interlink e-bulletin february 2019 · 2 members. please note that people working for charities need...

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Interlink e-Bulletin

February 2019

Message from the Interlink Team

News and Policy Updates


Calendar of Approaching Deadlines

Funding Sources

Round-Up of Events



Please note that, as mentioned above, members are expected to check funding criteria,

which would include any restrictions about benefiting single religious or single ethnic

groups. We are not always able to verify funding criteria for advertised funds. At times, we

publicise grant programmes with restrictions which make them relevant to groups whose

facilities/activities are open to the wider public. In some cases, despite single faith/BAME

group restrictions, it might be helpful for applicants to discuss criteria further with funders,

as programmes that have impact on the wider community may be considered for funding.


Are you aware that as a Member of Interlink you could nominate all relevant staff within

your organisation to receive the Mailing? To add additional members of your team please

email: or telephone Interlink at 020 8802 2469


This mailing contains information and funding opportunities that we hope will be useful for

members. Please note that people working for charities need to fully research the criteria of

each funder before deciding whether to apply. Funders report that a very significant

percentage of applications they receive do not meet their criteria.

We cannot take responsibility for any losses arising from information in this mailing.


Message from the Interlink Team

Dear Members

It's been a busy start to 2019 at Interlink.

The impact of welfare reform is really beginning to be felt. And no, it's not the two-child cap

we're not talking about this time, but the roll-out of Universal Credit (UC). From 1st February,

newly established households across the country that need help with their rent or living costs

will be using the UC framework. The differences between this, and the old system of applying

for housing benefit and/or other working age benefits such as tax credits, are huge. Not least

among the changes, claimants become Job Centre Plus clients, and UC payments are

conditional on claimants continually looking to increase their hours of work and income, and

verifying this regularly on their online UC account.

If you check out the round-up of events at Interlink, you'll see that there's been a flurry of

outreach and awareness raising activity. This ranges from national and local meetings with

Department for Work and Pensions, to community visits and walkabout by public sector

leaders, to cultural training provided to scores of public servants.

While it's important that the public sector is more aware about the community, it's also crucial

that our community organisations are fully aware of the regulatory frameworks within which

they operate. It was good to see so many of you attending our January's training

events. We're delighted that Interlink's Matrix re-accreditation has been confirmed, as has our

accredited status as safeguarding training providers for Salford's local children safeguarding

board (LCSB). Our accreditation with Hackney's LCSB continues.

We hope this mailing brings you fresh ideas for your work. For lots more information, data and

resources, visit the members section of the website, and don't forget to share any comments

and suggestions.

Hatzlocha with your work and stay in touch

The Team at Interlink


News and Policy Updates

Changes to the Charity Commission Website

Alert to members

Members who regularly use the Charity Commission website may have noticed that the first line of

contact details of all charities has been removed. This means that the name of person administrating

the charity is no longer available on the Charity Commission website.

It is important to address fundraising appeals or proposals to a specific person within a charity, to

increase the chances of the letter being opened and read.

We therefore recommend that members research charity administrators' contact details either through

the charity's own website, if available, or by contacting them via the phone number provided.


Training News

Further Safeguarding Training

Following our recent successful Safeguarding Children training series, we were oversubscribed for the

Designated Safeguarding Leads training course for ladies, and are delighted to inform those of you still

waiting, that we have arranged another course for Tuesday 12th February 2019 at our offices. There are

still some places available; to book in for this training, please contact mailto:admin@interlink- and for any further enquiries, please contact mailto:sweiss@interlink-



It has come to our notice that it is not advisable for people completing grant applications to use

pen names. Grant givers have been known to check the names, and when they find that they

are aliases, they have refused a grant on that basis. So be warned! Use your genuine name

and not any other to be safe.


Calendar of Approaching Deadlines:

The Ford Britain Trust Large Grants 31st January 2019 Greater London Fund for the Blind 6th February 2019 Canary Wharf Group Nomination 15th February 2019 The Ford Britain Trust Small Grants 28th February 2019 Hackney Youth Opportunity Fund 28

th February 2019

Green Hall Foundation 1st March (first 100 applications accepted) BBC Children in need (small grants) 3rd March 2019 Smallwood Trust Women First Fund 4

th March 2019

The Shine Trust 23rd April 2019 Greater London Fund for the Blind 8th May 2019 BBC Children in need (large grants) 19th May 2019 Thomas Wall Trust 31

st May 2019



Funding Sources

Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation

Grants for organisations undertaking music and water based sports activities ffor young people aged

between 13 and 25 years old in the UK.

Grants are made between the amounts of:: £250 and £1,000 but can be made up to a value of £2,000 in

exceptional circumstances.

Application process: apply in writing.

Contact information: The Trustees Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation Itchen Abbas Manor Avington Lane Itchen Abbas Winchester SO21 1BJ Tel: 07785562532 Email: ________________________________________________________________________________

Barchester Charitable Foundation

The Trustees have reviewed their programme and this year the focus is about connecting or re-

connecting people with others in their local community. Applications that combat loneliness and enable

people to be active and engaged will receive our highest priority in 2019.

Priority will be given for groups working with:

Older people 65+

Adults (18+) with a physical or learning disability

Adults (18+) with mental health problems

They are looking to help small community groups and small local charities. There is no formal definition

for a small charity, but if a charity has financial reserves in the hundreds of thousands or millions, it is

very unlikely that they would be helped.

The Trustees tend to favour applications that help improve people’s mobility, independence and quality

of life. Their grants range from £100 up to £5,000, with the average grant in 2018 being approximately


For further information and eligibility please follow:


Bernard Sunley Foundation

The Bernard Sunley Foundation prefers funding capital programmes. Their grants are divided into the following four categories. Under each area of funding there are clear guidelines on the preferences of the Trustees and the funding process.

The areas of interest are:





Social Welfare

We would like to bring to the attention of members the caveat that appears on

the web site about religious bodies.

“..We receive many requests for funding from religious institutions; those that are successful in receiving

a grant host a high proportion of secular activities (i.e. no connection at all with religion or spirituality)

that are open access to their local community, as opposed to being accessed mainly by the

congregation. Your application needs to provide strong evidence of the range of secular activities and

the numbers involved..”

For further information and eligibility please follow: __________________________________________________________________________________

BBC Children in Need

This is a recap of the different grant programmes being offered by BBC Children in Need.

BBC Main Grants programme is open to charities applying for grants over £10,000 per year for up to

three years.

BBC Small Grants programme is open to charities applying for grants of up to £10,000 per year for up

to three years.

The website is informative and gives considerable information to allow you to make an informed

decision and plan your project.

Deadline for the Large Grant Programme: 19th May 2019 with notification of decision October 2019

Deadline for the Small Grant Programme: 3rd

March 2019 with notification of decision May 2019

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Canary Wharf Group Nomination Form 2018

Canary Wharf Group is once again hosting its Annual Sports Personality of the Year Awards to celebrate the top sporting talent in the East London community.

They are seeking nominations for the following categories from members of the public for deserving local athletes, sports clubs and administrators for their achievements in the previous 12 months.

The Canary Wharf Sports Personality of the Year

Senior Sports Team of the Year

Junior Sports Team of the Year

Sports Group of the Year

Voluntary Commitment Award

Please complete and return the attached nomination form back to me by: Friday 15th February 2019.


You can also visit for more information or click on the link below to access the nomination form:


Charles Hayward Foundation

The Charles Hayward Foundation have reviewed their priority areas.

Their priority areas cover the following:

Social & Criminal Justice

Heritage & Conservation

Older People

An area that could benefit our members is for those organisations that work with the elderly. The

Trustees would wish to fund preventative and early intervention programmes being delivered at

community level which allow older people to stay in their own homes and remain independent. They

are particularly interested in seeking out programmes which show some creativity in improving the

quality of life of older people such as those:

aiming to alleviate isolation and depression in older people, including informal day care or

social, physical and recreational activities

that mainly use volunteers to give practical help, assistance and support for older people living

in their own homes

addressing the emotional and practical needs of older carers

designed to meet the specific needs of people with dementia

Their website is extremely informative with very clear guidelines. For further information and eligibility

please follow:


Sport England - Community Asset Fund

Whether it’s the park you run through, the hall you do classes in or the pitch you play on, welcoming and accessible spaces have a big impact on a person’s experience – and their likelihood of coming back.

Traditional sports facilities where people spend time being active are an important part of this, but it can be much wider too. It doesn’t have to be a traditional space – or a traditional sport.

The Sport England Community Asset Fund is a programme dedicated to enhancing the spaces in local communities that give people the opportunity to be active.

There are a number of objectives that Sport England wants to achieve with this investment, but most importantly they want to help local organisations to create good customer experiences and financially sustainable facilities that will benefit their community for years to come – which may mean providing help to get things up and running too.

While Sport England will continue to invest in projects that help people access into sport and increase the number who regularly take part, they are also looking to invest in projects that look beyond this to how sport and physical activity can – and does – change lives and becomes a force for social good.

If you think the Community Asset Fund might be for you, have a look at the Guide and Developing your Project documents

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Cosmetic Toiletry & Perfumery Foundation

The Mission of the Foundation through the Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) Programme is to reach out

and support as many cancer patients as possible in the UK.

The Programme gives assistance, help and advice to cancer patients on the appearance-related side-

effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or other cancer treatments through the provision of skincare

and make-up group tutorial sessions, printed materials and online tutorials. The group workshops are

delivered by volunteer beauty consultants who assist patients with practical advice and demonstrations

to improve their appearance and confidence.

For further information please follow:


Denise Coates Foundation

The Denise Coates Foundation was set up to promote such charitable purposes anywhere in the world

for the public benefit. The focus seems to be, but not exclusively through the provision or assistance in

promoting community participation in healthy recreation.

Contact Details: The Trustees Denise Coates Foundation c/o RSM Tenon Festival Way Festival Park Stoke on Trent ST1 5BB _______________________________________________________________________________

Douglas Arter Foundation

If you’re in need of a small injection of cash for your project and you work with physically or mentally

disabled people of any age, then read on.

The Douglas Arter Foundation is a small south-west based England charity which provides one-off

grants towards project costs for organisations working to aid the physically or mentally disabled.

Applications need to be made in writing to the trustees, details of which can be found on the Charities

Commission website.

Grants are typically between £250 – £500 but can be up to £2000 and there is no requirement for match


Contact Details: The Trustees Fern Villa

Melksham Road


Chippenham SN15 2NR


Edge Fund

The Edge Fund is looking to fund grassroots organisations. Funding decisions are made collectively by

their members, who cover a broad range of issues and communities and income levels. Their

application and decision making process is underpinned by their values, details of which can be found

on their website.


For further information and eligibility please follow:


Emet Foundation

The Emet Foundation was established:

- to advance the education of young people

- to assist in the relief of poverty

- to promote health

and any other charitable purpose as the Trustees may from time to time determine. Contact Details: Mr Nigel Rowley The Emet Foundation Savoy Hill House Savoy Hill London WC2R 0BU _______________________________________________________________________________

Foyle Foundation

The Foyle Foundation have three grants programme:

Main Grants Scheme

Small Grants Scheme

Foyle School library Scheme

Their web site is extremely informative with a wealth of information and details of where application

forms and contact details for the relevant programmes are available.

For further information and eligibility please follow:


Greater London Fund for the Blind – Programme Fund

Grants are available to not-for-proft organisations that work, or wish to work, with blind and partially-

sighted people within the M25 area for innovative new programmes and vital existing services.

The Greater London Fund for the Blind (GLFB) is a fundraising organisation that works with a diverse group of sight loss charities. It aims to improve the lives of blind and partially sighted people of all ages. GLFB does not provide any services itself. Instead, two thirds of the funds it distributes go to its member charities with the remaining third going to special projects across London. The funding is for both organisations from the sight-loss sector as well as from organisations working in the areas of mental health and a range of other critical areas, who wish to ensure that they can reach and empower blind and partially-sighted people. This is a rolling programme with quarterly meeting deadlines. The next application deadlines are 6

February 2019 and 8 May 2019. The Funder is expecting to launch a new programme in May 2019

following a strategic review of its funding priorities.

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Green Hall Foundation

The Green Hall Foundation (formerly known as the Constance Green Foundation) offers funding to

registered charities in the UK for charitable work. The objective of the Green Hall Foundation is to

sustainably improve lives: among the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged particularly

in the UK. Overseas project are also supported provided that the applicant charity is registered in the


Preference is given to appeals where the Foundation can meet a significant proportion of the funding

required and to appeals where permanent equipment or building is required as opposed to funding

salaries or the charity running costs.

The application process will open on the 1st March 2019 and will close when 100 applications have been

received. Board meeting is in May 2019. Grants will range in value from £1,000 to £10,000.

Applicants must register at the Foundation’s website. Please go to:


Hackney Youth Opportunity Fund

The Hackney Youth Opportunity Fund gives Young People the chance to run a project for up to £3500

for other young people. Applicants need to be aged 8 – 19 and live, work or study in Hackney and need

to form a project team with two other young people.

When completing applications pay attention to the following:

Projects must be Youth led and this should be evidenced-i.e. applications should be completed by at least three of the young people listed on the form (assisted by youth workers where necessary) and they should attend the interviews to discuss the project

There should not be many similar projects already existing in the borough

Projects cannot run into two financial years

The funding applied for should not be primarily for core costs

Projects should not be something that is expected to be covered in the school curriculum

Projects should be accredited where possible

Repeat projects will not be considered

Deadline: 28th February 2019.

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Henry Smith Charity

The Henry Smith’s Charity has a number of grant programmes, three of which could be of assistance to

our members:


Their categories include:

Improving Lives

Strengthening Communities

Holiday Grants for Children

Their website is extremely information and there are instructions on how to apply There are no specific


For further information and eligibility please follow:


Kowitz Family Foundation

This a fairly new Charitable Trust and its objects are exclusively charitable purposes. The Trustees use

their discretion in what they would choose to fund.

Contact Details: Mr Nigel Rowley Indus Capital Advisors Heathcoat House 20 Saville Row London W1S 3PR ________________________________________________________________________________

Leslie Smith Foundation

The Leslie Smith Foundation is a grant making body with general charitable purposes. Without

surrendering their discretion, the trustees have decided to focus mainly on charities supporting: children

in the UK with life changing medical conditions, hospices, education and special needs schools in the


Contact Details: Ms Deborah Fisher Unit 4 Hill Fram Kirby Road Kirby Bedon Norwich Norfolk NR14 7DU ________________________________________________________________________________

Reed Family Foundation

This is a grant giving foundation providing grants to individuals and organisations for charitable

purposes in accordance with its grant making policy. There are no geographical restrictions. After an

initial dormant period the charity is now actively making grants

Contact Details: Ms Emma Moody Reed Family Foundation 112 Quayside St Ann’s Wharf Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3DX ________________________________________________________________________________


River Farm Foundation

The Trustees are looking to fund charities that provide support to children and others suffering from

disadvantage. The Trustees meet annually and applications should be made in writing.

Contact Details: Ms Deborah Fisher Unit 4 Hill Fram Kirby Road Kirby Bedon Norwich Norfolk NR14 7DU ________________________________________________________________________________

The Shine Trust

Funding is available for projects that help disadvantaged young people realise their academic potential.

The Trustees have announced the Let Teachers SHINE competition.

The competition aims to find the country's best teachers and some fresh, imaginative and practical ways

to raise attainment among disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy and/or science. Funding of up

to £15,000 is available for 10 winning ideas that help disadvantaged children and teenagers to

recognise and then realise their academic potential. The competition is free to enter and open to any

teacher working in England with students aged up to 18. Successful ideas might involve after-school

programmes or innovative use of technology; etc.

Deadline: 23rd

April 2019

For further information and eligibility please follow: ________________________________________________________________________________

Split Infinitive Trust The Split Infinitive Trust are looking to support live and performance arts, in general and in education Organisations and individuals can apply for grants between £200 and £750. Application forms can be downloaded from the website. For further information and eligibility please follow: ________________________________________________________________________________

Thomas Wall Trust

The Trustees will consider applications for grants of up to £1,000 for small charities running specific

projects or activities. Projects must aim to serve the educational and social needs of the community.

Organisations must be clear in their submission, how a grant of this size will make a significant

contribution to the project or activity.

It is important as always, to read the eligibility criteria and the information given about the criteria of

those the Trust will not fund.

Deadline: 31st May 2019

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Thomas Cook Children’s Charity

The Thomas Cook Children’s Charity, was set up with the aim of improving children’s lives, both here in

the UK and overseas.

The charity’s funds raised are donated to good causes focused on improving children’s lives – by

helping to improve access to and facilities for education, well-being and health care.

Thomas Cook Children’s Charity have launched a brand new UK Community Grant Programme with

an online application.

For further information and eligibility please follow:



True ColoursTrust

The Trustees are committed to supporting excellent local organisations and projects that work with disabled children and their families on a daily basis. This is done through the Trust’s small grants programme. It provides grants of up to £10,000 to help smaller organisations develop and deliver programmes for children, their siblings and families. It is open to applications at any time. Grants in this category are usually one-off contributions for projects or core costs rather than multi-year grants for on-going revenue costs. The Trustees are particularly keen to support:

Hydrotherapy pools

Multi-sensory rooms

Mini buses

Sibling projects

Bereavement support

Specialised play equipment / access to play and leisure

Family support / parent-led peer support Please note the following:

This programme is for UK organisations and projects only.

Trustees are keen to make the grant programme available to as many organisations as possible; it is therefore unlikely that they will fund organisations in consecutive years.

Applications will only be considered once every 12 months, whether or not the organisation has been successful in receiving funding from The True Colours Trust.

The Trustees are unlikely to fund the following: condition specific organisations; residential play schemes; residential special schools; and free schools. Also, organisations whose annual income exceeds £300,000 are unlikely to be considered.

Organisations wishing to apply must adhere to the Trust’s safeguarding policy which can be found on their web page.

Upon submission of your application you will receive an acknowledgement letter or email. If you do not hear from us within twelve weeks of the date of this acknowledgement please accept that the Trustees, with regret, have not been able to make a grant in response to your appeal. You will not receive a letter explaining that your application has been unsuccessful. For further information and access to application forms please follow: ________________________________________________________________________________


Weinstock Fund

The Weinstock Fund provides grants to fund projects and activities carried out by charities. For an

application to be considered, you will need to read full details on their website. There is an online

application form.

The following areas where charities could be considered for funding are:

Medical care and treatment, including respite care and hospices

Care for physically and mentally disabled adults and children

Education and training for adults and children with physical and learning disabilities

Care and support of the elderly

Care and support for children


Music and the Arts

For further information and eligibility please follow:


Worshipful Company of Information Technologists

Advice and grants are available for the development of innovative IT based projects with a charitable or

educational focus in the UK.

Registered charities, educational establishments, and not-for-profit organisations can apply. For further

information and eligibility please follow:


North West & East England

The Key Fund

A blend of finance of loans and grants are available to support social enterprises and sustainable

development in the North of England.:

Applicants must register to access the online application form.

There is no deadline.

For further information and eligibility please follow:



Smallwood Trust – Women First Fund

The objective of the fund is to identify and document good practice that is achieving outcomes for

women on low incomes by building their skills, confidence and aspirations to enable them to enter into

employment with funding available for charities, social enterprises and other non-profit organisations

that are working with women in specific areas of England.

The Women First Fund is provided by the Smallwood Trust with funding from the TTF, which is matched

with Smallwood Trust funding.

The impact goal of the Fund is to:

Build the skills, confidence and aspirations of women on low income to enable them to enter

into employment.

The funding is intended for existing projects and ongoing work by charities, social enterprises and other

non-profit organisations that are working with women in specific areas including Greater Manchester,

Newcastle, Teesside and other parts of the North East..

For further information and eligibility please follow:

Deadline: 4th March 2019


The Ford Britain Trust Small Grants Programme

Ford of Britain’s Trust operate two grant programmes. Through the small grants programme registered

charities, Schools/PTAs (Non-fee paying, state sector schools only) and non-profit organisations can

apply for grants of up to £250 for projects that:

Benefit the local community/environment;

Work with young people/children;

Promote education/schools (mainstream);

Support special educational needs and people with disabilities.

Deadline: 28th February 2019

The Trust operates in those areas where the Ford Motor Company Limited has its present activities and

a long-standing association with local communities. This would be beneficial for our members operating

in the Manchester area

Additionally grants are made by the Trust are usually one-off donations for a specific capital project or

part of a project, typically items of furniture and equipment.

The Trust also provides grants through its Large Grants Programme (grants of up to £3,000).

Deadline: 31st January 2019.

For further information and eligibility please follow:




Manchester Relief in Need and Manchester Children’s Relief in Need Fund

Both charities have been set up to offer “Relief in Need” for people living in the City of Manchester. The

provision of the schemes gives the Trustees a wide choice of the kind of relief they can provide. This

fund is administered by The Gaddum Centre. It has been recommended that groups in the Manchester

area should call 0161 834 6069 or mailto:email info@


Lord Mayor of Manchester Charity Appeal Trust

The fund each year provides several one-week low cost holidays in Great Britain for families who have

not had a funded holiday together during the past three years, who are on a low income and are

residents in the City of Manchester. Applications must be submitted by a professional person on behalf

of the family and must be received by Wednesday 14th March 2019.

This fund is administered by The Gaddum Centre. For those interested please call 0161 834 6069 or

mailto:email info@


Round up of Events

On Tuesday 1st

January Suri Weiss attended a meeting with MARS (Medical and Advocacy

Referral Services) together with Mrs G Rottenberg of JuMP (Jewish Maternity Programme), to

discuss several maternity concerns which had come up via Interlink’s Maternity Strategy Forum.

Chinuch UK Steering Group meetings were convened at Interlink on the 6th and 27th January,

attended in person and by phone and video link by representatives from across

England. Interlink staff Chaya Spitz, Malka Nutovics and Motty Pinter attended.

From Tuesday 8th

January - 22nd

January - A well-advertised and very successful

Safeguarding Children training series was recently delivered at Interlink’s offices. Designated

Safeguarding Leads training for men was delivered by Rabbi A Pinczewski and basic and

advanced training for ladies were delivered by Mrs Nava Kestenbaum

On 9th January, Interlink's Chaya Spitz joined a meeting by Dr Peter Swift to Talmud Torah

Beis Aharon. Dr Swift heads the Independent Schools division at Department for

Education. As well as governors and school leaders, the meeting was attended by Rabbi

Yonason Yodaiken from Manchester, and for Chinuch UK by Rabbi A M Royde.

On 9th January, Julie Quinn, senior partnerships manager at Department for Work and

Pensions Julie Quinn, met with community organisations about the roll-out of Universal

Credit. The meeting was attended by Rabbi Avrohom Sugarman who came down from

Gateshead, Michoel Posen and Ruth Erblich from Agudas Yisroel Community Services, and

Chaya Spitz from Interlink.

The Adult Services Strategy meeting took place at Interlink on 9th

January 2019. Ann McGale

the new Integrated Learning Disabilities Service manager attended. Agenda items included a

commissioning update, Social Prescribing and Transition.


On 14th January, Chaya Spitz met with leaders of Barnet Children and Family Services to

prepare for the upcoming Orthodox Jewish strategy group meeting. Collette McCarthy,

Assistant Director for Commissioning, Helen Phelan, Assistant Director for SEND, and Bridgitte

Jordan took part.

On 16th January, Hackney Council's Group Director for Adult, Children and Community Health

Services Anne Canning spent the day on a learning visit to Manchester's Orthodox Jewish

community. The visit focused mostly on schools, and was arranged by Rabbi Aharon

Pinczewski and Mrs Nava Kestenbaum. See website for further details http://www.interlink-

On 23rd January, a phone conference was held about the low level of Orthodox Jewish

children accessing EHCPs (Education, Health and Care Plans), joined by Rabbi Avrohom

Sugarman from Gateshead, Rabbi Yissochor Pinter, Mrs Matty Beck and Chaya Spitz.

On the 23, 24th

and 29 January 2019, Cultural Training was delivered to Staff at the Office of

the National Statistics ahead of the upcoming census in 2021; the Health Visiting Team and the

City & Hackney Safeguarding Children Board

On the 29th

January 2019 Mr Motty Pinter met with Rabbi Sholom Posen and Architect -

William Paul to draft UIAC plans for the new Planning Policy for the Stamford Hill Area Action

Plan, in considering plans to meet the communities growing needs.

On 29th January, Michoel Posen and Ruth Erblich from Agudas Yisroel Community Services,

along with Chaya Spitz from Interlink met Steve Hanshaw and others from Department for Work

and Pension in East London, and Bjorn Simpole from Hackney Council, about the rollout of

Universal Credit.

On 30th January, Chaya Spitz spent the day in Gateshead along with Ofsted regional heads

Mike Sheridan (London region) and Cathy Kirby (North East, Yorkshire and Humber

region). The visit was arranged by Gateshead's Chinuch UK representatives Rabbi Godel

Heilpern and Rabbi Dov Oppenheimer, and the group visited a number of schools and met with

the Gateshead Rov.

On 31st

January the newly formed Active Ageing Consortium had its first contract progress

meeting. This consortium of 6 organisations from Hackney, Barnet, Manchester and Gateshead

are contracted to deliver physical activities for the over 55s and encourage participants to

remain active. The contract manager from Sport England – Suzie Gittus along with external

academic evaluators were in attendance.


We hope our newsletters are relevant and useful. If you have any comments and

suggestions on the format and content, please contact admin@interlink-

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A Registered Charity No. 1079311 | Company No: 3852756

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