internet safety for educators

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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Social Networks(Facebook, MySpace)

Online Privacy &Online Reputation

Identity Theft

Online Predators

Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics


Professional Boundaries


Technology Used




Game consoles

Cell phone



1. Inappropriate Contact

2. Inappropriate Content

3. Inappropriate Conduct


Inappropriate Contact

We have to teach children how to recognize and protect themselves against contact with:


Inappropriate Content


Inappropriate Conduct


Are you ready for a test?

Let’s see how well you know chat lingo

You know, the way teens talk in chat rooms, emails and when they text message



Laughing Out LoudBe Right BackTeachers Are WatchingParent Over ShoulderLook The Teacher Is ComingCan I Copy Your

Homework?Keeping Parents CluelessTeacher Over BackAdult In The RoomAge, Sex, Location?Want To Go Private?Let’s Meet In Real Life


The 21st-century bully doesn't hang out on the street corners looking to shake kids down for their lunch money.

Cyberbullies are hiding behind their computer screens to torment their targets.

What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of e-mail, instant

messaging, chat rooms, pagers, cell phones, or other forms of information technology to deliberately harass, threaten, or intimidate someone.

The problem is compounded by the fact that a bully can hide behind an electronic veil, disguising his or her true identity. This makes it difficult to trace the source, and encourages bullies to behave more aggressively than they might face-to-face.

What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying can include such acts as making

threats, sending provocative insults or racial or ethnic slurs, gay bashing, attempting to infect the victim's computer with a virus, and flooding an e-mail inbox with nonsense messages.



Tips for Teachers

Discuss online behavior with your students

Monitor computer use – look for children minimizing screen when you walk by

Have a classroom policy that addresses inappropriate computer and cell phone use (this is in addition to school policy) and post it where they will see it

If you have a school policy (Acceptable Use Policy), enforce it!


Tips for Teachers

Keep anonymous comment box in classroom where children can report incidents of cyberbullying

Encourage students to report cyberbullying

Teach students to think before they post and to not let their emotions get the best of them, especially when they are angry


Tips for Teachers

Tell students:

Don’t react (this is often the bully’s goal) Don’t retaliate Block the bully Save the evidence Talk to a trusted adult


Social Networking Sites


Social Networking Sites

Allow them to exchange information about themselves and communicate with others using blogs, chat rooms, email and instant messaging


Social Networking Sites

While these sites have the ability to extend their circle of friends, they also expose them to those who may have bad intentions – from peers to sexual predators

Even though many sites have a minimum age for signup (usually 13 or 14), these sites do not have the ability to verify age


Social Networking Sites

Most young people apply common-sense principles and rules taught at home and school to avoid harmful situations in the “real world”

However, they often don’t apply these same rules to the “cyber world”


Tips for Teachers

Encourage students to use privacy settings and security features to limit who has access to their information

Encourage students to never post full name, address, phone numbers, email address, instant message username, passwords and identity or financial numbers



Social Networking Sites

Teach students to use “throwaway” email addresses when signing up for SNS

Remind students that once information is posted online and deleted or modified, the original will never be completely deleted

Encourage students to use privacy settings and security features to limit who has access to their information


MySpace Privacy

“Only My Friends” setting makes profile content available only to people on friends list – this is default for those under 18

If a user is under 18, they can choose to make profile content available only to friends and others under 18

Photo Albums, Videos and Blogs each have per item privacy settings that you can choose when you upload that content and modify any time




Facebook Profile


Facebook Profile


Facebook Profile


Online Privacy & Online Reputation

Teach students to ask the following questions:

What judgments or conclusions might others form with my information?

Are there some details about my life I would like to keep personal?

Who might view or purchase this information about me?

Will this information reflect well on me a year from now? 5 years?

Would I want my best friend to know? Would I want my

boss to know?

Would I want my mom to know?


Online Privacy & Online Reputation

Remind students to post information that is appropriate for the entire public

Anyone can see individual web pages including parents, teachers, college admission officers, potential employers or police

What is posted today may be harmful in the future


Bulletin Board


Identity Theft

Remind students to be cautious about giving out personal information in chat rooms or on sites such as MySpace or Facebook

Sites such as MySpace and Facebook allow members to make their address or phone numbers public to anyone who views their profile

Encourage students to make their profiles private but warn them that nothing is ever completely private


Identity Theft

Discuss email tricks that ID thieves use such as sending official looking emails from companies like Ebay, PayPal and others

Encourage students to only give out information whey they have gone to the website directly, not by following the link in the email

Tell students to never open email or download attachments from anyone they’re not expecting to receive email from


Identity Theft

Teach students to be wary of sites that offer some sort of reward or prize in exchange for their contact information or other personal details

Teach students to never fill out forms or requests for information without a parent or guardian’s permission or assistance


Identity Theft

Tell students not to share passwords with others (except their parents!)

Discuss using personal information such as such as birth dates or social security numbers in passwords or usernames

Educate your students about making purchases online

Teach them how to make sure that a web page where they provide personal and financial information is secure




Online Predators

Keep personal information personal

Students should be cautious about sharing other information such as the name of their school, sports team, hobbies, where they work or hang out, or any other information that could be used to identify them or locate them

Ensure user names do not reveal too muchpersonal information

It is inappropriate and dangerous for children to use their name or home town as their name

Most user names made up of personal information are easily deciphered which can lead perpetrators to a student’s identity and/or location


Online Predators

Students should be aware that posting inappropriate photos can lead to damaged reputations and unwanted attention

Posting inappropriate photos, especially those that are explicit, can attract individuals who have bad intentions

Educate students about the dangers of flirting with strangers

Students can give the wrong impression when flirting with a real stranger as well as an online stranger


Everyone Knows Your Name


Online Predators

Be careful about adding strangers to IM Buddy or friend lists – people are not always who they say they are

Students should not add people as “friends” unless they know for sure who they person is

If individuals cannot provide solid information as to how they know the student, the student should delete the user name or block that user

Teach students to be skeptical online and question what they see and hear


Online Predators Teach students to “trust their gut”

If a student feels threatened or uncomfortable by someone or something online, they need to tell the teacher or another trusted adult

Having students speak up can prevent someone else from becoming a victim

Online friends should not be met offline

Explain to students that strangers in the online world pose a threat to them just as much as strangers in the physical world


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Teach students to be civil in what they say and show on the internet

Talk with students about respecting the reputation and privacy of others when they post anything about them (especially pictures)


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Model ethical behavior

Reinforce ethical behavior

Draw parallels between offline behaviors and similar situations online

Demeaning someone online is just as bad as it is in person

Plagiarism is still plagiarism whether its copying from a book or a website


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Teach students to take a moment before responding to a mean or insulting comment, message, email, etc. instead of reacting out of anger

Teach students to not respond to these type of actions and to speak with a trusted adult about it


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Talk with students about avoiding using the computer to harm people

Taking things which aren’t theirs (files, passwords, etc.)

Spreading rumors

Setting up a fake website


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Discuss with students the importance of treating people online the same way they would if they were talking to them F2F

Considerate and respectfulDon’t be rude or meanDon’t use bad languageDon’t make threats or try to humiliate others


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Teach students to not lie about who they are online and not pretend to be someone else

If someone asks a question that makes you feel uncomfortable or asks you to reveal too much personal information, don’t answer


Online Etiquette & Digital Ethics

Share the risks and consequences associated with plagiarism, file sharing, downloading and copying software, music, movies and games illegally

Bad gradeSchool disciplineCrimeFines


Sample Acceptable Use Policy

Obtained from






Encourage students to think about the consequences of taking, sending or forwarding sexual pictures of underage children

Students could get kicked off sports team or school club

Students could receive disciplinary action at school

Students could get arrested


Sexting Tell students not to take pictures of themselves

that they don’t want everyone to see

Students should not take pictures that they don’t want their parents, grandparents, teachers, employers or the police seeing

Tell students to think before they send the picture because they don’t where it might end up

Remind them that if it doesn’t feel right to send it, they probably shouldn’t



Inform students that forwarding sexual pictures is just as bad as being the original sender

They are just as responsible as the person who took the picture in the first place and sent it

Encourage students to tell a trusted adult if they receive a sexual picture

Tell them not to delete the picture until an adult is involved



Remind students that they are not anonymous when they send sexual pictures

These pictures can be tracked through the phone or internet


Sexting and School Policies

Clearly state that possession of sexually explicit images of minors on any device is prohibited, regardless of whether it is illegal or not

Indicate that all persons involved, unless they immediately deleted image(s), could be subject to discipline

Inform students that parents and police may be contacted to assist in the investigation


Sexting and School Policies

Put all students on notice that cell phones will be searched if the school has reasonable suspicion that school policy has been violated

Consequences should be clearly stated but also use wording that allows administration to use discretion for punishment on a case-by-case basis

Prohibit harassment and bullying related to sexting incidents and include enhanced penalties for threats related to the incident


Professional Boundaries


Professional Boundaries

Make sure you’re in compliance with your school policy

If you don’t if you have one, you better find out!

If you’re considering adding a student as a friend to your personal profile, notify parents and receive permission before doing so

Make sure the student the required age for the social networking site


Professional Boundaries

If using Facebook, you could create a Friend List called “Students” and adjust privacy settings to control what they see

Create two profiles (personal + professional) or create Group for specific class projects


Professional Boundaries

You have to watch what you post and who you share it with!

Ask these questions before you post anything:

1. Would it be appropriate for me to say this in the classroom?

2. Would I say this to the student in front of the students’ parents?

If the answer to either is “No”, then you probably shouldn’t post it


Remember that you are role models and children will do what you do

Demonstrate proper online behavior at every available opportunity

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