incf japan node panflet as of 2013 december

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INCF Japan Node

Neuroinformatics Japan Center,RIKEN Brain Science Institute

2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198 JapanTel : +81-(0)48-467-6454 E-Mail :


Issued in December 2013

Neuroinformatics Japan Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e


Chronology of International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)1996 Establishment of Neuroinformatics Working Group in OECD Mega Science Forum1998 Proposal for OECD Mega Science Forum “Bioinformatics”2000 Takeover of functions of OECD Global Science Forum2004 Proposal made at OECD CSTP2005 INCF launched (headquartered at Karolinska Institute in Sweden) Chair of the governing board: Sten Grillner, Vice chair: Shun-ichi Amari2007 INCF secretariat established2008 1st INCF Congress (Stockholm, Sweden)2009 INCF external review Vice chair: Keiji Tanaka2013 Chair: Jan Bjaalie, Vice chair: Keiji Tanaka (2nd term)

Chronology of INCF Japan Node1996 Participation in OECD MSF/GSF Neuroinformatics Working Group Representative of Japan: Shun-ichi Amari (Vice chair), Shiro Usui1999-2004 Launch of development of Visiome Platform by Project on Neuroinformatics Research in Vision (PI: Shiro Usui), funded by MEXT Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology2002 Launch of Neuroinformatics team (NI team) in RIKEN Brain Science Institute (PI: Shiro Usui)2005 Establishment of Neuroinformatics Japan Center (NIJC) in RIKEN Brain Science Institute Primary director: Shun-ichi Amari, Vice director: Shiro Usui MEXT requests RIKEN’ s participation Launch of INCF Japan Node and 6 initial platforms2006 Commemorative symposium to mark the establishment of the INCF Japan Node2007 2nd Director: Shiro Usui2008 First external review of 8 platforms of INCF Japan Node2010 3rd INCF Congress in Kobe Japan, with local organizing committee acting as secretariat 2012 3rd Director: Yoko Yamaguchi Basic technologies developed by NI team succeeded by NIJC Second external review of 11 platforms of INCF Japan Node2013 Yoshihiro Okumura, Takayuki Kannon, Koji Makimura and Keiichiro Inagaki awarded RIKEN Incentive Award FY 2013 for their contribution on “Development of Innovative Neuroinformatics Platform by using XooNIps”

RIKEN Brain Science InstituteNeuroinformatics Japan Center

Brain science is valuable not only for the advancement of science but also because it can greatly impact our society and economy. To meet these expectations, the Brain Science Institute (BSI) was established in 1997 as part of RIKEN, an independent research institution supported by the Japanese government. BSI aims to develop domestic and international brain researchers by creating an environment that will integrate various intellectual disciplines and from that convergence find solutions that will ultimately benefit society in the realms of medicine, engineering, business, and education. At the starting time of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) in 2005, Neuroinformatics Japan Center (NIJC) was founded at RIKEN BSI as the home to INCF Japan Node and helps to bridge INCF and Japan’ s Neuroinformatics. Together with universities and research institutes all over Japan, RIKEN BSI helps to promote the construction of original databases and utility environments for domestic and international uses.RIKEN BSI is starting RIKEN BSI Research Database Portal as well, for the purpose of sharing state-of-the art data obtained at RIKEN BSI.

Japan has acknowledged the importance of neuroinformatics and has been working to develop an infrastructure since before the launching of INCF. In promoting neuroinformatics, we have three objectives:・To provide web access to neuroinformatics data, models, and tools.・To promote collaboration transcending disciplinary and regional barriers.・To ensure that the knowledge gained through neuroinformatics will be applied to meet society’s needs.Since the INCF Japan Node office was located in the Neuroinformatics Japan Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, we have developed innovative projects all over Japan in collaboration with universities and research institutes. This include creating and making publically available, 12 web-based databases known as platforms, as well as developing an environment in which data, models, and tools can be seamlessly shared across these platforms. The INCF Japan Node also functions to transmit original undertakings of this kind to the rest of Japan and overseas. We look forward to your active participation.

INCF Japan Node 32 INCF Japan Node

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e

I N C F J a p a n N o d e

M e s s a g e

Neuroinformatics is a new research field combining neuroscience

and informatics to develop and apply advanced tools and

approaches that will enhance our understanding of the structure and

functions of the brain.

The synergy from combining these approaches is expected to

accelerate scientific and technological progress, resulting in major

medical, social, and economic benefits, and on August 1, 2005, the

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) was

established at the recommendation of the Global Science Forum

(GSF) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD), to promote the development of

neuroinformatics as a global effort.

The mission of INCF Japan Node is to promote neuroinformatics

within Japan, in collaboration with INCF.

Neuroinformatics and the Mission of INCF Japan Node

INCF Japan Node Organization for Neuroinformatics Cooperation and Development



INCF National Nodes

Neuroinformatics JapanCenter(NIJC)RIKEN Brain Science Institute Japan Node Committee

National Framework of Strategic Planning

Collaborative Project with University/Research Institute throughout Japan

INCFJapan Node

Head Office: Sweden (Karolinska Institute) Brain Science Committee

Planning and Oversight of NIJCNIJC Steering Committee

Web Database Development ( 12 Research Databases Fields )PF Coordinating Committees ( 11 )

BelgiumCzech RepublicFinlandFranceGermany


PolandRepublic of KoreaSwedenSwitzerland United Kingdom

United StatesVictoria, Australia

Japan Node


Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Susumu Tonegawa, Ph.D.Neuroinformatics Japan Center Director

Yoko Yamaguchi, Ph.D.

Secretariat Coordination, Infrastructure Maintenance, Developing and Operating the System

Request [Participation in INCF, Funding the Contributions, Support for Drawing the Framework]

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Brain science is valuable not only for the advancement of science but also because it can greatly impact our society and economy. To meet these expectations, the Brain Science Institute (BSI) was established in 1997 as part of RIKEN, an independent research institution supported by the Japanese government. BSI aims to develop domestic and international brain researchers by creating an environment that will integrate various intellectual disciplines and from that convergence find solutions that will ultimately benefit society in the realms of medicine, engineering, business, and education. At the starting time of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) in 2005, Neuroinformatics Japan Center (NIJC) was founded at RIKEN BSI as the home to INCF Japan Node and helps to bridge INCF and Japan’ s Neuroinformatics. Together with universities and research institutes all over Japan, RIKEN BSI helps to promote the construction of original databases and utility environments for domestic and international uses.RIKEN BSI is starting RIKEN BSI Research Database Portal as well, for the purpose of sharing state-of-the art data obtained at RIKEN BSI.

Japan has acknowledged the importance of neuroinformatics and has been working to develop an infrastructure since before the launching of INCF. In promoting neuroinformatics, we have three objectives:・To provide web access to neuroinformatics data, models, and tools.・To promote collaboration transcending disciplinary and regional barriers.・To ensure that the knowledge gained through neuroinformatics will be applied to meet society’s needs.Since the INCF Japan Node office was located in the Neuroinformatics Japan Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, we have developed innovative projects all over Japan in collaboration with universities and research institutes. This include creating and making publically available, 12 web-based databases known as platforms, as well as developing an environment in which data, models, and tools can be seamlessly shared across these platforms. The INCF Japan Node also functions to transmit original undertakings of this kind to the rest of Japan and overseas. We look forward to your active participation.

INCF Japan Node 32 INCF Japan Node

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e

I N C F J a p a n N o d e

M e s s a g e

Neuroinformatics is a new research field combining neuroscience

and informatics to develop and apply advanced tools and

approaches that will enhance our understanding of the structure and

functions of the brain.

The synergy from combining these approaches is expected to

accelerate scientific and technological progress, resulting in major

medical, social, and economic benefits, and on August 1, 2005, the

International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) was

established at the recommendation of the Global Science Forum

(GSF) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD), to promote the development of

neuroinformatics as a global effort.

The mission of INCF Japan Node is to promote neuroinformatics

within Japan, in collaboration with INCF.

Neuroinformatics and the Mission of INCF Japan Node

INCF Japan Node Organization for Neuroinformatics Cooperation and Development



INCF National Nodes

Neuroinformatics JapanCenter(NIJC)RIKEN Brain Science Institute Japan Node Committee

National Framework of Strategic Planning

Collaborative Project with University/Research Institute throughout Japan

INCFJapan Node

Head Office: Sweden (Karolinska Institute) Brain Science Committee

Planning and Oversight of NIJCNIJC Steering Committee

Web Database Development ( 12 Research Databases Fields )PF Coordinating Committees ( 11 )

BelgiumCzech RepublicFinlandFranceGermany


PolandRepublic of KoreaSwedenSwitzerland United Kingdom

United StatesVictoria, Australia

Japan Node


Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Susumu Tonegawa, Ph.D.Neuroinformatics Japan Center Director

Yoko Yamaguchi, Ph.D.

Secretariat Coordination, Infrastructure Maintenance, Developing and Operating the System

Request [Participation in INCF, Funding the Contributions, Support for Drawing the Framework]

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e

4 INCF Japan Node INCF Japan Node 5

Platforms of fered by Japan Node

INCF Japan Node Portal

Integrates research papers, experimental data, mathematical models and tools, and other information associated with research on vision (i.e. the retina, psychophysics, and higher-level visual functions) and makes this data publicly available.

Visiome Platform(Visiome PF)

Vision Science

1. Morphological and physiological data on neurons and brains of various inveterate species,

2. Materials on sensory and nervous systems, and specific behaviors,

3. Data and software for neuronal circuit simulation of silkmoth brain,

4. Industrial and educational applications for brains of insects

Invertebrate Brain Platform(IVB-PF)


Biology Biological Education

Cerebellum Experiment Theory


Zoology Insect Science

1. Database of BMI-related papers, 2. Database of original contents, 3. Database of BMI-related research sites,

4. Database of BMI-related materials,

5. Column on BMI-related topics

Brain Machine Interface Platform(BMI-PF)

Neuro-Imaging Platform(NIMG-PF)




Computational Neuroscience

Promotes studies on the dynamic principles of brain functions through unifying experimental and computational approaches at the cellular, local circuit, global network and behavioral levels

Dynamic Brain Platform(DB-PF)Cerebellar Development Transcriptome Database(CDT-DB)

Microarray and in situ hybridization analysis data, bioinformatics (information on relevant genes, proteins, expression and references) and various search tools (expression patterns and ontologies) of mouse brain development genes

Portal for all INCF Japan Node Platforms

Used to accumulate information relating to neuroimaging research field. Not only provides information on published papers, experimental data, measurement and analysis methods, but also a tutorial course introducing brain research, particularly for novice researchers. Also serves as a unique reference for papers on brain activity region for advanced researchers.

Digital research archive for cerebellar research. Resources include mini-reviews of contemporary cerebellar research, list of papers and mathematical models for cerebellar operation.

Cerebellar Platform(Cerebellar PF)

Brain Science Neuroscience Behavioral Science


Platform is comprised of: 1. CBSN database, a forum for researchers to share their research,

2. Neuroscientist-SNS, a social networking service for communication among scientists in the field of brain science,

3. The Mouse Phenotype Database containing raw data of behavioral tests derived from various genetically engineered mice.

Comprehensive Brain Science Network Platform(CBSN-PF)

Offers a virtual machine (VM) simulating a mathematical model. Users can execute computational models without installing any software and tools on own computer. VM simulations are automatically executed on the cloud.

Simulation Platform(Sim-PF)

Virtual MachineModel Simulation

Online dictionary for students and researchers in neuroscience field, which is a Wikipedia-style dictionary but written only by invited authors with peer reviewing process. Items are explained in Japanese. Articles can be accessed by anybody without any fee. Managed by the Editorial Committee headed by Drs. Keiji Tanaka and Katsuhiko Mikoshiba (both in RIKEN Brain Science Institute) as a part of the Japan Node of International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility. A totally non-profit, researcher-initiated, public awareness activity.

Brain Science Dictionary(BSD)

Brain Sciences in General

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience



Managed by CBSN PF. Contains raw data of behavioral tests derived from a variety of genetically engineered mice.

(MP-DB)Mouse Phenotype Database

Brain Science Neuroscience Behavioral Science

Genetics Original database obtained by laboratories of RIKEN Brain Science Institute. Funded by BSI director fund.

BSI Neuroinformatics(BSI-NI)

Data and Tools in Brain Sciences


https://sim.neuroinf.jphttps://dynamicbrain.neuroinf.jpDynamics of Cell.Circuit and Brain

Experiment/Computational Theory

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e

4 INCF Japan Node INCF Japan Node 5

Platforms of fered by Japan Node

INCF Japan Node Portal

Integrates research papers, experimental data, mathematical models and tools, and other information associated with research on vision (i.e. the retina, psychophysics, and higher-level visual functions) and makes this data publicly available.

Visiome Platform(Visiome PF)

Vision Science

1. Morphological and physiological data on neurons and brains of various inveterate species,

2. Materials on sensory and nervous systems, and specific behaviors,

3. Data and software for neuronal circuit simulation of silkmoth brain,

4. Industrial and educational applications for brains of insects

Invertebrate Brain Platform(IVB-PF)


Biology Biological Education

Cerebellum Experiment Theory


Zoology Insect Science

1. Database of BMI-related papers, 2. Database of original contents, 3. Database of BMI-related research sites,

4. Database of BMI-related materials,

5. Column on BMI-related topics

Brain Machine Interface Platform(BMI-PF)

Neuro-Imaging Platform(NIMG-PF)




Computational Neuroscience

Promotes studies on the dynamic principles of brain functions through unifying experimental and computational approaches at the cellular, local circuit, global network and behavioral levels

Dynamic Brain Platform(DB-PF)Cerebellar Development Transcriptome Database(CDT-DB)

Microarray and in situ hybridization analysis data, bioinformatics (information on relevant genes, proteins, expression and references) and various search tools (expression patterns and ontologies) of mouse brain development genes

Portal for all INCF Japan Node Platforms

Used to accumulate information relating to neuroimaging research field. Not only provides information on published papers, experimental data, measurement and analysis methods, but also a tutorial course introducing brain research, particularly for novice researchers. Also serves as a unique reference for papers on brain activity region for advanced researchers.

Digital research archive for cerebellar research. Resources include mini-reviews of contemporary cerebellar research, list of papers and mathematical models for cerebellar operation.

Cerebellar Platform(Cerebellar PF)

Brain Science Neuroscience Behavioral Science


Platform is comprised of: 1. CBSN database, a forum for researchers to share their research,

2. Neuroscientist-SNS, a social networking service for communication among scientists in the field of brain science,

3. The Mouse Phenotype Database containing raw data of behavioral tests derived from various genetically engineered mice.

Comprehensive Brain Science Network Platform(CBSN-PF)

Offers a virtual machine (VM) simulating a mathematical model. Users can execute computational models without installing any software and tools on own computer. VM simulations are automatically executed on the cloud.

Simulation Platform(Sim-PF)

Virtual MachineModel Simulation

Online dictionary for students and researchers in neuroscience field, which is a Wikipedia-style dictionary but written only by invited authors with peer reviewing process. Items are explained in Japanese. Articles can be accessed by anybody without any fee. Managed by the Editorial Committee headed by Drs. Keiji Tanaka and Katsuhiko Mikoshiba (both in RIKEN Brain Science Institute) as a part of the Japan Node of International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility. A totally non-profit, researcher-initiated, public awareness activity.

Brain Science Dictionary(BSD)

Brain Sciences in General

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience



Managed by CBSN PF. Contains raw data of behavioral tests derived from a variety of genetically engineered mice.

(MP-DB)Mouse Phenotype Database

Brain Science Neuroscience Behavioral Science

Genetics Original database obtained by laboratories of RIKEN Brain Science Institute. Funded by BSI director fund.

BSI Neuroinformatics(BSI-NI)

Data and Tools in Brain Sciences


https://sim.neuroinf.jphttps://dynamicbrain.neuroinf.jpDynamics of Cell.Circuit and Brain

Experiment/Computational Theory

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e



6 INCF Japan Node INCF Japan Node 7

INCF Japan Node collaborating organizations

Hokkaido Univ.

Kanazawa Univ.KIT

Yamagata Univ.

Tohoku Fukushi Univ.

Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life SciencesTokyo University of Science

Tokyo Metoropolitan Institute for NeuroscienceTokyo Metoropolitan Kokubunji Senior High SchoolTokyo Denki Univ.AIST

RIKENNational Center of Neurology and Psychiatry(NCNP)Tokyo Metoropolitan Toshima High School

The Univ. of TokyoNational Institute of Informatics(NII)

The Univ. of Electro-CommunicationsNIRSKeio Univ.Mitsubishi Electric

Tohoku Univ.


Kashihara Museum

The Graduate University for Advanced StudiesTokyo Institute of Technology

Tamagawa Univ.

Shizuoka Univ.NICT

Tokushima Bunri UniversityThe Univ. of Tokushima

Kyushu Univ.

Yasuda Women’s Univ.Okayama Univ.

Univ. of HyogoKyoto Sangyo Univ.

Kyoto Univ.

Fukuoka Univ.Kyushu Institute of Technology

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology(OIST)


Kio University

Osaka Univ.Osaka City Univ.Ritsumeikan Univ.

The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries

NIPSChukyo Univ.Aichi Prefectural Univ.Fujita Health Univ.

Nagoya Univ.Chubu Univ.


Toyohashi Univ. of Technology


Thanks to your participation and use, the Japan Node continues to evolve.

Global Partnerships

INCF Japan Node Platforms



INCF Japan Node Portal

Examples of participation and uses

■ Base for Neuroinformatics in Japan □ Latest news and topics □ Announcement of meetings/events □ Newsletters □ Links to related researchers/sites

■ Across Platforms □ User registration system □ Cross-platform search □ Collaboration with external repositories □ On-line and instantaneous model/tool use

Examples of online usage

■ Introduction to Japan Node Platform □ Latest updates and featured contents

■ Interface for all users

Cooperating in INCF programsServices Offered by INCF Japan Node

・Digital Brain Atlasing・Multiscale Modeling・Ontology of Neural Structures

・Standards for Datasharing・Training and Development・Workshops

INCF Japan Node contributes to global collaboration by promoting these INCF programs.

Main events to meet INCF Japan Node

・INCF Congress ・SfN Annual Meeting・Advances in Neuroinformatics・Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics (NBNI)・Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society・Comprehensive Brain Science Workshop (Summer/Winter)

Visiome Platform CommitteeBrain Machine Interface Platform CommitteeInvertebrate Brain Platform CommitteeNeuro-Imaging Platform Committee

Japan Node Committee NIJC Steering Committee

Dynamic Brain Platform CommitteeSimulation Platform CommitteeBrain Science Dictionary CommitteeBSI Neuroinformatics

Comprehensive Brain Science Network CommitteeMouse Phenotype DatabaseCerebellar Platform CommitteeCerebellar Development Transcriptome Database

for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyNeuroinformatics

■ Developing databases & basement structure■ Publishing own experimental data, models &     descriptions■ Publishing supporting materials for prepublication  papers■ Comprehensive and continuous publishing of    laboratory achievements■ Continued posting of research achievements even  after a project has ended■ Resource sharing site for collaborative projects

■ As a one-step search portal■ To study experimental methods and the basics of  data analysis using sample data■ To use charts and models registered on the     platforms for university courses■ Access by museum visitors to see pictures of the  brain on an iPad■ Trial use of registered models and tools

■ Brain science researchers, educators,   students■ Users in the fields of medicine,      engineering, education, and other areas

■ Storage, sharing and publication of research resources with a variety of formats

■ Free choice of data publication level

■ Guarantee of data quality■ Data sharing among a given group of researchers

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e



6 INCF Japan Node INCF Japan Node 7

INCF Japan Node collaborating organizations

Hokkaido Univ.

Kanazawa Univ.KIT

Yamagata Univ.

Tohoku Fukushi Univ.

Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life SciencesTokyo University of Science

Tokyo Metoropolitan Institute for NeuroscienceTokyo Metoropolitan Kokubunji Senior High SchoolTokyo Denki Univ.AIST

RIKENNational Center of Neurology and Psychiatry(NCNP)Tokyo Metoropolitan Toshima High School

The Univ. of TokyoNational Institute of Informatics(NII)

The Univ. of Electro-CommunicationsNIRSKeio Univ.Mitsubishi Electric

Tohoku Univ.


Kashihara Museum

The Graduate University for Advanced StudiesTokyo Institute of Technology

Tamagawa Univ.

Shizuoka Univ.NICT

Tokushima Bunri UniversityThe Univ. of Tokushima

Kyushu Univ.

Yasuda Women’s Univ.Okayama Univ.

Univ. of HyogoKyoto Sangyo Univ.

Kyoto Univ.

Fukuoka Univ.Kyushu Institute of Technology

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology(OIST)


Kio University

Osaka Univ.Osaka City Univ.Ritsumeikan Univ.

The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries

NIPSChukyo Univ.Aichi Prefectural Univ.Fujita Health Univ.

Nagoya Univ.Chubu Univ.


Toyohashi Univ. of Technology


Thanks to your participation and use, the Japan Node continues to evolve.

Global Partnerships

INCF Japan Node Platforms



INCF Japan Node Portal

Examples of participation and uses

■ Base for Neuroinformatics in Japan □ Latest news and topics □ Announcement of meetings/events □ Newsletters □ Links to related researchers/sites

■ Across Platforms □ User registration system □ Cross-platform search □ Collaboration with external repositories □ On-line and instantaneous model/tool use

Examples of online usage

■ Introduction to Japan Node Platform □ Latest updates and featured contents

■ Interface for all users

Cooperating in INCF programsServices Offered by INCF Japan Node

・Digital Brain Atlasing・Multiscale Modeling・Ontology of Neural Structures

・Standards for Datasharing・Training and Development・Workshops

INCF Japan Node contributes to global collaboration by promoting these INCF programs.

Main events to meet INCF Japan Node

・INCF Congress ・SfN Annual Meeting・Advances in Neuroinformatics・Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics (NBNI)・Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society・Comprehensive Brain Science Workshop (Summer/Winter)

Visiome Platform CommitteeBrain Machine Interface Platform CommitteeInvertebrate Brain Platform CommitteeNeuro-Imaging Platform Committee

Japan Node Committee NIJC Steering Committee

Dynamic Brain Platform CommitteeSimulation Platform CommitteeBrain Science Dictionary CommitteeBSI Neuroinformatics

Comprehensive Brain Science Network CommitteeMouse Phenotype DatabaseCerebellar Platform CommitteeCerebellar Development Transcriptome Database

for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyNeuroinformatics

■ Developing databases & basement structure■ Publishing own experimental data, models &     descriptions■ Publishing supporting materials for prepublication  papers■ Comprehensive and continuous publishing of    laboratory achievements■ Continued posting of research achievements even  after a project has ended■ Resource sharing site for collaborative projects

■ As a one-step search portal■ To study experimental methods and the basics of  data analysis using sample data■ To use charts and models registered on the     platforms for university courses■ Access by museum visitors to see pictures of the  brain on an iPad■ Trial use of registered models and tools

■ Brain science researchers, educators,   students■ Users in the fields of medicine,      engineering, education, and other areas

■ Storage, sharing and publication of research resources with a variety of formats

■ Free choice of data publication level

■ Guarantee of data quality■ Data sharing among a given group of researchers

INCF Japan Node

Neuroinformatics Japan Center,RIKEN Brain Science Institute

2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198 JapanTel : +81-(0)48-467-6454 E-Mail :


Issued in December 2013

Neuroinformatics Japan Center, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Neuroinformatics for Global Collaboration in Brain Science and TechnologyI N C F J a p a n N o d e


Chronology of International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)1996 Establishment of Neuroinformatics Working Group in OECD Mega Science Forum1998 Proposal for OECD Mega Science Forum “Bioinformatics”2000 Takeover of functions of OECD Global Science Forum2004 Proposal made at OECD CSTP2005 INCF launched (headquartered at Karolinska Institute in Sweden) Chair of the governing board: Sten Grillner, Vice chair: Shun-ichi Amari2007 INCF secretariat established2008 1st INCF Congress (Stockholm, Sweden)2009 INCF external review Vice chair: Keiji Tanaka2013 Chair: Jan Bjaalie, Vice chair: Keiji Tanaka (2nd term)

Chronology of INCF Japan Node1996 Participation in OECD MSF/GSF Neuroinformatics Working Group Representative of Japan: Shun-ichi Amari (Vice chair), Shiro Usui1999-2004 Launch of development of Visiome Platform by Project on Neuroinformatics Research in Vision (PI: Shiro Usui), funded by MEXT Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology2002 Launch of Neuroinformatics team (NI team) in RIKEN Brain Science Institute (PI: Shiro Usui)2005 Establishment of Neuroinformatics Japan Center (NIJC) in RIKEN Brain Science Institute Primary director: Shun-ichi Amari, Vice director: Shiro Usui MEXT requests RIKEN’ s participation Launch of INCF Japan Node and 6 initial platforms2006 Commemorative symposium to mark the establishment of the INCF Japan Node2007 2nd Director: Shiro Usui2008 First external review of 8 platforms of INCF Japan Node2010 3rd INCF Congress in Kobe Japan, with local organizing committee acting as secretariat 2012 3rd Director: Yoko Yamaguchi Basic technologies developed by NI team succeeded by NIJC Second external review of 11 platforms of INCF Japan Node2013 Yoshihiro Okumura, Takayuki Kannon, Koji Makimura and Keiichiro Inagaki awarded RIKEN Incentive Award FY 2013 for their contribution on “Development of Innovative Neuroinformatics Platform by using XooNIps”

RIKEN Brain Science InstituteNeuroinformatics Japan Center

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