indian medical tourism

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Root Canal

Our teeth are meant to last a generation. Sometimes, however, damage occurs to a tooth (often from a deep crater or an injury that causes a tooth to crack) and the inside of the tooth converts infected. This infection damages the pulp of the tooth – the network of blood pitchers and nerves inside.


A mastoidectomy is done to remove diseased mastoid air cells. These compartments sit in a dull space in the skull, behind the ear. The diseased cells are habitually the result of an ear infection that has supper into the skull. Sometimes the infection feasts onto the temporal bone. If this befalls, parts of the bone may need to be detached. This results in hearing harm.


Cranioplasty is the surgical overhaul of a bone defect in the mind that left behind after a previous operation or wound. There are different kinds of cranioplasties, but most involve enlivening the scalp and restoring the silhouette of the skull with the original skull section or a custom contoured graft made from physical such as Titanium (plate or mesh) 

The nasal septum is the wall amid the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages. It ropes the nose and directs airflow. The septum is made of thin bone in the back and gristle in the front. A deviated septum camera.gif occurs when the cartilage or bone is not orthodox.

Stem cells that reconstruct all types of blood cells treat a figure of fatal diseases. Trials show that the transfer of haematopoietic stem cells can inversion autoimmunity. Most patients with autoimmune disease have usual life expectancy though some hurt severe autoimmunity. 

Surgical Ablation

This is a process to treat atrial fibrillation (AFib), a type of uneven heartbeat. It can help keep your heartbeat in a normal rhythm. Your doctor may try ablation if medications or retuning your heartbeat, called cardioversion, don’t exertion. Surgical ablation involves wounding into your chest. Sometimes this surgery is called the maze process. Most people with AFib can have aperture surgery or robotically assisted surgery.

Arthroscopy Shoulder Surgery

Shoulder Arthroscopy surgery uses a minor camera, an arthroscope, to checkered or repair the tendons in the spinner cuff of the shoulder that may have undecided due to overuse or injury. The arthroscope is familiarized through a small cut in your skin and is connected to a video display. Your shoulder matters can be inspected thoroughly and restored. 

Throat Cancer

Throat cancer refers to tumorous tumors that develop in your throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx) or tonsils. Greatest throat cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. This means they grow in the squamous cells that line the throat. The main risk issues for throat cancer are smoking or by smokeless tobacco and use of alcohol. Symptoms of throat cancer are trouble living or speaking, frequent headaches, pain or clear in the ears, trouble believing and ear pain.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a multifaceted series of procedures used to treat fertility or genetic glitches and assist with the beginning of a child. During IVF, mature eggs are composed (retrieved) from your fruits and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then the pollinated egg (embryo) or eggs are fixed in your uterus. One cycle of IVF takes about two weeks. IVF is the most real form of assisted generative technology. The procedure can be done using your own spawns and your partner's sperm.

Address: Building No - 18, 2nd Floor, Sector - 44, Gurgaon - 122002 (Haryana) IndiaBranch Office: MUMBAI, LONDON &

AFGHANISTANPhone: +91 8750 101 101


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