infocado weekly report: rd — 9th marh shading indicates dispatch data yellow shading...

Post on 23-Aug-2021






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The se o d D Matte test fo Ma h as a ied out last eek. Results a e atta hed. % of No th Quee sla d Shepa ds e e i a-tu e. % of No th Quee sla d Shepa ds e e tested ithi da s of the date pa ked a ked o the t a . Feed a k has highlighted so e diffi ult fo g o e s this seaso ith ha esti g atu e f uit due to a ide a ge of f uit atu it o i di idual t ees. This is i pa t due to a stagge ed flo e i g fo Shepa ds follo ed the ou ge f uit sizi g up ui kl i espo se to i igatio .

Feed a k f o B is a e holesale s last eek as e positi e ith o ajo issues ith atu it o ualit epo ted fo No th Quee sla d Shep-a ds. F uit size has ee a issue this seaso ith o l s all ualities of la ge Shepa d f uit a aila le. Wholesale s a e also epo ti g that p i es a e slightl highe the usual fo this ti e of ea due to the la k of Hass i the a ket. This ill ha ge i the e t - eeks as No th Quee sla d e-gi s Hass ha esti g.

Coles sto es i Mel ou e ha e a atalogue spe ial u i g this eek. P i es peaked i so e S d e i depe de t sto es at $ . pe f uit. Shepa ds ha e ee spotted i WA sto es this eek a d olu es ill e i easi g. The Ma h seaso al fo e ast fo s ha e ee e ailed to all pa khouses. Please take the ti e to e ie ou fo e ast a d esu it it. This i fo -

atio ill e used to ge e ate the Ap il Qua te l epo t.


Co e ts

Up o i g Holida s

What ou eed to e a are of for e t o th Du i g the o i g o ths the e ill e o ti uous ad e tisi g o the e ipe e site Taste. o a d its o ile pho e app. I Ap il a TV ad e tisi g u st ill e ta geted at a food elated p og a a oss the Lifest le et o k fo app o i atel eeks. Aust alia A o ados Fa e ook Page has , a d g o i g fa e ook fa s. - posts a eek a e ade o the page usi g ele a t a d ti el

o te t. Fo e a ple he a ho olate a o ado dippi g sau e a d hu os as featu ed o the M Kit he Rules TV p og a , the e t da it as posted o the Aust alia A o ados Fa e ook Page. Ma h posts i luded a St Pat i ks Da the ed g ee sha o k o e aked hips ith a a o ado salad.

O e the o i g o ths Restau a t Maste lasses ill e held i Mel ou e, S d e a d B is a e ta geti g estau a t hefs. A o di g to the Ja ua Qua te l Repo t , , . kg e t a s a e e pe ted i the a ket pla e fo Ap il. , . kg e t a s

a e Hass, , . kg e t a s a e e pe ted fo Shepa d ith the e ai de ei g othe a ieties.

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a o ado suppl hai edu atio aterials

th Ma h - Good F ida | st Ap il—Easte Mo da | th Ap il—ANZAC Da

Report I de

IMPORTANT a d PLEASE NOTE: The o thl fo e ast a d dispat h figu es i the Qua te l I fo ado Repo t i o po ate a allo a e hi h a ies egio to allo fo the p odu tio fo e asts a d dispat hes that a e ot i putted i to the I fo ado s ste . This p odu tio dispat h a d fo e ast data is ot i putted fo a ious easo s i ludi g so e pa khouse’s u illi g ess to e gage ith i dust a d/o la k of o pute a ess. Fo this easo it is ot possi le to e t apolate the figu es f o the Weekl I fo ado

Repo t to o e up ith eithe the dispat h a d/o fo e ast figu es i the Qua te l I fo ado Repo t. At a ti e the Weekl I fo ado Repo t i o po ates a ou d % of total p odu tio a d fo e asts ho e e this does a depe di g o ti e of ea as a esult of the f uit o i g f o diffe e t egio s ith diffe e t le els of pa khouse i put . It is ot fu tio all possi le to i o po ate allo a es fo issi g data i to the Weekl I fo ado Repo t he e the a ia e et ee it a d the

Qua te l I fo ado Repo t.

This essage is i te ded o l fo the use of the add essee, is o fide tial a d a also e legall p i ileged. If ou a e ot the i te ded e ipie t, please otif us i ediatel . You should ot op it o use it fo a pu pose, o dis lose its o te ts to a othe pe so . If ou ha e al ead e ei ed this t a s issio i e o , please otif us i ediatel telepho e a d delete all opies of this t a s issio togethe ith a atta h e ts. The ie s a d opi io s e p essed i this e- ail essage a e the autho 's o a d a ot efle t the ie s a d opi io s of A o ados Aust alia Li ited.

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Ho to o du t Dr Matter tests at ho e

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I fo ado Reports

P : Dispat hes | P : Weekl Fo e asts a d I po t Data | P : Dispat hes Regio a d Co t i uto s | P : Wholesale data | P - : Retail P i i g data

Industry Dispatches By Destination State and Count Size : 23rd March - 29th March 2013 (Wk 13)

Dest. State 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg 5.5kg Trays -


Bulk P/PK Oil Proc 5.5Kg Eqv

Trays All

<16 16 18 20 22 23 25 28 28+ 5.5Kg Eqv 10Kg Kg Kg Kg Total

EXP 1,710 2,649 4,359 4,359

NSW 5 479 2,693 5,281 1,021 9,691 6,501 6,355 1,001 33,027 6,517 6,900 46,131

QLD 15 147 754 1,871 581 4,215 12,160 6,502 152 26,397 6,656 14,430 3,800 41,814

SA / NT 229 493 97 1,275 1,498 3,030 314 6,936 4,575 1,200 15,472

TAS 616 616 192 965

VIC 121 513 2,390 6,534 1,503 8,457 8,054 2,943 401 30,916 9,946 9,800 50,782

WA 8 35 40 62 381 1,488 102 11 2,127 246 40 2,581

Total 149 1,174 6,106 14,241 3,202 24,019 30,317 20,642 4,528 104,378 28,132 32,330 40 3,800 162,103

Green shading indicates dispatch data Yellow shading indicates forecast data

New Zealand Avocado Exports—Forecast v Import Statistics (5.5kg eqv trays) August 2012-April 2013

Export Dest’n Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total to


NZ Export to Australia Forecast 0 100,000 163,165 200,288 221,573 201,354 75,000 2,480 0 963,860

Australia 27,768 106,347 156,090 211,721 71,661 126,478 99,827 2,480 802,372

USA 17 51 3 10

Japan 374 9,797 38,598 44,827 22,186 2,549

Total 28,142 116,144 194,705 256,599 93,847 129,030 99,837 2,480 920,784

Forecast Data (Week 13 - 17)

Variety Trays -


Bulk P/Pk Oil Proc All -




10Kg Kg Kg Kg 5.5Kg


Week 13 - begin 23/03/2013

Hass 2,706 25 20 2,755

Reed 50 10 68

Shepard 120,750 9,014 19,500 1,200 140,902



123,506 9,049 19,500 20 1,200 143,726

Week 14 - begin 30/03/2013

Fuerte 2,700 600 3,791

Hass 3,756 190 20 4,105

Shepard 117,810 11,764 17,500 2,300 142,799



124,266 12,554 17,500 20 2,300 150,695

Week 15 - begin 06/04/2013

Fuerte 1,800 450 2,618

Hass 10,000 860 11,564

Shepard 114,910 10,740 19,000 2,300 138,310



126,710 12,050 19,000 2,300 152,492

Week 16 - begin 13/04/2013

Fuerte 700 50 791

Hass 29,036 3,220 34,891

Sharwil 300 300

Shepard 116,910 9,300 17,000 2,300 137,328



146,946 12,570 17,000 2,300 173,310

Week 17 - begin 20/04/2013

Fuerte 700 50 791

Hass 31,000 3,620 37,582

Shepard 93,500 5,680 11,000 800 105,972



125,200 9,350 11,000 800 144,345

Dispatch Data (Week 13 - begin 23/03/2013)

Variety Trays Bulk P/PK Oil Proc 5.5Kg Eqv

5.5Kg Eqv 10Kg Kg Kg Kg Total Trays

Fuerte 2,481 558 3,496

Hass 233 33 40 300

Shepard 101,664 27,541 32,330 3,800 158,308

Total 104,378 28,132 32,330 40 3,800 162,103

Week o tri utors - Pa khouses Week o tri utors - Wholesalers

All ops Pt Ltd S d e F esh Choi e WA Pt Ltd Pe th

C & S Po te P odu e Pt Ltd Mel ou e Mu a B os B is a e

Costa Fa s Adelaide S ulli & Co Pt Ltd Mel ou e

Costa Fa s B is a e Si lai & A ti o Aust Pt Ltd S d e

Costa Fa s Pe th The La Ma a G oup Adelaide

D kes B os Mel ou e The La Ma a G oup B is a e

Ethe i gto Pe th The La Ma a G oup Mel ou e

E oti F uit T ade s S d e U ited F esh Adelaide

Aussie O ha ds G o e s & Pa ke s O e Ha est

A o ado Estates R & M Wate a

Bell ie O ha ds Pt Ltd Si pso Fa s Pt Ltd Good ood Ho e

Do o a Fa il I est e t T ust Su f esh

Gu ado Fa Su spot Pa khouse Pt Ltd

Hilltop Ma ee a Supe Pak

ID & AM Leighto The A olutio

La e s O ha ds Ti a oo Falls A o ado T ust

Natu es F uit Co pa T opi ado A o ados

Sales Report including Direct Sales from Packhouses, Wholesale Sales and Stock on Hand at Wholesale Level

Trays 5.5kg eqv (incl. Mod6 &

P84) Bulk 10Kg Cartons Pre-Pack Kg Total (5.5Kg Eqv)

Hass Shepard Other Total Hass Shepard Other Total 5.5Kg

Eqv Hass Shepard Other Total


Eqv Hass Shepard Other Total


Total supermarket sales

14,056 14,056


6,900 1,255



Total non supermarket sales 1,229 4,250

5,479 1,056 706

1,762 3,204

3,149 5,534


Total exports

Total sales 1,229 18,306 19,535 1,056 706

1,762 3,204


6,900 1,255 3,149 20,844


Total Stock on Hand 1,800 2,553

4,353 576 597

1,173 2,133

2,847 3,638



Total supermarket sales

16,406 16,406


96 175


9,600 1,745



Total non supermarket sales

17,189 17,189


689 1,253



Total exports





Total sales

37,954 37,954


785 1,427


9,600 1,745



Total Stock on Hand

28,199 2 28,201


361 656

28,855 2 28,857


Total supermarket sales




1,200 218



Total non supermarket sales 999 2,696

3,695 344 362

706 1,284

1,624 3,354


Total exports

Total sales 999 8,473

9,472 344 362

706 1,284


1,200 218 1,624 9,349


Total Stock on Hand 872 10,308 11,180 207 656

863 1,569

1,248 11,501



Total supermarket sales

10,552 10,552


6,300 1,145



Total non supermarket sales 917 9,760 288 10,965 3 1,578 144 1,725 3,136

922 12,629 550 14,101

Total exports

Total sales 917 20,312 288 21,517 3 1,578 144 1,725 3,136


6,300 1,145 922 24,327 550 25,799

Total Stock on Hand 1,015 9,697 24 10,736 189 3,464

3,653 6,642

1,359 15,995 24 17,378


Total supermarket sales 600 1,760

2,360 2

2 4

604 1,760


Total non supermarket sales 3,490

3,490 168

168 305



Total exports

Total sales 4,090 1,760

5,850 170

170 309

4,399 1,760


Total Stock on Hand 2,660 416


2,660 416



Total supermarket sales 600 48,551 49,151 2 96

98 178


24,000 4,364 604 53,089


Total non supermarket sales 6,635 33,895 288 40,818 1,571 3,335 144 5,050 9,182

9,491 39,959 550 50,000

Total exports





Total sales 7,235 86,805 288 94,328 1,573 3,431 144 5,148 9,360

24,000 24,000 4,364 10,095 97,407 550 108,051

Total Stock on Hand 6,347 51,173 26 57,546 972 5,078

6,050 11,000

8,114 60,405 26 68,546

Retail Prices by City, Store and Variety - 1st April 2013

Store Codes

I = Independent Fruit and Vegetable stores

IC = Independent Fruit and Vegetable store Chains

IS = Independent Supermarkets

Special Codes

Cat = fruit is on catalogue special for that city this week

Store = fruit is on special in that store only this week

Country of Origin Codes

Aus = display sign indicates fruit is from Australia

NZ = display sign indicates fruit is from New Zealand

NS = display sign doesn’t say where fruit is from

Size ranges based on 5.5kg trays

Size Weight Range

28 185 - 208g

25 208 - 230g

23 230 - 245g

22 245 - 263g

20 263 - 290g

18 290 - 325g

16 325 - 363g

Store Var Av Wt (g)

Unit Price

Special Country of Origin


Foodworks Shepard 160 0.99 No Aus

Woolworths Shepard 280 1.48 Store Aus

Coles Shepard 260 2.98 No Aus

Woolworths Shepard 280 2.98 No Aus

Woolworths Shepard 270 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 280 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 280 2.98 No Aus

IGA Shepard 210 2.99 No Aus

I Shepard 250 2.99 No Aus

I Shepard 220 2.99 No Aus

I Shepard 250 3.49 No Aus

I Shepard 300 3.49 No Aus

I Shepard 290 3.49 No Aus

IGA Shepard 260 3.50 No Aus

I Shepard 270 3.50 No Aus

Foodworks Hass 280 3.79 No Aus

I Hass 310 4.99 No Aus

I Shepard 290 4.99 No Aus


Woolworths Shepard 160 1.98 Store Aus

I Shepard 240 1.99 No Aus

Woolworths Shepard 250 2.48 Store Aus

Woolworths Shepard 275 2.48 Store Aus

I Shepard 175 2.50 Store Aus

I Shepard 200 2.59 Store Aus

Coles Shepard 240 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 200 2.98 No Aus

IGA Shepard 200 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 205 2.98 No Aus

IGA Shepard 248 2.98 No Aus

I Shepard 290 3.00 Store Aus

I Shepard 300 3.49 Store Aus

Store Var Av Wt (g)

Unit Price

Special Country of Origin


I Hass 168 1.29 Store NS

I Hass 210 1.29 Store NS

I Shepard 250 2.29 No NS

I Shepard 240 2.49 No Aus

I Shepard 235 2.50 No Aus

Safeway Shepard 230 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 2.3 2.98 Cat Aus

Safeway Shepard 255 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 270 2.98 Cat Aus

Coles Shepard 250 2.98 Cat Aus

Safeway Shepard 235 2.98 No Aus

IS Shepard 240 2.99 No Aus

IGA Shepard 255 2.99 No Aus

I Shepard 275 3.48 No Aus

I Shepard 260 3.49 No Aus

I Shepard 270 3.79 No Aus

I Shepard 280 3.79 No Aus


IS Hass 215 2.69 Store Aus

Woolworths Hass 220 2.98 No Aus

Coles Hass 225 2.98 No Aus

Woolworths Hass 230 2.98 No Aus

Woolworths Hass 235 2.98 No Aus

Coles Hass 185 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 215 2.98 No Aus

Coles Shepard 215 2.98 No Aus

I Hass 315 2.98 No Aus

I Hass 250 2.99 No Aus

IGA Hass 240 3.19 No Aus

IGA Hass 260 3.49 No Aus

I Hass 230 3.50 No Aus

IGA Hass 240 3.99 No Aus

I Hass 250 3.99 No Aus

I Hass 275 3.99 No Aus

IGA Hass 345 3.99 No Aus

Avocado DM Content Report

Fruit collected 25 March 2013

Proportion of fruit tested for each dry matter interval 27 March 2013

Dry Matter Intervals NQ CQ SC SQ Tam/NR CNSW Tri WA

Hass Shepard Hass Shepard Hass Hass Hass Hass Hass Hass

<=18% 0% 0%

18.1%-20.9% 24% 0%

21%-22.9% 25% 0%

23%-28% 39% 0%

28.1%-40% 12% 90%

>40% 0% 10%

Highest DM recorded

Lowest DM recorded

Proportion of fruit tested by age 27 March 2013

From Date Packed NQ CQ SC SQ Tam/NR CNSW Tri WA

Hass Shepard Hass Shepard Hass Hass Hass Hass Hass Hass

<= 7 days 15% 100%

8-14 days 46%

15 - 21 days 8%

22 - 29 days

> 29 days

No date recorded 31%

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