internet safety

Post on 15-May-2015






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Presentation to parents about internet safety. A few tips to keep children safe while surfing the net.


Ms Naheelah Irving

Technology Coordinator


The Internet plays important roles in:

School Communication Business Research Entertainment

Connects students globally andprovides a wealth of information

to those who seek it.


The Internet can also pose serious dangers for children including:

Online Predators Pornography Identity Theft Inappropriate Content (Drugs and

alcohol, hate sites, violence) Hacking


Educate yourself Know what they’re doing Computer Placement Install an Internet filter Publish a family pledge Lead by example

Educate Yourself

Surf the net Take an Internet course Join some sites Ask a friend for help

Educate Yourself

Be “In the Know”

Review browsing history (CTRL + Shift + H)

Check recent documents and downloads

Surf the Internet together

Change your home page

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Computer Placement

Never allow computers in the bedroom.

Make sure the computer is placed in an open area where the monitor is visible to all.

Young children should not be allowed to have laptop with uncontrolled Internet access.

Install an Internet Filter

Internet/Content Filters prevents your child from viewing inappropriate sites.

You set parental controls and manage which sites are ok to visit and which are not ok to visit.

Allow you to see which sites are being visited and can not be erased.

Free Internet Filters

K9webprotection PGSurfer OpenDNS Safe Families File Sharing Sentinel

Kid Friendly Web Browsers Kidrocket BuddyBrowser Kidzui

Publish Family Pledge/Acceptable Use Policy

Create a family Internet pledge. Review it with your child. Everyone sign it. Post it by the computer.

Example: Internet Safety Pledge K-2 I will turn off my computer monitor right

away and tell a trusted adult if anything makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.

I will tell my parents or guardian if anyone online asks me my name, my address, my telephone number, or the name and location of my school.

I will tell my parents or guardian if anyone online asks to meet me in person.

I will not use rude or mean language on the Internet.

Lead by Example

Remember you are your child’s first teacher.

Model acceptable online behavior. Your children are watching you!

Overlooked Dangers

Misleading URL’s Chatroom Bots Cyber Bullying Sexting Spam

Misleading URL’s

Misleading URL’s are websites that are intentionally misspelled to lead you to a site which contains inappropriate content.

This is illegal and should be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at or1-800-THE LOST (1-800-843-5678)

Some Examples

A hate site

A pornography site

Chat Room Bots

Chat room Bots are robots set up in chat rooms to get others to click on links which takes you to pornographic site

Only visit chat rooms for kids. Never click on those links Close out of the program Tell an adult

Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying involves the use of information and technology such as e-mail, instant messaging, the publishing of defamatory personal web sites, and online personal polling web sites that are used to support conscious, willful, deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by one or more people with the intent to harm others.

Cyber Bullying

Block or ban individuals. Delete current account and create

a new one. Do not respond to rude or

harassing emails. Keep a record of them just in case.

Contact your ISP if necessary.


Sexting is the sending of sexual messages and/or the posting of nude or partially nude images of minors.

Talk to children early about how quickly and far digital information and images can travel.


Spam refers to unsolicited junk or mass e-mailing.

Most Internet spam can be categorized under marketing pitches, pornography, and scams and hoaxes.

Spam can also spread viruses which can ruin your computer.

Personal Vs. Private Information Full Name (first,last) Street address Name and address of

school Phone numbers Passwords E-mail address Social Security

number Credit card numbers Parent’s work place Mother’s maiden name Photos

Your age Your gender How many siblings

you have Your favorite

musician Your pet’s name Your opinion or

advice about an issue

Get Started Now

Don’t wait! Start protecting your child. You could be saving their life.

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