inreach order of worship · 2014-11-14 · hughen school visits resume: eginning noveme er 4. 3901...

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Order of worship

Welcome & Prayer Jeremy Houck

Victory in Jesus (470) Brian French

Glorify Thy Name (77)

How Great Is Our God

Prayer Robert Bowling

Ten Thousand Angels (349)

Scripture I Peter 2: 24-25 Ryan Ross

Communion and Offering

* Greg Guy David Lindsey Noah Ross Steven Pitts Steve Knight

Just a Little Walk with Jesus (959)

Scripture Luke 11: 1 Garrett Martinez

Children’s Lesson Jeremy Houck

An Important Conversation Jeremy Houck

Be Still and Know (31)

Thank You, Lord! (781)

Shepherd’s Care Chuck Reed

Closing Prayer Karl Norwood

For the benefit of all worshippers, please silence

all electronic devices during worship.

October 26, 2014


Coffee & Conversation Wednesday, OCTOBER 29: Hebrews 7: 1-11

November 2, First Sunday of the Months

Meet at the Alcohol Rehab Center at 4:00

A place where God is praised, lives are

changed, needs are met, and friends are made!

Meeting Times


Bible Class 9:00 A.M.

Worship 10:00 A.M.


Women’s Bible Class 10:00 A.M.

Evening 7:00 P.M.

Care Groups meet on Sunday afternoons

and evenings at the building

and in homes around the area. 3901 Jimmy Johnson Blvd. Port Arthur, Texas 77642

Building 409-727-6255 Fax 409-727-0640

Sermon notes An Important Conversation

Luke 11:1-8

Just Call God ________________________________!

Prayer is Merely A ____________________________.

Friendly Conversations are _____________________.

Friendship Fridays Brown Bag Lunch– Take a break in the

Cove, 12 Noon—1 PM.! Everyone welcome.


OCTOBER 29, 5:30—6:30 PM

Suggested Donations to help cover expenses: Adults $5, Children $2

Lunch Bunch October 26: Rancho Grande All Welcome to Dine Immediately Following Worship

Dire Straits Care Group—Everyone Welcome. Oct. 19 immediately

following worship in the Cove = Potluck Lunch Meeting!

PCYG Upcoming Youth Events: TBA

Hughen School visits RESUME: Beginning NOVEMEBER 4.

Leaving church building at 9:20 AM

(First Tuesday Each Month)

7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. ~ John 4:-21 ESV

DEACONS MEET on November 10 @ 7 PM


2015 Budget Committee meetings happening regularly.

Goal is to present to congregation for approval in December

and implement on January 1.

Deacon Brian French leading. Thanks, Budget Committee!

ATTENDANCE, Sunday, 10/19/14 124 & Wednesday, 10/22/14: 46


BUDGET Weekly Year to Date %

Actual Regular (+online reg.) $ 3,042.00 $ 152,601.97 70.69%

OPERATIONS Budget $ 5,265.00 $ 215,865.00 100.00 %

Over / -Under -$ 2,223.00 -$ 63,263.03 -29.31%


“……Do not worry about your life, what you

will eat or what you will wear….” Luke 12:22


THINK PINK! THESE WORDS ARE WHAT WE HEAR AND SEE EVERYWHERE THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. They are to re-mind us that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We are reminded of the importance of early detection of breast cancer and how many lives can saved with early detec-tion. AS A TWO TIME SURVIVOR OF BREAST CANCER, TWO DIFFERENT KINDS, BOTH DEADLY, BOTH INVASIVE, BOTH AGGRESSIVE, BOTH LIFE THREATENING, I TAKE VERY SERI-OUSLY BREAST CANCER AND THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DETECTION! I take what life gives me and try to make the most of it. Grumbling and whining do not help, but focusing on God does help. Counting all of my blessings helps. I am reminded in the book of James, “not my will, but the Lord’s be done.” . . . .And I am reminded of Jesus’ prayer in the Gar-den of Gethsemane, “not my will, but thine be done.” I do not question God, but I accept my adventures with respect and determination. I keep my sense of humor and look for the smiles of God. I welcome my journey because I know that God is with me. MY CANCERS HAVE TAUGHT ME PATIENCE AND THE AWESOME POWER OF GOD! AND I SAY “MY CAN-CERS” BECAUSE I OWN THEM, THEY DO NOT OWN ME! . . . .AND I SAY TO YOU, WHATEVER COMES YOUR WAY, THINK LOVE! GOD LOVES YOU AND IS WITH YOU ALWAYS. THERE IS NOT ANYTHING IN THE WORLD THAT YOU MAY ENCOUN-TER THAT GOD IS NOT WITH YOU! When in my darkest hours, I turn to God and he sustains me. God gives me strength and hope and I turn all my worries over to him. I WALK WITH GOD. I WALK WITH JESUS. I WALK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. I THINK LOVE. Though I walk through the val-ley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with me. He com-forts me. I am not alone. God takes care of the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and how much more so will he take care of me. GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR EACH OF US. GOD LOVES EACH OF US. THINK PINK! THINK LOVE! And I ask you, just how wonderful is that! Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Thank you, God, for loving me. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for loving me and for being with me always. Amen.

~ Jean Gunn

Family News, Notes & Prayer Requests

Buzz Walker’s test results shows the CT was clear; the bone scan showed several spots of metastasis. He is now scheduled for three rounds of chemo to attack these spots. He thanks you for your prayers and asks you to continue to pray for remission.

Margaret Pool is still in a great deal of pain after her fall. No broken bones, but arms injured. Jan Hunt’s sister, Kay Myers, will have a heart ablation on November 5. Alysonn Suggitt is having abdominal pains and the doctors are not sure what is causing her discomfort. Nelda Cooper’s eldest daughter, Cathy Cooper, was released from the hospital earlier Wednesday and is doing ok now, after being admitted for chest pains. Pamela Kingston is suffering from migraines and asks for prayers for her family. The Nichols’ baby, Maverick, saw his surgeon Oct. 23, for umbilical granuloma and cauterized it rather than sur-gery. Two weeks to see if that will work. Their baby cousin, Harper, is scheduled earlier now, for heart surgery in November. Steven Pitts’ brother in law, Glen Bilyeu, is in early stages of rejection of the lung transplanted a couple of years ago. Continue in prayers for Alison, Aaron , Ziva Willis & the Cam-

bodia Mission. . See the most recent newsletter in the foyer. For Isaiah Shannon. Two of his treatments have been very suc-cessful. For Beavers Family, Ronnie Beavers, Denise BiJeaux, Christi Pittman, daughter-in-law of Sharron Courville Van Cox, Glenda Donnell, Nonalene Dunlap, Peggy Fecowycz, Alexis Green, Sonny Gunn’s family, Elaine Guy, Carolyn Handley’s brother, Harold Woods, Betty Keith, Jack Hyde &

Pam Kingston, Ray & Shirley Knighton, Alton Laird,

Family News, Notes & Prayer Requests

~Nederland Ave. Church of Christ Bulletin, Oct. 26, 2014

Ministry Does the Body Good

[In Acts] we have seen the diverse backgrounds which formed the

first generation of Christians. It is amazing to see how they began,

grew, and flourished. All of us are brought together from different

backgrounds, different ages, different life situations, and unified

through baptism by one Spirit into one body. (I Cor. 12:13) I always

appreciate seeing people from so many walks of life and differ-

ences come together to worship our Father...In society today

many things we do are so segregated by age, gender, race, etc. But

here in worship, it is great to see the body of Christ striving to

work in harmony.

We are all called to use our varied talents, abilities, and lives in the

service of our Lord as Paul tells us we are each a part of the body.

(I Cor. 12: 27) No one should be looked upon as insignificant or less

honorable as they contribute their part to the body, but all should

be held in high honor. Paul follows chapter 12 of I Corinthians

[with the chapter which] outlines the true definition of love. I hope

and pray that it is love that is your motive behind your service in

the body of Christ. In the times that are difficult and challenging to

serve, love can serve as our “fuel” for service– being able to serve

out of our love for God and our love for our fellow man.

...I pray you will get involved in ...ministry opportunities in the fu-

ture and look for new opportunities that you (and we together)

can serve our community. I hope you count it a blessing to be in

ministry to our community and to one another as well. I also pray

you do your part to build up the body of Christ that meets

here...After all, ministry does the (church) body good!

~ Michael Williams

Continue in prayers for Chase LeBlanc, Susan Lee’s

family, David Lindsey’s sisters’ families, Jean Lonadier, Allen Melton, June & Ken Miller, Frances Messina, LaVerne Mitchell, the Nichols Family, Ray Petree, Eretta Pettit, Glenda Reece, Charlie & Needa Reed, Dortha’s son, Steven Morris, and sister Tommie Greer, Isaiah

Shannon, Betty St. Cyr, Melody Temple.

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