inside this … · p a g e 2 chapter : 67 verse : 02 the holy quran speaks : the above verse has...

Post on 10-Oct-2020






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Light House M A R C H ‘ 1 1 E D I T O R : T A L H A F A I Y A Z U D D I N

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J U N I O R A S S O C I A T E C I R C L E ’ S


I S S U E :

The Holy Quran



Our Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص



Devoted Companion 3

Excerpts 4

How to overcome

exam fear?


Silence & vain talking 6

Be Creative ! 7

Quran & Science 8

P A G E 2

Chapter : 67

Verse : 02

The Holy Quran speaks :

The above verse has been

taken from Surah Mulk of

the Holy Quran. Allah has-

n’t created us without an

objective. If we stop and

analyze for some time,

then we will come to the

conclusion that every crea-

tion of God in this world (be

it sun, moon, animals etc.)

has a purpose for which it

has been created. If every

being on this earth has an

aim, what is that of man??

The above verse answers

it. Allah has created the life

and death (this encom-

passes the entire life of a

human being) to examine

who is the best amongst us

in performing (good) ac-

tions and abstaining from

evil deeds. In other words,

this life is an examination

for each one of us. We are

all in an examination hall

with a stipulated period of

time. The examination will

last till each of our last

breath and the results will

be declared by the exam-

iner (Almighty God) on the

Day of Judgment. It will be

on that day when each of

us will come to know that

had we succeeded in the

examination or rather left

behind. The very word

exam also reminds me that

we are entering into the

season of exams. Students

everywhere are found to

be completely engrossed

in studies. One important

thing which should be al-

ways kept in mind that Is-

lam always talks about ex-


Excellence should be in all

walks of life (character,

worship etc.). Similarly, we

should also try to attain

excellence in our studies.

Last but not the least, we

should never forget that we

have to give the biggest

exam and the failure in it

will ultimately be the big-

gest failure. At this point of

time, I pray Allah to make

us succeed in this world

and cause us to be among

those who are victorious

and saved in the Hereafter,

for He is the All-Hearing

Who answers our prayers.

‘ Our Prophetملسو هيلع هللا ىلص’ said ’ :

Similarly a true Muslim should reflect his brother faithfully. If there are some shortcomings in ones char-acter, the other should bring it to his notice, so that he can correct himself. But the duty is not only to act as a mirror, but also to guard and help each other. It is the obligation of every Muslim to enjoin good and forbid evil. Allah says: “help one another in acts of right-eousness and piety, and do

not help one another in sin and transgression.(5;2)”The Prophet said:“Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or the op-pressed.” Someone said that if he is an oppressed person the help to be given to him can be understood, but how can an oppressor be helped? He replied: “Prevent him from his op-pressing, this is his assis-tance.” (Bukhari)

A mirror is faithful, it does not distort the image, but gives an honest, unbiased picture, if there is some de-fect–it shows it in due pro-portion, if there is some beauty–it also reflects it in due proportion; it is very fair in its reflection. Neither does it exaggerate nor does it belittle the object. It does not make the image public, but it appears to the one watching.


“[Allah] who has created death and life that He may

test you [as to] which of you is best in deed..”

—— Zohair , Software Engineer

— Fazeel Ahmed, EEE IIyr

“ The Believer is the believer’s mirror, and the believer is

the believer’s brother who guards him against loss and pro-

tects him when he is absent.” (AbuDawood)

Bilal bin Rabah, the Prophet‟s Mu‟azzin, was a faithful

believer with a pure heart. He was of an Abyssinian

descent. His father‟s name was Rabah and his mother‟s

name was Hamama. Bilal رضى هللا عنه was one of the

seven early persons who accepted Islam. Before being

set free by Abu Bakr Siddiq, Bilal was a slave to Umay-

yah bin khalaf, who used to bring him out in the

scorching sun, throw him on the burning sand on the

back and have huge stone placed on his chest ; then he

would say to him: “You will stay here till you die or

deny what Muhammad teaches you.” In reply Bilal

would only say: “One, One.”

One day, Abu Bakr passed by while they were perse-

cuting him. The sight moved the heart of Abu Bakr. He

said to Umayyah: “Do you not fear Allah as you perse-

cute this helpless innocent man?” Umayyah replied: “It

is you who has spoilt him, so you save him.” Then Abu

Bakr bought Bilal and set him free.

When the Prophet was firmly settled in Madina and

the commands of Islam firmly established, people used

to gather for salah at the appointed time. But when

Allah honored the Muslims with the gift of the Azan;

the Messenger of Allahملسو هيلع هللا ىلص commanded Bilal رضى هللا عنه

to deliver the Azan from the Masjid-Nabwi. Thus Bilal

came to be known to be Prophet‟s mu‟azzin. He was

chosen by the Prophet himself to deliver Azan. When

the time for salah would arrive the Prophet used to

say to Bilal: “O Bilal, deliver Azan for Salah and bring

rest to my heart.”

Bilal رضى هللا عنه was a very brave fighter. He took part in

almost all the Battles fought during the lifetime of the

Prophet and in the battle of Badr he showed his valor

Devoted Companion--Hazrat Bilal bin Rabah رضى هللا عنه (may Allah be pleased with him)

and killed his former master Umayyah who used to tor-

ture him mercilessly in Makkah.

Bilal رضى هللا عنه was a person pure of heart and very truthful.

Once Abu Ruwaiha requested him to speak for him to the

family of a Yemeni woman whom Abu Ruwaiha desired to

marry. Bilal went and said to them : “I am Bilal bin Rabah.

Abu Ruwaiha is my brother but he lacks good manners. It

is your choice whether to marry your daughter to him or

not.” He did not deceive by hiding the fact. He was con-

scious of Allah. The family, however ,were pleased with his

honesty and they gave their daughter to Abu Ruwaiha in


Umar bin al-Khattab respected Bilal much. He used to say

about him and Abu Bakr: “Abu Bakr is our master and he

set at liberty our master Bilal.” Once AbuDharr رضى هللا عنه

disagreed with Bilal on some matter and called him son of

a black woman out of temper. The Prophet felt hurt and

said: “O AbuDharr, you are still a man belonging to pagan

times. Lift your head and look. You are hardly superior to

man of color, be it black or white, unless you excel him in

deeds.” The Prophet‟s rebuke had a deep effect on AbuD-

harr. He was a faithful Muslim and very sensitive of tem-

perament. In attempt to atone for his mistake, he put his

head on the ground and swore that he would not raise it

until Bilal had placed his foot on it.

Bilal achieved a high position in Islam. “O Bilal ! Last night I

heard your footsteps in paradise. Tell me what action of

yours has earned you such a high reward?” asked the

Prophet once. Bilal answered “ I do not think I have done

anything rewarding since I accepted Islam except for when-

ever I perform wudu I always offer a few rak‟ahs of Salah.”

Such was Bilal bin Rabah رضى هللا عنه , the Prophet‟s mu‟azzin.


C n



Basing on the unit the school belongs, the toppers from each school were made into 6 teams, each with two students, for the finals. First Prize: (Khairtabad Unit) Tanveeruddin [Zikra HighSchool] & Syed Ashraf [Rahmania IdealSchool] Second Prize: (NanalnagarUnit) Maaz Ismail [Success academy] & Usama Mohammed [Noble HighSchool]

Hyd-West :

(left) One of the 15

schools reached, and

multiple questions test

being conducted on the „Life of the Prophet‟.

(right) The winners of

different schools in the

final rounds of the Quiz

at Masjid-Azizia.


The Meaning of Islam-Excerpts from Towards Understanding Islam

Every religion of the world has been named either af-

ter its founder or after the community or nation in

which it was born. For instance, Christianity takes its

name from its prophet Jesus Christ; Buddhism from its

founder, Gautama Buddha; Zoroastrianism from its

founder Zoroaster; and Judaism the religion of the

Jews from the name of the tribe Judah (of the country

of Judea) where it originated. The same is true of all

other religions except Islam, which enjoys the unique

distinction of having no such association with any par-

ticular person or people or country. Nor is it the prod-

uct of any human mind. It is a universal religion and

its objective is to create and cultivate in man the qual-

ity and attitude of Islam.

Islam, in fact, is an attributive title. Anyone who pos-

sesses this attribute, whatever race, community, coun-

try or group he belongs to, is a Muslim. According to

the Holy Qur'an, among every people and in all ages

there have been good and righteous people who pos-

sessed this attribute — and all of them were and are


Islam is an Arabic word and connotes submission,

surrender and obedience. As a religion, Islam stands

for complete submission and obedience to Allah. Eve-

ryone can see that we live in an orderly universe,

where everything is assigned a place in a grand

scheme. The moon, the stars and all the heavenly bod-

ies are knit together in a magnificent system. They fol-

low unalterable laws and make not even the slightest

deviation from their ordained courses. Similarly, eve-

rything in the world, from the minute whirling elec-

tron to the mighty nebulae, invariably follows its own


Matter, energy and life — all obey their laws and

grow and change and live and die in accordance with

those laws. Ours is a law-governed universe and eve-

rything in it is following the course that has been or-

dained for it. This powerful, all-pervasive law, which

governs all that comprises the universe, is the law of

God, the Creator and Ruler of the universe. As the

whole of creation obeys the law of God, the whole

universe, therefore, literally follows the religion of

Islam— for Islam signifies nothing but obedience

and submission to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.

The sun, the moon, the earth and all other heavenly

bodies are thus 'Muslim'. So are the air, water, heat,

stones, trees and animals. Everything in the universe is

'Muslim' for it obeys God by submission to His laws.

Besides endowing man with the capacity to acquire

knowledge, the faculty to think and reflect, and the

ability to distinguish right from wrong. God has

granted him a certain amount of freedom of will and

action. In this freedom lies man's real trial; his knowl-

edge, his wisdom, his power of discrimination and his

freedom of will and action are all being tried and

tested. Man has not been obliged to adopt any par-

ticular course, for by compulsion the very object of

the trial would have been defeated. If in an examina-

tion you are compelled to write a certain answer to a

question, the examination will be of no use. Your

merit can be properly judged only if you are allowed

to answer the questions freely, according to your own

knowledge and understanding. If your answer is cor-

rect you will succeed; if it is wrong you will fail, and

your failure will bar the way to further progress. The

situation, which man faces, is similar. God has given

him freedom of will and action so that he may

choose whatever attitude in life he likes and con-

siders proper for himself— Islam or Kufr.

By the correct use of his knowledge and intellect a

man recognizes his Creator, reposes belief in Him,

and, in spite of being under no compulsion to do so,

chooses the path of obedience to Him. He under-

stands both his own nature and the laws and realities

of nature itself: despite the power and freedom to

adopt any course, he adopts the way of obedience and

loyalty to God, the Creator. He is successful in his

trial because he has used his intellect and all other

faculties properly. He uses his eyes to see the reality,

his ears to listen to the truth and his mind to form

right opinions. He puts all his heart and soul into fol-

lowing the right way he has so chosen. He chooses

Truth, sees the reality, and willingly and joyfully

submits to his Lord and Master. He is intelligent,

truthful and dutiful, for he has chosen light over

darkness. Thus he has proved by his conduct that he

is not only a seeker after Truth but is its knower and

worshipper as well. Such a man is on the right

path, a Muslim and is destined to succeed in this

world and in the world to come. Such a man will

always choose the right path in every field of knowl-

edge and action. The man who knows God with all

His attributes knows the beginning as well as the ulti-

mate end of reality. He can never be led astray, for

his first step is on the right path, and he is sure of the

direction and destination of his journey in life.

I t‟s exam season and as usual, the most asked ques-tion by most of the students is- how to remove the

fear of examinations? This is one of the most difficult

times for most students, full of stress and apprehension. The pressure mounted by parents and teachers further

worsens the condition. Those who are unable to handle this

are sure to perform very poorly whereas those few people

who succeed to manage these difficult times are the ones who perform well. It is important that one should over-

come this fear. It is known by everyone that even if one has

studied and prepared well, they perform very poorly in the exams- this is only due to fear. Fear prevents us from re-

calling what we have learnt and makes us write wrong even

if we know it. It hampers concentration, makes difficult to think logically, diminishes our ana-

lytical power and simply makes us do blunders

in panic. One of the qualities of those who are

successful in exams is that they don’t let this fear get the better of them. So, it‟s obvious

that one has to make an effort to dispel this

fear. John Kennedy has said rightly-“The only thing to fear is fear itself”

One of the things we need to do is- to de-

velop the right attitude towards examinations. The fear of exams is simply unreasonable. One has to understand

the very nature of exams. The basic concept behind any

examination is to test the knowledge of the student. If

we have the knowledge then we must be confident that we‟ll make through it. One has to think “different”, not just

adopt the same attitude that is prevalent around us. If we

understand this properly, it gives us confidence, and it is only by being confident that one can gain success.

Another bad attitude prevalent among most of our stu-

dents is to study only for the sake of exams. This leads to

half-hearted and selective reading- students try to read only a few “important” questions, though these may be

sufficient for him to pass his exam, reading only a few top-

ics develops a very incomplete understanding of the sub-ject. As understanding is not proper, the student feels that

the subject is difficult, therefore again tries to read as less

topics as possible. It is important to get out of this vicious circle. Only if a student reads the complete subject, he‟ll be

able to develop a good understanding of the subject. This

understanding makes the subject easy for him and thus in-

directly helping him a lot for exams. It is true that if there

had been no exams, no one would have bothered to

study, even if the subjects are apparently interesting. One

always needs a slight “push” to get him out of other “recreational” activities and make him study and this is

provided by exams but the real reason to study must be to

acquire knowledge- a knowledge which is not just su-

perficial or just that which is directly applicable to our lives, but complete in-depth knowledge of the subject

which teaches us about how things happen in nature but

also equip us with various life skills and instil the curi-osity in us that makes it a pleasure for us to be on the

pursuit of knowledge.

Now after understanding that one has to develop the

right attitude, here are some tips that may help in

overcoming whatever fear remaining of the exams.

Don’t study anything immediately before the

exam, try to wind up your preparation well in advance(around 3 to 4 hours before the exam).

Sleep extra before exams. Avoid night-outs. It is more important to keep our mind in good condi-

tion for the exam than to learn a few things in a

hurry that may or may not come in the exam.

Eat well at the time of exams as the energy ex-

penditure by the brain is quite high. Avoid oily

foods the meal before exam. Drink plenty of water as it helps us stay cool.

Think positive, drive away all negative thoughts. Be confident of yourself. Say to yourself that my prepa-

ration is the best I could do- it can always be better or

it could have been worse, there is nothing we can do to

change the past.

Bring a lot of pens with you, your own scale, pen-

cil, eraser, sharpener etc. Bring them even if you may not need them. All these add to your confidence level.

In the examination hall, don’t panic by looking at

people around you studying or discussing. You are do-ing the right thing by not reading in the last moment.

If you feel uncomfortable or panicky, try taking long, deep breaths and releasing. Do this repeatedly; it

may be very effective in calming you down.

Say all the duas you know before looking at the

question paper (come on, everyone surely has found

out one or the other dua for exams!)

Most importantly, keep praying to Allah. It is a

shame to be a miser in asking when The Giver is so

Generous and Merciful. Allah dislikes such petty duas

like “O Allah! make me pass this exam”. Instead, ask Him to make your difficulties easy , increase your abil-

ity and to guide you on the straight path. Give me suc-

cess in this world, and also in the Hereafter.

How to overcome exam fear? —Abdul Kareem; MBBS 1st yr

How much to



It may be annoying us when a teacher

shouts, “Is this a fish market,” or asks to maintain pin-drop silence, while we are talking about some stuff like, what had happened yesterday or about matches or TV pro-

grams. But we should know that keeping silent is how important. We come across sayings like, silence is gold; empty vessels make much noise and so on.

The power to speak is one of the great gifts given to us by Allah: “Rahman (the Merciful One)…… has taught him (man) an intelligent speech.[55;1,4]” Therefore it is our responsibility

to use this gift with the instructions, the Creator has given for its use.

Anas رضى هللا عنه narrated Allah‟s Messenger said :“Wisdom consists in keeping silent, and those who practice it are

few.”[Baihaqi-Bulugul Maram]. Abu Huraira رضى هللا عنه narrated that

the Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said: “He who believes in Allah

and the Last Day should either utter good words or better keep silence;..”[Bukhari]. The Prophet advised AbuDharr: “Adopt Si-lence. This is a way of causing satan to run away, it is a support

to you in the matter of your religion.”[Ahmed]. Thus we come to know by the narrations that it is a require-ment of faith to be away from vain talking (which includes all that

is false and useless) and to speak only good. Describing the characters of the True Believers and the Pious, Allah said in the Holy Quran that they „avoid vain talk‟(23;3).

And the Paradise in which these Pious people enter as: “Therein they shall hear no idle talk, nor any falsehood. (78;35) ”, “There they shall hear no idle talk nor any sinful speech. All talk will be

sound and upright. (56;25,26) ”

In a narration, the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص while saying about the

nine things that Allah ordered him, said that Allah has ordered

that „your silence should be the silence of serious and calm


The first Cailph of Islam, Abu Bakr رضى هللا عنه said : “ Be

brief in conversation; for the conversation which is easily intelli-

gible, is advantageous.” So let us not be the „empty vessels which

make much noise.‟ However silence does not mean to be just

dumb all the time, you have to raise your voice against falsehood

so that the truth prevails.


Silence and Vain Talking According to the teaching of Islam, man is not only account-

able for his actions but also responsible for each and every

word he spoke. The Quran says: “ Not a word does he utter but

there is a vigilant Guardian”[50;18]

This verse clearly expresses that our words are recorded so it is inevitable for us to maintain silent instead of indulging in vain

talking. There is a famous tradition of the Holy Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص,

which means that one who remained silent got salvation. Allah

while describing the unique and distinguished characteristics of

His beloved servants also says that they don‟t involve in vain

talking, but at same time, if somebody invites them towards

vain talking, they simply reject saying „salama‟, as described in


The one who have strong faith in Allah, know the importance

of each word they utter, and so do not involve in vain talking.

—M.S.Akbar Quadri,

5th Class,

Kakatiya V.N. High School,

Salarjung Colony.

Did you know that?

The Wonderful Brain The human brain is like a supercomputer. It stores

millions of bits of information that it can recall in-

stantly. We record all the information that our

senses gather. This is how we recognize a friend out

of all the thousands of people we have seen, or a

sound we have heard, maybe, years before.

At the same time, as it is collecting information

from you reading a book, the brain is controlling all

the thousands of tiny things that are going on in our

body—yet this wonderful little creation weighs

only about 1.4 kg. It has about 10,000 million

cells, which decrease only by a fraction after 60 years.

“Thus Most Blessed is Allah, the Best to cre-

ate” [23;14]

Nanal nagar unit :

Junior Associates of Al-Hasnath

Sub-unit attending the Expo:

‘Muhammad ’For All ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

which had charts displaying the

sayings of the Prophet, books

and documentaries on the life of

the Prophet, organized at


Kakatiya nagar .


C n





s by F


Khaleeq Ahmed,Zonal Campus secretary

addressing the gathering.

I Look I See

I look, I look, I look, I see

I see a world of beauty

I touch, I touch, I touch, I feel

I feel a world around so real

And everything I do

I dedicate to You (Allah)

Cause You made me

I am for You

I listen, listen, listen, I hear

I hear the words of God so clear

I read, I read, I read, I know

It helps my knowledge grow

And everything we do

We dedicate to You

Cause You made us

We are for You

He(Allah) sent the Prophet to show us the way

He made Religion perfect that Day

Peace be upon him, upon him we pray

Salatullah, wa salamu aalyhi

I sleep I sleep, I sleep, I dream

I dream I'm in a garden green

I wish, I wish, I wish I pray

I pray to be here everyday

And everything I do

I dedicate to You

Cause You made me

I am for You

I work, I work, I work, I strive

To make something of my life

I seek, I seek, I seek, I find

I find another hill to climb

And everything we do

We dedicate to You

Cause You made us

We are for You

I look, I look, I look, I see

He sent the Prophet to show us the way

He made Religion perfect that Day

Peace be upon him, upon him we pray

Salatullah, wa salamu aalyhi


——Yusuf ul Islam Be Creative !

Jet Propulsion Jet propulsion is not a modern invention. Allah had created sea

creatures such as the Squid and cuttlefish which use jet propulsion

to move about. They force out a jet of water in one direction in

order to move in the opposite direction. A similar principle is now

used in jet aircraft and rockets, after man pondered over the crea-

tion of Allah.

In the jet-propelled boat described below water in a metal tube

heated to form steam. The steam forces its way through a hole in the cap of the tube. This makes the tube, and hence the boat move

in the opposite direction.

Construction 1. Obtain a metal tube with a push-on plastic cap. Some throat

and indigestion tablets are sold in tubes of this kind. Make a

small hole in the cap, slightly off center. The cap acts as a safety

valve. If the steam pressure becomes too great, it will force the

cap off the tube. This prevents the pressure from exceeding a

certain limit and ensures that the tube will not explode. Do not

use a tube with a screw-on cap. It will not be forced off by ex-

cessive steam pressure and cannot, therefore, act as a safety


2. Construct a simple boat from light weighted wood or a hard

cardboard which cannot be burnt easily. Dimensions are not

important, but do not make the boat too narrow. If you do, it

may tend to overturn in water.

3. Place three lighted candle stumps in the engine compartment.

Half-fill the tube with water and push the cap on firmly. Fit the

tube in position over the candles and wait for the water to boil.

After a while, you will see a jet of steam coming from the hole

in the cap. The jet will propel the boat through the water.

PAGE 7 —Encyclopedia

Junior Associate Circle, the school students wing of Students

Islamic Organization of India, is to create an awareness and

impart basic knowledge into the tender minds of school chil-

dren and to guide them in their academics and nurture their

talents. Lectures are given in various schools of Hyderabad

for the said purposes, and if your school has not been

reached yet, then do not hesitate to demand your school

management or contact us.

Junior Associate Circle Hyderabad South Division:

*Jubail Colony, Falaknuma;

[9347354371] *GulshanIqbalColony,

Babanagar; [7207821744]

*MasjidAbida, Wadi-Huda;

[970308089] *Errakunta,Barkas;

[9396819675] *SultanShahi;

[970442928] *MoinBagh,

RiyasatNagar; [9166586747] *Lib.

Masjid-UjaleSha, Saidabad;


Hyderabad East Division:

*Amberpet; [9963823910] ; *Al-Falah

School, Secunderabad; [8686188310]

Hyderabad West Division:

*Humayun Nagar; Murad nagar; Malla-

pally; ZebaBagh; DilshadNagar

[9985020403] *Khairtabad; AC

guards; 1st Lancer; ZehraNagar;

BanjaraHills; [9703809595]

*Borabanda; Allahpur; Site 1 2 3 4;

Erragadda; [9676887814]

*SalarjungColony; KakatiyaNagar;

AlHasnathColony; Meraj Colony; MD

lines; [9032109285] *BadaBazar;

NayaKhila; Suncity; LungerHouse;

[9959611291] *SuryaNagar; Samata-

Colony; AzizBagh; BrindavanColony;


Weekly JAC programmes are held across the city :-

He(Allah) is the one who has

set free the two kinds of water,

one sweet and palatable, and

the other salty and bitter. And

He has made between them a

barrier and a forbidding parti-


[Al-Quran 25:53]

The Holy Quran mentioned

He(Allah) has set free the

two seas meeting together.

There is a barrier between them. They do not trans-

gress [Al-Quran 55:19-20]

Quran and Science

Grab the Prizes

Please send your articles on the topic :


(Note; Submit by 20th March.

Not to exceed 150 words) The best arti-

cles will be published and given prizes.

Send to <> or

<submit to your local organizer>

with your Name, class & school.

Match The



CALENDAR (solar)




CALENDAR (lunar)


















The months of both the calendars do not corre-

spond to each other, as one is solar and the

other is lunar. The Georgian calendar has 365

days in a year, where as the Hijrah Calendar

has 354 days.

top related