indie rock

Post on 17-Aug-2015



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What kind of media institution might distribute

your media product and why?

There are various distribution methods, the most commonly used method is through printed copies which

are popularly sold in news agents and shops such as WHSmiths. Although internet distribution is becoming

increasingly popular, as this method has beneficial effects such as, decreases the waste of resources and provides easy access for the readers to find and view

the magazine. There are also environmental benefits as this saves money from printing and does not waste

paper. Magazines are also accessible through smartphones and similar devices through apps, this is

attractive to the younger audience due to increase interest of the internet and devices, as this is

distributed through modern technology.

Through research I found that similar magazines, which have relation to my genre of an indie rock magazine, have the same publisher, Bauer

Media Group. These specific type of publisher, distributes magazines such as Kerrang! And Q. Therefore I believe Bauer Media Group would be most

likely to distribute my music magazine, as my magazine is within the same genre and the magazines follow the same conventions. This is a successful

publisher as they distribute a numerous amount of magazines. The magazines follow the same conventions as my magazines, as an example

each magazines have the same structure and layout, for example the mast head is positioned in the same place as Q and positions the cover lines in the same place, around the artist. Also, another factor which is common with magazines that Bauer Media Group publish is that, we equally have

short, one word (letter) titles of our magazines, which denote how in common my magazine is to other magazines distrusted through Bauer Media Group. Therefore it would be most possible Bauer Media Group

would distribute my music magazine.

However, through extended research I found that Bauer Media Group publish magazines on less expensive paper, by contrast I planned my

magazine to be distributed through glossy, more expensive paper. Bauer Media Group publish less quality products and lower priced magazines,

although this would widen their range of products and increase their gaps in the market.

NME magazine is the magazine which my music magazine have the most common within, equally our magazines follow the same conventions, structure and content.

We share a short title for our magazines, which consist of three letters, both standing for something, as an example NME stand for new musical express and IRM

stands for indie rock music. This makes the title attractive and emphasises the relation of music in the magazines, ensuring the magazine to be recognised as a music magazine. Both magazines share the same colour theme throughout, red,

white and black with an added colour. Our magazines follow the same genre, indie rock music magazines. As a majority, within both the magazines everything is

positioned in the same place, following the same layout. This is due to using NME as inspiration when creating my magazine.

Therefore I researched the NME publisher and found that NME distributed their magazine from 2002 themselves to stores and then in 2009, teamed with John Menzies so they were able to distribute their magazine online. I found that IPC

publish NME and I believe this would be the most likely publisher of my magazine. I believe this company would distribute my music magazine as IRM follows the same conventions, structure and genre as NME. NME is also distributed on higher quality

and price, which relates more to my magazine. There is more is common with magazines which IPC publish and would be more successful to distribute my

magazine as it follows the same genre and audience. I believe IPC are more likely to publish my magazine, as I believe this is more what IPC are looking for when


In conclusion I believe it would be most successful to choose IPC media as my distribution company, as personally I believe this is most suited to my

magazine, for example same conventions, genre, structure and quality. In order to be most

successful I believe it should be distributed through chain supermarkets, as this is most

popular method when buying magazines. The idea of distributing magazines through the internet is also another idea to consider, as this would be

most likely appeal to my target audience of young people.

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