implementation of the liquidity calculation - 412605

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8/16/2019 Implementation of the Liquidity Calculation - 412605 1/8

Implementation of the liquidity calculation Help

SAP Note Number 412605 Note Language  Display Versions

Note in language EN is not current 








Addition on February 7, 2005: You must also enter the module FLQ_DOC!"#$_%"&"%'" inthe a((ountin) inter*a(e +$%-%. *or the re/ersal udate1 'ee #ote 355201

 You 4ant to use the 'A- Liuidity -lanner (omonent to lan and monitor the ayment 6o4sin your (omany1 $his solution (omrises se/eral arts +also *rom a system oint o* /ie4.:

-lannin) and reortin) in '"!8-' +'trate)i( "nterrise !ana)ement 8usiness

-lannin) and 'imulation.1 '"!8-' is based on the 'A- 8usiness arehouse1%eleases '"! 910 or 8 213C and 910 are the rst releases *or 4hi(h a lannin)e;amle or <n*oCubes *or lan and a(tual ha/e been deli/ered1

Liuidity (al(ulation *or determinin) a(tual data in oerati/e %=9 systems1 $his

*un(tion is deli/ered 4ith the 'A- %9 lu)in +as o* -< 200313, a/ailable as o* the endo* >une 2003. and (an be used in all %=9 systems +in(ludin) industry solutions. as o*%elease ?1581 $he lu)in also in(ludes the e;tra(tors *or the data trans*er to the 8

+8usiness arehouse.1

 $his note (ontains in*ormation about the setu and the *un(tions o* the liuidity (al(ulation+a(tual data determination. in the %=9 'ystem1

@eneral in*ormation about lu)ins is ro/ided on 'A-#"$ under the alias %=9 lu)in noteson the lu)in are a/ailable under BB-<1

#ote ?320 (ontains a (omarison o* 'A- Liuidity -lanner and %=9 Cash 8ud)et!ana)ement1

Reason and Prerequisites

 $he %=9 lu)in in(ludes the *un(tion *or the liuidity (al(ulation as o* -< %elease 200313 and*or %=9 %eleases ?15 and hi)her1

n*ortunately, you (annot use the ne4 *un(tion in an %=9 system 4ith %elease ?10 or lo4er1



Liuidity lannin) in the sense o* the Liuidity -lanner is the mediumterm lannin) +usually(o/erin) one year. o* in(omin) and out)oin) ayments +in other 4ords a(tual (ash 6o4s. inthe ori)inal (urren(y1 $hese lans are usually the basis *or de(isions in the eld o* shorttermnan(in), (urren(y hed)in) and so on1 $he time eriod *or lannin) is *reely denable you(an sele(t lannin) to the 4ee or e/en to the day rather than *or Eust (alendar months asroosed in the deli/ered e;amle1




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<n )eneral, the in(omin) and out)oin) ayments are not lanned in a blo( there is rather ase(i( data stru(ture +*or e;amle, out)oin) ayment *or salaries, *or ra4 materials111.1 $hisdata stru(ture e;lains the total and at the same time allo4s a heuristi( estimation o* thede/iations to be e;e(ted1 <n '"!8-', this data stru(ture is reresented by the *reelydenable liuidity items1

Liuidity lannin) uses the '"!8-' rodu(t 4ith its )eneri( lannin) *un(tion as a tool1

o4e/er, liuidity lannin) itsel* is more oerati/e than strate)i(1 'o it diGers *rom the (ash6o4 lannin) o/er se/eral years +o*ten only *or e;a(t years. that is also in(luded in '"!8-'and that is )enerally (arried out to)ether 4ith a balan(e sheet and -HL lannin) o/er se/eralyears1

<n the oerati/e %=9 system, the liuidity (al(ulation )ets a(tual data *or the amount, the useand the ori)in o* ayments1

<n other 4ords, the a(tual data is the in(omin) and out)oin) ayments that o((urred in the(omany (ode er day, er (urren(y, er initiatin) (omany (ode +4ith (ross(omany (odeayments it is imortant to distin)uish the (omany (ode in 4hi(h the ayment is (arried outand the Iinitiatin)I (omany (ode. and er liuidity item1 $he liuidity item is ne4ly in(ludedin the %=9 'ystem 4ith the liuidity (al(ulation it reresents +as is the (ase in the lan. these(i( ori)in and use o* the ayment and thus (orresonds to the (ost element in CO or tothe (ommitment item in Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement1

 $he main urose o* the liuidity (al(ulation is the determination and assi)nment o* theI(orre(tI liuidity item1 $he other data stru(ture elements (an be taen *rom the (onte;t1

First Steps

A*ter imortin) the lu)in, you ha/e to er*orm the *ollo4in) te(hni(al stes:

<n table $%-%, you must add the *ollo4in) entries *or (omonent F< +or another a(ti/e(omonent. 4ith a seuential number lar)er than I0?5I+*or e;amle, 4ith I0J?I.:

A(ti/ity "/ent Fun(tion module






<n the Finan(ial A((ountin) @lobal 'ettin)s, you must add the *ollo4in) module *or thebusiness transa(tion e/ents +ali(ation F<F<, *or e;amle.:

-ublishK'ubs(ribe e/ent Fun(tion module



Finally you must initialie the system tables *or the liuidity (al(ulation by e;e(utin) ro)ram%FLQ_<#<$$8L on(e1

<n the old -< releases, as o* %elease ?1, you ha/e to use $ransa(tion !"#_!<@%A$<O# totrans*orm the deli/ered area menus FLQC'$ and FLQ!A<# into the ne4 "asy A((essstru(ture1

As o* -<200213, this is no lon)er ne(essary1 <* you 4ant to inte)rate these t4o area menus intoother area menus, see #ote 3J92531

Customizing - Global Settings

 You (an (all u the Customiin) a(ti/ities in the liuidity (al(ulation usin) Customiin) menuFLQC'$ or dire(tly usin) the indi/idual transa(tions +namin) (on/ention FLQCM.1 $heali(ation menu is FLQ!A<#1

Defining Liquidity Items

 $he system dislays the in(omin) and out)oin) ayments on the liuidity line items1

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Consider the *ollo4in) 4hen denin) the liuidity item stru(ture:

-lanability: hi(h ayments are to be lanned in the (omanyN hat are the

lannin) sour(esN

Le/el o* detail: o4 detailed do you 4ant to lan these aymentsN Also (onsider the

(ostbenet ratio1

ni/ersality: <n )eneral there are diGerent ersons 4ho enter data into a lan and

4ho read the result: $he data stru(ture o* the lan should ro/ide use*ul in*ormation*or all the ersons and deartments in/ol/ed1

Feedba(: hi(h items (an be *ound in the a(tual data and (an be used *or

lan=a(tual (omarisons this 4ayN

An e;amle o* a simle +and rather rou)h. stru(ture loos as *ollo4s:


Customers e;ternal

Customers internal


 $a; %e*unds



'uliers e;ternal

'uliers internal





 $e(hni(ally the liuidity items (onsist o* a 30(hara(ter (ode and a lan)ua)ese(i( shortand lon) te;t1 $hey do not ha/e any other attributes and there are no liuidity item

hierar(hies in the %=9 'ystem1 <t is not ossible to automati(ally distribute the liuidity items*rom a (entral '"!8-' system to internal %=9 systems1

Defining Global Data

ere you sa/e the de*ault items *or in(omin) and out)oin) ayments1 $he system uses theseitems 4hen you a(ti/ate the liuidity (al(ulation and ost an F< a(tual do(ument1 Deendin)on the H= si)n o* the online )enerated line item, the system assi)ns the de*ault item *orin(omin) or out)oin) ayment to the line item1

A se(ond air o* de*ault items *or in(omin) and out)oin) ayments is used to dislay ban to

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ban ostin)s1 $hese a(tual trans*er ostin)s are no real (ash 6o4, there*ore they should besearately dislayed1

<n the liuidity (al(ulation, the system in )eneral udates and dislays the 6o4s on the /aluedate1 <* you re*er to re*er to a((ountin), you (an dene in the )lobal data that the udate isto be (arried out on the ostin) date1

Defining Furter !ctual !ccounts $he liuidity (al(ulation (onsiders all F< @=L a((ounts that ha/e been stored as a((ounts *ore;ternal ban a((ounts in table $032 to be a(tual a((ounts1 As a result, the system dislaysa line item that has been osted to these a((ounts as in(omin) or out)oin) ayment in theliuidity (al(ulation1

<t may be use*ul to assi)n this a(tual status also to other @=L a((ounts1 An e;amle is the(learin) o* inter(omany re(ei/ables and ayables that is o*ten to be dislayed as I/irtual(ash 6o4I1 Customiin) there*ore ro/ides the otion to assi)n the Ia(tual a((ountI attributeto other a((ounts +in the (hart o* a((ounts or in the (omany (ode.1

!cti"ating te Liquidity Calculation in te Company Code

 $o a(ti/ate the liuidity (al(ulation in a (omany (ode you need to er*orm t4o stes: hileenterin) a (omany (ode in the basi( list, you tell the system that a (omany (ode isrele/ant *or the liuidity (al(ulation1 $his, *or e;amle, allo4s the e;e(ution o* assi)nment

reorts *or the liuidity items in the (omany (ode1 <* you also set the a(ti/ation 6a), thesystem online udates a(tual do(uments *rom a((ountin) to the liuidity (al(ulation1

Furthermore, you ha/e to enter the number ran)e *or trans*er ostin)s +these are do(uments*or mo/in) a(tual amounts *rom one liuidity item to another.1 $he number ran)e obEe(t isIFD_<D"#$I 4hi(h is the same as *or ayment ad/i(e notes in (ash mana)ement and *ore(ast1<t is re(ommended to (reate a searate number ran)e *or trans*er ostin)s +$ransa(tionIO$20I.1

Customizing Settings for te Liquidity Item !ssignment

 $he rin(ile o* assi)nin) liuidity items is e;lained belo41 $he settin)s *or the t4oautomati( assi)nment me(hanisms are entered in Customiin) and in the (urrent settin)s inthe ali(ation1

Customizing Settings for te !ssignment using !ccount Statement

Information#ere you dene inuiry seuen(es1 $hey re(ei/e inuiries *or the liuidity item determinationusin) the (urrent settin)s and are a/ailable as a result1 !oreo/er, you dene the assi)nmentbet4een inuiry seuen(es and e;ternal ban a((ounts1 You (an restri(t the usability o*inuiry seuen(es to a (omany (ode1

Customizing Settings for te !ssignment using FI Information

 $his assi)nment me(hanism sear(hes (ertain F< do(ument line items *or liuidity itemin*ormation1 A more detailed des(rition is ro/ided belo41 $he de(ision 4hether a line itemis e/aluated or not deends on the a((ount tye +(ustomer and /endor line items are al4ayse/aluated. and on the @=L a((ount1 ere you enter other @=L a((ounts +er (hart o* a((ountsor more se(i( er (omany (ode. that are to be treated as in*ormation I(arriersI1Furthermore, the inuiry seuen(es *or this me(hanism are dened here1

!ssigning Liquidity Items $he liuidity (al(ulation ro/ides an Ie; ostI analysis: <t only no4s a(tual ayments but notayment (ommitment1 $he se(i( ori)in and use o* the ayments, reresented usin) theliuidity item, is determined a*ter4ards1

!ssignment Process

hen you a(ti/ate the liuidity (al(ulation in a (omany (ode, the system immediatelyonline udates e/ery F< do(ument line item that is osted to a ban a((ount or an additionala(tual a((ount +Customiin). to the liuidity (al(ulation1

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 $he liuidity item is one o* the *our de*ault items *rom Customiin) deendin) on the H= si)nand on the *a(t 4hether it is an in/entory trans*er ostin) or another 6o41 $his rst liuidityitem has a rather ro/isional (hara(ter1

 $here*ore *urther stes are reuired to determine the I(orre(tI liuidity item1 $hese stes areer*ormed at a diGerent oint in time than the do(ument (reation1

 $here are t4o ro)rams that )enerally ro(ess the dataset in the ba()round andsubseuently automati(ally (han)e the liuidity items o* the a/ailable a(tual do(uments1

 $hese ro)rams 4or a((ordin) to a similar rin(ile but use diGerent sour(es o* in*ormationyou (an either use them to)ether or searately1 One ro)ram uses the a((ount statement assour(e o* in*ormation, the other reads the a((ountin) data1

<n addition to these automati( ro)rams, there are t4o otions to manually ostro(ess theitems: $he manual assi)nment o* liuidity items *or an indi/idual ayment do(ument and a)lobal trans*er ostin) transa(tion1

!ssigning Liquidity Items using !ccount Statement Information

 $his me(hanism +ro)ram %FLQ_A''<@#_8'. (an be used *or all do(uments in the liuidity(al(ulation 4hi(h (orresond to an a((ount statement item +manual or ele(troni(.1 $heliuidity item o* a transa(tion is deri/ed *rom in*ormation that is dire(tly (ontained in thea((ount statement +more re(isely in 'A- tables F"8P.1 $his me(hanism is dire(t and *ast: e

re(ommend that you use it i* a((ount statements 4ith su(ient in*ormation are a/ailable1 $he ro(edure o* the me(hanism is as *ollo4s: $he data o* the a((ount statement item issubEe(ted to the seuen(e o* inuiries that has been assi)ned to the a((ount1 An indi/idualinuiry (onsists o* (onditions *or sele(ted a((ount statement elds +led in sele(tion otions.and a liuidity item1

An e;amle o* this tye o* inuiry: <* the business oeration (ode in the a((ount statement isthe (ode *or ban (har)es, the system assi)ns the liuidity item *or ban (har)es to therese(ti/e ayment1

 $he inuiries o* the seuen(e are ro(essed a((ordin) to the dened order1 $he rst inuiry4hose (onditions aly determines the liuidity item o* the 6o41 <nuiries that o((ur later inthe seuen(e are i)nored in this (ase1 $his is 4hy the Ise(i(I inuiries should (ome rst inthe seuen(e and the I)eneralI inuiries should (ome later1 <t may e/en o((ur that none o*the inuiries Imat(hI1 <n this (ase, the me(hanism does not (han)e the liuidity item o* the6o41

 $o add *urther inuiries to the seuen(e later 4ithout roblems, 4e re(ommend that you useinter/als o* 50 *or the seuential number 4hen rst denin) them:

050 inuiry_3

300 inuiry_2

350 inuiry_9


 $he denition o* the inuiries and the (ombination o* seuen(es is (arried out in theali(ation menu1 You (an e;li(itly restri(t inuiries to a (omany (ode, as is the (ase *orseuen(es1 As a result, you (an only use the inuiries in (orresondin)ly restri(tedseuen(es1 $he table elds *or the (onditions are redened1 At resent you (an only addadditional elds *rom the emloyed tables usin a modi(ation1 'A- 4ill ro/ide an ad/i(enote on this issue a user e;it 4ould be desirable1

 $here is an au;iliary ro)ram *or the de/eloment and testin) o* inuiries *or a((ountstatements1 You (an use this ro)ram to run an indi/idual inuiry dire(tly a)ainst the dataset: $ransa(tion FLQQ87, ro)ram %FLQ_A''<@#_8'_$"'$1

!ssigning Liquidity Items using Information in FI

 $his me(hanism +ro)ram %FLQ_A''<@#_F<. (an be used *or all a(tual 6o4s1 $he idea is touse e;istin) a((ountin) data to deri/e the liuidity item:

!ost ayment do(uments ha/e been used be*ore in a((ountin)1 For e;amle, 4e ha/e la(eda ur(hase order and a*ter the deli/ery o* )oods the /endor sends us an in/oi(e1 $his in/oi(eis (leared by the ayment ro)ram1 $he ban (onrms the ayment in the a((ount

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statement, the a((ount statement is imorted in a((ountin) and )enerates a(tual 6o4s in theliuidity (al(ulation1

 $he idea no4 is that not ne(essarily the a(tual do(ument itsel*, but ossibly I*ormerIdo(uments in the lo)i(al (hain (ontain in*ormation that (an be used to determine the liuidityitem1

 $his idea is (onsistently imlemented in 'A- Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement +$%C8.1 $here theIori)inI o* a ayment is re(orded *rom the be)innin) the a(tual is determined usin) theorderin) and in/oi(e (ommitment +that is redu(ed a)ain in a((ordan(e 4ith the ro)ress.1 $his aroa(h ori)inates *rom the Funds !ana)ement 4here the (ommitment do(umentsrst blo( the ayment bud)et until it is nally (onsumed by the ayment1

 $he liuidity (al(ulation does not udate the (ommitment but retrie/es the in*ormation *orthe a(tual do(ument by subseuently readin) the Ido(ument (hainI1 $he indi/idual F<do(uments are the I(hain linsI as is the (ase in the Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement the indi/idualdo(uments are lined by (learin) in F<1 $he IdethI o* the subseuent readin) is relati/ely lo4(omared to the Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement: As soon as the ro)ram nds a (ustomer or/endor line item, it e;e(ts to nd in*ormation *or the liuidity item1 $his also alies to @=La((ount line items 4hi(h ha/e been dened as liuidity in*ormation (arrier in Customiin)1

For (lari(ation: <n the do(ument (hain +the numbers are 'A- ostin) eys.:

do(ument *orm a((ount statement 50 ban 3000

  ?0 ban settlement 3000 (leared4ithdo(ument *rom ayment ro)ram: 50 ban settlement 3000

  25 /endor 3000 RRRRRRRRRRRRR

in/oi(e: 93 /endor 3000

  ?0 e;ense 3000

the me(hanism only rea(hes the /endor line item +25 111. o* the do(ument that has been(reated in the ayment ro)ram1 <n arti(ular the me(hanism does not read the in/oi(e1

 $he a(tual line in this transa(tion is I50 banI it is an out)oin) ayment amountin) to 30001 $his amount is already in(luded in the liuidity (al(ulation but the liuidity item may still beunsatis*a(tory, it (ould be the dummy item *or out)oin) ayments, *or e;amle1 $o dete, thero)ram subEe(ts line I25 (ustomerI to the inuiries o* the seuen

 $he (onditions o* the inuiries in this me(hanism re*er to sele(ted elds in the do(umentheader, in the line item and in the /endor and (ustomer master1 You (an in(lude additionalelds *rom the emloyed tables usin) a modi(ation1

 $he inuiries are dened in the ali(ation menu and )roued to)ether to seuen(es asstated abo/e1 A restri(tion to a (omany (ode is ossible and has the eGe(t that you (an onlyuse the inuiry in (orresondin) seuen(es1

For the de/eloment and the testin) o* indi/idual inuiries, you should reare a seuen(ethat only in(ludes the (urrently reuired inuiry and 4hi(h is used to e;e(ute the assi)nmentme(hanism 4ith suitable restri(tions in the test run1 Another au;iliary ro)ram is ro)ram%FLQ_<$CA<# 4hi(h you (an use to dislay an a((ountin) do(ument (hain that (lassies lineitems in a(tual line items, in*ormation line items *or the liuidity item and other1

ith (ross(omany (ode ayments, this me(hanism automati(ally determines the initiatin)(omany (ode and (orresondin)ly adEusts the data in the liuidity (al(ulation1

<* a*ter a((ountin) ro(ess (han)es the Ireadin) dethI o* the F< assi)nment me(hanism isstill insu(ient to determine the 4anted in*ormation, you (an use this me(hanism to (arry

out a rather Irou)hI assi)nment1 A*ter4ards you (an use ro)rams that e/aluate othera((ountin) do(ument in*ormation and eriodi(ally )enerate trans*er ostin) do(uments toIsohisti(ateI the liuidity items1 For an illustration o* this aroa(h, use the deli/ered samlero)ram %FLQ_$F_&"#D1

$anually !ssigning Liquidity Items to !ctual Documents

<n e;(etions, it (an be more eGe(ti/e to dire(tly assi)n a liuidity item and an initiatin)(omany (ode to a ayment do(ument than to adEust the automati( assi)nment me(hanismsrules1 $he system ro/ides an o4n transa(tion *or this 4hi(h you (an use to slit the ayment

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amount to se/eral liuidity items1

 You (an (all u this (han)e transa(tion *rom the line item list1

$anual %ransfer Posting

<t is o*ten not ossible or use*ul to (orre(t a liuidity item due to indi/idual aymentdo(uments1 $he liuidity (al(ulation there*ore ro/ides a searate reostin) transa(tion that

you (an use to ost ayment amounts *rom one liuidity item +or initiatin) (omany (ode. toanother, indeendent o* the do(uments in a((ountin)1 You (an also add e;lainin) te;ts1 $hese 6o4s ha/e a searate (ate)ory that enables you to distin)uish them in 6o4 reortin)*rom 6o4s that ori)inate *rom a((ountin)1 $he do(ument number *or these do(uments is(oied *rom the number ran)e obEe(t IFD_<D"#$I o* the Cash !ana)ement (omonent1 $heemloyed inter/al +internal number assi)nment. has to be dened in (omany (odeCustomiin) o* the liuidity (al(ulation You (an maintain the inter/als 4ith $ransa(tion O$201


 $he liuidity (al(ulation is deli/ered to)ether 4ith an e;tra(tor that e;tra(ts the summarydata that is buGered in the lo(al system into the 'A- 8usiness arehouse1 You ha/e to denethe e/aluations there1 On the lo(al le/el, the %=9 'ystem only ro/ides rudimentary total andline item lists1 $hese (an be used *or the data (ontrol1

<* you lan to (arry out the lina)e to the 8 at a later date, you (an 4rite o4n reorts to

e/aluate totals table FLQ'!1 Another otion is to dene a suitable ase(t in %=9 "<' or touse the Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement reortin) +a*ter Itranslatin)I the summary data by meanso* the deli/ered au;iliary ro)ram.1

Reconstructing and Deleting Flo& Data

Liuidity (al(ulation Customiin) in(ludes ro)ram %FLQ_%"8<LD and %FLQ_D"L"$" *or there(onstru(tion and deletion o* 6o4 data1 ith lar)e datasets, you should run the ro)rams inthe ba()round1

 You (an also use the re(onstru(tion ro)ram to subseuently trans*er old aymentdo(uments *rom a((ountin) to the liuidity (al(ulation1 As a result o* the re(onstru(tion, theayments are on the de*ault ositions dened in Customiin) and (an be *urther ro(essed4ith the ro)rams *or the automati( liuidity item assi)nment1

 $he liuidity (al(ulation tables are relati/ely small o4e/er, it is ne/ertheless re(ommendedto re)ularly delete old data that is no lon)er needed1 An ar(hi/in) otion does not yet e;ist1


O4n authoriation obEe(ts *or the liuidity (al(ulation ha/e not yet been dened in this/ersion1 <nstead, the system uses (ash mana)ement obEe(ts: IF_FD"'_8I *or line items andIF_FD'8_8I *or totals and (urrent settin)s1 Additional authoriation (he(s ha/e not beenimlemented there yet as most (omanies rather restri(tedly (ustomie1

8oth authoriation obEe(ts use the (omany (ode1 For inuiries and inuiry seuen(es thatha/e been restri(ted to a (omany (ode, you only need the authoriation *or settin)s in thesele(ted (omany (ode1 Other4ise, i* you 4ant to edit inuiries and inuiry seuen(es, youneed this authoriation *or all (omany (odes that are entered in the table o* a(ti/e (omany(odes *or the liuidity (al(ulation1

!dditional 'tilities

<n addition to the transa(tions and reorts in(luded in the menus FLQC'$ and FLQ!A<#, the

*ollo4in) au;iliary reorts are deli/ered:

Au;iliary reort *or the analysis o* F< do(ument (hains that are used by the assi)nmentme(hanism *rom F<:

%FLQ_<$CA<#: Analysis o* a Do(ument Chain

@eneral (he( reorts:

%FLQ_'000: %e(on(iliation -ro)ram: $otals Line <tems

%FLQ_'003: Comare Line <tems 4ith F<

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%FLQ_'00?: Che( 'ettin)s *or Consisten(y

'amle reort +e;amle. *or the automati( )eneration o* reostin)s *rom *urther F<in*ormation:

%FLQ_$F_&"#D: @enerate $rans*er -ostin) *rom &endor Clearin) <n*ormation

Au;iliary ro)rams *or trans*errin) liuidity (al(ulation )ures to the tables o* 'A- Cash

8ud)et !ana)ement +4oraround *or missin) internal reortin).:%FLQ_C8_AC$AL': Coy LQ A(tual &alues to A(tual &alues *or Cash 8ud)et !ana)ement

%FLQ_C8_8ALA#C": @enerate Funds 8alan(e *rom 'um $otals +as o* %elease ?1 in %elease?15 use SFF!S8"2 *rom #ote J00.

%FLQ_C8_!A'$"%: @enerate Commitment <tems *rom Liuidity <tems

%FLQ_8ALA#C": Liuidity Cal(ulation: 8alan(e $rans*er *rom F<

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