inspirit magazine summer 2011

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Featuring an interview with World renowned UK medium Tony Stockwell, this issue takes Mediumship and more to a whole new level.


December 2011RrP: $5.00 AU


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Embracing the 2012 wave

Letting the dream die

Get your free2012 inSpirit calendar

Big Love with Arielle & Brian

MagazineinspiritAustralia’s most comprehensive spiritual magazine

Shine a light with David Wells

Evolving mediumship

with Tony Stockwell

We’ve 5 copies to giveaWayWiN!

Tony’s top 3 tips on communicating with Spirit, For the love of angels, Kerrie’s coaching corner and more...


inSpirit team:Managing editor: Kerrie Wearing

editor: Andrea KaldyRegular contributors: Nicolle Poll, Susanne Hartas, Andrea Kaldy, Meadow Linn

Guest Contributors: David Wells, Arielle Ford

From The Editor

As 2011 draws to a close we begin to look forward and step into an awareness of the

coming energies for the new year. Yet, before one can fully take hold of the new year potential it becomes important to reflect a little on the year that was.

Clarifying what this past year has meant for you is a huge step in

moving forward. Acknowledging your highs and lows, letting go of your hurts and taking action to tidy up any loose ends are all necessary to make a clean break out of the old and into the new. So we move into 2012 fully aware of where we’ve come from. This issue has evolved to support you through this and the coming months to do just that.

We are delighted to have two well know n UK mediums grace the pages of inSpirit this issue. Tony Stockwell is an inspiring platform medium and was seen here in th UK’s Psychic Detectives and Psychic Academy.

David Wells has graced our screens for quite a few years and is a household name for those in the paranormal arena. His time spent on the TV show Most Haunted often provided a sense of credibility and knowingness.

Both David and Tony bring with them two very different approaches and we are inSpirit are very excited to have them visiting Australia in March. In this issue, David provides you with some insight and a meditation to assist you with seeing the light within. While my chat with Tony sees him share his thoughts on Mediumship and how we can evolve it to a whole new way of being.

We have great supportive articles from our regular contributors, Susanne Hartas, Andrea Kaldy, Meadow Linn and Nicolle Poll. And this issue personally I introduce a regular coaching and mentoring column. I’m excited to begin answering your questions, so I hope I hear from you.

Lastly, thanks again to Rockpool Publishing, you have another chance to win. This time we have 5 copies of You Are Abundant by Belinda Grace to giveaway. All in all, its an issue full of promise, holding your hand as you walk into 2012.

Wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a plentiful new year.

May the Spirit in You seek to be expressed!

With Love and Gratitude, KerrieProduced in conjunction with The Australian College of Mediumship, inSpirit

Magazine is designed to provide a respectful forum for like-minded souls to share in a community which aims to provide informative views, opinions and

education regarding the experience of living with Spirit.

CWA King St, Campbelltown NSW, Australia 2567 Ph: 0430 175 352 Web:

Volume 4 Issue 4

Dec 2011

3 Embracing the 2012 wave

4 Evolving Mediumship with Tony Stockwell

6 Tony’s Top 3 tips for communicating with spirit

8 Shine a light with David Wells

12 A jar full of wishes

14 Letting the dream die

17 Journey through the dark

18 Big Love with Arielle & Brian

Regular Columns

7 For The Love of Angels

16 Kerrie’s Coaching Corner

19 Resource Directory

19 Book Review

Disclaimer: While every care has been taken to provide the reader with accurate, inspiring and thought-provoking information, the Publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of information and views expressed by the Contributors. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers.


Recently I met with a wise soul who shared with me what to expect of the upcoming 2012 year. As 2011 comes rapidly to a close, it has been a year of life’s events

happening very quickly, and of a year that gives everyone the impression that time has been speeding up.

2012 will be a year of energetic highs and lows, much like a wave. If prepared you will get to surf it, you can ride it as it crests and levels out and get to ride its energy again and again and make this energy work for you. However, if not prepared, you will get constantly tumbled in the rough.

As 2011 closes, now is the time to prepare for 2012. Give some thought as to what can be done to organise yourself for the upcoming year. Now is the time to lay the foundations for what you want to happen, the foundations for what kind of life you want yourself living, or what it is you want to bring into your life. It is time to give effort into wrapping up loose ends, time to make hard decisions to finalise areas in your life that are no longer working for you. It could be as simple as decluttering your home to free your energy for the new year. It could be as challenging as using this energy to finally make

tough decisions to bring about major changes in aspects of your life, and taking the steps to make it happen.

The important part is, whatever you clear, put in place now the actions and intentions of what you truly want in your life. If you don’t, any void left from clearing will be energetically and physically filled for you anyway. So it is in your best interests to fill your now cleared void with your own intentions and actions for what you want, thus letting the Universe know and have it align itself to your needs.

Next is to start living your life as you have been projecting it for 2012. This way, you intentionally through action fill the void and bring to you quickly and clearly what you want for 2012. Start living your desired actions now, bring them into the present. Why wait when you can make it happen now.

Whether small or big, clear now what is not working for you or no longer serves you, lay the foundation for what you do want, put in a plan and start living it now. With this awareness, enjoy 2012 as you have the awareness and power to make the waves of 2012 energy work for you.

by Nicolle Poll


In 2012, there will be many celebrations as people reach new heights of success with careers, and glorify their living with travel and different living locations. All choices are made to expand

who they are and nurture their souls.

The challenges which present will be to protect what they have accomplished. People will want to bring them down, for fear of not having achieved the same accomplishments of growth on a soul level. Ask for boundaries and help to put them in place if you haven’t already done so and be sure to maintain them throughout the year.

In matters of the heart, there is the potential for new marriages to be based more on emotional and spiritual connections, with physical needs taking care of themselves naturally as a result. Thus, marriages ongoingly have a greater rate of success and in 5 years we are likely to see a drop in the divorce rate, which is the beginning of recognising more love existing in this world.

Children, while now connecting all over the world with technology, will eventually lead to a need to make those connections in person. Therefore, the world is growing closer because of today’s technology. Man will never lose the need for human contact, to be close and in harmony. What we see currently with technology and its affect on communication is a cycle we need to go through to bring through new levels of interaction into face to face connections world wide. This evolution will take 8-10 years before we begin to see this. And due to the use of technology with the young, ergonomically and anatomically the human body will adjust and evolve to new ways of life, as it always has. For example, the human eye will become stronger than in previous generations to adapt.

As spiritually conscious individuals, our responsibility is to keep walking in our own truth and expressing who we are in this, with self-love, love for others and love for all humanity. For it is in so doing, that we assist in evolving the collective consciousness to do the same.

2012 Predictive review by Psychic Medium Kerrie Wearing

Embracing the

Psychic AwAreness


Interview by Kerrie Wearing

with tony stockwell

One of the UK’s favourite


Psychic AwAreness


Tony Stockwell is a man on a mission. Without realising the full potential of his work as a medium, Tony has the capacity to take Mediumship to its next evolutionary step.

Born in the East of London, Tony always felt a little different having many unusual experiences as a child and then when he was 16 Tony was invited by a friend to attend a local Spiritualist church. After that night he knew his life would never be the same again. Over the years that followed Tony has taken every opportunity to not only demonstrate his Mediumship helping thousands of people to reconnect to their loved ones, but also to continually develop and improve his abilities.

This year I had the absolute pleasure to see Tony work live for the first time and to follow it up with a weekend workshop at the Omega Institute in New York, along with one of his colleagues and teachers Mavis Pittila. Tony is an inspiring medium to watch and I couldn’t wait for the chance to speak with him regarding his Mediumship technique. As a teacher of Mediumship myself, quite distinctly I could see that Tony works in a way that has him energetically more in the Spirit world than any other medium I’ve seen work. This enables him a greater capacity to bring though more specific information along with a more powerful feeling as the Spirit world can make a stronger connection to this world leaving behind more determining effects of Love.

Tony describes his technique as a spirit to spirit communication whereby in an altered state of consciousness for the medium, the Spirit world overshadows the Medium. Tony says, ‘I’ve been working with Mediumship for something like 26 years and as I’ve been teaching people, I discovered this technique which is so simple. Looking at the mechanics of what’s going on during a communication, I definitely know the Spirit world want to come in, they want to speak, they want to bring specific details. Real characters want to come through from the Spirit world. I just think the clearest way to understand them and to know them is to really be them. So as we shift our awareness from the conscious mind and the environment we are working in, the greater ability we have to surrender our mind to the Spirit mind, the clearer the information becomes. And that’s simply because I think all Mediumship development really should start off with the altered states. If I was teaching a brand new person, I’d really be looking at their ability to be overshadowed and tranced by the Spirit world. I’d be looking for the very first indications that this person has enough in them to still their mind and are not fearful of the other world coming that much closer, that they might feel the sensations of the Spirit world within them. Their hands might change, they feel their hands become smaller or bigger. They’ve changed their gender. That kind of very simple expression where it’s the very first starts of the medium being able to consciously let go, to recognise their spirit is merging with the spirit of the discarnate. I think if we go from that place onwards, then Mediumship will be a lot better because when the Medium stand to do platform, or when the Medium does a one to one reading, or the Medium heals, or the Medium speaks they are then a Medium fully. As they are able in that moment to say, ‘c’mon then, whoever it is in the spirit world who can speak, draw, heal, whoever is a good orator, whoever is the best communicator let me know you’.

It becomes, ‘I have a gentleman here, I have one eye and I’ve got a ginger beard. He holds his dog in his arms’. We actually feel it and know it and see it all simultaneously. We won’t have to worry anymore about the statements, ‘I see, I feel, I hear’ everything then will be replaced simply with, ‘I am and I know’. And from that vantage point as a medium, the whole thing is so much more celebratory and amazing because you can’t be wrong. ‘I am a woman, I passed from breast cancer, I know I am 47 years old’

because you are her.’ You’re not grabbing at the information from the ether”.

Tony also believes that this technique can help us to embrace and connect with our own Spirit in a greater capacity. Tony goes on to say, ‘That as Mediums and teachers etc, we often deny ourselves the reality of our own Spiritual inheritance. Which is quite simply we are so busy trying to tell people what the other world is like and who are coming in, that we forget to embrace who we once were. The idea we’ve come from the Spirit world, we’ve come from that place, yet we never look at that. Who was I? Not in a past life sense, I don’t mean that. Who was I once I was in the Spirit world? What was my knowledge? What was my commitment? What was my promise before I was born in the physical reality? We’re not used to relying on that which we already know from all of our previous experiences, but very much the experience of being in the Spirit world. We deny ourselves a lot of knowledge from who we really are’.

This concept opens the door to an astonishing array of possibilities. Imagine gaining a more comprehensive understanding of your Spirit, its connection to the Divine but also to the common purpose that threads all of your relationships in this life. Tony’s awakening us all, to the many infinite possibilities with Mediumship in this one simple technique.

Tony will be visiting Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne in March 2012 with a series of demonstrations and workshops. Personally, I highly recommend taking some time to see Tony work with the Spirit world. You will undoubtedly come away inSpired in more ways than one.

For information on Tony, bookings or to buy his books, please visit Tony’s website at


Tony’s Top 3 tips for

communicating with Spirit

Psychic AwAreness

1. Keep your feet on the ground, but your mind in the stars. Mediumistically it means having one eye in this world and one eye in the other world. Mavis Pittila says, ‘You can’t be so heavenly that you’re no earthly good’. The idea is to embrace a certain amount of physical stuff. Some of the best mediums I’ve known will some times use bad language, sometimes have a drink, eat a steak, just everyday physical things and not feel guilty about it. These things ground us so that when we take our minds into the spiritual we can do it from a space where we are balanced with this world, which leads to a balanced Mediumship. When you walk this path, walk it with one foot in this world and one foot in the other world.

2. Recognise that what it is we are receiving in our minds, no matter how brilliant it is. It is never enough! So we can do a demonstration, we can get the name, the age, be fully aware the mother and father are together and it's wonderful. I’m not saying don’t enjoy it. Enjoy it. Completely love it and enjoy it but recognise on a level it’s not enough. Our spirit that chooses to serve in Mediumship wants more, and more, and more. It's not to criticise ourselves. Be happy with what we’ve done but know there is a potential to give even greater clarity. This also keeps our ego in check, because ‘it was good but I need better next time.’

3. Recognise the whole process takes time and don’t rush it. Don’t run before you can walk. Don’t feel because you’ve devoted 4yrs and 3mths that you should be this now, or doing that now. We all unfold and develop these skills over different time spans. The whole expansion of Mediumship is like a good cheese or a good wine and the best of it takes years and years and years to mature. The best of the mediums that will read this will recognise that they simply need to enjoy the process of expansion, and learning, teaching and assimilation of information. If they just give themselves a chance to breathe. It doesn’t matter how long this takes. What does matter is their commitment to it. They’ll find they’ll enjoy their development.

Rita MaherPsychic Medium

Voices to the Heart

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www.voicestotheheart.com0434 867 426

Believe in the power of you,

soon others will see it too.

In AlIgnment heAlIng

SophIe CrAm - reIkI mASter




Psychic AwAreness

For the love oF angels By Susanne Hartas

Raziel means - “Secrets of God”. It is believed Raziel knows all the secrets of the universe because he works so

closely to the creator. Known for being the alchemist or wizard of the angelic realms, Raziel helps those who wish to understand esoteric material, quantum physics, manifestation principles and sacred geometry.

Raziel can also assist with raising your psychic abilities and increasing your abilities to hear, see, know and feel divine guidance. When you invoke Raziel you may see colours of the rainbow, for these are his energy colours and he aligns with the clear quartz crystal. So when working with Raziel, hold or wear this crystal as it can help magnify your clairvoyance. Essential oils, Neroli, Jasmine and Myrrh will also help to invoke Raziel.

Raziel is very loving and kind, and being in his energy is like being within the purest of diamonds, so fine and unique. You will feel your spirit being lifted and aligned with the all that is. He surrounds you with energy of wisdom and knowledge. For those who desire greater universal understanding, he readily awaits your questions and takes great pleasure in sharing his knowledge. Through my own experience of working with Raziel, his energy provokes from within, the energy of being very disciplined and dedicated to self and your learning. As Raziel has explained, if your spirit has sought him out, then you are ready to move into the higher levels of consciousness where higher knowledge can be accessed. This does require one to be devoted to self, for you are moving into the realms where there is no separation.

Raziel’s message -As we moved closer to the time of no divide and you blend with the one light, feel the completeness of pure love, where

each heart glows, as if smiling with the knowledge that all is well. We too smile with you with loving hearts as we open the way for the divines’ light to shine through. Trust and believe we are here for you now. Peace is yours.

inSpirit Reader Question and Reading -

Why do I feel some energy on my forehead (between eyes). It is a ticklish and heavy feeling. I am feeling this quiet alot lately. Please tell me the answer. Regards Navneet

Dear Navneet,The angels are telling me that you are currently sitting in similar energy to that of a recent past life. In your previous life you sat with a lot of fear and self doubt and you chose not to move through the challenges your soul drew to you. However in this lifetime with your spirit being more evolved and having a greater awareness of the importance and benefits of soul growth, your spirit has once again heard your call for growth, therefore bringing forth similar challenges. The heaviness you are experiencing is your resistance and fear of seeing your truth and the tickling between your forehead is merely your higher self and the angels adjusting your clairvoyant lense (known as the third eye chakra) to allow you to see clearly through the eyes of love.

The angels ask for you now to be fearless, for they will do all they can to help you move forward as painlessly as possible and into the light

Susanne Hartas is a psychic medium and Angel intuitive. Please contact Susanne at

When the alarm goes off and you feel as if you’ve only just got into bed and now you have to get out of it again, it’s hard to put one foot in front of the other,

never mind remember the being of shining light that you truly are. Hard to feel it through sleepy eyes, dry throat and the cat circling your legs demanding food but you are, you always are even when you feel a million miles away from it.

Here’s the thing; you’re human. It’s a shock sometimes but when you admit to it you leave space to get on and do what you’re here to do without beating yourself up for being anything less than holy all of the time. But what are you here to do and how do you find out?

You will already know, it’s admitting to it that’s the hard bit and as you go forward you will wonder why you didn’t do it earlier! You will more than likely go through the following stages:

• You know there’s more. Work is going fine, you pay the bills and do what you have to do but you’re feeling unfulfilled, like something is missing.

• You ask your friends. Do you think there’s more to life than this? Do you ever feel as if you have another purpose, a higher role?

• You read a self-help book.Actually it’s not self-help, it’s someone else helping you, just not being there as you read their words or listen to their advice.

• You begin to see things differently. What was once important isn’t so important anymore, some people will leave your life and not always quietly.

• Like-minded souls will gravitate towards you. As your light changes you will attract those who see it, share it, they will naturally come to you and you to them.

• New experiences shared. A route will open up and when you take it new experiences will prove what you suspected all along; life is an illusion. You can choose to be and do what you want.

• As you burn brighter people are attracted to your light. The hard part of standing up is standing out;

by David Wells

Shine aLight

Ancient wisdom



you will be tested so that you can shine even brighter and find your true calling.

• Is it all worth it?Doubt is part of the process, a dark night of the soul or two will come your way and it will temper you, make you stronger than ever. Welcome doubt.

• Shining bright. Nothing can shake you, you know what you know and your knowledge will make your life easier as you take control of it. Sit in the center of your light.

• And repeat. The cycle goes around as you step up another level.

I studied the Qabalah for almost eleven years, throughout that time I repeated this process over and over again, refining my own ideas of who I was and what I wanted. And I have continued to do so and it’s now over twenty years since I first walked through the doors of the organisation that taught me Qabalah and still I continue.

Every time your vibration is raised new people come towards you, every time you make a choice from your higher self you will have more questions and a desire to test yourself even further, and every time you see someone happier because of something you’ve helped them with you will want to do it again.

It’s your role to help your ‘self’ and then to turn back and help someone behind you, who in turn should turn back and help someone else. It’s been the same for centuries and it’s why the Masters, Spirit Guides and Angelic Beings turn back; to help us grow.

Here’s a meditation to help you see the beauty of who you truly are.

Perform your usual protection/sacred space cleansing.

Sit comfortably.

Breathe in for the count of four seconds, hold it for two, let it out for four and hold at the bottom for two. Repeat until you feel calm, relaxed and ready to let go.

Visualise yourself in a forest. See the trees, birds, sky. Be there, smell it, taste it, hear it. Be part of it.

Walk along the path that’s before you, if an animal guide appears welcome them and let them guide you.

You will come to a clearing, beautifully kept with flowers around the border and at the far end a magnificent oak tree, its branches filled with jeweled leaves, a living breathing tree. The tree of life.

Its vibration will fill the space, it will envelope the clearing you’re now standing in and as it does, take note of how your body reacts. Feel the tree’s pure vibration pulsing through you. Hold up your hands and arms, see them vibrate and change, change to show your light body. The true you.

Your entire body fills with this beautiful light but only for a short while to start with. The vibration of the tree pulls back into its branches, leaving you feeling positive, sure of yourself and confident in your life’s purpose.

Take a moment; sit in the peace around you in that clearing and when you’re ready move into the forest.

Say farewell to your animal guide, let them fade along with the forest and bring your attention back to the here and now.

Wiggle your fingers and toes.

When you’re back in the room, give thanks for the journey and pop the kettle on, have a cup of tea and a biscuit to ground yourself properly.

When you’re ready, write up your experience in your journal, putting in any more information that comes to you whilst you do it.

You are a shining light. Blessed Be.

Ancient wisdom

With successful television appearances on programmes such as Your Stars, Jane Goldman Investigates, Big Brother, Fame Academy, RI:SE, GMTV, Heaven on Earth and Most Haunted, David Wells is a popular household name within the paranormal genre.

He is an outstanding astrologer, past life therapist, author, teacher and presenter whose unique sense of humour and vibrant personality captivates audiences far and wide.

To contact David please visit his website at

His newest book, Your Astrological Moon Sign is due out in January, and is available with free postage via

David will be visiting Australia in March for Paracon Australia where you can hear him speak and join him for a workshop on past lives.

For information on these events, please visit


Full moon

Dark/new Moon

public holidays

Autumn equinoxMabon

winter solsticeYule

spring solstice

summer solstice



2012The year of you

Waning moon

Waxing moon

inSpirit Magazine available



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Ancient wisdom

By Andrea Kaldy

It’s that time of the year again. Taking stock of all the new year resolutions we haven’t kept and vowing that the ones we make on the first day of the looming year will be strictly followed, so help us ...

What if we used this age old cliché custom and actually involved the whole family and

kick start the manifestation of our dreams for

All you need is a few readily available or easily obtainable ingredients and let the magick begin. Here is what you need to procure: 1 glass jar with a lid (old coffee jars are perfect), a few sheets of different coloured paper cut into business card sizes pieces and a handful of pens.

This is a great opportunity to get the family together and think about some collective and individual goals you and your family want to achieve in the New Year. Let everyone pick their colour and start writing. Only write one wish per piece of paper and make sure that you fold it thoroughly before putting into the Wish Jar. Write as many goals, wishes, dreams as you want.

Here are some sample wishes, just in case you find it difficult to get started: a weekend away, concert tickets, more time to spend with the kids, shiny red gumboots, a hammock, starting a vegie garden and the list could go on.

to use during the year if they so choose to write some additional wishes.

Once the jar is full pass it around the table and let everyone give it a mighty good shake and say something like, “I make my wish and let it go, divine forces, make it so!” Your wish jar is now ready. Put it somewhere visible and get it out once in a while and give it a good shake filled with intent.

Now make sure that you open yourself up to the opportunities throughout the year to fulfil your wishes and remember that you must participate in bringing your dreams and wishes into reality.

A Jar Full of Wishes

the coming ominous year of 2012.

used the power of the combined intentions to

Put in a few blank pieces of paper for everyone

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WiN!In today’s fast-paced world many people crave what they think they need - a bigger house, a newer car, yet more clothes, a better body - and worry about how to get it. They fear they lack the abundance required to make their lives happy. Clairvoyant Healer Belinda Grace shows you that everything you need is right here, right now - and that you are enough just the way you are.

Belinda Grace has been a Clairvoyant Healer for over fifteen years. She is passionate about helping people discover a deeper meaning and purpose to their lives in order to create a sound foundation of emotional and spiritual health from which all other areas of life can thrive.

Thanks to Rockpool Publishing, we have 5 copies of Belinda’s newest book You Are Abundant to giveaway. For your chance to win email us at with your details.

Associates of ACOM & inSpirit Magazine are ineligible to enter.

mAnifest your dreAms 2012with psychic medium Kerrie Wearing

Date: Sat 14th Janurary 2012, 10am to 4pmVenue: Hunts Convention Center, Casula NSW

Allow the energy of the New Year to inspire and support your Dreams.

• Identify and set your goals for 2012, through a heart centered process.

• Identify and overcome where fear and doubt is blocking your creative flow.

• Gain a greater understanding of how the law of attraction works for you.

• Define ongoing action plans to progress your achievements and more....

Take home a powerful vision board, set to inspire and motivate you for all of 2012.

Info & bookings

Langston Hughes wrote, “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” This was one of my favorite poems when I was in high school, but

now I’m not so sure that I believe it anymore. I’m starting to think that sometimes you have to let dreams die. Only then will there be room for new dreams. The new dreams might not necessarily be better than the old ones; rather, they’re a more likely or more attainable version. I’ve held onto the same dream of my life for so long that I actually feel a bit like the broken-winged bird that cannot fly. I can’t envision any other possible scenario for my life, yet I don’t seem able to get there no matter how hard I try. The more I struggle, the more painful it becomes.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to fall in love, get married, and have a family. When I was little, my best friend and I used to stage weddings. We would take turns being the bride. My imaginary groom rotated between Perry Mason and Michael Landon, one of whom is fictional but I don’t think that was of much consequence to me at the time, never mind that he was probably twice the age of my parents and not particularly attractive in his later years.

Having a family has always been really important to me. I love children and have always pictured myself as a mother. When I was a kid I convinced my friends to stuff our shirts full of teddy bears and pretend we were pregnant. We even went as far as to give birth to the toys, complete with grunting and screaming, which took my mom by surprise when she walked in on us one day.

In later years, I spent many warm afternoons swinging in the hammock underneath a large oak tree at my parents’ ranch picturing every detail of the wedding I would have in that exact spot. And to make long car trips go by a bit faster, I passed many hours thinking of possible names for my yet unborn children.

Over the past decade or so, I’ve put a lot of time and energy into dating and finding the right man. I’ve had memberships at all of the leading online dating sites and even a few of the

smaller ones, joined clubs and singles’ groups, and even at one point tried a matchmaker. In addition, I’ve talked to God, made collages of my desired life, and written in my journal as though the future were already a reality. I’ve even consulted astrologers and intuitives. Despite a few wonderful potential mates and some near misses, I’m now in my thirties and still single.

A few days ago it felt as though my entire world was crashing in around me. One too many potential loves fell through, and I realized how tired I was. Every part of my body felt heavy, fatigued, and worn down both physically and emotionally. I couldn’t continue this way. It was too painful and too exhausting. I’ve held so firmly to the dream of dating, wedding, and then baby that my vision has become myopic. Although I’m not willing to completely give up on the dream, I’ve also started to see that there may be other routes to my envisioned life. By surrendering my need to have my life follow a traditional path and do everything in a particular order, I’m opening myself to other possibilities.

We’re blessed to live in a time and society where we have the freedom to meet men in many different ways, have children and make families in various manners, and do things out of order if that’s the way it happens. Although allowing the dream to die is extremely painful—and I have to admit I’ve been pretty weepy all week—I’m also realizing that it’s not necessary to hold fast to one particular vision of ourselves. Who knows what direction my life will end up taking, but I do feel relieved realising that there are actually many routes to happiness and many ways to making dreams come true.

Are there dreams in your life that are dragging you down rather than exhilarating you? Perhaps the time has come to release them. Be willing to allow the bountiful possibilities of new and yet unexplored dreams to fill your life. Is there another way to attain the same happiness that you so desire? Here’s to dreams coming true even if they come in a slightly different package than we had originally planned!

Letting The

by Meadow Linn

Dream Die

heAlth & wellbeing

Chicken Curry Saladby Meadow Linn

When I was feeling blue earlier this week, my mom decided I needed a change of scenery. She drove me to the coast where we had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and then we collected pretty pebbles on the beach, letting the salt air wash away my anguish. At lunch I ordered chicken curry salad, which is one of my comfort foods. The one at the restaurant was good, but I like this one even better.

Serves 6

1 cup sliced celery½ cup diced red onion1 cup chopped raw walnuts*½ cup yellow raisins2 ½ cups diced cooked chicken**4 tsps. curry powder½ tsp. sea salt¾ cup mayonnaise***

*I love walnuts, but raw cashews, pecans, or sliced almonds could be used instead.**I use leftover roasted chicken.***Strained Greek yogurt can be substituted for the mayonnaise. Combine the celery, onion, walnuts, raisins, and chicken in a large bowl. Toss with the curry powder and salt, and then mix with the mayonnaise. Let it sit for 15 minutes or so before serving to give the flavors time to mellow and marry with one another. Enjoy with a green salad or on a French baguette.

heAlth & wellbeing

Rocket & Haloumi Saladby Nicolle Poll

Serves 2-3 as a main mealServes 6-8 as a side dish

Here at inSpirit we are motivated to feed your soul with vibrant, nutrient rich food ideas that are simple to prepare and affordable to make. This protein packed, nutritionally rich taste sensation is fantastic to have as a revitalising lunch to power you through the afternoon ahead, works wonderfully as an aside to a main meal and will impress at your next BBQ!

Ingredients1 Bunch Rocket (approx 120g) – Washed & Roughly Chopped 1 Bunch Parsley (approx 90g) – Washed & Roughly Chopped1 Small Spanish Onion – Thinly Sliced4 Large (60-70g) Free Range Eggs – Boiled Soft Medium125g Haloumi Cheese 50g Parmesan Cheese – Shaved or Shredded¼ Cup Olive Oil 1 Pinch Unrefined Celtic Sea Salt

Bring eggs to gentle boil, boil 5-6 minutes for soft to medium yolk, or boil 7 minutes if you prefer firmer cooked yolk.

For this recipe, a soft cooked yolk blends gently with the olive oil and enhances the taste of the salad.

While eggs are cooking, chop Rocket and Parsley, and thinly slice Spanish Onion. Place chopped Rocket and Parsley into large shallow salad bowl then sprinkle with thinly sliced Spanish Onion.

Once eggs are cooked, run under cold water and peel. Slice into quarters lengthwise and arrange onto salad.

Heat small frypan on low to medium heat. Slice the Haloumi Cheese into approx ½ cm slices. Spray pan with cooking spray, cook Haloumi for approximately 30 seconds each side or until light golden colour. Set aside 1 minute then slice into bite sized strips and arrange onto salad.

Drizzle with Olive Oil, sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese and finished with a pinch of Unrefined Celtic Sea Salt sprinkled over salad to further enhance this wonderful combination of flavours.

Serve and enjoy immediately.

Nutritional facts to further enhance your enjoyment of this recipe

Rocket, Parsley and Spring Onion provide your body with a healthy serve of raw enzymes, so much needed as they are the energetic life force of food, with undamaged mineral and vitamin content. Our body needs daily the raw live enzymes found in fresh, uncooked food, especially those found in our vegetables and fruits to help perform at its optimum levels.

Free Range Eggs taste good, are kinder on our hens, a complete protein source and are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals.

Haloumi and Parmesan Cheeses contain vitamins, quality proteins and are rich in calcium.

Olive Oil is filled with healthy essential fats needed by the body and is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients.

Unrefined Celtic Sea Salt in its pure source is a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy function of the body.


Kerrie’s Coaching Corner

Your belief in that which you are NOT, is the very belief that is stopping you from living the life of your dreams.You are a Divine being, perfect in every way, capable of

loving and living to the very potential that is you.

How you go about achieving that potential is the very question we all struggle with daily. From thoughts of, ‘I’m not happy’, ‘I hate my job’, ‘I never have enough money’ to ‘if only my life could be like this…’ We have all had these thoughts from one time to another. Yet some times we lack the clarity to know which and what changes to make so our lives are complete. Or so we think.

Actively changing certain areas of your life or approaching it externally works in the short term, until we encounter the same pattern just with a different set of circumstances. Thereby, the rewards and sense of peace still elude you.Uncovering what lies deep within your heart and soul is the key to unlocking the whispers of what the Universe has install for you, however only listening here can go so far as well.

It is not until the heart and the head reach alignment that true magic can begin. Your head with its many thoughts needs to be on the same wavelength as your heart, with minimal disruption from overzealous thoughts of negativity, steeped in fear and doubt. It is only when this alignment takes place that you’ll see your Universe align in ways that will have you rejoicing for years to come.

There is much work that needs to be done for you to get to this point but once you do, your rewards will speak for themselves. Though right now, if there is one gift I can offer to assist you along this journey, it is the gift of awareness. Awareness of what lies in your heart and awareness of your thoughts which either support or detract you from this truth, for it is in this awareness that you have the power to make real change.

So, open your journals, write each and every day. Jotting down your thoughts, feelings and emotions, your dreams and aspirations along with the little miracles you are grateful

for. The appreciation for all you do have will help to hold the energy of love, positivity and gratitude so you can make the decision to live in this very energy you are seeking to create.

You are what you think...

PersonAl growth

Kerrie Wearing is the teacher’s teacher.

Having worked with and assisted many to establish their own careers, while assisting many more to live a spiritually focussed life. Kerrie’s ability to mentor and coach those seeking to live their passion is secone to none.

With her own lifestyle and successes as proof of what can be achieved, Kerrie leads the way with realism, integrity, optimism and an open heart.

From founding the Australian College of Mediumship in 2006, creating inSpirit Magazine in 2008 to more recently executive producing and co-hosting inSpirit TV which aired in Sydney, Melbourne and now Perth, Kerrie is ongoingly contributing strongly to the psychic and self help arenas here and overseas. While in 2012 she is poised to see the release of her first book A New Kind of Normal.

Now with this regular column, Kerrie is here to assist you with your psychic and mediumship development, living intuitively or even some business coaching tips for the Spiritrepeneur.

So if you have a question or want a particular topic covered in Kerrie’s Coaching Corner, please email Kerrie at

Please note: All questions will be strictly answered via publication within inSpirit Magazine.

Write to Us!

Send your stories, feedback or just drop us a line to:

inSpirit MagazineEmail: mail@inspiritmagazine.comWeb:

Journeythrough the Dark

by Andrea Kaldy

It has taken me many years to be able to define my Mediumship. I knew it wasn’t like many others’, I knew its meaning to me was something I had to grip myself. From the very first class I sat in,

I watched and listened to others receiving messages of healing and love, from angels, loved ones, guides etc. My messages were different. Not as in where they came from, but in the content and senses they came with.

I didn’t open up for a long time about it, thinking there was something wrong with me, I wasn’t doing it right, I wasn’t connecting with whom I’m supposed to connect with from Spirit. I persisted, thinking that with time I will learn the skills and gain the experience to be able to receive those loving messages that others do during our circles.

I was dedicating a lot of time on my own to tune in with my psychic senses and to perfect the skills we learned during classes. I found that it was irrelevant whether I was in class or not, the nature of the messages was the same. Only that my connection to Spirit was strengthening day by day. I was searching for answers, I was reading as many books as I could from well known mediums to find something that was similar to what I was experiencing. It took me a while to realise that understanding my connection was directly related to understanding myself.

Class after class my visions became more and more detailed. Not with messages of love but scenes of murders, violent deaths, abuse and all the things that normal society does everything to ignore as taboo. Why did I have to see all that? Why did I have to feel all that those I connected with went through? Why was I chosen to carry this burden for them? For that is what I believed at the time I was doing.

Some of the spirits I connected with told me their stories and through their pain I started connecting with my own. Was this a curse or a blessing? I was yet to decide. One day I was set on healing my past, the next I was ready to end it. Not knowing how to deal with memories that have long been suppressed, tested and strained all relationships I ever had. Questioning what purpose it all held for me, I got angry and depressed. Angry at Spirit for unleashing something on me that I didn’t feel I was ready to deal with, depressed because I didn’t feel I was getting anywhere with my life, let alone getting answers to the eternal spiritual question of all: what is my life’s purpose.

With everything crumbling around me, my job, my family, my very sense of being, I knew I had to make a decision. I can either let myself be let buried by my fears and go back to a life less than ordinary, or I can cease the moment and start healing the one thing that could hold me back from living my purpose: I can heal my Spirit. Slowly the reason of my getting the types of messages I was being given by Spirit started to form in my mind. The instinct of wanting to survive for myself as much as for my family took over and I found

myself handing everything over to the Divine to lead me on the path of healing and forgiveness. I had no idea how much I was missing from my life for fear, shame and judgement. I learned a tremendous amount from my teachers, both in Spirit and in this realm that took me through my own letting go of judgement of myself and others. Forgiving myself for “allowing” past abuse against me was a life-changing moment. This is when I understood the feelings of many who have come to me from Spirit to connect with the living. The fear I used to associate with those who have passed in a violent manner dissipated, and I no longer judged them for “allowing” the abuse like I used to think I did. This made the healing possible for those who have connected with me for that reason. I knew my work wasn’t done and my learning was just beginning.

There are those on the other side who have committed horrible things against other human beings and they have the ability to connect with the living just like any other souls. Many mediums refuse to work with those whose energies are denser due to the heaviness they bare, because of the things they did when they lived in this realm in a physical body. Working with the light is all and well, but ignoring those whose souls are in the highest need of forgiveness and healing is like walking past someone in clear need of help and turning away.

I learned through my own healing that there is a shadow side to everyone, without exception, whether we acknowledge it or not. Ignoring it is like ignoring an aspect of ourselves. It is the same when working with Spirit. I believe that only those who understand and acknowledge their own shadow side are truly able to work with those Spirits that require understanding, forgiveness and essentially healing for their earthly deeds.

Fear is a big factor for ignoring the shadows in oneself and certainly requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone. The upside is that it opens up a world of possibilities and healing that would not be available without it. So, next time you come across something scary in your spirit work, ask yourself what it is that scares you and how it reflects on where you’re going on your life path. You just might find the one thing that is holding you back from reaching for your dreams and living your true purpose.

PersonAl growth

Big L VE Secrets from

Soulmates Arielle & Brian

Somewhere along the line, most of us were indoctrinated into the myth of “perfecti on.” We think that we should look, behave and acquire perfect lives on every level.

Of course we know, logically, that this is impossible. And yet, in our striving for perfecti on, we are left dissati sfi ed and unfulfi lled by our bodies, our mates, our jobs, and our stati on in life.

Early this morning we were watching one of our favorite TV shows, CBS Sunday Morning. Each week the show covers an eclecti c mix of topics from art, music, architecture to pop culture and world events.Today, one of the segments was about a Miami denti st who makes customized tooth veneers that are not too white but rather just the right color for his pati ents.

He says that “imperfecti on is natural” and when your teeth are “too white” (or in his case, veneers) your smile looks arti fi cial. His greatest joy? When his pati ents tell him that their friends and family tell them they look great but they can’t seem to pinpoint what’s diff erent about them. Proof that the new smile he has created for them looks totally natural…litt le fl aws and discolorati ons and all.

More than 25 years ago I was on a personal quest for physical perfecti on. Each day I carefully measured my food intake and charted my exercise (miles of running, hours of weight-lift ing).I was convinced that on a special day when the digits on the scale hit a magic number, and the measuring tape proved diligent eff ort, and all ten of my fi ngernails were the exact same length….on that day THEN I would be perfect (i.e. fi nally happy). I fi nally achieved my goal.

It was a huge disappointment. First off , I couldn’t actually “tell” anyone I was perfect, so I had no one to share my success with. Secondly, aft er about 3 minutes of realizing I had worked hard and suff ered much (no chocolate!) for six months, I was sti ll the mildly depressed, “frightened-by-life” person I had always been. (And, yes I looked amazing in my bikini, but it was now just a big “so what!”)

It was a life-changing lesson for me. I discovered that my happiness did not lie in perfecti on. If would take many more years of therapy and workshops to master happiness for that.

Fortunately, two years later I learned about the ancient art form of Wabi Sabi, and began my slow but steady journey to learning to fi nd and love the beauty in most of my imperfecti ons. I am sti ll striving for improvement in some areas of my life, but it’s a relief to no longer be obsessed with misbegott en noti ons of perfecti on.

Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,

Arielle & BrianP.S. We would recommend you consider reading The Conscious Heart by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. They are the Masters of creating conscious loving relationships. We’d also suggest The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford and any books from the Institute of HeartMath.

Arielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion. She is the author of seven books including the HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE MYSTICAL SOUL series and her newest book THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. Her husband and soulmate Brian Hilliard is a business consultant with a life-long interest in spirituality and the practice of compassion. They live in La Jolla, CA

Disclaimer: Arielle Ford, Brian Hilliard, the Big Love column and its publishers assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material related to this column.



Moon Diary 2012

Researched & written by Shekhinah Morgan

Illustrated by Jude Bederle and Kelly Gough

WhenyoufirstlayeyesontheMoondiary,yourfirstthoughtsareaboutitssize.At13x17cmitistheperfectsizetocarryaroundwithyouatalltimes, making it the perfect companion to stay organised.

Then once you look inside you realise what a wealth of information this moon diary really is. This 19th edition includes all the moon phasesaswellastheastrologicaltransitsandisspecificallywrittenfor the southern hemisphere.

It contains plenty of space for you to keep track of your appointments and all that is important to you as you work with its

week-at-a-glance format. However, using this diary has an even greater gift.

Working with this diary allows you a great potential to increase your self awareness. By gaining a greater understanding of how the moon cycles and astrological transits personally affect your own individual energies, this will give you a greater capacity for self healing while also increasing your powers of manifestation.

As your individual energetic patterns are revealed to you, this will give you insight to know when to start new projects, when tooptimizetimewithfamily,whentorestandwhenthemostopportune time is to connect and communicate with others.

This moon diary is not only wonderful as a tool to help you get organised, but it is also a great tool of self discovery lovingly compiled and brought together by Shekhinah Morgan, Jude Bederle and Kelly Gough.

To purchase your copy please visit Feng Shui & Crystals3 Revesby Road, Revesby NSWPh: 61 2 9785 0798

Andrea KaldyACOM Accredited Healing MediumIntuitive Card ReadingsWeb: 0402 961 972

Stephanie ZagalakWeb:http://stephaniezagalak.comPh: 0413 187 139

David WellsTeacher, Qabalist, Astrologer, Author, Past Life TherapistWeb:

Arielle FordAuthor of The Soulmate SecretWeb:

Rita MaherACOM Accredited Platform MediumWeb: www.voicestotheheart.comPh: 0434 867 426


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