immoral retribution

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Immoral Retribution


    Immoral Retribution

  • 8/8/2019 Immoral Retribution


    Chapter one

    Change is often thought of as a good thing, when a

    person changes from bad to good people applaud it, but when

    the opposite occurs people attack it. I am the type of person

    now; people would look down on, or run in the other direction

    if they saw me walking by. I wasnt always so full ofhatred or,

    looking to settle scores.

    At 25 I had everything. I didnt think about hating

    anyone. I wasnt rich, not in money anyway, but I had a great

    family. The kind seen on postcards, with one fine looking

    husband, and two beautiful girls, I didnt want anything more.

    But I remember the very second that my kind heart

    turned to stone. It was the day after Denas eleventh birthday,

    and I promised to take her to the beach so we could spend the

    day together just the two of us. It was a day to remember, she

    was so excited, she had everything ready to go that morning all I

    had to do was drive.

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    When we pulled in the parking space she didnt even

    wait for me to turn the car off she threw offher seat belt and

    jumped out of the car running for the water.

    Race you to the water. She said as she left me behind.

    No fair I have to get the blanket and cooler out of the

    trunk. She didnt hear me she was already in the water by the

    time I reached the trunk.

    We had a lot of fun that day.We spent most of the time

    playing in the water, but we did find time to build a sand castle.

    Dena was so proud ofher castle mad of sand; she even made

    me take a picture of it so it would last forever.

    I sat up on the sand watching her play with the other

    children, it wasnt hard for her to make friends she had this

    magic about her that drew people in, I just knew she was going

    places, she was going to do something big. Dena was so easy

    going I never had to fight withher to get her to listen. So when

    it was time to go I just yelled for her and she came running.

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    Hey mom can we get some ice-cream before we go


    No its getting late I think we better go home, well take

    everyone out for ice-cream tomorrow, Ok

    OK she said as she slouched down in her seat. It didnt

    take her long and she was happy again, as she started dancing

    to the songs on the radio. I remember thinking this was a

    perfect day not even the missing ice-cream stop could spoil it.

    Someone did manage to impair our perfect day, as I

    drove through a green light I took one last look at Dena who

    was still singing and dancing. Then I happened to notice a big

    red truck approaching us with immense speed. There was

    nothing I could do I felt the impact and when I awoke on the

    ground with people surrounding me I looked over to see a

    couple of men loading up a stretcher , I didnt see who was on it

    but I knew, because Dena was no where around.When I

    regained my senses I tried to get up and run towed the

    ambulance, but I was stopped by an officer.

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    I am sorry, they are doing everything possible to help

    her, but you need to stay out of the way so they can do their

    job, let me give you a ride. We can meet them at the hospital.

    I nodded my head to stunned to speak, I followed him

    to his car looking at the wreck mine was in I knew Dena wasnt

    coming home.

    As we pulled away I saw a couple of police officers

    talking to a man, the detective I was with must have noticed me

    starring at the man. I knew that was the man responsible for

    what happened to my Dena.

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    Chapter 2

    I was met by a group of doctors the minute I walked

    through the emergency room doors. They escorted me to a

    room away from everyone, a nurse asked me if I needed

    anything, when I told her I just wanted my daughter she looked

    down let me see if I can get you some water she rushed out as

    fast as she could, then I was left with one doctor and a nurse.

    Where is Dena, I need to be withher.

    Im sorry there was nothing we could do. She passed

    away at the scene. Im so sorry.

    No my baby, oh no my baby. I fell to the floor

    unable to stand. I just wanted to die.

    Mrs.Wells can I call someone for you.

    Um yes my husband. I want to see her

    The doctor jumped in telling me how he thought I

    should wait for my husband first.

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    No take me to her now; I should be withher Im her


    The nurse helped me to my feet, and out to the hall.

    She seemed to be trying to hold me up as we walked like she

    knew if she was to let me go for just a second I would stumble

    and fall to the ground with no hope of getting back up. So she

    held on to me, and even though I knew where I was going and

    what was waiting for me at the end of that vacant hall I forced

    myself to keep walking. Then we stopped at a large steel door

    she held me tighter as I took one last breath, my life was going

    to change at that moment and I knew it, I could feel my heart

    sink in to my chest as we walked through the door. I broke

    away from her hold and ran to Dena or what was left ofher. Her

    body was covered with a white sheet up to her chest; she

    looked as if she was sleeping; except for her once warm body

    was now cold and motionless.

    I brushed her blond hair with my fingers as I pleaded for

    her to wake up, knowing she was gone and would never be with

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    me again. The nurse left without making a sound or I just didnt

    notice her leave. I held Dena in my arms telling her how much I

    loved her.

    I was startled by a familiar arm around me, I broke away

    for a second and looked up to see my strong husband standing

    beside me, with tears in his eyes. I have never seen him cry

    before, but this, not even he could hide his tears from.

    Time was not moving at least not in that room the

    world seemed to freeze that was until we were asked to leave

    so they could take her to the morgue. I fell in to Russells strong

    arms as they took her away he gave me the strength to walk out

    of the hospital that night.

    The next day was a blear, I woke up in bed, and I

    thought it was a nightmare, I slowly dragged myself out of bed

    trying not to wake Russell and as I walked down the hall I

    stopped at Denas room. I stood at the door struggling with

    opening it; it was the truth I didnt want to face. I was hopping

    to find Dena sleeping in her bed, but when the door came open

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    she wasnt there. It was quiet I stood at the side ofher bed

    looking at her unmade bed and all the clothes on the floor. I

    started to pick them up piece by piece, as I got to the end of

    the trail I saw her bear on the floor the clothes seemed to just

    fall out of my hands. I picked sniffs up brushing the dust off of

    him, he was all alone now with no one to hug him, and there

    was a time the Dena couldnt sleep without him by her side. I

    feel on her bed, clutching him I held on as tight as I could.

    I didnt even pay attention to what Russell was doing, I

    didnt think about him, I should have but, all I could see is my

    own grief. I never told him he had to be strong, but I didnt say

    much to him, it was like a dream, or maybe even a silent movie.

    We both somehow found the strength to get dressed that day

    and then explain to Marie why her older sister wasnt coming


    Why? Can I go see her?

    I started to tear up again; Russell came around the coachhe sat

    down beside Marie.

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    Mom, Dad whats wrong, why are you crying? Russell

    put his hand on Maries shoulder He took a deep breath. He

    looked at me I could feel his eyes on me but I couldnt look at

    him or her. Dena died last night, it was an accident.

    No why? Ill never see her again its not right.

    The house was filled with earsplitting sadness, I dont

    remember how long it lasted, may be as long as an hour, when

    the high pitched ring on the phone cut through the room like a

    gun going off, one of us had to answer it. I did, I left the two of

    them thinking I was going to get away I didnt want to answer

    but, I didnt want to sit there crying my eyes out, I really just

    wanted to go in to a dark hole and never come out. But instead I

    chose to pick up the phone, I didnt get the name of the man on

    the other end, truthfully at the time I didnt care, I only

    remember him telling me they had the man who caused the

    accident in Jail, that he was being held for drunk driving. The

    officer on the phone also told me the man didnt even

    remember the accident, he was so drunk he simply passed out

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    in the police car. So this man Kills my child and gets to merely

    forget the whole thing. My sadness was muddled up with rage, I

    told the officer on the phone I had a funeral to arrange, when I

    am done with that Ill be in to make sure that man would never

    make it out of Jail alive. I slammed the Phone down walked in

    to Marias room and picked out a black and white dress.

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    Chapter 3

    We pulled up to the funeral home, the nightmare was

    coming true. Something I never thought I was ever going to

    have to do but, there we were at the doorstep of my worst fear,

    looking up at the large white pillars, and the two black doors

    leading inside. A man dressed in a black suit opened the door

    for us Russell thanked him as we came in, I didnt say a word I

    guess I was hopping this would all go away and if I didnt say

    anything every thing would go back to the way it was.

    Another man motioned to us. Come right this way. He

    looked at me. I am very sorry for your loss, Again I didnt talk

    to him, I nodded but I still tried to look away. While I was trying

    to shift my eyes in a different direction I noticed a large room

    filled with people. Some were crying. Others were smiling they

    were trying to remember the good times atleast thats what I

    assumed, as we made our way pass the room I couldnt help but

    wonder if it was another young life gone, for a brief time I was

    thinking about someone other then me and my sadness, I had a

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    chance to escape but just for a second, then it was snapped

    back at me when we sat down at the funeral directors desk.

    He had his assistant, bring in a large book, and a box of

    tissues. She sat the book on the desk in front of us, then gently

    laid the box of tissues down on the end table next to me, as if

    she was trying to make up for the book , the one that was going

    to put a price on our childs final day above ground. I gave her a

    sharp look; she backed away and stood by the door.

    The director unfolded his hands. Can I get either of you

    something to drink, before we start.

    Russell looked at me, hopping I wouldnt say or do

    anything because the guy was just trying to be nice, I didnt I

    just looked away. No I think we should just do this, we have a

    lot to do today.

    The director looked us over he pushed his glasses closer

    to his face. I understand. He cleared his throat, and then

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    opened the book, slowly turning each page until he reached the

    page containing the small coffins.

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