restaurant owner would

get angry.

4. Why did the restaurant owner take the poor man to Nasreddin?

A. Because Nasreddin was a judge. B. So that Nasreddin could pay for

the soup. C. Because Nasreddin was the

man's relative.

5. What did Nasreddin do with the coins? A. He gave them to the restaurant

owner. B. He made a noise with them. C. He gave them to the poor man.

6. What was the payment for the smell of

the soup? A. the sound of money B. a few coins C. there was no payment

B. Letter to Nasreddin: Write a letter to the judge, Nasreddin, and express your view or opinion regarding his judgment. What do you think of his way of handling the case of the restaurant owner and the poor man? What did you learn from his story?

C. Extend your learning!

What do you think is the moral of the story? Research on the internet about sayings or quotations that you think are directly connected to the moral of the narrative. Write your sayings or quotations inside the bookmarks.



NAME: ________________________________________YEAR & SECTION: _____________


A. Read and analyse the elements of a narrative using graphic organizers B. Extract details from the text read C. Respond to the worthwhile human values and experiences highlighted in the story

II. LESSON: Analyzing Narratives III. ACTIVITIES

A. Read the story carefully and the do the tasks that follow.

Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story

During the time of the Ch’in and Han dynasties, a cave chief named Wu married two wives and each gave birth to baby girls. Before long Chief Wu and one wife died leaving

one baby, Yeh-Shen, to be reared by her stepmother. The stepmother didn’t like Yeh-Shen for she was more beautiful and kinder than her own daughter so she treated her poorly.

Yeh-Shen was given the worst jobs and the only friend she had was a beautiful fish with big golden eyes . Each day the fish came out of the water onto the bank to be fed by Yeh-Shen. Now Yen-Shen had little food for herself but she was willing to share with the fish. Her stepmother hearing about the fish disguised herself as Yen-Shen and enticed the fish from the water. She stabbed it with a dagger, and cooked the fish for dinner.

Yeh-Shen was distraught when she learned of the fish’s death. As she sat crying she heard a voice and looked up to see a wise old man wearing the coarsest of clothes and with hair hanging down over his shoulders. He told her that the bones of the fish were filled with a powerful spirit, and that when she was in serious need she was to kneel before the bones and tell them of her heart’s desires. She was warned not to waste their gifts.

Yeh-Shen retrieved the bones from the trash heap and hid them in a safe place. Time passed and the spring festival was nearing. This was a time when the young people gathered in the village to meet one another and to find husbands and wives. Yen-Shen longed to go to the festival but her stepmother wouldn’t allow it because she feared that someone would pick Yeh-Shen rather than her own daughter.

The stepmother and the daughter left for the festival leaving Yeh-Shen behind. Yeh-Shen wanting desperately to go asked the bones for clothes to wear to the festival. Suddenly she was wearing a beautiful gown of azure blue with a cloak of kingfisher feathers draped around her shoulders. On her feet were beautiful slippers. They were woven of golden threads in a pattern of a scaled fish and the soles were made of solid gold. When she walked she felt lighter than air. She was warned not to lose the slippers.

Yeh-Shen arrived at the festival and soon all were looking her way. The daughter and step-mother moved closer to her for they seemed to recognize this beautiful person. Seeing that she would be found out, Yeh-Shen dashed out of the village leaving behind one of the golden slippers.

When she arrived home she was dressed again in her rags. She spoke again to the bones, but they were now silent. Saddened she put the one golden slipper in her bedstraw. After a time a merchant found the lost slipper, and seeing the value in the golden slipper sold it to a merchant who gave it to the king of the island kingdom of T’o Han.

Now the king wanted to find the owner of this tiny beautiful slipper. He sent his people to search the kingdom but no ones foot would fit in the tiny golden slipper. He had the slipper placed on display in a pavilion on the side of the road where the slipper had been found with an announcement that the shoe was to be returned to the owner.

The king’s men waited out of site. All the women came to try on the shoe. One dark night Yeh-Shen slipped quietly across the pavilion, took the tiny golden slipper and turned to leave, but the king’s men rushed out and arrested her. She was taken to the king who was furious for he couldn’t believe that any one in rags could possibly own a golden slipper. As he looked closer at her face he was

struck by her beauty and he noticed she had the tiniest feet.

The king and his men returned home with her where she produced the other slipper. As she slipped on the two slippers her rags turned into the beautiful gown and cloak she had worn to the festival. The king realized that she was the one for him. They married and lived happily ever after. However, the stepmother and daughter were never allowed to visit Yeh-Shen and were forced to continue to live in their cave until the day they were crushed to death in a shower of flying stones.

By: Aai Ling Louie

TASK 1: COMIC STRIPS: Retell the story in a different format. This time use the comic frames to sketch or draw incidents in the tale. Make sure that actions or scenarios in your drawings are aligned with the chronological events in the story.

TASK 2: Story Element Web: Fill out the graphic organizer below by answering the questions in each frame.


I. OBJECTIVES A. Read and comprehend the story B. Identify the author’s purpose C. Infer meaning beyond what is literally stated II. LESSON: Making Inferences through Narratives


A. This story is about a man who lived long ago. Read the story and then answer the questions that follow.

Feeding His Clothes Heather Forest

The sultan held a sumptuous feast at the palace. Mulla Nasrudin watched as finely dressed guests arrived at the palace gate. He fingered his tattered rags and compared them with the elegant silks and satins on the people who entered the festivities. His stomach growled with hunger. He thought about the fine food served at the banquet.

Led by his stomach, he walked up to the gate and presented himself to the guards. Since, by custom, hospitality demanded that he not be turned away, the guards allowed him into the feast. The guards, however, ushered him discreetly to a seat at the very end of the banquet table. Delicious food arrived on great trays carried by well-groomed servants. By the time the trays arrived at the end of the table where Mulla sat, they were empty. Mulla sadly left his unused plate and wandered out the palace gate. He went to the home of a rich friend and explained what had just happened. Mulla asked, “May I borrow a fine suit of clothes?” The friend gave Mulla rich clothes and an expensive turban to top his elegant attire. Mulla returned to the palace and presented himself at the gate. When the guards saw him so well dressed, they did not recognize him. Thinking he was a visiting prince, the guards bowed low before him. Respectfully, the guards escorted him inside and seated him at the head of the table. More trays of food arrived, and servants piled delicacies on Mulla’s plate. Before long, everyone was staring at Mulla. He had rubbed curry into his sleeve. He had poured wine on his turban. He had smashed roasted eggplant all over his cloak. Finally, the guest seated next to him was moved to awkwardly inquire, “Pray tell, but why have you rubbed messy food into your fine attire?” “A thousand pardons,” said Mulla, “if my clothes now look the worst. But it was these clothes that brought me all this food. It is only fair that they be fed first.

1. In the story, a sultan is most likely a a. guard. b. guest. c. king. d. servant.

2. In the first paragraph, why is Mulla

Nasrudin reluctant to enter the palace? A. He is unfamiliar with the customs

of the banquet. B. He fears he has arrived too late

for the feast. C. He does not know any of the

guests at the banquet. D. He thinks his clothes are not fi

ne enough to wear to a feast.

3. What is the most likely reason Mulla

is seated at the end of the table? A. The customs are unfamiliar to

him. B. The sultan sits at the head of the

table. C. The banquet has already started. D. The guards disapprove of his


4. In paragraph 6, the word delicacies is used to suggest

A. how hungry Mulla felt. B. how the food smelled. C. the treatment Mulla received.

D. the special quality of the food.

5. Why does Mulla rub food on his clothes?

A. He feels the sultan is ignoring him.

B. He thinks he is being fed because of his clothes.

C. He wants to show that his plate needs to be refilled.

D. He is grateful to his friend for lending him the clothes.

6. According to the story, which statement

describes a cultural custom? A. Sultans sometimes eat last at a


B. Clothes are often borrowed from friends.

C. Strangers usually sit at the end of a table.

D. People are always allowed into a feast.

7. What is the main purpose of the story?

a. to make a point about human behavior

b. to persuade the reader to learn more about a tradition

c. to provide historical information d. to instruct the reader on how to

prepare for a banquet

B. STORY GRAMMAR: Complete the story grammar below by extracting the elements of the story read.

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