inferring discount rates from time-preference experiments

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Economics Letters 123 (2014) 212–215

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Inferring discount rates from time-preference experiments✩

Eric Duquette a, Nathaniel Higgins a,∗, John Horowitz b

a Economic Research Service, USDA. 355 E St, SW, Washington, DC 20174, United Statesb Office of Tax Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20220, United States

h i g h l i g h t s

• Inferred discount rates in time-preference experiments depend on payment spreading.• We calculate optimal spreading for a given set of behavioral and design parameters.• Inferred discount rates are near risk-neutral rates under optimal spreading.• Estimated discount rates mostly reflect pure rates of time preference.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 11 July 2013Received in revised form6 February 2014Accepted 14 February 2014Available online 26 February 2014

JEL classification:C90D01D03D81D90

Keywords:Time preferenceDiscount ratesExperimental economicsRisk preference

a b s t r a c t

We observe that identification of the discount rate from experimental data requires an assumptionabout the consumption period, the length of time over which a payment will be turned into utility-providing consumption. We show that the optimal consumption period is substantially longer thanassumed in previous studies.When the consumption period is allowed to take onmore reasonable values,the discount rates implied by experimental choices are unreasonably large and relatively insensitive toassumptions about utility curvature.

Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction

A time preference experiment is one that asks individuals tochoose between $X now and a larger amount of $Y in the fu-ture. As pointed out by researchers, these experiments elicit acombined discount rate/utility curvature parameter (e.g. Freder-ick et al., 2002 and Andersen et al., 2008). If utility is linear,i.e. zero utility-curvature, the implied discount rates from theseexperiments are often quite high, a finding that has broad im-plications. If researchers instead allow for risk aversion, typicallyinferred from a separate or related set of experiments, the im-plied discount rates are smaller and have less drastic implications.

✩ The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed tothe Economic Research Service, the USDA, or the United States Treasury.∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 202 694 5602.

E-mail addresses: (E. Duquette),, (N. Higgins). by Elsevier B.V.

Andersen et al. (2008), for instance, show that implied averagediscount rates for the Danish population decrease from approxi-mately 25% to 10% after controlling for utility curvature.1

In this paper we note that identification of the discount ratefrom experimental data further requires an assumption about theconsumption period, the length of time over which some gift ofmoneywill be turned into utility-providing consumption. Previousresearchers have assumed a consumption period of 1–10 days. Weargue here that these are quite short and that they should varywith the individual’s discount rate and utility curvature. When theconsumption period is allowed to take on more reasonable values,the discount rates implied by experimental choices are again largeand relatively insensitive to assumptions about utility curvature.

1 Laury et al. (2012) use a novel experimental design that attempts to eliminatethe influence of utility curvature by having individuals make choices over time-delineated probabilistic payments. The researchers estimate discount rates of11%–12% in two experiments.

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2. Optimal spreading and implied discount rates

We explore the inference of discount rates in the context ofa time-preference experiment in which an individual choosesbetween an early payment, M0, received at day t0 and a later butlarger payment, M1 received at day t1 > t0. Present discountedutility of the early payment under exponential discounting andadditively-separable per-period utility is:

PDU0 =



1 + δ


U (ω) background consmp.




1 + δ



ω +M0


λ days of background consmp. plus experimental payment




1 + δ


U (ω) background consmp.

, (1)

where δ is the individual’s annual discount rate, ω is backgroundconsumption, T is the time horizon, and U(·) is the instantaneousutility of consumption. Following Andersen et al. (2008), theindividual spreads consumption of the payment evenly over λ0days and thus consumes M0/λ0 per day over that period. Definein a similar fashion the present discounted utility, PDU1, under thelater payment, M1, and consumption period, λ1. Similarly to otherstudies, we assume that background consumption is constant overtime.

An individual’s preferred spreading period is motivated by thetwo basic behavioral parameters of our model: the discount rateand risk-aversion. Risk-averse individuals will want to spreadconsumption over multiple days to increase the marginal valueof instantaneous utility in each period, and therefore their totalutility. This utility increase is offset by the additional discounting ofutility that occurs for consumption on days further into the futurefrom the present time. Our model suggests, for example, that risk-neutral individuals would choose not to spread at all.

Without gooddata or experimental evidence on the timepath ofconsumption flows, most experimental studies eliciting discountrates have assumed individuals consume their payments in oneday (e.g., Andersen et al., 2008, Tanaka et al., 2010, Andreoni andSprenger, 2012 and Meier and Sprenger, 2012).2 We show thatthis consumption period is woefully sub-optimal given the otherparameters estimated or assumed in these studies. Suppose theindividual has CRRA utility, U(c) = c1−ρ/(1 − ρ) and supposethe individual chooses the period over which to consume M0 (orM1) given discount rate δ and utility curvature ρ. Fig. 1 showsthe value of λ that maximizes (1) for a range of {δ, ρ} valuesgiven background consumption of $20 and an early payment of$405, denoted λ∗.3 For comparison to previous work, we examineδ = 0.1 and ρ = 0.75, which are approximately the valuesestimated by Andersen et al. under the assumption of λ = 1 for

2 Andersen et al. (2008) examine periods of greater than one day but their mainresults are based on a consumption period of one day since this one day periodmaximized the log-likelihood of their estimates; their log-likelihood is quite flat inthis dimension, however. Andersen et al. further assumed the spreading period tobe the same for the early and late payment.3 Our figures show values for a relative risk-aversion parameter between 0 and

0.8. The patterns we find apply at all levels of ρ: higher ρ implies a lower discountrate and more consumption spreading, all else equal. The lack of capital markets inour model constrains spreading to being non-negative.

Fig. 1. Optimal consumption spreading.

the Danish population. For this {δ, ρ} pair, we find the optimalspreading period, λ∗, is 234 days.4

Time-preference experiments attempt to infer δ from individ-uals’ choices between the earlier (M0) and later (M1) payments,based on some other knowledge of (or assumption about) ρ. To seethe implications of optimal spreading for this inference, we lookat the set of the {δ, ρ} that would be consistent with an individ-ual being indifferent between an earlier payment of M0 = $405 att0 = 14 and a later payment of M1 = $515 at t1 = 270, assumingω = $20 and setting λ0 = λ∗

0 and λ1 = λ∗

1 . Results are in Fig. 2.A risk-neutral individual who was indifferent between these twopayments would have a discount rate of δ ≈ 0.41.5 Higher ρ’s are,of course, associatedwith lower δ’s, but the extent to which the in-ferred δ varies is quite small when λ is chosen optimally. As Fig. 2shows, an individualwith risk aversionρ = 0.75would need a dis-count rate only slightly below the risk-neutral individual’s, 0.38, tobe indifferent between the two payments.

Fig. 2 shows for comparison the same curve when λ isconstrained to equal 1. This curve is the set of {δ, ρ} that wouldbe consistent with the individual being indifferent between ourearly and late payments conditional on λ = 1. Here, an individualwith risk aversion ρ = 0.75 who was indifferent between thetwo payments would have an inferred discount rate δ = 0.16.This inferred rate is substantially lower than implied by optimalconsumption spreading. Studies which adjust inferred discountrates so as to account for utility-curvature may be finding muchlower estimates of δ than are truly representative of individuals’time preferences because these studies do not allow for optimal(or even reasonable) consumption spreading.

4 Our comparison to Andersen et al. (2008) is not exact because they use a slightlylarger payment amount of $458 for their early payment. Higher payments sizes,however, will only increase the optimal spreading period. Our choice of $405 in 14days is based on a time preference experiment we conducted with a sample of 208US farmers (Duquette et al., 2012).5 In Duquette et al. (2012), we estimated an average discount rate of 0.34 under

continuous compounding and risk neutrality. Our choice of a risk-neutral rate of0.41 here is based upon estimates using daily compounding, whichmakes for easiercomparison to other estimates in the literature.

214 E. Duquette et al. / Economics Letters 123 (2014) 212–215

Fig. 2. Implied discount rates under optimal and fixed spreading.

3. Quasi-optimal spreading

Optimal consumption spreading is a strong assumption inthese models. As Horowitz (1991), Andersen et al., and othershave pointed out, individuals who fully optimize backgroundconsumption and consumption spreading given a market rateof return for borrowing or saving would have inferred risk-neutral discount rates equal to the market rate of return (e.g.Fuchs, 1982; Lowenstein, 1987; Horowitz, 1991 and Pender,1996). In such a case, experimental choices would reveal nothingabout utility parameters. Much of the experimental literature hasfound individual behavior to be inconsistent with these obviouslystrong assumptions (e.g., Coller andWilliams, 1999). We thereforeexamine discount rate inferences under two versions of quasi-optimal spreading, which we called (i) fixed and (ii) proportionalspreading.

Results are shown in Fig. 3. The dot–dash line in Fig. 3 showsthe set of {δ, ρ} consistent with an individual being indifferentbetween the early and late payments when the individual isassumed to have a consumption period (λ = 50) longer thanassumed by previous studies but fixed across individuals (i.e., λ isnot allowed to depend on δ and ρ). Alternatively, the dotted line inFig. 3 shows the curvewhen λ = 0.1λ∗. For this case, consumptionspreading is allowed to vary with δ and ρ, such that more riskaverse or more patient individuals will have longer consumptionspreading (consistent with Fig. 1), but the individual is constrainedto have shorter-than-desired spreading. Since λ∗ varies from 10(for the early payment when δ = 0.41 and ρ = 0.01) to 144 days(for the late payment when δ = 0.38 and ρ = 0.8), this curveshows preferences for λ ranging from 1 to 14 days; in other words,closer to the spreading periods assumed under previous analysis,but varying across individuals.

In both of these quasi-optimal cases, inferred discount rates arerelatively insensitive to assumptions about ρ, and aremuch higherthan under the typical assumption of λ = 1. For example, whenρ = 0.75, the discount rate that is consistent with indifferencebetween the early and late payments is 0.35 when λ = 50 and0.34 when λ = 0.1λ∗. These discount rate values are much closerto the risk-neutral rate than the inferred 0.16 discount rate whenλ is fixed at 1 day.

4. Discussion

Starting with Thaler (1981), economists have found discountrates measured in time preference experiments to be extremelyhigh, in the range of 20% or higher, and discounting behavior hasvaried widely across studies, with no particular pattern that hints

Fig. 3. Implied discount rates under quasi-optimal spreading.

at convergence (Frederick et al., 2002). Recent authors have notedthat these experiments measure a combined discount rate/riskaversion parameter and that when care is taken to separate outrisk aversion, the inferred discount rates are lower, although stillsomewhat high compared to values used in, say, most macrosimulations.

Risk aversion is perceived to be important in these experimentsnot because payments are uncertain (experimenters typically takepains to reassure subjects that payments are very certain) butbecause payments are lumpy. Individuals who receive a laterpayment – and who consume that payment in one fell swoop –receive little additional utility from the higher payment if they arerisk averse and therefore aremore likely to take an earlier payment.If researchers did not account for risk aversion, this behaviorwouldappear to show a high discount rate.

The forces that lead the individual to devalue the lumpypayment would also lead her to spread the payment over multipleperiods, however. As this paper has shown, once we allowindividuals even a slight bit of consumption spreading, their choicebehavior depends primarily on the discount rate. This occurs bothbecause nearly all individuals want to spread consumption overmore than a single day and because more risk averse individualswant to spread consumptionmore than less risk averse individuals.Relaxing either one of these assumptions about spreading leadsinferred discount rates to be higher and much closer to the riskneutral rate.

There are at least two future research paths suggested by thisresearch. First, researchers could attempt to estimate individuals’consumption periods. Second, there are a number of experimentalstudies that allow individuals to have time-inconsistent behavior,which can be representedwithmore general forms for discounting(e.g., Benhabib et al., 2010). It would be worthwhile to examinewhether longer spreading periods affect discounting parametersunder these other forms of discounting.


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