immanuel lutheran church constitution & · revised...

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Immanuel Lutheran Church Constitution & Bylaws























Section 1. Application for Membership − Procedure

Section 2: Privileges and Duties of Communicant Members


Section 1. Eligibility

Section 2: Privileges and Duties of Voting Members


Section 1: Ex−Communication and Self−Exclusion

Section 2: Inactive Members

Section 3: Removal from Office


Section 1. Regular Meetings

Section 2: Special Meetings

Section 3: Emergency Meetings

Section 4: Order of Business at Regular Meetings

Section 5: Regulations Pertaining to Voters Assembly Meetings


Section 1: Procedure for Securing a Pastor or Professional Christian Worker

Section 2: The Pastoral Office

Section 3: The Office of Christian Professional Workers


Section 1: Nomination Procedure

Section 2: Election Procedure

Section 3: Installation of Officers − Term of Office


Section 1: Duties of Officers

A. President

B. Vice−President

C. Treasurer


Section 3. Church Council

Section 4: The Administrative Directors

Section 5: Administrative Boards and Directors












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Immanuel Lutheran Church

7810 S.E. 15th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97202

Revised − May 17, 1998

PREAMBLEIt is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that His disciples should preach the Gospel to the wholeworld (Mark 16: 15−16, Matt. 28: 18−20, Acts. 1:8). To carry out Christ’s mission for HisChurch according to His will, He has commanded that Christians unite in worship (Hebrews10:24−25), practice fellowship with one another (Acts 2:42), witness to all men (Acts 1:8), helpeach other grow in the Word (Ephesians 4:7−16, Mark 10:42−44, John 13:35, Gal. 6:10),administer the Office of the Keys as His Church (John 20: 21−23, Matt 18:15−20), teach God’sWord in truth and purity (Titus 1:9) and maintain decency and order (I Corinthians 14:40):

Therefore we, a number of Lutheran Christians living in and near Portland, accept and subscribeto the following Constitution and By Laws, in accordance with which all spiritual and materialaffairs of our congregation shall be governed.

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The name of this congregation shall be IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHof Portland, Oregon.


This congregation accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as theverbally inspired and inerrant Word of God. It also acknowledges and accepts all the SymbolicalBooks of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord of the year 1580,as the correct presentation and true exposition of Christian Doctrine drawn from the HolyScriptures, that is:


The Three Ecumenical Creeds: The Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian.

2. The Unaltered Augsburg Confession

3. The Apology of the Augsburg Confession

4. The Smalcald Articles

5. Luther’s Large Catechism

6. Luther’s Small Catechism

7. The Formula of Concord

No doctrine or practice in conflict, or inconsistent, with the above norms of our faith and lifeshall be taught or tolerated in this congregation. In all services and in all ministerial acts onlysuch hymns, prayers and liturgies shall be used as conform to this confessional standard.


This congregation shall be affiliated with the Lutheran Church−−Missouri Synod as long as theconfessions and constitution of said Synod are in accord with the confessions and constitution ofthis congregation as laid down in Article II.

To the best of it’s ability this congregation shall collaborate with said Synod and assist it ineffecting all sound measures intended for the building up of the Kingdom of God.



1. Baptized members are all members who have been baptized in the name of the TriuneGod and who are under the spiritual care of this congregation, including the childrenwho have not yet confirmed their baptismal vows.

2. Baptized members are received through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, throughtransfer, or with consent of one or both parents or guardians in the case of childrenwho have been baptized in another Christian congregation.


Baptized members shall conform their lives to their baptismal vows.

4. Baptized members who have not been received as communicant members shall havetheir membership terminated for the same reasons that communicant membership isterminated insofar as these reasons are applicable.


1. Communicant membership in this congregation may be held only by those who:

a. Are baptized in the Name of the Triune God.

b. Are those baptized members who have been instructed in Luther’s Small Catechism andconfirmed in the Lutheran faith and have declared their acceptance of the confessions ofthis congregation as contained in Article H of this constitution.

c. Have been accepted into communicant membership in accordance with the By−Laws ofthis congregation and shall remain faithful to the responsibilities of membership ascontained in these By−Laws.

d. Are not members of an anti−Christian lodge, or any other organization conflicting withthe Word of God and the conduct of a Christian (II Corinthians 6:14−18).

2. The membership and privileges of each communicant member shall remain in force as longas each member maintains eligibility according to the four points in Section B−1 of this article.Each member must also meet the requirements stated or implied in the disciplinary provisions orother provisions of the By−Laws.

Membership in this congregation, with all its rights and privileges, is terminated under thefollowing conditions:

a. Voluntary termination.

b. Transfer or release.

c. Excommunication or exclusion according to provisions in the By−Laws.

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This congregation shall be represented by, and administer all its affairs through its VotingMembership. Only communicant members, according to the membership provision of theBy−Laws shall be received as Voting Members of this congregation.


Responsibility and authority for the daily administration of congregational affairs shall bedelegated to

the Church Council and the following Administrative Directors:

1. Board of Elders

2. Director of Evangelism

3. Director of Christian Education

4. Director of Young People’s Work

5. Director of Stewardship

6. Director of Parish Fellowship

7. Director of Public Relations

8. Director of Social Ministries and Missions

9. Director Church Property.

10. Preschool Board


The officers of the congregation shall consist of a president, 2 vice−presidents and a treasurer,elected from the Voting Membership in accordance with the By−Laws of the congregation.


The Church Council shall consist of the President, Vice−Presidents and the Treasurer of thecongregation, and the Directors of the Eight (8) Administrative Boards listed in Section C of thisarticle. The Pastor and the Chairman of the Board of Elders are ex−officio members of theChurch Council.


The Board of Elders shall be elected from the Voting Membership in accordance with theBy−Laws of the congregation.


The Pre−School Board shall consist of members elected from the Voting Membership inaccordance with the By−Laws of the congregation. The Director of the Pre−School Board shallbe an ex−officio member of the Church Council.


The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Treasurer,Chairman of the Elders, and a Council Member to be appointed by the President. The Pastorshall serve as an ex−officio member of the Executive Committee.


This congregation, subject to the limiting provisions and regulations of this Constitution and itsassociated By−Laws, shall have supreme power in the administration of its affairs. No dulyelected officers of this congregation shall have any power or authority beyond that conferredupon them by the congregation acting through its Voting Membership.

Each Administrative Director, along with the Church Council, shall be responsible for theperformances of such duties as the Voting Membership may delegate to them by specialresolution. Such specially delegated rights and powers, both of officers and AdministrativeDirectors, shall be subject to revision or complete withdrawal by the Voting Membership as itsdiscretion.

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Only such candidates shall be called and elected to serve as Pastor, or as Christian ProfessionalWorkers, who profess acceptance of, and pledge faithful adherence to, the confessions of thiscongregation as set forth in Articles II and III of this Constitution.

In the absence of adequate cause for dismissal, as defined in By−Laws of the congregation, thetenure of office of a called or elected Pastor shall be the remainder of his active life, or until theLord calls him into another field of service. In the case of a Christian Professional Worker, asstipulated in the call or contract.

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Societies may be organized within the congregation only with the expressed approval of theVoting Membership, and all such societies shall be under the supervision of the Pastor and theappropriate Administrative Director. Only communicant members of this congregation shall beofficers of such societies or groups. Any decisions, enactment or performance of/or by societiesor groups shall be invalid if they conflict with this Constitution and its By−Laws. The Pastor byvirtue of his office shall be the advisor for such societies or groups within the congregation. Allsocieties shall encourage non−member participation to enrich the organization.

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If at any time a division should take place because of doctrinal differences, the property of thecongregation and all benefits connected therewith shall remain with those communicantmembers who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Article II of this Constitution. Ifdivision takes place for any other reason, the property shall remain with the majority of thecommunicant members. If the congregation should totally disband, the property and all rightsconnected therewith shall be transferred to the Northwest District of the LutheranChurch—Missouri Synod.

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All congregational matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the qualified VotingMembers present at a properly convened meeting of the Voting Membership (see By−Laws,Article IV, Section 4), except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and its associatedBy−Laws for dealing with certain situations or matters therein specifically mentioned anddefined.

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A. This Constitution may be changed or amended with the exception of theArticles listed in section B of this article, by a two−thirds (2/3) majority of thevotes cast in a regular meeting of the Voting Membership, provided that theintention to amend the Constitution and the wording of the amendmentsproposed shall be:

1. Submitted in writing to the entire congregation at least two (2) weeks prior to the dateupon which the amendment is presented for action.

2. Published, posted and read to the congregation assembled for worship on two (2)consecutive Sundays prior to the date upon which the amendment is presented foraction.

B. Articles II and VI are hereby made irrevocable.

C. This congregation may adopt such By−Laws as may be required for theaccomplishment of its purpose. These By−Laws may be changed or amended bya two−thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast in a constitutionally convenedmeeting of the Voting Membership provided that the amendment or change bepublished, posted and read to the congregation assembled for worship on twoconsecutive Sundays prior to the date upon which the amendment is presentedfor action.

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Section 1. Application for Membership − Procedure

All applicants for communicant membership must be approved or disapproved by the Pastor andDirector of Elders and shall be received into membership at a meeting of the Voters Assembly.The list of new members shall be publicized in the news media of the congregation.

Section 2: Privileges and Duties of Communicant Members

A. Grow in the Christian faith and life and partake of the Lord’s Supper frequently.


Provide for the proper Christian training of their children by instruction at home andthrough the agencies of the Church.

C. Contribute toward the maintenance of the congregation and the extension of theKingdom of God at home and abroad in proportion to the gifts God has bestowed uponthem.

D. Place their God−given talents and abilities at the disposal of the Pastor, the officers andother agencies of the congregation as set forth in its Constitution and By−Laws, so thatthe purposes and functions of the congregation may be effectively implemented.

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Section 1. Eligibility

Any confirmed member of this congregation shall be a voting member.

Section 2: Privileges and Duties of Voting Members

It shall be the privilege and duty of a Voting Member to:

A. Attend the meetings of the Voters Assembly regularly, participate in the work of thecongregation and willingly accept responsibility according to ability.

B. Become familiar with the Constitution and By−Laws and sign the congregationalregister.

C. Assist with wholehearted diligence in administering the temporal and spiritual affairs ofthe congregation.

D. Encourage communicant members who are not exercising their voting privileges toconsider seriously accepting their responsibility.

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Section 1: Ex−Communication and Self−Exclusion

Any member who lives in an unchristian manner shall be admonished according to Matt.18:15−20. If that person refuses to amend the sinful life after proper admonition, that membershall be excommunicated. If that member refuses to attend the Voters meeting to discuss the

case, that person will be considered self−excluded. A unanimous vote shall be required for everyresolution by the Voters Assembly for ex−communication or self−exclusion.

Section 2: Inactive Members

Any Communicant−Voting member who has not exercised the privileges and duties ofmembership listed in Articles I and II, for a period of one year, shall be counseled by the Eldersand Pastor. If that member does not wish to retain church membership, that person shall beremoved by a resolution of the Voters Assembly.

Section 3: Removal from Office

A. Any pastor, teacher or officer may be removed from office by the Voters Assembly by atwo−thirds (2/3) majority ballot vote, in Christian and lawful order, for one of thefollowing reasons: persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, or willfulneglect of duties.

B. The congregation may request the resignation of any pastor, teacher or officer from aposition in the congregation in the case of prolonged incapacity or generalincompetence.

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Section 1. Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Congregation shall be held twice each calendar year in April andNovember. The April meeting shall occur on the last Sunday of the Month and shall include theelections. The budget for the following year shall be presented to the congregation in printedform the first week in October and considered and accepted at the November meeting. TheChurch Council shall set dates and times of all Voters meetings.

All communicant members of the congregation are expected to attend the congregationalmeetings and may, with the consent of the Voting Membership, submit recommendations orparticipate in discussion of any given item of business under consideration.

Every congregational meeting shall be announced at the worship services on two consecutiveSundays preceding the date of the meeting.

Section 2: Special Meetings

A special meeting of the congregation may be called by the Pastor, the President, or the Church

Council by publicly announcing the date, place and purpose of such meeting on two (2)successive Sundays prior to the meeting. The congregation shall have the right to take up anyitems of business which are presented at a special meeting.

Section 3: Emergency Meetings:

Should an emergency situation arise requiring the congregation’s action before a special meetingcan be called (see Section 2 above), the Pastor, the President, or the Church Council may call anemergency meeting. At such a meeting the congregation shall vote on only that item of businessfor which the meeting has been called.

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Section 4: Order of Business at Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Voting Membership shall proceed as follows:

A. Scripture Reading and/or Prayer

B. Roll Call of Voting Members

C. Reception of New Members, Transfers Out and Releases

D. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Special Meetings

E. Unfinished Business

F. Treasurer’s Report

G. Reports from Directors

H. Reports of Board of Elders and Pre−School Board

I. State of the Parish report by Pastor

J. New Business

K. Adjournment

The President may with the consent of the Voters vary the above order in the interest ofefficiency.

In general Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail.

Section 5: Regulations Pertaining to Voters Assembly Meetings.

Thirty−five (35) voting members present shall constitute a quorum for a congregational meetingand shall be empowered to transact the congregation’s business. In the event of a tie vote, thepresident shall cast the deciding ballot. There shall be no voting by proxy.

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Section 1. Procedure for Securing a Pastor or Professional Christian Worker

When a vacancy occurs in the office of the Pastor or any called worker, the Board of Elders andthe President, upon the authority of the congregation, shall notify the District President of thevacancy and seek his good counsel in the selection of a new Pastor or other called worker.

The District President shall be requested to suggest a list of candidates for this office with acomplete history of each person, to which list the congregation has the right to add names ofother candidates. The Board of Elders and the President shall have the authority to secure acomplete history of those individuals added by the congregation. This list may then be approvedor changed by the congregation and thus become the official slate of candidates.

The names of the candidates thus nominated shall be made known to the congregation by publicannouncement and by bulletins. If within a period of two weeks no objection is submitted to theBoard of Elders or President and sustained, the persons thus nominated and published shall berecognized as candidates by the entire congregation and the congregation shall proceed to anelection.

The election shall proceed by ballot. The Candidate receiving a majority of votes cast shall bedeclared elected. In the event of no majority on the first ballot, the candidate or candidatesreceiving no vote, plus those candidates who receive the lowest number of votes, shall bedropped and another ballot cast. This procedure shall continue until one candidate has beenelected. After the election the Voting Membership shall voice its unanimous approval of theelection of the winning candidate. Any problems, not covered by the aforementioned basicruling, shall be decided upon by a procedure chosen by the members present.

Following the election the Board of Elders and the President shall prepare a Diploma ofVocation and Supplement to the Diploma of Vocation and present or send same to the electedcandidate, setting forth all conditions required of the office and the obligation of thecongregation towards the candidate elect.

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Section 2: The Pastoral Office

The Pastoral Office is the primary office in the congregation from which all other offices of thecongregation issue.

Upon being installed the Pastor is authorized and obligated:

To administer to us the Word of God in its full truth and purity as contained in the SacredScriptures of the Old and New Testaments and as set forth in the confessional writings of theEvangelical Lutheran Church as found in the Book of Concord.

To administer the holy sacraments in accordance with their divine institutions;

To perform the functions of a pastor in an evangelical manner, to aid, counsel, and guidemembers of all ages and social conditions, to visit the sick and the dying, to admonish theindifferent and the erring; To guard and promote faithfully the spiritual welfare of the membersof this congregation, in particular to instruct the catechumens, both children and adults, in theWord of God and thus prepare them for communicant membership in the church;

To guide the congregation in applying the divinely ordained discipline of the church; Topromote and guide the mission activity of the congregation in the local community, the Districtand Synod, and in particular to train workers and guide them in evangelism activities and toenlist the support of the congregation for mission work generally;

To assist the congregation in adopting administrative policies and procedures that will help itcarry out the mission of a Christian congregation;

To serve the congregation as an example of Christian conduct to endeavor earnestly to live inbrotherly unity with the members of the congregation and fellow workers and sistercongregations in the District and the Synod, and by the grace of God to do everything possiblewithin the sphere of his calling toward the edification of the congregation and the up−buildingof the church in Christ, both locally and generally; to report to the Board of Elders on hisactivities of the previous month and to include this report in a church publication.

Section 3: The Office of Christian Professional Workers

The office of the Christian Professional Worker is the authority conferred upon a trained andqualified person to perform the duties of that respective office according to the Word of God andthe specific needs of the congregation.

Upon being installed the Christian Professional Church Worker of the congregation shall beunder the supervision of the Board of Elders or such body as they deem necessary and shallwork with the Pastor in a spirit of team ministry. The worker is to fulfill the duties specified inthe call or contract.

The worker shall serve the congregation as an example of Christian conduct and endeavorearnestly to live in brotherly unity with the Pastor and other workers.

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Section 1: Nomination Procedure

At the January meeting in an election year the Church Council shall select four (4) votingmembers who, with the Pastor, shall serve as the Nominating Committee. They shall prepare alist of candidates from the voting membership to fill the following offices and Directors:

1. President

2. First and Second Vice−Presidents

3. Treasurer

4. A Director and Board Members for each of the following boards:

a. Elders

b. Preschool.

Only male members may be elected to the Board of Elders. Any voting member may submitadditional names to be included in the list of nominees provided that:

1. The Nominating Committee finds them willing to serve;

2. The Board of Elders finds them eligible; and

3. Such names be submitted at least 21 days before the April meeting. At least one weekbefore the April meeting the Nominating Committee shall post the slate of candidates onthe church bulletin boards.

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Section 2: Election Procedure

From the list of candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee the Voting Membershipshall at its April meeting elect by ballot and simple majority the Officers, Directors and Boardmembers as listed in Article VI, Section 1.

Only those candidates not elected for an office may be placed in nomination by the Voting

Membership at the election meeting for any office not yet filled.

Section 3: Installation of Officers − Term of Office

The newly elected officers, Directors and Board members of the congregation shall be installedand assume their duties of office in May. The term of office of all officers, directors, and boardmembers shall be two (2) years. Officers, directors and board members may succeed themselvesindefinitely.

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Section 1: Duties of Officers

A: President

The President shall preside over all meetings of the congregation and the Church Council,conducting them in an orderly Christian manner, and according to Roberts Rules of Order.Revised Edition. The President shall carry out the will of the congregation as set forth in theConstitution, By−Laws and resolutions of the Voters Assembly. All boards and committeesshall he responsible to him and he shall coordinate all plans, functions and activities of thecongregation for the furtherance of the work of Christ’s Kingdom in our midst.

The President shall appoint a secretary from the voting membership whose term of office shallbe the same as that of the President. The secretary shall record the proceedings of all ChurchCouncil and congregational meetings, keep attendance records, carry on all correspondence asordered by the President, the Church Council and the congregation and generally perform allduties normally associated with the office.

The President and the Treasurer shall serve as Trustees signing for the corporation all deeds,mortgages, notes, leases, contracts and other documents; and represent the congregation in alllegal matters.

The President shall have the Power of Attorney to act for the Treasurer when and if theTreasurer is incapable of fulfilling his duties.

The President shall appoint an Auditing Committee consisting of any two qualifiedcommunicant members of the congregation other than the Treasurer and Financial Secretary toaudit the financial records of the congregation and to review the auditing procedures of theinternal organizations. The President shall submit the Audit Committee’s report at the Aprilmeeting of the Voting Membership in each year.

The President shall assign his Vice−Presidents to supervise certain directors, dividing theresponsibilities according to their discretion and abilities.

The President together with the Treasurer shall make an annual inventory of official documentsin safekeeping and shall enter same in the official minutes of the congregation.

B. Vice−Presidents

In the absence of the President, the First Vice−President of the congregation shall act for and inthe stead of the President. The first and second vice−presidents shall be available for whateveradditional duties the President shall assign to them as his representatives.

The Vice−Presidents shall be assigned by the President to supervise certain directors, dividingthe responsibilities according to their discretion and abilities.

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C. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

1. Be responsible for accurately accounting and recording congregational receipts anddisbursements.

2. Prepare a preliminary financial report for Church Council meetings and a duplicatedreport to be distributed at least a week before each regular congregational meeting.

3. Submit permanent financial records for annual audit.

4. Be bonded as designated by the Church Council and paid for by the congregation.

5. Control the cash flow from the treasury so that an adequate balance is available forrecurring expenses such as salaries, utilities, fuel, emergencies etc.

6. Sign all checks for payment of bills, salaries, or other financial commitments of thecongregation.

7. Have available for all Boards a current record of their accrued disbursements and budgetallotment.

8. Have the authority to work with salaried workers of the congregation to divide theworker’s total compensation into salary and fringe benefits as the worker requests.

9. Serve with the President as Trustees, both signing for the corporation all deeds,

mortgage, notes, leases, contracts and other documents; and represent the congregationin all legal matters.

10. Together with the President make an annual inventory of official documents insafekeeping, and enter in the official minutes of the congregation.


1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Treasurer,Chairman of the Elders, and a Council Member to be appointed by the President. ThePastor shall serve as an ex−officio member of the Executive Committee.

2. The Executive Committee shall have annual evaluations with all personnel including thePastor(s) and Christian Workers to assist in determining the needs and progress of eachemployee.

3. The Executive Committee shall determine salaries for all personnel excluding thepastor(s) and Christian worker(s) with the assistance of the appropriate boards andchurch officials and will evaluate these salaries on an annual basis.

4. The Executive Committee shall work together with the appropriate councils and churchofficials to make sure proper job descriptions are created for each position.

5. The Executive Committee shall, prior to the dismissal of any personnel, give what everhelp, listen to any concerns and give adequate opportunity for an employee to performthe responsibilities of that position.

6. The Executive Committee shall, above all, perform in a Christian manner when dealingwith any personnel.

7. The Executive Committee shall have the best interest of the Church in mind, howeverkeep an honest concern for each employee.

8. The President shall call any meetings required to fulfill the responsibilities of theExecutive Committee.

9. The Executive Committee shall refer to any current documents from Synod regardingthe compensation and protection for called positions and professional church workers.

10. The Executive Committee of personnel shall keep a permanent set of minutes for eachmeeting and a copy of such minutes shall be turned over to the church council secretary

and become the property of the congregation and kept in a special file.

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Section 3. Church Council

The Church Council shall consist of the President, the Vice−Presidents, the Treasurer, theEight (8) Administrative Directors, the Pastor of the congregation and the Chairman of theElders are ex−officio members. They shall:

1. Coordinate the work between the Pastor, the Officers of the congregation, and thevarious Administrative Directors in planning the total work of the congregation.

2. Present to the Voters Assembly at its November meeting a yearly plan of activities forthe entire congregation as well as long−range plans for the development and expansionof Christ’s work in our midst.

3. Prepare the agenda for all regular meetings of the Voters Assembly.

4. Set the dates and times for the Voters Assembly meetings.

5. Appoint the Nominating Committee

6. Fill un−expired terms or shortages of board members by appointment.

7. Lead the congregation in an annual Missions emphasis.

8. Appoint a Building Use Committee to work in conjunction with the Director of ChurchProperties to recommend policies and fees for the rental, use and lending of the churchproperties to the Church Council and oversee such policies.

The Church Council shall keep a permanent set of minutes for each meeting. Such minutesshall be the property of the congregation and a copy shall be filed in the church office.

The Church Council shall meet Monthly.

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Section 4: The Administrative Directors

A. General Duties and Powers of Administrative Directors

B. Each Administrative Directors shall submit a brief report of its activities at each regularmeeting of the Voting Membership. Matters that require congregational action or approval shallfirst be submitted to the Church Council.

Each Administrative Directors shall initiate and carry out such activities and programs withinthe congregation, which will perform the functions and duties assigned to it by the Constitutionand By−Laws, or by specific resolution of the Voting Membership.

Each Administrative Director shall be empowered to administer all funds set aside by budgetappropriation or by special resolution of the Voters Assembly; however, the Church Council orthe Voting Membership may, at its discretion, restrict such expenditures to conform with theactual financial condition of the congregation as determined by the Treasurer at any given time.Each Director shall be liable for all expenditures not authorized either by the budget or byspecial resolution of the congregation. Each Director before incurring any extraordinaryexpenses must submit them to the Church Council and the congregation, if possible, forapproval.

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Section 5: Administrative Boards andDirectorsA. THE BOARD OF ELDERS

The Board shall consist of six (6) or more members. The basic concerns of this Board aretwofold:

A. The Spiritual Life of the Congregation

B. Supervision of Congregational Worship

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the following specific responsibilities areassigned to the Board of Elders:

A. The Spiritual Life of the Congregation The Board shall:

1. Encourage the Pastor in his work by prayer, word and action.

2. Be concerned about the spiritual and physical well−being of the Pastorand his family, and yearly review his compensation.

3. Arrange for substitute pastors and guest speakers as needed.

4. Maintain discipline within the congregation according to Scripture, theLutheran Confessions, Article IV of the Constitution and Article III ofthe By−Laws of this congregation and admonish members when


5. The Director will assign a group of families to each Elder who willassist the Pastor in maintaining contact with the families and considertheir special concerns.

6. Determine the eligibility of applicants for membership in thiscongregation.

7. Expedite all requests for transfers.

8. Promote the growth of individual discipleship of members inconjunction with the Boards of Evangelism, Stewardship andEducation.

9. Engage in continual review of communion and church attendance of allmembers and make calls on members.

10. Supervise and engage in visitation of all sick, hospitalized, aged, andshut−ins in the congregation continually.

11. Be concerned about and supervise thorough instruction of youth andadults for confirmation and church membership in accordance with thedoctrines of the Lutheran Church and the aims of the Director ofEducation.

12. Be responsible for maintenance and follow−up of a prospect file.

13. Be responsible for the guest book and follow−up of visitors.

14. Before organization of Pastor’s instruction classes, conduct specialvisitations to witness for Christ and to invite prospective members toattend.

15. Be concerned for the reception, orientation, integration and continuingparticipation of new members in the congregation. Review theirprogress after six (6) to twelve (12) months.

16. Periodically sponsor dinners, fellowship nights, etc., in conjunctionwith the Board of Fellowship that will promote the integration of newfamilies or individuals.


Be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregationtoward members and visitors and suggest ways and means ofimprovement.

18. Study and/or adopt or adapt suggestions by the evangelism departmentsof Synod, District, and Circuit,

19. Engage at least once yearly in a self−study.

20. Submit an annual budget as requested by the Director of Stewardship.

21. The Board of Elders shall keep a permanent set of minutes for eachmeeting and a copy of such minutes shall be turned over to the churchsecretary and become the property of the congregation and kept in aspecial file.

B. Supervision of Congregational Worship

1. The Director of the Board of Elders shall appoint one Elder as chairmanof the worship committee and one Elder as assistant to the chairman.The chairman will then appoint a committee that shall:

2. Plan and publicize the services for the year.

3. Work with the organist and choir director in providing appropriatemusic for congregational worship.

4. Staff, train and supervise the ushering staff.

5. Assist the Pastor with communion distribution, reading of Scripture,and conducting worship services as required.

6. Set the time, schedule and number of communion services inconjunction with the Pastor and the approval of the VotingMembership.

7. Submit to the Board of Elders and Voting Membership for approval ofnew forms of worship, liturgies, and hymns for use in congregationalworship.

8. Supervise the Altar Guild in the care, use and maintenance of the sacredvessels, the altar, the altar furnishings and vestments, and maintain an

adequate supply of expendable items for worship.

9. Submit an annual budget as requested by the Director of Stewardship.

10. The Worship Committee shall keep a permanent set of minutes for eachmeeting and a copy of such minutes shall be turned over to the churchsecretary and become the property of the congregation and kept in aspecial file.

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The basic objectives of Evangelism are the bringing of the Gospel to the un−churched and theenlistment of all of God’s people in the work of spreading the Gospel.

The Director of Evangelism, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Council shall:

1. Develop and implement congregational evangelism projects and activities.

2. Recruit congregational members to carry out these efforts.

3. Assist the Pastor in the entire program of proclaiming the Gospel to all people.

4. Encourage prayer in church and homes for sincere evangelistic concern toward allpeople inside and outside the Church.

5. Foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregational members informally andspontaneously to witness for Christ.

6. Emphasize evangelism through an intensive every member education program annually.

7. Maintain an ongoing visitation program, offering people more than membership in achurch – a saving relationship with Christ.

8. Be responsible, together with the Director of Public Relations, for a program ofcommunity relations that identifies the congregation with the Gospel of Christ.

9. Use the evangelism potential of The Lutheran Hour, and other Synodical or Christianprograms.


Emphasize evangelism and encourage evangelism programs in and through thesocieties and auxiliary organizations of the congregation and suggest projects for suchorganizations.

11. Emphasize, in conjunction with the Director of Education, child and youthevangelism, both in participation and outreach.

12. Canvass the congregation’s area of responsibility and record, study and use theresults.

13. Make use of all available means of locating new families in the area, calling on themand maintaining such contacts.

14. Be responsible for maintenance and follow−up of a prospect file.

15. Be responsible for the guest book and follow−up of visitors.

16. Before organization of Pastor’s instruction classes, conduct special visitations to witnessfor Christ and to invite prospective members to attend.

17. Be concerned for the reception, orientation, integration and continuing participation ofnew members in the congregation. Review their progress after six (6) to twelve (12)months.

18. Periodically sponsor dinners, fellowship nights, etc., in conjunction with the Board ofFellowship which will promote the integration of new families or individuals.

19. Be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation toward members andvisitors and suggest ways and means of improvement.

20. Study and/or adopt or adapt suggestions by the evangelism departments of Synod,District, and Circuit.

21. Engage at least once yearly in a self−study.

22. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objective of Education is to plan, administer and supervise the total educationalprogram of the congregation.

1. The Director of Education, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Councilshall:

2. Be responsible for the Christian nurture of children, youth and adults in thecongregation and in the community.

3. Establish objectives, set policies for, and supervise each educational agency and itspersonnel.

4. Provide for active expression of Christian love and concern as an integral part of thetotal educational program.

5. Approve curriculum and analyze performance of each educational endeavor and seekconstant improvement.

6. Continually review curriculum and activities to determine whether all age groups arebeing served, and recommend revisions and additions as deemed advisable.

7. Encourage increasing participation of every member in Bible study, privately and informal and informal groups.

8. Delegate administration of educational agencies to qualified persons.

9. Gather lists of candidates for vacancies in the teaching staff and properly call teachersfor these position.

10. Enlist, train and place lay teachers and leaders as the congregation’s needs require.

11. Establish a system of commendation and recognition for faithful service by all personsinvolved in the educational task of the congregation.

12. Foster Christian education in the family and seek to relate educational agencies to thehomes.

13. Encourage Christian educational programs in societies of the congregation.


Consider special classes, courses, conferences and retreats for educational staff and forspecial groups.

15. Consider provision of special educational opportunities for mentally retarded and otherhandicapped persons.

16. Maintain, improve and cultivate the use of a church library.

17. Provide for and promote the use of audio−visual aids and to this end establish andmaintain a library of such materials.

18. Provide and/or promote subscriptions to church periodicals.

19. Study and/or adopt or adapt helps suggested by the educational departments of Synod,District and Circuit.

20. Establish policy for scholarships and present to the congregation for approval.

21. Establish and maintain a permanent file of all children and youth of the congregationb age, grade level, and the like. Example: Cradle Roll.

22. Annually examine the educational facilities and equipment and makerecommendations to the Board of Church Properties for purchase, upkeep, repairs andreplacements.

23. Regularly check the safety of educational facilities−steps, handrails, lights, exits − ofhousekeeping practices and conduct fire drills.

24. Include in its budget a selected list of educational institutions for its support.

25. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objectives of this Board are to involve the young people of the congregation in thework of Christ, to provide for their spiritual growth and nurture, and to promote genuineChristian fellowship for the young people of the congregation.

The Director of Youth, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Council shall.

1. Promote attendance and involvement of the congregation’s youth at all youth activitieswithin the congregation.

2. Provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregationthrough Bible study, prayer, Christian service and discussion of topics of currentinterest.

3. Plan and carry out, together with other concerned boards, a year round program for theyoung people of the congregation.

4. Develop a program for the social fellowship for young people of the congregation.

5. Actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the young people’s program.

6. Plan and observe, together with the Pastor, a yearly Congregational Young People’sSunday.

7. Plan a special event to welcome the newly confirmed young people of the congregationand to invite them to join the young people’s group.

8. Provide for opportunities of service to the community.

9. Provide for public recognition of various youth achievements and accomplishments.

10. Plan and coordinate activities for youth with other young people’s groups outside thecongregation, particularly with other Lutheran Young People’s groups at various levels.

11. In conjunction with the Board of Evangelism, train and involve the young people ofthe congregation in witnessing for Christ.

12. Encourage counseling for the spiritual, moral, social and vocational development ofyoung people.

13. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objectives of are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardshipattitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures, to providefor the training and use of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom, andto ensure the financial stability of the congregation.

The Director of Stewardship, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Council shall:

1. Study the Scriptural principles regarding the total stewardship calling of the Christianand share these insights with the members of the congregation.

2. Maintain a program to discover the talents God has given members of the congregation,maintain a talent file at all times and provide for the immediate recording of the talentsof new members.

3. Provide opportunities for the development of talents (e.g. training courses, workshopsand seminars.)

4. Conduct an intensive program annually to acquaint every member with basic Biblicalstewardship principles and practices.

5. Encourage Gospel−motivated giving and annually provide every member anopportunity to make a commitment of his treasure for Kingdom work.

6. Initiate the preparation and presentation to the congregation of a God pleasing workprogram for the coming year, determine anticipated receipts and recommend a budgetfor adoption by the Voters Assembly.

7. Foster support for missions and charities through an ongoing program of missioninformation and education.

8. Screen all outside appeals for funds and make recommendations to the Church Councilor initiate the appropriate action to such an appeal.

9. Evaluate various programs for endowments, remembrance of the congregation in willsand bequests, and suggest ways of implementation.

10. Be concerned, together with the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, for safe deposit andrecording of all funds, monthly remissions of offerings for missions and churchagencies, and prompt payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the congregationand the appropriate Boards.


Evaluate the offerings of the congregation regularly and share these evaluations with themembers of the congregation.

12. Encourage stewardship programs in the societies and auxiliaries of the congrcgauun.

13. Annually review the budgeting procedures of the congregation in conjunction with the−Treasurer and Financial Secretary and recommend to the congregation any necessaryimprovements or revisions.

14. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The Director of Stewardship shall appoint a Financial Secretary.

The Financial Secretary shall:

1. Be responsible for the accurate counting, recording, and depositing of all receipts for thecongregation in a local financial institution or institutions and to that end shall enlist atleast one other congregational member. The Financial Secretary shall record allcontributions by members and non−members.

2. Be responsible for issuance of regular quarterly statements to members showing theirofferings to date.

3. Furnish the Treasurer with a duplicate deposit slip for all deposits.

4. Be responsible for the expediting and safe deposit and keeping of all funds.

5. Be responsible for requisitioning and distributing of offering envelopes.

6. Furnish the congregation a surety bond in the amount set by the congregation, suchbond shall be procured and the premium paid by the congregation.

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The basic objective of Church Properties is the proper maintenance and repair of churchproperty. The Director of Church Properties, with the cooperation and consultation of theChurch Council shall:

1. Make frequent inspections of church properties and equipment and recommend to theChurch Council and the Voters Assembly needed repairs, improvements andreplacements.

2. Conduct an annual inventory of all church equipment, including serial numbers,acquisition date and approximate value of each major item, if available.

3. Carry out all resolutions of the Voters Assembly on purchases, repairs and replacementof church property and equipment.

4. Determine and engage, with the congregational approval, adequate custodial help.

5. Prepare for the custodial help a detailed list of the required daily, weekly, monthly orannual maintenance of the facilities and equipment of the congregation.

6. Annually review and recommend salaries for all custodial help.

7. Determine and establish, with the approval of the Church Council, regulationsgoverning the use of church property and equipment.

8. Coordinate the schedule of activities within the facilities in conjunction with theDirector of Fellowship.

9. Procure and issue keys for church property and keep a record of same.

10. Supervise, control and recommend adequate storage facilities for all church property,equipment, and supplies and the orderly maintenance of the same.

11. Annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church property andequipment and make recommendations to the Church Council.

12. Check all property frequently for fire hazards.

13. Enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating,landscaping and other projects.


Negotiate service contracts for the organ, office machines, and other equipment.

15. In conjunction with the Building Use Committee, recommend policies and fees forrental, use, and lending of church properties to the Church Council.

16. Submit an annual budget as requested by the Director of Stewardship.

17. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objectives of Parish Fellowship are the strengthening of the fellowship betweencongregation members spiritually and socially, the integration of new members into the life ofthe congregation, and the general up−building of mutual cooperation, trust and enjoymentamong the members of the congregation.

The Director of Parish Fellowship, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Councilshall:

1. Plan, supervise and implement larger gatherings of the congregation from time to timewhich will further the goals of the congregation.

2. Provide for the integration of new members and their families into the congregationthrough periodic fellowship nights, dinners and receptions in conjunction with theDirector of Evangelism.

3. Together with the Pastor, receive and approve requests for the use of the congregation’sfacilities for wedding receptions or other events.

4. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objectives of Public Relations are the presentation to the public of a Christian imagewhich will reflect favorably upon the work of Christ and of the congregation as His instrument,the publicizing of the work of the congregation through various channels, and the general

integration of the congregation’s work into the life of the community.

The Director of Public Relations, with the cooperation and consultation of the Church Councilshall:

1. Represent the congregation in community activities as well as keeping the congregationinformed of social, political and economic developments within the community.

2. Be concerned, together with other appropriate Boards, with the congregation’s role inthe community and develop useful means of becoming a better servant to thecommunity.

3. Establish and maintain a continuing program of publicity through the news media forthe activities which will reflect favorably on the congregation and its commitment to theGospel of Christ.

4. Maintain the church bulletin boards and recommend appropriate messages and themesfor publication.

5. Work together with the Board of Elders and the Director of Evangelism in making theguests feel welcome in our midst.

6. Be responsible for the publication of the church news letter, publicity and informationalbrochures.

7. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The basic objectives of Social Ministries and Missions are to make the congregation aware ofits responsibility to its community and to initiate and nurture social ministry programs. Seeknew opportunities for ministering the Gospel.

The Director of Social Ministries and Missions, with the cooperation and consultation of theChurch Council shall:

1. Administer the Fund for Social Ministries and Missions consisting of budgeted andunbudgeted funds made up of gifts from individuals or organizations, memorials,special plate collections for other money raising efforts.


Investigate cases of severe financial need.

3. Administer the distribution of gifts on behalf of the congregation. Names of allrecipients shall be kept confidential.

4. Keep a file of the names of needy people to whom the congregation and itsorganizations may contribute gifts.

5. Maintain contact with benevolent and charitable agencies in the community.

6. Plan and recommend a year−−round program of support for Relief Agencies (financialgifts, clothing drives, and the like) through the various agencies and committees of thecongregation.

7. Annually prepare and submit as part of the budget of these endeavors a selected list ofcharities and educational institutions.

8. Study and maintain a list of available social agencies for help with alcoholics, drugproblems, delinquents, mental retardation, emotionally disturbed individuals, unwedmothers, either of Lutheran, private or public nature.

9. Together with the Pastor, study the possibilities and recommend implementation ofoffering spiritual services and care to hospitals, homes for the aged, prisons and otherinstitutions within the community.

10. Arrange transportation for those unable to drive to worship services, Sunday School andother church activities.

11. Encourage and support congregational mission projects.

12. Disseminate information about mission opportunities and mission work of thecongregation, the District and the Synod.

13. Sponsor a Mission Sunday at least once a year.

14. A permanent set of minutes shall be kept for any special meeting and a copy of suchminutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become the property of thecongregation and kept in a special file.

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The Preschool Board shall consist of at least three (3) members, including the Director of theBoard.

The basic objective of the Board is to administer and supervise the Preschool program of thecongregation. That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the following specificresponsibilities are assigned to the Preschool Board.

The Board shall:

1. Exercise leadership in gathering lists of candidates for vacancies in the teaching staffand for properly calling or contracting professional teachers and their helpers.

2. Supervise the conduct of professional teachers and helpers on the staff of the preschool.

3. Be concerned about the spiritual, emotional, physical health and welfare of theprofessional education staff and their families.

4. Provide for the professional growth of the educational staff through conferences,conventions, continuing education and the like, and request the necessary funds for thesame in the yearly budget.

5. Study and adopt or adapt helps suggested by the educational departments of Synod andDistrict.

6. Annually examine the education facilities and equipment, and make recommendationsto the Director of Church Properties as to upkeep, repairs, and replacements needed.

7. Work with the teaching staff to determine what new materials and equipment need to bepurchased and provide the funds needed for their purchase.

8. Check the safety of education facilities—steps, handrails, lights, exits, housekeepingpractices, fire drills and the like—on a regular basis.

9. Promote the preschool program within the congregation and the community.

10. Seek ways to establish mission outreach through the preschool.

11. Prepare and submit an annual budget as requested by the Board of Stewardship.


The Pre−School Board shall keep a permanent set of minutes for each meeting and acopy of such minutes shall be turned over to the church secretary and become theproperty of the congregation and kept in a special file.

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