international circle of faith colleges, seminaries, and universities academic manual 2012-2013

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An overview of the more than 300 educational institutions that make up ICOF CSU. Academics, locations, accreditation and more.










International Circle of Faith. Copyright©2012, All Rights Reserved.

"The men that will change the colleges

and seminaries here represented are the

men that will spend the most time alone

with God. It takes time for the fires to

burn. It takes time for God to draw near

and for us to know that He is there. It

takes time to assimilate His truth. You

ask me, How much time? I do not know. I

know it means time enough

to forget time."

- John Mott


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King Robinson O. Robinson with Bishop Bernie L. Wade


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents






Didactic or Background


ICOFCS President

ICOFCS Chancellor

Board of Regents

ICOF Alumni

ICOF CSU Locations

Degree Pricing


Admission Requirements

Acknowledgment Signature


Experiential Learning Institute (ELI)

















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WELCOME Welcome to the International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries (ICOFCSU)! As you begin your educational journey we want you to know that we at ICOF are here to help you to reach your goals as you strive to understand the Word of God, prepare for the ministry that the Lord has ordained for you and earn the accreditation that you require in order to be established and respected as a true man or woman of God.

Each of us here at ICOFCSU have traveled the same road that you now take, and have made the same journey that you have now begun, so we truly understand the challenges and difficulties which you might now be facing. We want to encourage you to begin the journey, knowing that you will not be alone in the process. As you gain knowledge and understanding of the deep things of God, you will find your relationship with Christ deepening and becoming stronger. Each course that you take will open up new doors for you, “Philadelphia Doors” (Revelation 3:7-8) that no man can shut. Gaining the proper training and credentials will allow you to move forward into the call of God that resides within your heart. Without the proper training and credentials, those doors will forever be shut to you, and that is clearly not the Will of God for your life. ICOFCSU provides multiple undergraduate and graduate methods for you to obtain your credentials, no matter if it is a one-year certificate in Biblical Studies, a two-year Associates Degree, a three-year Ministerial Degree or a Masters or PhD custom-tailored to your area of concentration. Even if you have no clearly defined degree goals and simply want to deepen your understanding of the Word of God, ICOFCSU has a variety of highly flexible programs that you can take. Because of our unique modular approach to higher education, you can not only take one course at a time but you can also break that single course up into 10 separate class sessions, taken one at a time as your schedule and finances permit it. If you are not already a member of ICOF, we would like to encourage you to become a part of International Circle of Faith Ministerial Association (ICOFMA), a global network of Kingdom-minded believers and ministers who have come together in one mind and purpose to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ICOFMA has three separate categories: a Friend of ICOF, someone who is a supporter of ICOF but who is not actively engaged in


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ministry; an Associate Minister, who is involved in Christian service but not pastoring a church or in full-time ministry, and a Full Minister, someone who pastors a church or who is engaged in a full-time work for the Lord. Our goal is to enable you, called to be a servant of the Most High, to be everything that you were meant to be, to provide opportunities of service to you as your knowledge and skill level increase and to connect you with like-minded ministers of the Gospel world-wide, thus allowing you to enlarge the stakes of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings (Isaiah 54:2) and for you to be a light to the Gentile nations, that you should be able to take God’s salvation plan to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at: 502.410.4263 or We love you with the love of the Lord and are prepared to train you, stand by you, enable you, connect you and encourage you in your journey on your way to the City Not Made With Hands!

Amen and Amen!

International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries

Charismatic in practice

Evangelistic in emphasis

Loving in fellowship

Bold in faith

Conservative in doctrine

Restorative in purpose


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International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOFCSU) Care the embodiment of experience, knowledge, revelation, foundational truths and disciplines developed through nearly 80 years of international ministry. It encompasses a legacy of apostolic truths tested out by Bishop Ray Cornell and First Lady Ruth Cornell, founders of the ICOF’s parent ministry, Dr. Bernie and First Lady Daisy Wade, Bishop Sanford and First Lady

Georgia Wade, and Bishop George A. & First Lady Lois Wade. As the result of nine decades of Spirit-filled and Spirit-led ministry, Dr. Bernie Wade inherited and became the beneficiary of a great spiritual legacy. In recognition of that spiritual heritage he faithfully launched International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries to network with other likeminded colleges and seminaries. Together with his friends, Dr’s Frank and Hurdis Bozeman (who lead Global Evangelical Christian Colleges and Seminaries) they birthed International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries. This network of academic professionals brings together a plethora of Spirit–filled educators with unlimited talents for preaching, teaching and empowering others. Together this group of dedicated Christian Leaders has brought Christian education to new dimensions and has assisted tens of thousands with their educational goals. International Circle of Faith encourages a Yeshiva-style of learning. Yeshiva is the Hebrew word for a traditional rabbinical school. Likewise, ICOFCSU has a unique blend of mentoring opportunities (through discussions, fellowships and activation), discipleship training and internships through a local church, formal classroom instruction, physical campus, and experiencing God’s glory and power through worship services. This style was chosen because it mirrors how Jesus taught, embraces the Hebrew roots of our faith in Jesus Christ and reminds us of His love and our call together to fulfill the Great Commission. Dr. Bernie Wade and his apostolic team have cultivated, as faculty members and church leaders, a dynamic training environment of servant-leadership. They are committed to letting the Lord build His church through the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit working in and through the lives of believers. We welcome you to come to ICOFCSU to participate in and be transformed through our one- and two-year credited programs, our Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees, our 12-week intensive Certificate program or by auditing courses that are offered for either fall or spring semesters. Get ready for a life-changing encounter with the Glory and Power of God!


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LEGAL STATUS/GOVERNANCE International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries (ICOFCSU) are organized under the auspices of International Circle of Faith Global Network (ICOFGN). As such ICOFCSU is a department of the ICOFGN. International Circle of Faith (ICOF) operates as a church, an authorized non-profit organization headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky USA and with international offices in the District of Columbia, USA and national offices in most countries around the world. Specific governance and direct responsibility lie with the President of ICOF Global Network, the President of ICOF Colleges and Seminaries, the Presiding Bishop of International Circle of Faith Ministerial Association (ICOFMA), the Chancellor, and the Academic Dean, with the assistance of the ICOFCSU Board of Regents. ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATIONS

Accreditation is a group process by which schools voluntarily agree to participate in a set of established standards in order to encourage quality education. Each country has varying criteria for accreditation. In the United States, accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by institutions of higher learning meets acceptable levels of quality. ICOFCSU strive to meet and/or exceed these established levels of quality. Most schools have the accreditation of one agency. Because of ICOFCSU commitment

to excellence and the global nature of our ministry the ICOFCSU Board of Regents chose to have several accrediting agencies to which we are accountable. Accredited status means that a school has voluntarily undergone a comprehensive examination to determine that it operates at a worthy level of performance. ICOFCSU is continually working on its operations to ensure that we are birthing excellence. ICOFCSU holds a plethora of accreditations national and internationally and are fully accredited by the Association of Christian Universities (ACU) Washington, DC and Global Evangelical Accrediting Commission (GEAC), headquartered in Montgomery, AL. ACU and GEAC are interconnected, affiliated and/or accredited through or with the following institutions:


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Transworld Accrediting Commission Association of Christian Universities International Commission on Academic Accreditation, Inc. Logos Graduate School and Morehouse College. IACCI – International Commission on Academic Accreditation

ICOF is a charter member of WANGO (World Association of Non Government Organizations). WANGO is an international organization formed by and for organizations that are nongovernmental. ICOF holds additional accreditations in countries all around the world including but not limited to Ireland, Bulgaria, India and many others. ICOFCSU are considered non-traditional accredited institutions. With this in mind we address two key areas. The first is religious or theological and the second is academic. While nations can and do change their moral compass or their national position on a variety of issues, even core issues like the nature of human life itself, the Word of God is not open to change based on convenience, personal desire or popular opinion. It is the Word of God that is our highest law. Yet, in that law, we are instructed to conduct our lives in a manner that exceeds the expectation of the law. Jesus Christ instructed us to “Render unto Caesar the things that Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s”. With this in mind, ICOFCS has accreditation with several non-traditional accrediting organizations. The uninitiated will be surprised to find that many large Universities like Harvard and many Catholic Universities are like the ICOFCSU and are also not state accredited but provide their own accreditation. With over 50,000 ministers, 30,000 or more churches,

some 25 Million constituents and more than 10,000 graduates, ICOFCSU is plausible as their own source of accreditation without the imprimatur of any government or organization. In the academic world it is a new millennium. It is absolutely essential for the educational community to embrace positive change and truly acknowledge through practice such dearly treasured American ideals as

freedom and liberty. The ICOFCSU is the embodiment of those values. The time has come for the "conventional wisdom" of tradition to be challenged and its cherished and tenaciously held beliefs and unproven assumptions to be brought into question. One of those assumptions deals with the strange notion that a school must be nationally accredited by the United States Department of


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Education to be of value or worth, as though no one else outside of the United States has any understanding or educational value to offer. Non-traditional, non-residential education is a fact of life and has been for centuries. Many of the great minds of history were schooled in non-traditional formats or institutions like the ICOFCSU. Even though the use of the personal computer and the internet are non-traditional almost all colleges and seminaries today readily accept them. Non-traditional, nonresidential, on-line and distance education are here to stay and, in fact, clearly represent the wave of the future in higher education.

Traditional accrediting agencies are majority-based and not minority-based. It has been and remains the position of the ICOFCSU that minorities are often overlooked in the accrediting process. Thus, schools who offer quality education are not ‘accredited’ because they do not meet a cookie cutter approach offered through some government agency with little regard to minority culture. This is one of the guiding directives used by the Board of Regents in choosing how to form the academic

accrediting agencies that ICOFCSU would have relationship. The ICOF has and continues to work diligently to assure that minorities have a major voice in our academic policies and procedures ensuring us a key place in the academic future of the American public and the rest of the global community.


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In the United States, accreditation is used to assure quality in schools or educational institutions and programs. However, in many cases accreditation is a simple matter of the exchange of money, power of influence. Thus, we have college graduates in the United States that are not able to read or write. This is not the kind of accreditation standards that the ICOFCSU Board of Regents finds acceptable. As with many things in our culture, education has been left to be

run by bureaucracy. What purpose does accreditation serve if the institution survives but the student is left with a life-time of educational deficiencies? It should be noted that accreditation is a voluntary, nongovernmental process of review and evaluation. The accreditation process requires an educational institution or program to meet certain, defined standards or criteria as set forth by the accrediting body. These so-called "standards" change from State to State, and from region to region. These standards also change with time. In fact, thankfully and partly because of our country's heritage and Constitutional stance regarding freedom of choice there are no two universities that have the same structure, philosophies, teaching modalities or evaluation criteria. The International Circle of Faith’s Education Department is not accredited by one of the seven regional accrediting agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education. Furthermore, our Colleges and Universities are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department or Secretary of Education. We are pleased with this and celebrate our subsequent unique freedom, independence, creativity and non-traditional status, which allow ICOFCSU increased academic flexibility. Because we are headquartered in the United States and some of our Board of Regents are US Citizens, as loyal and true Americans we feel it is our duty to defend, support and encourage the pursuit and practice of the inalienable rights we enjoy in this great land. All too often we find that the pursuit of truth, liberty and justice may be hindered by self-serving unconscionable laws often dictated by religious institutions that are in direct conflict with our theological position and subsequently with the word of God. In an attempt to improve the quality of life for all, we at ICOF have set before us the task and goal of attempting to change the long accepted academic "social order" into something more closely resembling reality, and more importantly something more closely resembling the Word of God.


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It is clearly time to STOP discriminating against minority schools simply because they don't "fit the norm", have a football stadium or possess millions of dollars in assets.

The international scope of our educational institutions gives us flexibility to include a variety of educational authorities inside and outside of the United States and we have worked with other nations to meet their unique standards for accreditation. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. We do not seek accreditation by religious institutions that have included

in their statement of faith articles that are in direct conflict with our statement of faith and with the word of God nor will we sign a doctrinal statement that is contrary to the Word of God. In other words, traditional "brick and mortar" schools and many localities or school boards are biased in their educational views (both academic and religious) and act from a "profit incentive" based motivation in hopes they can exclude those whom they perceive as interlopers. For the record many educators, teachers, counselors, pastors, presidents of nations, heads of religious organizations, professors and a variety of others have their degrees from International Circle of Faith institutions.

PRACTICUM OR PURPOSE While not accredited by a government agency, the International Circle of Faith is accredited by the ACU (Association of Christian Universities) and a number of other organizations and institutions inside and outside of the United States. As an international organization it is necessary to seek non-traditional accreditation as the United States Department of Education does not accredit institutions in foreign countries. With continued efforts on our part and the actions of other intelligent, enlightened people the world over, we are witnessing a revolution in education that can only


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have a positive liberating effect upon all. However, our focus remains the same: quality, Bible-based education. Accreditation by ACU ensures that degrees issued by International Circle of Faith’s many institutions possess the "potential for acknowledgment" they require to conform as much as possible to acceptable standards set by institutions and companies here in the United States and elsewhere in the world. CONCLUSION

Education is not a wholly owned subsidiary of the United States or some mega-corporation. When it comes to Christian education this position statement is only the beginning of what needs to be said. Around the world dedicated men and women from many countries provide superior educational opportunities to their students. Fortunately,

many of these are part of ICOFCSU. While ICOFCSU and its graduates and degree holders already experience a universally high acceptance rate there still exist occasional isolated individuals or organizations that are not yet sufficiently enlightened enough to embrace the reality that: "Education, knowledge, skill, ability and wisdom belong to the INDIVIDUAL… regardless of how of where he or she gained it". Many of our students/graduates are among the highest caliber, most intelligent, talented, best-educated and most effective individuals you will find anywhere. They and their ICOF degrees are equal to their counterparts from traditional schools anywhere in the world. PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE In the Bible, we find that Daniel became a head of state not because of his compromise with the established system of his day but rather because of his excellent spirit. It is our stated position at the ICOFCSU that we strive to exceed all academic standards established by any agency. While we are not asking to have a particular governmental accrediting agency accept our standards for quality education, we have nonetheless set our standards to meet and wherever possible to exceed those of the United States Department of Education, the Secretary of Education and all of the seven regional accrediting agencies


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standards for accreditation as well as a plethora of even higher standards from the governments of other nations. Please remember that accreditation does not guarantee everyone will accept your degree. ICOFCSU awards university level degrees based in part upon on the evaluation of life experience and previous education, both formal and informal. The opportunity for independent work, study, research and documentation of such is provided to students. All students are required to complete a requisite amount of original work commensurate with the degree they are applying. This can be work done prior to enrollment with ICOFCSU or after acceptance to a program. Our online Universities and Colleges accept all transfer credits from established Colleges and Seminaries. We award credits for all relevant life experiences, and ascribe credit to independent study projects (self-taught, guided readings, etc.) as well as all other forms of original work, creations or accomplishments. Our programs are not designed to meet any specific local, state, territorial, regional or national licensing or credentialing laws. They are designed to meet the theological guidelines of International Circle of Faith as they adhere to the Bible and apply to our high academic standards. Further, being non-traditional in nature, our programs are not designed to meet a particular requirement established by any private association, or "traditional" licensing or accrediting organization. Generally our graduates do quite well in the job market and are often found among “Who’s Who” listings for their field.

For those of you seeking an ICOF degree for a specific licensing, employment or additional educational purpose, we advise you to first check with the association, governmental agency, employer, or specific educational institution to determine the acceptability of that licensing. This advice should be to any College or Seminary whether or not they are associated with ICOFCSU. Unfortunately, not all of

society or its deeply entrenched traditional institutions are as progressive or responsive as we are. We encourage you to carefully evaluate us to determine if our programs are for you. If after your evaluation, you agree (as have so many others) that this is the path for you, then don't hesitate! Call or go on the web and join us today at ! I Thessalonians 4:11 – “And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you…” II Timothy 2:1 – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


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From the desk of Dr. Robert Straube


It is with great honor that I welcome you to the President's Roundtable. The

President's Roundtable has been established as a forum to better communicate

ideas, vision and foundational principles that affect a positive change in the way

education and information are dispensed to students and the public.

As a President's Roundtable member, you are recognized as one of the key

individuals collaborating to contribute to the future generations of leaders,

scholars and visionaries. You bring to the table your background and experiences,

which are valuable resources playing a part in the forum's success.

I not only look forward to working along side you, but also toward the experience

of developing a new system of education with you.

May God richly bless you!

Dr. Robert Straube

Dr. Robert Straube

President of The President's Round Table

President ICOF Colleges, Seminaries, Universities

President/Founder Christian University College

Each member school of the ICOFCSU network has a seat at the table. Each school’s President (or designate) is welcome on the ICOFCSU Board of Presidents.


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About the Chancellor's Office

The Chancellor's Office includes the Chancellor, Dr. Berne L.

Wade, and his immediate support staff, as well as the Executive

Assistant to the board secretary. The Chancellor is responsible for guiding the

ICOFCSU in accordance with the Board of Regents direction and for working

with the ICOFCSU President in a manner consistent with the ICOFCSU mission

and vision. Responsibilities and processes include working with the Regents and

the President, board coordination, communication and logistics; presidential

searches; and dealing with the media and the general public, including handling

complaints and general information requests.

Chancellor's Office

Operational Responsibilities and Processes

The chancellor's office provides management support and planning. It

coordinates board activities, including meetings and conference calls, and

handles board communications and logistics. It oversees presidential searches.

And it handles media and public relations.

Board Coordination

The Executive Assistant to the General Council oversees all matters related to

the board including board meeting, planning and implementation. The board

meets in person quarterly or telephonically and as needed, and there are a

variety of standing and ad hoc committee meetings, as well as a quarterly

committee chairs meeting.

Presidential Searches

When there is a vacancy in a university or community

college presidency, the chancellor's office conducts all

aspects of the search, including selecting a search

committee, advertising for the position, coordination with a

search firm if one is used, reviewing resumes, interviewing

candidates, checking references, making campus visits, and


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so forth. The presidential search process is a relatively standardized one,

although all searches vary to some degree.

Media and Public Relations

The director of communications handles

relations with the press, issues public

notices and other press releases,

responds to public inquiries, oversees

open records requests that come to the

chancellor's office, works with the ICOF

IT Department to manage the ICOFCS

website and handles other

communications duties.


The International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries (ICOFCS) Board of Regents, a 12-member advisory board to the Chancellor was created by the International Circle of Faith College of Bishops. Members of the Board of Regents are nominated by the Regents Candidate Advisory Counsel and appointed by President of the International Circle of Faith Global Network with the advice and consent of the President of ICOFCSU Board of Presidents, the Board of Regents and the Presiding Bishop of the International Circle of Faith Ministerial Association.

Responsibilities of the board include developing an independent annual report on

the Condition of Higher Education and issuing an annual performance review of

the Chancellor and President. The board is also responsible for advising the

Chancellor and the President of ICOFCS on issues of importance affecting

higher education


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The mission of the ICOF Board of Regents is to

ensure fulfillment of the mission of the System of

Higher Education through policy determination,

governance, collaboration and coordination.

Well defined and differentiated institutional

missions are established by the Regents to:

Focus the colleges and universities efforts on excellence to avoid unwise

duplication of programs and effort.

Serve both traditional and nontraditional students around the world and to

promote efficiency and accountability.

Coordinate with non-profit institutions, education, business, governments

and administer student financial aid and other programs involving

worldwide participation.


Dr. John Rogers Dr. Robert Straube - President Dr. Bernie L. Wade - Chancellor Frank T. Bozeman – Dean School of Preaching Dr. Sam Matthews Dr. Hurdis Bozeman – Dean of Divinity Dr. Charles Mwape – Dean of Humanities Dr. Cindy Coates – Dean of Political Science Dr. James B. Gould – Dean of Business Dr. Lamont McNeese – Dean of Hermeneutics Dr. Gary Garrett – Dean of History Dr. John L. Alford – President Emeritus Dr. Marcus Benson – Ireland Dr. Sam Matthews - India


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(Some of the more that 10000 ICOF Graduates)

Dr. Noel Jones Dr. James B. Gould

Dr. Cindye Coates

Dr. Bill Garrett Dr. Paula White

Dr. Ray Young

Dr. Paul Morton

Dr. Frank T. Bozeman

Dr. Hurdis Bozeman

Dr. Charles


Dr. Leo Lewis Bishop Juan


Dr. Joan Hunter Dr. Alunda


Dr. E. J. McKenzie


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Dr. Riaz Sadiq

Dr. Charles


Bishop Juan


Bishop Dilshad


A Akbar


Dr. John Roberts Dr. Robert


Dr. A. Joseph Dr. John L. Alford

Dottie Peoples

Dr. Orji Uzor


Mathieu Kerekou Dr. Manfred


This could

be YOU!

Dr. Barney


Dr. Joel Church Dr. Daisy Wade Dr. Bernie Wade Bishop H.


Dr. Sanford



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Other Prestigious Alumni (above) Pastor Stan Coates

Bishop Daniel Joseph Ubonabasi Bishop Joseph Rankin Apostle Garnet Budge

Dr. David Ngwa

Other Alumni (not pictured)

Dr. VICTORIA AGUIYI-RONSI - Doctor of Divinity HRH DR. EZE. Emmanuel - Doctor of Divinity

Apostle John Udo Ufene – Doctor of Divinity Rev. Friday Akaninyene Robinson - Doctor of Divinity

Ositadimma Amachi Oparaugo - Doctor of Divinity Osmond Chimakpa Ukanacho - Doctor of Divinity

Bishop S. E. Ekanem - Doctor of Divinity





King Robinson O. Robinson


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John H. Smith - Doctor of Humanities

A. Akbar Muhammad - Doctor of Divinity Diane Cameron - Doctor of Sacred Music

Mathieu Kerekou - President of Benin Doctor of Humanities


Bishop Daniel B. Reimer - Doctor of Divinity


Bishop Andrew Mbongo -Doctor of Divinity Bishop Richard R. Iwatt - Doctor of Divinity

Dr. Benjamin E. Ogwudire - Doctor of Divinity Uaoma UCHE - Doctor of Divinity

Gen. Friday Emenyonu - Doctor of Divinity Brig. Gen. Uchem Obinna - Doctor of Divinity

Samuel Okamegbo - Doctor of Divinity Umenne Rex Amaechina – Doctor of Divinity

Samuel O. Ughala - Doctor of Divinity Charles Idu - Doctor of Divinity


Lumor john Etse Nodo Christine

Amedjenou Abra Enyonam Agbadja Akoua

Adzih Akara Gana Collette

Klinogo GraceKlegbe Kofi N'TSOUGAN Kouakou Eny


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Accredited Schools

International Circle of Faith Seminary (Louisville, KY)

International Circle of Faith Bible College (Indiana)

Global Leadership Institute (Louisville, KY)

Global Evangelical Christian College (Montgomery, AL)

ICOF CSU – Zambia Branch

ICOF CSU – Ghana Branch

ICOF CSU – Nigeria Branch

Institute of Biblical & Theological Studies (IBATS) – Cameroon

Experience Learned Instruction Institute (ELIU) – USA

Joan Hunter Healing Schools – 105 Campuses

Affiliated Schools Associated Schools

Acts International – USA Alberta Bible College – Canada All About Christ Bible College – USA American Gospel Quartet Convention – USA Antioch Evangelical Seminary Apologetics Bible College –USA

Apostolic Bible College Apostolic Institute for Ministries – Nigeria Bailey Ministries International Bible College – South Africa B. M. International Bible Seminary – South Africa Berea Bible Institute – USA Betty International School – Nigeria BOTRIM – London, UK Restored Covenant Churches of God C. Dexter Wise School of Ministry – USA Carmel Bible College – India Central Christian University – USA Christian University College - USA


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Christian Workers Training Institute (CWTI) – USA Cypress Christian College Destiny School of Ministry Daisy R. Wade Primary School – Nigeria Dr. Bernie L. Wade Academy – Liberia Elohim Bible Academy – India Evangel Bible Institute – India Evangel Christian University – USA Evangel School of Ministry – India Faith School of Theology Freedom Bible Colleges and Seminaries – (60 Campuses) Glofam Bible Institute – London Goye Bible Institute – Nigeria Grace College – USA Great Achievers University – Spain Great Achievers University – Nigeria Harvard High School – USA Higher Evangelical Theological Institute – Bulgaria HOFAI COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IN ZAMBIA Lubuto Community School Mulemba Community School Pyuta Community School Julius Community School Kabuta Community Schooil Fipashi Community School Matete Community School Baptist Community School Mutiti Community School Mansa Community School Kaole Community School Linda Community School Solar Community School Chilanga Community Schools Taukanso Community School Mapepe Community School Lukwesa Community School International Business Educational Consultants International Faith Theological Seminary – Netherlands International Theological Seminary – USA

Institute of Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance(ISWAD) – Ireland The International University Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministry - USA Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministry – Cameroon JMHA Motherland Missionary Movement – India

Lighthouse Academy – USA Living Word Bible Seminary – Netherlands Lumen University – USA


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New Covenant International Bible College – USA New Life – Uganda New Life School of Missions – India New Stars Bible College (5 campus) – Nigeria Oasis Bible College – USA Oasis School of Ministry –USA Panorama Apostolic Prophetic Institute (PAPI) Pilgrim Bible College – USA Renaissance University – Congo Robboni Bible Institute – Kenya Royal Priesthood College – Togo RTW School of Theology Southern Christian Leadership Conference Spanish Christian Embassy – SPAIN St. Thomas University St. Timothy Seminary – USA Success College - Ireland United American Free Will Baptist College – USA (and Global) Vineyard Harvester Bible College – USA Vision International Education Network – USA World Information Distributed University – Belgium World Zarephath Bible College – India Zarephath Christian College – India Zion College Ministry Training Center (3 Locations) - USA


Dr. Robert Straube – Christian University College (CUC) Dr. Bernie L. Wade – International Circle of Faith Seminary Dr. Raymond L. Young – International Circle of Faith Bible College Dr. Charles Mwape – International Circle of Faith – Zambia Branch Dr. Frank T. Bozeman – Global Evangelical Christian College Bishop Joseph Freeson – International Circle of Faith – Ghana Branch Dr. John Rogers – Experiential Learning Institute (ELI) Dr. David Ngwa - Institute of Biblical & Theological Studies (IBATS) - Cameroon Evangelist Regina Ubonabasi – Nigeria Dr. Sam Matthews – Faith Bible College and Seminary - India Emmanuel Ezinwa Akatobi – Success College - Ireland


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$50.00 per credit hour Each class is 3 credit hours $150.00 per 3 hour class 10 classes per academic year $150.00 per class x 10 classes = $1,500.00 per year. One year certificate = $1,500.00 Two year associates degree = $3,000.00 Three year ministerial degree = $4,500.00 Masters degree requires two more years = $7,500.00 Doctorate degree requires two more years = $10,500.00 Scholarships available No student is ever refused education because of inability to pay. Honorary degrees available. Life Experience Credit Available Accredited schools -- member of ICOF, Pay initial fee of $400.00, the annual fee of $100.00, 1st preference of incoming students, have to use ICOF curriculum, will issue degrees under the name of ICOF alone or in conjunction with the school) Associated -- all school regardless of status, $100.00 annual fee, hardship exemption permitted for 3rd World schools, payment schedule allowed In order to move from being affiliated to accredited, there must be a process, credentials and a fee.


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FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS – RESIDENT AND ADJUNCT (partial listing). Dr. Robert Straube PhD. Clinical Psychology PhD. International Business Economics Dr. Raymond L. Young B. A. Pre-Theology, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN Vincennes University - Tenured Faculty Computer Science and Business. Mdiv – International Circle of Faith Seminary Doctor of Theology – International Circle of Faith Seminary Dr. Mahesh Chavda Doctor of Ministry, Sacramento Theological Seminary and Bible College. Doctor of Philosophy, Global Evangelical Christian College and Seminary. Graduate Studies, Texas Tech University, B.A. English/History/Pre-medicine, Wayland Baptist University Dr. Bernie L. Wade Doctor of Divinity, Evangelical Theological Seminary Dallas Texas. Doctor of Christian Counseling Global Evangelical Christian College Doctor of Theology International Circle of Faith Seminary Doctor of Non-Profit Management International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries Washington DC Dr. Frank T. Bozeman Doctor of Divinity – International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries Logos Graduate School – Mdiv. Doctor of Ministry – Summit University Grand PhD – World Distributed University

Dr. Hurdis Bozeman John M. Patterson State Technical College. Auburn University. Athens State University. B. A. – Global Evangelical Christian College & Seminary Mdiv – Summit University Doctor of Divinity – International Circle of Faith Seminary Grand PhD. – World Distributed University Dr. Bonnie Chavda Doctor of Philosophy, Global Evangelical Christian College and Seminary


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Dr. Cindy Coates PhD, Education and Theology, International Circle of Faith - Washington Mdiv, Community Leadership, Beacon University BS, Sports Medicine, The American College of Sports Medicine

James B. Gould Doctor of Divinity – International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries. MBA – Amherst College, Boston Mass. ‘ Dr. K. Sam Matthews India

Apostle E. J. McKenzie Doctor of Theology – International Circle of Faith Colleges and Seminaries Founded Panorama Apostolic-Prophetic Institute & Accelerated Prophetic Training Seminars Dr. Lamont McNeese Dr. John L. Alford, Sr. National Dean – President Emeritus Dr. John Alford, Sr. served as President of ICOFCS from 2004 - 2007 B. A and M. A. - Alabama State Doctor of Philosophy from Summit University Doctor of Ministry from GECC

Dr. Charles Mwape Doctor of Theology – International Circle of Faith Seminary

Bishop Juan Nuevo Masters of Theology – International Circle of Faith Seminary


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Bishop Yaotse Badjene Prince Togo

Dr. Raimond Schoolderman Doctor of Laws. ICOF Colleges and Seminaries. Dr. Julian McPhillips – Attorney Princeton University, 1964-1968, A.B. cum laude in history; Columbia University Law School, J.D. (Juris Doctor). Honorary Doctor of Religious Humanities - GECC. Canon Andrew White Canon in the Church of England M. Med. Sc., Anesthetics and Surgery. M.A. Theology Ridley Hall Cambridge. M.Phil. Oriental Studies, Judaic and Rabbinic Studies


Dr. Sammy Stevens Sacred Music This is only a partial listing of our many faculty members. Other Bible scholars, International guest lecturers and experienced professionals participate at various times in Special Seminars, conferences, and lectures approved by the ICOFCS Board of Regents. Daisy R. Wade Principal – Harvard High School Masters in Counseling – GECC B. A. ICOF Bible College Pastoral Counseling Phd. ICOF/GECC


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GENERAL INFORMATION: Vision: To spread God's glory throughout the world by equipping others to be honorable and acceptable vessels for both His Power and His Glory. Mission: To make disciples of all nations, to foster love, humility and Jesus' posture of servant-leadership, to nurture the spirit of excellence, to restore foundational truths to the Body of Christ; to lay the groundwork for students and participants to have clarity in both doctrine and revelation and to teach experientially and relationally how to operate in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. School Colors: Blue and Gold Mascot: Eagle Team: Eagles Key Scripture:

“Many nations will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem’ “. - Micah 4:2 WHAT WE BELIEVE • The Bible is the sovereign Word of God and every word of it can be taken as absolute truth. • Healing through laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and/or faith in the written Word of God. • Baptism in water According to the Apostles doctrine. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. • The manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Ghost for every believer in Christ.


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PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION: ICOF mirrors the rabbinical (yeshiva) style of teaching and mentoring, involving personal interaction with faculty and guest lecturers. Students will also be further discipled (trained) through interactive involvement in the local community. Yeshiva (pl., yeshivot) is the traditional rabbinical style of study, the purpose of which is teaching through instruction, discussion and personal interaction under the oversight and in conjunction with senior spiritual leaders. YESHIVA STYLE OF LEARNING "Yeshiva" basically comes from the Hebrew word for "sitting, sitting and meeting together." This concept is derived from the fact that people gathered, usually on the Sabbath day to study together at their leisure the tradition and the law. In these institutions, the pupils gathered together to discuss and to define the Jewish law mainly by reflecting it one from another. This method called "chavruta" means "get together of friends." It comes from the root of the word "chaver" and means "to join or to become friends." A yeshiva is not just a place where one comes only for classes and then goes home. It is a community where students learn together, pray together and grow with each other. The objective of a traditional Jewish yeshiva is what is called "Talmud Torah" or "the learning of the Torah", the process of becoming intimately acquainted with the word of God. In the same way, ICOF focuses on providing its students/participants with a firm foundation of Biblical truth. Also, as in the traditional yeshiva method of study, students will learn to encounter the questions and the objections that people have to believing in the Lord. Students will also be given real responsibilities and firsthand experience in the practicalities of serving others and Christ. Mentoring Discussions, Fellowships & Activation Resident Faculty and instructors are trained leaders in the anointing. Students/participants at ICOF will have ample opportunity for both formal and informal discussions with faculty/instructors including dinner fellowships. They will also be guided through training and will assist in the laying on of hands on others for them to receive healing and deliverance. They will also participate in our Outreach Programs and they will receive first-hand activation in the operation of the gifts, moving in prophetic ministry – words of wisdom, words of knowledge, dream interpretation, etc.


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Discipleship Training/Internships Development of character and a servant’s heart will be worked out in areas of practical service/interning at the local church in a familial-type relational dynamic. Practical service/interning will be in the Ministry of Helps area, which includes Audio/Video Productions, Bookstore Management, and Children’s Ministry as examples. Formal Classroom Instruction

Classes at ICOF are a dynamic dialogue between students and teachers. Scholarship and understanding are stimulated through an exciting question and answer exchange. The teacher as he or she presents the materials will also ask questions and allow discussion times on the text and bring forth the most valuable lessons to be learned. The students/participants are encouraged to search for real truth and to be responsible for his or her conclusions. Thereby a formula for learning is crystallized

and can be reproduced during private study times. Course offerings Also see current School Calendar and current Class Schedule Biblical Foundations I - will include special topics with guest speakers Eschatology Old Testament Topics Apologetics Presenting the Holy Spirit Biblical Prophecy Church History I & II Understanding Holiness Introduction to Biblical Languages -Hebrew God’s Government and the Local Church Biblical Foundations II - will include special topics with guest speakers Biblical Book Studies Life of Christ Historical Figures Ministry of the Holy Spirit Ministering in the Prophetic Israel and the Middle East (Biblical & Contemporary) – includes introduction to Islam Visions and Revelations Introduction to Biblical Languages - Greek Ethics Finance and Biblical Prosperity


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International Circle of Faith Bible College Courses (Partial Listing)

--------------- Bible Courses ----------------

BI 210 - Principles of Bible Study BI 220 - Old Testament Survey I (Genesis to Nehemiah) BI 230 - Old Testament Survey II (Esther - Malachi) BI 240 - New Testament Survey I (The Four Gospels) BI 250 - New Testament Survey II (Acts - Revelation) BI 260 - Bible Study Resources

---------- Old Testament Courses ----------

OT 300 - The Pentateuch (Genesis - Deuteronomy) OT 310 - The Time of the Judges (Josh., Judges, Ruth and I & II Samuel) OT 320 - The Time of the Kings (I & II Kings and I & II Chronicles) OT 330 - The Time of the Exile (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and Daniel) OT 340 - The Psalms OT 350 - Wisdom Literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Sol. & Job) OT 360 - Isaiah OT 370 - Jeremiah, Lamentations and Ezekiel OT 380 - Daniel OT 390 - The Minor Prophets (Hosea - Malachi)

---------- New Testament Courses ----------

NT 400 - Matthew and Mark NT 410 - Luke and John NT 420 - The Acts of the Apostles NT 430 - Romans NT 440 - I & II Corinthians and I & II Thessalonians NT 450 - Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians NT 460 - The Pastoral Epistles and General Epistles NT 470 - Hebrews NT 480 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ I (Chapters 1 - 10) NT 490 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ II (Chapters 11 - 22)

-------------- Christian Beliefs ---------------

TH 310 - Introduction to Doctrine (The Apostle's Creed/Nicene Creed) TH 320 - Ministry of the Holy Spirit TH 330 - Christian Beliefs TH 340 - Divisive Doctrinal Issues TH 350 - The Cults TH 360 - Apostles & Prophets


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---------------- Church History ----------------

CH 310 - Early Church Fathers CH 320 - The Middle Ages and the Reformation CH 330 - The History of Protestantism CH 340 - The History of Pentecostalism CH 350 - Comparative World Religions

------------- Specialized Courses -------------

To accommodate a specialized area of ministry or interest, specialized courses can be developed and awarded 3 hours credit. The student must work out the course description, readings and assignments in consultation with the International Circle of Faith Bible College. The course designation will be in the appropriate area of study - CH, BI, etc.

----- Church Learning Labs (Practicum) -----

The International Circle of Faith Bible College is committed to real life ministry, so all practical courses have assignments related to the ministry of a local church. All students are to be exposed to the widest possible life-learning ministry situations to be better equipped for ministry.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: As a student of ICOF, you will:

Become grounded on the foundations of our Christian faith; Understand the apostolic church mandates; Understand the importance of Israel; Understand the times and seasons in which we live; Understand the importance of the local body of believers; Understand the power of corporate prayer; Experience His Glory and Power; Be mentored in healing and deliverance; Be mentored in prophetic evangelism; Be mentored into being a disciple of Christ and a watchman for your

family, church, community and nation. PHILOSOPHY OF DISCIPLINE ICOF maintains a disciplined community life. Community standards reflect Biblical principles and encourage students, staff and faculty to live in holiness, honesty, decency, and civility. The intent of all discipline is to enhance growth and maturity, especially responsibility for one's own behavior and accountability for one's own actions.


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ADMISSIONS POLICIES All students/participants whether full-time or part-time (auditing) and whether interested in the credited or certificate program are required to complete an application. A non-refundable fee of $50 is required. All applications will be reviewed by our Admissions Review Committee to determine eligibility. This process may include a personal or phone interview. All admissions are subject to the approval of the Chancellor, Academic Dean and/or the Administrative Dean/Dean of Students. ICOF recognizes the dignity of the individual to work and learn in an environment that is free of discrimination. ICOF complies with all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations that exist regarding civil and human rights. It is the intent of ICOF to pursue policies of non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity for individuals in all of its programs and activities. To this end, the college will ensure that all individuals receive fair consideration for educational opportunities and activities. The college does not discriminate with respect to gender, race, or national/ethnic origin. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS

Students/participants must be committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Students/participants must be actively involved in a local church and must

have a recommendation completed by their Pastor or leadership. Students/participants must be willing to be gainfully employed while

attending ICOF. International participants must have sufficient funds for tuition, fees, books, and living expenses (housing, food, etc.)

Students/participants must make their own living arrangements and must have reliable means of transportation. They are solely responsible for their own sustenance and for class attendance.

Students/participants must be able to physically fulfill the requirements for graduation or certificate completion.

Students/participants must be willing to submit to the policies of ICOF and to its spiritual authority and that of the leaders of the local apostolic church.

Students/participants must be at least a high school graduate or its equivalent. A copy of his/her high school diploma, or its equivalent, should accompany their application. Applicants may substitute a copy of his/her Associates, Bachelor or Masters degree for this requirement. If the applicant does not have an accredited high school diploma please contact our admissions department.


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Students/participants must complete and submit an application for admission with the appropriate fee by the prescribed deadline. The application must include a recent 2x3 head and shoulder photograph and two recommendations including one from their Pastor. Note: Applications will not be processed until ALL of the required forms and documents are received.

Note: International participants must be eligible for a B1 Tourism Visa to apply. International participants are welcome to attend the 12-week Certificate program. ICOF does not currently have an M1 Student Visa Status.

ACADEMIC POLICIES STUDENT RECORDS / PRIVACY ACT Student records, other than name, date of enrollment, degree program, and date of graduation will not be released to a third party without the student’s written permission. This also includes any government officials or organizations, unless they have a warrant to do so.

ACADEMIC CONDUCT Dishonesty in academic matters (and in any other matters) is a serious affront to the entire community. ICOF observes the following code of academic conduct: No student shall receive assistance not authorized by the instructor in the preparation of any assignment, essay, or examination to be submitted as a requirement for a course. No student shall knowingly give unauthorized assistance to another person in such preparation. No person shall sell, give, or lend copies of examinations or papers to other students. Themes, essays, term papers, tests, and other course requirements must be the work of the student submitting it. Direct quotes used are to be clearly indicated and ideas authored by others are to be appropriately acknowledged. No student shall alter, take, or attempt to take,


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steal, or otherwise procure in any unauthorized manner any material pertaining to the conduct of a class. Academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating on a test, plagiarism) is addressed by the faculty member supervising a given class. Misconduct of any type in an academic setting (e.g., disruptive behavior in the classroom, marking an attendance sheet for an absent student, rudeness or disrespectful behavior toward a faculty member or student, sleeping in class, doing non-class-related work or activity, etc.) is to be addressed by the faculty member supervising a given class. Any faculty member/instructor has the prerogative to count a student absent, to require work to be redone, to require additional work, to give a lower or failing grade for the related assignment, to require the student to leave that class session or other appropriate corrective action. Recurring incidents of academic misconduct in the same course may result in the withdrawal of the student from the course by the Chancellor, Academic Dean or the Administrative Dean/Dean of Students. If the offense is sufficiently serious, it is the Chancellor, Academic Dean or the Administrative Dean’s prerogative to pursue further disciplinary action as warranted. GENERAL COURSE POLICIES Papers: All papers must be prepared in accordance with the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Guide (ISBN# 08735-2975-8), see also All work submitted for credit must meet the following standards:

Typewritten or computer word processor printed; Double-spaced; Twelve (12) point font size; Times New Roman or Arial font face; One (1) inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right); Consistent with other requirements of the MLA Style Guide; Title, end note, and bibliography pages cannot be counted toward the

required length of the paper. Any requests for variation from these standards must be requested in writing from and approved in writing by the Administrative Dean/Dean of Students.


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GRADING SYSTEM Alphabetical / Numerical Grading System Grades are issued by faculty members according to the scales below It should be noted that most post-secondary institutions will not receive credit for any course in which a grade lower than “C” was received.

I = Incomplete: A temporary grade limited to a course in which a student has been granted an extension to complete the required assignments or exams due to personal illness, family crisis, or other faculty-accepted reasons. WA = Withdrawal with Approval: A permanent grade indicating that sufficient class time was not met for successful completion of the course and approval to withdraw was granted due to personal illness, family crisis or other faculty-accepted reasons. WC = Withdrawal for Cause: A permanent grade indicating that disciplinary action was taken and the student was removed from the course roster by the Chancellor, Academic Dean or the Administrative Dean/Dean of Students. Grade Point Average Letter Grade Equivalent Percentage Performance Level Exceptional 4.00 A 94 - 100% 3.33 A- 91 - 93% Above Average 3.00 B+ 88 - 90% 2.67 B 85 - 87% 2.33 B- 81 - 84% Average 2.00 C+ 77 - 80% 1.67 C 73 - 76% 1.33 C- 70 - 72% Below Average 1.00 D+ 67 - 69% 0.67 D 65 - 66% 0.00 F 0 - 64%


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REPEATING A COURSE A student who receives a grade of “D” in a required course must repeat the course in order to graduate. When a course is repeated, the last grade points and credit hours earned replace the previous grade points and credit hours in computing the grade point average. However, all grade entries on the transcript remain a part of the student’s permanent academic record. The student must indicate that it is a repeat course at the time of registering for the course. REFUND POLICY Part-time students (auditing classes) are not eligible for refunds. Also, students/participants dismissed for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for refunds. Note: Non-payment of tuition by the published due dates for both part-time and full-time students/participants are grounds for dismissal.

Full-Time Students/Participants in both credited and certificate programs: Application fees are non-refundable. If full-time students/participants are paying per the monthly schedule, those deposits and payments are not refundable. If a full-time student/participant has paid their tuition in full prior to the first day of class, then refunds on tuition will be granted as follows:

Credited Programs

Full two-semesters paid: o Prior to first class: 75% o First month after the first class (1st – 30th day): 50% o Second month after the first class (31st – 60th day): 25% o No refund after the 61st day after the first class: 0%

Certificate Program

12 Weeks paid o Prior to first class: 50% o First month after the first class (1st – 30th day): 25% o No refund after the 31st day after the first class: 0%


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To Receive Final Course Grade All course costs must be paid in full before a final course grade will be given, before credits are awarded or before graduation requirements are deemed complete. Auditing Policy The instructor is not required to grade any homework. The student will not receive a course grade. Graduation Requirements: Credited programs – Diploma and Degree A student must have at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 and the required number of credits. All outstanding tuition, fees and penalties must be paid in full. Certificate Program A Participant must have satisfactorily completed the 12-weeks of intensive training. All awards of certificates, diplomas and degrees are subject to the final approval of the Chancellor and /or Academic Dean. Transcripts An official transcript has the date and an appropriate signature. These are only issued directly to other institutions, colleges, or employers. The current fee for each official transcript is $15.00.


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Acknowledgement/Signature: The following requirements concerning the Policies and Programs of ICOF Colleges,Seminaries and Universities (ICOFCSU) are listed on our applications and are considered conditions of acceptance. Each applicant must indicate his/her concurrence by signature on his/her application.

The information in this application is true to the best of your knowledge.

You will commit yourself to a lifestyle consistent with the principles of God’s word.

You will submit to the policies of ICOF CSU and disciplinary measures of its Code of Conduct.

You will seek to be a good steward of the gift of ministry which the Lord has placed within you by offering yourself as a faithful disciple.

You hereby waive your right to the content of any recommendation forms requested of and submitted by the persons named on this application.

You understand that the information contained in your application and student file is available to the faculty and administration of ICOF CSU for evaluation and advisement purposes.

You understand that a degree from ICOF CSU does not guarantee a job or ordination in any specific market or ministry.

You understand that although the Association of Christian Universities and Global Evangelical Accrediting Commission accredits ICOF Colleges and Seminaries that this is a non-governmental, non-traditional accreditation.

You understand that it is your sole responsibility to have verified the transferability of any credits earned at ICOF CSU to the higher institution of your choice prior to applying for said courses here at ICOF.

You are fully aware that ICOF is a institution whose sole purpose is religious education and training and that it is exempt from any licensing requirements by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

You are fully aware that ICOF is a Christian ministry whose foundational beliefs are based in the Bible as the Word of God and the final authority for spiritual growth and training.


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You agree that for consideration of the training being provided and being of legal age and sound mind you freely and willingly by signature below hereby release, hold harmless, and indemnify ICOF, its chancellors, deans, advisory board, board of directors, faculty, instructors, administrators, staff members, employees or other representatives and likewise all the leadership and officers of ICOF Global Ministries from any and all claims, complaints, causes of actions, suits in any way connected with the training provided by ICOF CSU.

__________________________________ Student Name and Date

__________________________________ ICOF CSU Representative and Date

__________________________________ Witness and Date



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Bishop Rankin with Senator Wilson


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Beginning in 1964, Dr. Rogers, founder of ELIU, was Chief of an engineering arm in a company of 150,000 employees engaged in Apollo and other high technology programs. Whilst in this position it was made abundantly clear to him that engineers newly graduated from universities from around the world could not perform work needed to complete projects within the company. He was given an award by the company for proposing a booklet , “Facts for the new engineer” that could be used as a reference document by each new hire, including their direction and responsibilities, formulations, pay

scales, position in company relative to others, suggested future university courses, summary of work required, benefits and so on.

This early experience lead on to self employment, that in-turn led to improvements in medical procedures and patient care, patented medical devices now used throughout the world as well as improving education of industrial workers (through Texas A&M University) manufacturing, lecturing, educating those incarcerated and those on probation, latchkey children, college and university level engineering students and those not quite sure of what their future may be. Thus the establishment of ELIU.


ELIU is an experiential applications university wherein you learn about your personal desires and those of your classmates and then on to how you will work with as self contained teams in any one of more than 9000+ professions to complete new and exciting products/projects you may invent. As all will have exposure to what goes on in each selected profession ELIU educates you with sufficient aspects of that choice so that when searching for a job, you can immediately operate in that job to the extent generally equal to those that have been there for a number of years.

This broad training is not taught elsewhere and the following discussions outline the procedure developed by Dr. Rogers MSc., PhD., ThD, and used successfully. Enjoy the excitement of discovering a new profession, right at your fingertips, and possibly a new business opportunity or becoming part owner, or owner, in a business of choice.

This is not a cross-training approach or a technical college or a charter approach but an entirely new concept in educating all people in all locations, of all countries and


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regardless of religious or other beliefs you will fit right in with your class associates even on-line with foreign classmates.

Locations, times and costs are less than any other educational systems nationally

or internationally and ELIU is the exception to that old expression, “You get what you

pay for” as Dr. Rogers and his staff are more than qualified to make the claims stated.

ELIU is also accredited for AA, BA, MSc as well as the coveted PhD with times

and fees scheduled to meet your needs without having to be on campus full time. You can work and still become more educated for that job of your choice, including being in your own business. All avenues of sound work ethics combined with knowledge, are the

backbone of success at ELIU.

To start off, consider enrolling mixed male/female of varied social background and age/experience and schooling, mixed with a range from 12 to 70 years of age. [Practical in remote situations of the world]

This range of age and experience will illustrate how a diverse group of people can work and learn together with the amount of knowledge absorbed being a function of the participant’s intellect.

It certainly would be more readily accepted for specific age groups to be selected to be compatible with today’s method of education, however, the selected approach illustrates, rather clearly, how diverse people can learn from each other as well as using an Instructor to guide and fill in where needed to assure flow and completion of program within a prescribed window of time. An overview of the educational approach can be readily understood by following a sequence of steps in an imaginary ELIU program following.

1. Class can be assembled anywhere, even in a virtual mode. Participants may

include an ex-President of a private company, a Pulmonary Therapist looking for advancement, a Pastor considering work elsewhere, an aspiring Business woman, an Educational coordinator, High and Intermediate School students, unemployed students wishing to become established in a new endeavor, and an ELIU Instructor. Class is conducted in a typical room that may be found anywhere. Please note also that there is no attempt here to illustrate how a class may be held in a polar region of the world or in a tropical setting as it is just an example of anywhere, anytime, with minimal equipment being used in a unique teaching environment and approach. Typical settings may be a local garage, church, school, city hall, dance hall, barn, or other community facility.


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2. Class is gathered and each participant stands and explains who they are, why they are participating, and presents a snippet of their background. This is important for those who are not used to standing in front of others and talking. Embarrassment is not condoned as all are forewarned of any inappropriate response to anyone’s ability to speak or present in front of others. The Instructor is expected to be able to address these types of possible embarrassments or inabilities prior to the start of the program.

ELIU is a mutual growth program and not a typical teaching approach used in most educational settings. As each participant will be judged by their peers in a final review it is important for the Instructor and the participants to address demeanor, dress codes, appearance, attitudes and responsiveness that is expected in their respective professions and the time to start down a correct path is now—not in the future somewhere where it can be easily overlooked or dismissed.

In subsequent classes each participant presents their knowledge of professions they have reviewed for presentation to the class. Each of the participants keeps track of any profession they may be interested in and contacts the presenter after the class has been finished for that session so that they can become more familiar with a profession on their own time. From time to time the Instructor will ask each member to present their choice of profession up to that point in time and their reasons for selecting such.

The professions may be pre-selected by the Instructor to reduce duplication and coverage of more than 9000 professions that is anticipated for a class of thirty before a typical course is completed over a selected period. Subject professions to cover and be presented by each person to the entire group at each meeting are ten per meeting. Each person is expected to try and find out what each profession includes for the next day. [Now it is obvious that without access to a filing of such information each person would be loath to disclose and explain each and every known profession, so this aspect may be limited to those who can access this information and be able to explain to those listening, the functions of each profession. It may be that the 9000 goal is optimistic in some cases but, it is a goal. ] A short presentation is given of profession, function, education required and money earned. Money may be in a more fundamental form for those from disparate countries or groups as “earning power” may be a more acceptable compensation. An example may be to provide sufficient food for a family of four for three months, on one month’s income.


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3. After the presentations of these professions, each person selects a subject they would like to cover for the class to delve into as a group. This is all conducted under the auspices of the Instructor. Subjects may range from the simplistic to the complex such as how to best farm a particular area of the world on to unraveling a particular DNA mix up. The Instructor would start the discussion to be commensurate with the background of those to be part of the program. This may also include average intellect of participants. This method illustrates authority and knowledge of the leader’s familiarity with the needs of the local area and potential growth of the participants. Note that the “leader” may be a virtual one. General questions may include math, physics, history, geography, politics, earned income, insurance, business acumen, points-of-interest to that particular locale where the participant is located.

4. Group decision is solicited, and another part of the person’s growth starts right here. Many suggestions are made and the subject selected (as an example in our case) is the hypothetical need of a unique vehicle for self transportation of a person to any point on a continent. This may seem to be a car to the reader; however, we are not limiting ANY suggestions in ELIU. (By the way, what is a continent and who thought this vehicle had to be on the ground?)

5. The Instructor now asks all of the class to submit their points of interest in a vehicle that they feel they would need. As an example, does it have doors? What type? Where would they be located? How big should they be? Does the vehicle travel on water, air, ground or all? Does the vehicle have seats? How big? What type of cushioning, finishing, reclining and space required? Is it to be attractive to everyone? Can children ride in it too? Does it require any special clothing? Are people to be located in a particular part of the vehicle? Does it steer itself? What is the interior like? Is it colorful? What sort of decorations? How fast does it go? Do we need to sleep on board or can we sleep on board? Does the vehicle use fuel? Why? How? Is it readily available? Is it going to be expensive? How do we define its expense? Where will it be built? Why? Does it have windows? Do they open? Is the vehicle airborne at anytime? If so, does it need special landing strips or can it land anywhere? How much must it cost for all to use? Does it come in all sorts of colors? Where do we park such a vehicle? Must it fit in a house? Along side of a house? In the street? In a local community barn? And, what about safety? Do we automatically steer the vehicle? What if something goes wrong with the vehicle? Can we escape OK? And on and on until the Instructor is satisfied that all have participated and there is a consensus of opinion to proceed


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to write out all the needs of such a vehicle. Note that we have everyone talking about their ideas, discussing art, interrelations, emotions, comfort or anthropometric needs, metals, plastics, fabrics, local and future environment, engineering, mathematics, physics, economics and so on but not to any great depth at this point. The depth of interest will be determined by the Instructor as the depth will be readily obvious by the ability of all to communicate their interests to the benefit of all. If some are slow to understand, the other members or the Instructor can help to clarify. The class is now in a mutual interest mode and each will help the other. Any diversity in interest will be governed by the local Instructor as it must be emphasized that this program can be a virtual set up as well as that discussed herein.

6. From the previous inputs the class compiles a set of guidelines for the “vehicle”. This becomes known as a “Set of Specifications”. To be able to do this, each participant must be able to read and write and discuss in front of others. Christianity in motion! This is the start of getting people involved with each other, respecting each other, communicating for all to understand. These are just some of the considerations most schools do not do anywhere near the depth required here.

This hypothetical scenario is an ongoing discussion, controlled by the Instructor, to compile something that all agree upon and using a depth of learning now applied by experience and depth of intellect. Note how the depth can be expanded upon by mutual interest in where we are going with the selected effort. Do we get down to the depths of “Economics”, the details of art, Human emotions in response to surroundings, make up of paints and how they are obtained from the clays and dies and how the dies are fabricated and where do


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the components come from and supply source and political situations compared to our own? The depth here can be a specialty in and of itself or of general interests, again determined by the intellectual limits of the participants. Note that these limits can be extended without any difficulty, if some participants are interested as they can continue with the exercise as it exists, with thoughts of more details in their own specific area of what may become their expertise for life.

7. It becomes obvious that some form of “product” may evolve from this class work. It will fall into a category hither-to-never-used by an educational system. In ELIU, this effort falls under the auspices of “EPIC”. (An acronym for Education Product Corporation). EPIC is a branch of ELIU to provide funding by product development for self sustaining ELIU, as income from such products will be jointly owned by ELIU and the particular class member who developed the initial concepts. ELIU will be staffed by professionals who are able to extend the “concept” of a new product to its final stages of development within the confines of the ELIU organization. Keep in mind that ELIU is a not-for-profit operation and all income must not benefit the administration members in any profitable way. All students learn the nuances of running a business of their own choice.( As some may wish to specialize in a specific area of interest such as Medicine, this training will benefit all in their future contact with the outside world. Medicine of course, as with other highly technical professions, require further education in outside Institutions as ELIU cannot be all things for all people.) Class participants will be reimbursed by net income from this aspect of ELIU. Each participant will then be able to assist their own family or self in the future. This income may be used to extend their education or help the family grow or take care of family needs, or reduce family taxes as ELIU will reduce this aspect of local tax structure to allow ELIU to subsist.

8. As some students may wish to specialize in say, economics and obtain an advanced degree they must be prepared to be guided by the Instructor as to needs for depth to match or outperform those presented from standard


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universities throughout the world. A PhD candidate must be able to convince the Instructor that their work is not only original but challenging to specialist in all institutions. This necessity is applied to all issued degrees or diplomas as the approach by ELIU is to produce the best all-around students anywhere and from anywhere!

Proverbs 1: 2-5 are the absolute goals of ELIU.

Where all will have joy in experiencing discipline, responsibility,

humbleness wisdom, integrity, insight, prudence, equity, discernment,

work ethics and knowledge of the world to the maximum of each

participant’s ability regardless of age, current status, background,

ethnicity or recent knowledge.


International Circle of Faith. Copyright©2012, All Rights Reserved.

2012-2013 Academic Manual

International Circle of Faith

Colleges, Seminaries and Universities

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