in the end all you really have is 23/philadelphia pa...

Post on 30-Jan-2021






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  • '

    THB PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER TUESDAY JANUARl 20, 188U amttme wOka, — a m — a , T e l

    DAJLUMTOK, B r a s ft Co., 1129-28

    L a r g e s t R e t a i l S t o c k . H o s i e r y , U n d e r w e a r . COOK £ BEO., 51 and 03 K, EIGHTH Street.

    O n r I n s t a n t a n e o u s . C h o c o l a t e Is a surprise to every one. A. cup of Chocolate in a moiueot, without boiling. For cooking or boiling

    spectrally invited to attend the funeraL this rrues-d a y afn.rn.Vuj.ton. street. aWve Diamoad. To p r o c - r i

    • to Iiai«A»-.- street.

    lock preciselj J S n i - f l i the 18th instant MARY ANN * 1 L X E \ . wife of Edward Wilkey, and old*s'. daughter of John G. and Lydia Retold, in the forty-seventh year of her age.

    The relatives and friends are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral, from her late "resi-dence 8prmnu the funeral, from the reni leace of her st,r. H-'iry Greenland, N. J.. th ;s mora-i i / a i lOo'rtock. Services at Hadrtoufleld l>*pt:'st O w i k

    GESNODO.—On the- 16th instant, JOHN Q GIN-NODO. in the sixty-seventh year of his age.

    Relatives and friends, also Montgomery Lodge, No. 19. A Y. M . and Philadelphia B- A. Chapter. No. 169. A . Y. M. are invited to meet a t his late res-idence. No. 5f tn-; faru'ly are r» ŝ:>»ct-fn'Tj tnv:teth inst . MARTIN rARTENKEIMER. agceed to Wharton Street M. E. Church for services and intem>»-)ir

    RAMSEY.—On the 16th inst.. NORTON Y.. only saitrei HilL

    R'.ERA -On the idth instant, FRANCIS RIERA, «g» d I NS— On the l?th inst . Mrs SUSANNA : SIMMONS, formerly ot Birmingham. Eaglaad. ; aged f;fty yeara.

    Her rrien

    STRONG.—On the ISth Inst.. ELLA L., wife of Harry 0 Rfroog and daughter of Samuel r. and Lydia C. Pine, rn the twentv-fourth year of her age.

    The relative* and friends of the familv are re spectf ultv invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes- : aay. at l" o'-lock, from her parents' residence. N. K corner of Thirteenth and Locust streets. To pro reed to Eleventh Street X E. Church for services, i Intern:ent at Lafayette Cenietery.

    TAYLOR.—Died at his residence. Woodlands ' near iurl ington. N. J., on First day afternoon. ISth i i s i . , JOSEPfa W. TAYLOR, M P., in the seveo-tie h vear f hi* a(re.

    Re'arives and friends are respectfully invited to j w e n d nis funeral at Friends' Meeting Ho:tse, Price about the same as a Loungs. To be had only

    at the manufactory. m


    ~B- F . H O V E B .

    EDUCA21QNAL. •

    IT T H A L L . YOUNG L A D I E S ' SEMTMART, Bridjretorj. New Jersev.—The last hatC'sebool year ooinn:ences February 2. 1»?

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