international street style

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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International Street StyleL


Par i s

No longer do the runways of New York and Paris offer fashion lovers an array of different looks

to yearn for; street style has now become a phenomenon in the fashion world and is quickly becoming a

source of inspiration for designers.

B e r l i n

Blogs…•Street style blogs have grown a major

amount in the past decade. They have become a major outlet for people who may not study and/or work in fashion but still love to express themselves through clothing. It has become an online meeting place for fashionista’s all over the world to discuss and learn different cultures and how they dress.

      “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening”-Coco Chanel

Street style is focused around the rebel class of the 60’s; It has no rules, regulations and there is no right or wrong. It is a way slaves to fashion can express themselves on a daily basis without worrying about how much money it will take to afford the “trend.” Street style is an individual identity that has linked individuals all over the world with a common interest but a vision that is ever so unique.

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