infomaker creation universe · 2017. 11. 29. · infomaker creation universe im creation universe...

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    Infomaker Creation Universe IM Creation Universe Public White Paper, November 2017, Peter Månsson/CTO.  


    Content Focus 

    Infomaker Creation Universe includes several powerful toolsets that are described below. The tools are 

    focused on creating content, e.g. an article and to distribute the content for publication as soon as the 

    content is ready to be published. 




    We also focus on the development process, which means several of our solutions are open for you and your 

    developers to enhance. Examples are creating your own content plugins such as embed functionality or 

    your own content styling. Our developer portal helps your developers get up and running in no time.  

    The content can be published in channels like Web, Mobile Apps, Newsletters, ePaper or Printed paper. 

    Every channel owns its publication process. Read more about Infomaker’s solutions for digital presentation 

    in a separate white paper. 



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    Digital readers demands digital content 

    In association with European media houses we have developed the Digital Writer , the tool to create and 

    edit content.  

    Create your stories, amplify with social media, and enrich with images, video and other digital content.  

    With the same simplicity you are used to from social media apps.  

    The creation tool is focused on the three most important tasks for the journalists:  

    ● Creating the content ● Adding metadata  ● Inline enrichments like images, videos and related content 

    The UX is clean and modern, and you will be able to use it without the need for extensive training.  

    The Digital Writer is in full production at several large media houses.  

    Plan and publish 

    There is, of course , the same or greater needs for powerful planning tools to plan content and assignments. 

    You need to get an overview of planning, events, content and publishing workflow. The Newspilot editorial 

    system provides powerful and proven solutions for managing planning. Corresponding solutions for 

    planning the digital publishing process in a modern way have, until now, been absent. 

    We started the development of a publishing planning tool, Newsday Planner, together with the Swedish 

    media house HD-Sydsvenskan. Newsday Planner is a tool that puts content in time slots, which are 

    published by algorithms, AI or an editor. Newsday Planner is an app that runs in the Infomaker Dashboard .   


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    Newsday Planner focus on publishing digital content. Similar function as the Newspilot Whiteboard for 

    print, but adopted for digital content.  

    News Lists and Packages is an app for Infomaker Dashboard that presents a new way of packaging content 

    into digital issues or editions. An example could be the Morning edition, the Evening Edition, a Special 

    edition like the Election or the daily email Newsletter. Create lists and packages for presentation on the 

    web, in your mobile app or any other digital channel.  

    We provide Infomaker Dashboard, Newsday Planner, List and Packages and other modules as Cloud 

    services, of course with your setup and support for your Dashboard apps. 

    Next step: calendar, resources, assignments- and job-planning The need for digital resource and assignment planning is taken care of by our upcoming solution Newsroom 

    Planner. The solution will be developed in cooperation with several media houses. Newsroom Planner 

    manages the process from the calendar event “press conference on friday” with the resulting job planning 

    “we will write a story on the press conference” and assignments “Bob is the reporter” and “Wilma is 

    responsible for photo and video”. You are also able to publish the planning “Don’t miss our presence with 

    live video at the press conference” before the actual content is available.  

    Completeness The digital content creation and planning tools constitute a strong digital universe, combined with effective 

    solutions for planning and production for print and digital content. 

    ● The Dashboard and Start page is the user interface that the reporter and editor meet when they work and where content and tools are visualized in a uniform way.  

    ● Newsroom Planner is the tool to address events, calendar, resources and assignments.  

    ● Newsday Planner is the tool to control publishing online on frontends as web and mobile apps. 

    ● News Lists and Packages is the tool for simple creation of digital issues.  

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    ● Digital Writer is the tool to create content. To create with focus on: content, metadata and enrichment. Writer is a intuitive, simple and straightforward tool, that our users love. To work with 

    our Writer is efficient, fun, and the technology does not constitute any annoying obstacles. With 

    Writer any double processing and stress is eliminated, in combination with users that are 

    comfortable in their environment. 

    ● Open Content and Live Content Cloud is our backend for digital publishing. The content is stored in one place. That can be published online without export, copy or import between different 

    systems. Updated in real time at the reporter’s och editor’s desk. And updated in real time at the 

    reader’s browser and apps.  

    ● Newspilot is the efficient tool to plan and produce print products, but also production and publishing of digital content. Many Infomaker customers continue to work with Newspilot as their 

    main tool. With or without Digital Writer and Dashboard.  

    If the creation tools are combined with our solutions for presentation you will get a very complete 

    universe. From calendar, planning and creation to storage, distribution, notification and presentation. 

    Online, in apps and in print.  



    The ongoing digital transformation has a strong effect on Media  

    The world is going through a digital revolution, where media businesses are the branch of businesses, that 

    so far have been most strongly affected by the digital revolution. Infomaker have been part of the digital 

    revolution from start. We have built a wide experience of such work and can help you and your media 

    house. We know that the digital journey is extensive and complex, especially concerning media houses with 

    long print traditions. 

    We help you to connect the parts and solutions you already have - like Newspilot and other editorial 

    systems - with new possibilities like the Digital Writer och Infomaker Dashboard. If you already are a 

    Newspilot user, there is support for an out-of-the-box straightforward exchange between print and digital 


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    Newspilot moves forward 

    In a digital world that co-exists with print products, Newspilot is the efficient system for planning and 

    producing print products. We develop Newspilot continuously with bug fixes, enhancements and new 

    functions. At the moment we are focusing on: 

    ● Integration of the Digital Writer with the goal of seamless content and meta data flow between Digital Writer and Newspilot. You can use a print article in digital, or use a digital article in print. 

    ● Getting Newspilot’s job, articles, wires, images and previews available in Dashboard. To make that possible great efforts have been put on security and permissions, so that permissions to read/write 

    and execute always is checked on the Newspilot server side. 

    ● Enhancing the integration with InDesign CC, in Desktop and on Server. And to work on the UX experience in the integration between Newspilot and desktop InDesign. 

    ● Newspilot will have two separate clients: 

    ○ The existing Newspilot desktop client: To be used for page planning, page editing, Desks and Admin. Or by print-focused reporters. 

    ○ A new Newspilot App in Dashboard with focus on Reporters. With to-do lists and Digital Writer to create articles and to be able to see jobs, articles, wire news, images and pages.  

    ● Previews of “simulated/virtual” print version in Digital Writer, to make it possible for the Reporter to see the how the article will look in print, before its print version is started or created.  





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