integrated delivery system (ids) and the future of the health care

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Portfolio ProjectIntegrated Delivery System (IDS) and the Future of the

Health Care

{SF/Bay Area IDS, Medicare, and ACA}By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin-BSHS/RMT/MS-Organizational Leadership

Colorado State University-GC

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Professor: Earl Greenia, Ph.D., FACHE- Adjunct Faculty


Table Content

Introduction………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 3

Thesis Statement.......................................................................................................Pg. 3

Portfolio Project……………………………………………………………………Pg. 4

Significant Changes within the IDS System

What are the Long Term Effects of These Change …………………………..Pg. 5

How are these Changes Impact Historical the Evolution of Healthcare? ........ Pg. 6

Were There any Unanticipated Outcomes? …………………………………….Pg. 8

What New Problems Were Created? …………...……………………………….Pg. 8

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………Pg. 9

Reference ………………………………………………………………………......Pg. 11



In the San Francisco Bay Area of California the health industry has developed in such a

way that more integrated health care systems are being developed and established to ensure

that they meet the needs of all the patients and consumers alike. Many health care systems,

organizations, and providers have merged with diverse IDS systems to accommodate the ever

changing health care infrastructure from: Holistic medicine, Naturopathic Doctors,

Universities, PCP, Chiropractic Doctors, Pharmacist, Therapist, Optometrist, and other

practitioners from all walks of life and educational back grounds. “Our healthcare system is

fragmented, with a misalignment of incentives, or lack of coordination, that spawns inefficient

allocation of resources. Fragmentation adversely impacts quality, cost, and outcomes.

Eliminating waste from unnecessary, unsafe care is crucial for improving quality and reducing

costs--and making the system financially sustainable” (Manaq, 2009). Since the Affordable

Health Care Act and Obama Care there has been many changes within the IDS system and

more changes on the way regarding Medicare and Medicaid in America. I will discuss within

this working essay paper how the Integrated Delivery System within health care has changed

and still had needed changes to be made, to ensure that they system accommodates the patients

and care providers alike.

Thesis Statement

The system of delivery within health care has always been on the change and rise due

to technology along with self-care, health care, development, education, and creating a healthy

society. As the old saying goes, “where there is good health there is also good financial wealth”

and this is where the formation of the ACA took place and a new integrated delivery system



Portfolio Project

Significant Changes within the IDS System

The healthcare system is an ever changing health care system that evolves with the growing

technology that encompasses it. Even within the realm of Holistic Health Care the IDS

systematic way of delivery is ever changing the scheme of things for the benefit of the patients

and professional providers alike. According to Andrea Tortora a writer for the Cincinnati

Business Courier whom stated, “Even when health care organizations have contracts with

suppliers, they often spend 2 percent or 3 percent more than they should. That’s because systems

often are not there to compile all of an agency's information in one place” (2004). When the

Affordable Health Care Act was employed within the United States of America it brought upon a

greater change within the IDS system and IT alike.

The need for a rapid system that could relay information in a timely manner to ensure that

patients and doctors where informed promptly about care and quality in regards to all care within

the medical system. Even within the Social Security State Fund and information system have

made needed changes regarding their informative system of communication channels and

distribution to the community, “We are developing a new Occupational Information System

(OIS) that will replace the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) as the primary source of

occupational information in our disability adjudication process.  The Department of Labor has

not updated the DOT since 1991.   In 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) began

conducting feasibility tests to determine whether they could collect the type of occupational

information we need, using the platform of the National Compensation Survey (NCS)”

(SSA,2016). All this information is once again available within diverse IDS systems amongst

doctors IDS systems like BECK and Alameda Health System located in the patients’ rights area


or journal section of their website. “Becker's Hospital Review has named "100 Integrated Health

Systems to Know," a list based on health systems' range and coordination of healthcare services.

The health systems listed here focus on the continuum of care, from wellness and preventive

services to urgent care, inpatient care, outpatient care, hospice, health plan offerings and more.

Many of these health systems have also demonstrated innovation through their participation in

care and payment reform initiatives, such as accountable care organizations” Becker health care

seems to be a directory of informative directory of doctors, journals, and resources for the health

professionals to collaborate and interact with one another. They also give informative

information regarding tele track a tracking system used to monitor the flow of patients within the

hospital system which keeps stats for the US Census and debt.

What are the Long Term Effects of These Changes?

The long term effects of these changes within health care and the IDS system alike

come with some down falls and also benefits alike. I can say that the patients will

benefit significantly from the services as long as they do their part when it comes to

using the new health care services properly. The Obama Care is not a service to be mis-

used and abused by anyone or over used by patients to ensure that there are funds still

available in the State Fund until 2031. To create an Integrated Delivery System that

works for each department concisely to insure all information is available rather it be

about Medicaid, utilization, billing, patients’ rights, PCP, HMO, or prescription must be

developed by the IT departments and accessible by all, “There are myriad types of IDSs,

and some of the more common forms are discussed briefly in this chapter. At the very

least, an IDS represents providers coming together in some type of legal structure for


purposes of managing health care and contracting with health plans such as HMOs,

PPOs, or health insurance companies”

How are these Changes Impact Historical the Evolution of Healthcare?

The integrated delivery system has made such beneficial changes within health care on many

levels and the historical impact came when the Obama Care and Affordable Care Act was

developed and put in place. When this was done it caused a wave within health care and set a

change reaction of events to take place in every aspect and department regarding health care.

Since the Obama Care was placed by the Health Care Administration employment has soared in

diverse departments when it comes to health care. From IT, Integrated Delivery System, patients

billing, and other forms of services including member services and doctors collaborations.

“Employment of healthcare occupations is projected to grow 19 percent from 2014 to 2024,

much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 2.3 million new jobs. Healthcare

occupations will add more jobs than any other group of occupations. This growth is expected due

to an aging population and because federal health insurance reform should increase the number

of individuals who have access to health insurance” (SSA, 2016). The health care industry is

making history as being one of the number one professions to venture into including athletics or

gym ownership which is now consider part of the health care industry. This fluctuation is not

just for the sick and dying, but for those whom seek optimal health in their prim and elderly age.

When you go onto websites like Kaiser whom uses the IDS system to deliver as much

information as possible you notice a new CAM system which is incorporated into their already

established delivery system for patients and providers alike.


Another IDS for patients and Doctors alike is the Alameda health system that not only post

information regarding careers but new and coming changes within their system of care, IT, and

practitioners information. Alameda Health System stated on their website, “As a large and

growing organization, we offer a full range of career options at every level of health care

employment. We are a widely respected teaching institution, with nationally known teachers and

physicians. Doctors work with the latest in state-of-the-art medical technology and top-

performing, highly motivated support teams. Our nurses, counselors and other caregivers are

dedicated to the highest professional standards and have access to valuable educational and

advancement opportunities. All who serve patients enjoy the satisfaction of working in one of the

nation’s most diverse urban populations” (AHS, 2015). AHS has made a number of needed

changes since the ACA, Obama Care Act, and will continue to do so within their delivery

system. The system at ACA is well known throughout the Bay Area for being not just a learning

institution but an institution of knowledge through channels shared by Doctors globally.

How Did the Event Contribute to the Formation of the Affordable Care Act?

The system of delivery within health care has always been on the change and rise due

to technology along with self-care, health care, development, education, and creating a

healthy society. As the old saying goes, “where there is good health there is also good

financial wealth” and this is where the formation of the ACA took place. The White

House stated on their Health page, “On March 23, 2010, President Obama

signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms

that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect

consumers from abusive insurance company practices” (WH, 2016). The future of health

care made a big change just by simply employing these two Acts of Obama Care and


ACA to help the entire infrastructure. This was done in hopes of giving people

affordable health insurance before Obama leaves cabinet in 2017, and before the Social

Security Fund depletes in 2031, but it also started a new program called Lets Move

initiated by Michelle Obama herself.

Patients, clients, and doctors all must do their part of creating a healthier society to

keep the over usage of hospitals and emergency rooms down to a minimum. What this

created was a new wave of preventative medicine facilities, holistic health, gyms, and

naturopathic practitioners that co-inside with the ‘Let’s Move campaign’ that has also

created a fluidity or transition of needed services into the realm of holistic and

naturopathic care to alleviate the burden of unhealthy patients that make regular visits to

the doctor. In other words patients now have to take accountability for their health and

take the initiative to maintain their overall health with prevention.

Were There any Unanticipated Outcomes?

The one unexpected outcome that I have noticed is the understanding by the majority

and the odds that health care change is and was needed by all. There are some that still

do not understand that this new system of delivery and health care is affecting everyone

within the United States by making them aware of their body and being more health

conscious regarding sickness and disease. This also created a wave of people filling up

the educational institutes to obtain the knowledge they needed regarding health care on

all levels, as to be part of some great phenomena. Many other practices and insurance

companies have opened their doors to the ideas and new system of delivery from;

Physician practice management companies (PPMCs), the group practice without walls

(GPWW), the physician-hospital organization (PHO), management services


organizations (MSO), and Provider-sponsored organization (PSO). All these various

providers are participants in the new growth and expansion when it comes to changing

health care canvases and alliances.

What New Problems Were Created?

The cost where cut in all the need places within health care and transitioned to

preventative care that will incorporate the effort of the Doctors and consumers alike

which means everyone because Doctors are also consumers of health care as well.

Much of the defragmenting of the health care infrastructure and placing new categories

in the IDS system for patient care is taking place. You will now and in the future be

able to go online and not only access you primary care doctor within your health care

system but alternative medicine Doctors and practitioners which will be the norm in the

now and future. “Amid enormous pressure to cut costs, improve care and prepare for

changes tied to the federal health-care overhaul, major players in the industry are staking

out new ground, often blurring the lines between businesses that have traditionally been

separate” (Mathews, 2011). The only new problems that have been created is the fear of

downsizing in the health care infrastructure and what departments and divisions will be

down sized or increased.


The IDS system is changing and developing in new ways to deliver information and services

from patient to provider and using new technology and services that incorporate the new Obama

Care and ACA. These new integrated delivery systems that will be incorporated even within the

BECK system that gives informative articles and journals to patients and Doctors for knowledge

reasons and also has resource for the practitioner and student learner alike. There will be more


to come within IDS that will help the transitions of development within the health care

infrastructure to enable the quality of care is still available and accommodates the needed

populations within society. Changes are needed and will be put in place to ensure that the

delivery of care is managed by the professionals in a respectful manner while the Social

Security Fund makes required changes regarding employment and insurance, Obama Care,

Medicaid, Medical, Medicare, and the entire Fund within North America, “Managed care is on

a continuum, with a number of plan types offering an array of features that vary in their abilities

to balance access to care, cost, quality control, benefit design, and flexibility, and the rise 40

and, evolution of integrated health care delivery systems has paralleled the industry”

(Kongstvedt & Wagner, 2007).



Kongstvedt, P., & Wagner, E. (2007, February 9). TYPES OF MANAGED CARE ORGANIZATIONS AND INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from

Manaq, A. (2009). Result Filters. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http: //

Annotated Bibliography

The Future of the Health Care Industry

A. W. (2016.). The Future of U.S. Health Care. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

The Wall Street Journal discusses within this online article the future of health care. From Hospitals, Doctors, Insurers Employees, Workers Care, Patients, and how to get the Doctors on board. The article gives detail to each topic along with illustrations which gives the reader a visual on what the writer is expounding on.

The Affordable Health Care Act

C. (2016.). Brief Summary of the Affordable Care Act Goals of Obama care. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

This brief insert discussion elaborates on the topics of; Health Insurance Standards, Health Insurance Exchanges, Individual Mandate, Employer Mandate, and Medicaid Expansion. From the goals and plans of Barak Obama.

SSA. (2016.). Medicaid Benefits. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

This web page discusses the benefits of Medicaid and how a person may be eligible for the benefits of Medicaid. It also discusses; Medicaid At-a-Glance, A Compendium of Health and Human Service Technical Assistance Activities Related to the Administration`s Community - Integration Initiative, State Medicaid Contact Information, Medicaid Protection for Working


People with Disabilities, Continued Medicaid Eligibility - Section 1619B, Medicaid Buy-in Information for Working People with Disabilities

Employment within the Growing Health Care Field

U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections (2016). 2014 Median Pay. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

The Bureau of Labor Statistics gave forecasted information regarding the future of the Health Care Industry with projectile statistical data regarding wages, number of workers, and the number that may be needed.

Health Care Reform

White House. (2016.). Health Reform in Action. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from

This website gives informative information regarding the Health Care Reform Act and all that pertains to the Act from the Laws, benefits, and current news.

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