international law resources online: adina teusan regional manager, online products north & east...

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International Law Resources Online:

Adina TeusanRegional Manager, Online ProductsNorth & East EuropeCrimea 2010


OUP Online Law Publishing

Academic and commercial law; from international law and legal history, to criminal law and arbitration.

Our authors include scholars, judges, and legal practitioners. From print form – books & journals – to content online, producing e-

books, online journals, and brand new online law databases. 3 law databases covering public international law and investment

arbitration 1 online e-book collection, covering almost every area of law in which

we deal. NEW 2010: moving into competition law (Oxford Competition Law),

and updating our constitutional law provision (Oceana Constitutions Online).


Oxford Scholarship Online: LawScholarly

Oxford Reports on International LawPublic international law case reports. Updated daily

Investment ClaimsInternational investment arbitration. Updated

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International LawResearch from Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg,

Oxford Law CitatorIntegrates all of the material within online law resources from OUP, linking case reports, articles, and materials. Provided free-of-charge (excluding OSO Law)

Online Law Resources:


Launching autumn 2010

Oxford Competition Law

Core competition law texts from OUP, integrated with national

level and EU level case law and supplementary materials via the

Oxford Law Citator

Oxford Constitutions Online

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law


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OverviewOxford Reports on International Law (ORIL)

ORIL contains over 2,500 cases from 171 international and domestic courts from across the world

Accompanied by cross-case navigation via the Oxford Law Citator

Each case report contains the following:

• Headnote• Summary of case facts and judicial holdings• Full text of the opinion of the court• Analytical commentary from scholarly experts• Translations of non-English decisions into English• List of cases and instruments cited

5 modules: International Courts of General Jurisdiction International Criminal Law International Human Rights Law International Investment Claims International Law in Domestic Courts


What are the benefits of ORIL?

Regular updating with expert analysis and commentary

Broadest coverage of new case law from international courts and tribunals, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals

Linking between cases that cite each other through Oxford Law Citator


Frequent updating – daily as new cases come in


Quick search – cases from Russia


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Oxford Law Citator


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Investment Claims Investment Claims brings together primary materials and high-quality commentary focusing on international investment arbitration.

Winner of the OGEMID IDR-Related Project of the Year 2009 (awarded by Transnational Dispute Management)

Investment Claims contains:

Over 420 arbitral awards, procedural orders, and court decisions, provided with headnotes and expert commentary

Bilateral Investment Treaties sets from key jurisdictions, plus commentaries on national BIT programmes

A collection of monographs, journal articles, multilateral treaties, and arbitral rules

The Oxford Law Citator


Subscribers to Investment Claims can benefit from:

Faster, more effective research – Investment Claims layout, navigation, and search facilities, together with extensive cross-referencing, enable faster, more effective research

Access to the latest scholarly and professional analysis from OUP

Rapid reporting of new awards – Useful and informative headnotes give an overview of each case, whilst new awards are published within 48 hours of receipt

Investment Claims A research tool the legal practitioner will enjoy using


IC homepage


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law An analytical resource covering the entirety of public international law.

MPEPIL contains:

Over 1,100 articles on over 30 different subject areas within public international law

Written and edited by over 800 scholars and practitioners from more than 70 different countries

Each article is peer reviewed by members of the MPEPIL Advisory Board

The Oxford Law Citator – a state-of-the-art navigation tool which provides direct links between related cases, articles, and additional materials


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

A resource for everyone…MPEPIL provides reliable and extensive information to a wide range of users:

Lecturers can set articles as reading for their students as MPEPIL provides a wider and more up-to-date range of materials than are available in any textbook

Specialist scholars and researchers will find coverage of a vast number of subjects outside of their area of expertise. In addition MPEPIL articles provide a perfect starting point for researching journal articles or conference papers, and for checking facts

With ever-increasing use of public international law in domestic courts and arbitral tribunals, MPEPIL provides the practitioner with concise, trustworthy guidance on the law as it stands


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Links to related articles, and to decisions and

instruments, are highlights

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subject areas

1Fully linked articles…

Each article has a concluding section

assessing the significance of the subject

A Selected Bibliography provides a list of the most important writings on the


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Introducing the Oxford Law Citator

The Citator increases the efficiency of legal research by integrating the content of all online law resources from Oxford University Press. Direct links allow users to move easily between case reports and accompanying articles and materials in Oxford Reports in International Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and Investment Claims.

By clicking on the Citator logo within a case, or by clicking on any of the links throughout the case, the user is taken to the Oxford Law Citator pages, which provide the following:

• General information on the referenced item

• Links to related reports and full text documents in OUP resources and external websites

• Links to related cases, instruments, and expert commentary

• Links to previous and subsequent stages in the same set of proceedings


1Introducing the Oxford Law Citator

Full citation provided for each


Direct links to cited material

Overview of material

Lists of all articles, cases, instruments,

and commentary which cite this article and which are cited

by this article

Lists of other materials within the

same jurisdiction


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