independent mobile advertising platforms to tap market and solve mobile advertising puzzles in india

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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Independent Mobile Advertising Platforms To Tap Market And Solve Mobile Advertising Puzzles In India

As more and more people are turning to the use of feature-rich smartphones in order to shop, search, find and surf various information and data, advertisers have smelt the new way to go mobile and ensure an easy reach to mobile users. B2C communication is the modern way to bringing customers close to brand by reaching their own communication channels. Mobile advertising companies in India uses various independent mobile advertising platforms that render technology, tools and services in order to help advertisers to place a number of ads in mobile devices of all sizes and types. With this way, advertising companies help marketers maximize their ad revenue, increase sales, bring customers close to the brand, generate more leads and get useful user insights.

Millenial Media, LeadBolt, Adfonic, Smaato, Mojiva, InMobi, and JumpTap are some of the renowned and widely popular advertising platforms that are widely used by advertising companies for rendering mobile marketing solutions in India. Let’s have a look at how the advertising platforms tap the market. These include:

Reach target specific audience Get useful insights Get comprehensive ad solutions Handle your own marketing campaign Leave an impact on the users and engage with them with videos Ad discovery and lead generation Interstitial ads Capture forms to generate lead and tap the market Targeted mobile advertising to help advertisers target and engage specific mobile users Real time bidding and bid for ad space time Track your conversions in real time Generate more traffic to your app Connect with range of developers Cutting edge solutions Scheduling ads and CPC revenue model Earn money by displaying ads

With mentioned-above benefits and solutions, it is easy to predict that popular advertising platforms are going to rock the advertising world. Being widely used by advertising companies as perfect way to communicate with customers, these platforms are the best mobile marketing solutions that make brand popular in the competitive market of India.

Gone are the days when traditional marketing channels were meant only for a number of people. This made the marketers face immense loss as they targeted the bigger market but only a few people had access to newspapers, radio or other channel. But now mobile world has changed the whole scenario as advertisers can directly reach to their audience with explicit and clear advertisers that create an appeal. Although there are many online and advertising platforms, yet they have their own features and restrictions that can affect the performance of the to-be-advertised product or service. That is why advertisers need to know their specific needs first before making any contact with any mobile advertising companies in India that boast of its advertising solutions with no hassles.

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