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Post on 16-Jul-2020






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l{l'-SI}(}NSfr (}I'-'l'l l Ir- (;O\'}'.}{Nf,'lliN'I 0}' NIll'AI-Itclaled frt Youlh antl Ilutttan ILiglrts

Subnrittcri to tiniterl Nations If igh Clomrnissiortcr lor Hutnan Rights

1. ls tScre r prrtional lau on 1'ou1h on \.our countn''/ I{'r'es. pleasc describc it (inclutlinghou \ oulh is clefinecl * ith in the specific l:ru').yes. Nepai fias National Youth Clor-rncil Act.2015 (hercinafier rclerred as ''the Act'')' Its1ti-ea,tble steles- thal the Act ltas been cnaclcci to makc treccssar\i provisiott 1br prepar:ing

ccprpctelil citize;s ibr bLiilding an a11luen1 naiioir i11r proleciins and prornotit-tg tile inieresls

o1'1,o,1h apd 1b; incluciing thc l,outh - lhrougir thcir elt'iptltt'1]rlltetlt. in the r-nainstrean'i ofoevcloDircn'. bi, invoh,ing then'r in policr making about vt-ruth relaied tnatters.

TIte mair itLlipcse of this r\ct is to coordinaie the )/outh related progralrs 1br 1'outhdeyelopmeirt apd mobiiization b1, corrstitLriing the National Yor-rih Courlcil lirercinafte,'re icri-eij as ',NYC") under lhe N4inislr), o1-\'outh and Sports (hereinafter relerred as "\4oYS'').Alicr el.]actmciti of t5e Act. a laii'fi.ri rval lor constituliott of the NYC has beconle opetl- atrd

alo;tg u,itli tlic establishincnt of the Cor-urcil as an orqanizational structltre has beeil createci

1'br voLrllt dcvelopltreltt atld nlobilizatiorl.

Nepal has f-r-anted and being implemerrted National Youth Policl'-2015 (hereinalier rcf-erred

as "NYir") contprel",ensiye subjeci matters of vouth developnrerlt have been ittcorporated in

the lbrpr of pciicl'. In order to implenrent those mallers a11er detennining their prioi'ities, it isiutltcrative to fix a clear approach ol ,vouth development. a strategic u'ork plan anci progralrs.

l'he Act iras dellned vouth as persons belonging to the age group of 16 to 40 1'ears. l1'tire aSe

gr.oup o1'16 to 40 y,ears o1'Nepali popLrlation is vierved. it seents to cover 40.35 percetrl o1'the

lotal population. and in the con,ing decade this percenia-se is projected to go Lrll- ln the contt-xt

ol Lrliibgr1it), \,et to be introciuced in regard to the grori'th age sroup in diflcrent bodies oi

Covernrlcnt oi-Nepal (hereinalier referrcd as "GoN"), "Youth Vision-2025" has ciassil-ied

it into t\\,o aqe groups ol l6 to 2rtr 1'ears and 25 to 40 1'cars and the group r'r'ise priorities have

been cietern't i Ired accordi n gl 1'.

As enr,i-ciolled orr the y,outh vision-2025" the 1'outh bclon.uir-rg to the age group of 16 to 24

y,ears g,ili be aLrcorclecl ntore ernphasis in regard to education, health, trainin-u.- leadership

de'eloprlelt and ep.iplo\,metrt u,hcreas- the age group o1'25 to 40 1'ears u'ili be activell'involved in emplol,urent, leadership. managetnent. health. inrrestt-tlent in tire 1"outh and

entreprelteurship ancl policl, lbrn-rulation/ciecision anC itnplemcntation.

2. \\'hat are main challenges that Young people facc in }'our counttl'?'fhcl-e arc tran), challcnges the voung people lace in l.\epal. solre of rvhiclr arc sialed as

be Iori':-a) l-ack of adequate access to resources- linte-;"c[ aud enrplovnletll orielrtcd education.

apprcrtticcsl$. i,,r.ffi'ocational ski i Is trailr ings:

aov{&',,-e-'ffi 1'

l'.r I llirit t-aic oj riitct.ltltltt\,ritcill aiIoI:l -rtrLtilts:c.) l ii{lt r.alc rt1'<)r * labrr.,iir,;.u1iitit rij_ r,oi;ihs:ti) lrllticqualc Pilrsical .,r,i ,r',.,,tr] hi':iilr 1i,,-ii;r;", *,rd,irtri1ior.. to tirc -roulhs:e ) "\["sellcc .1-l rluth fi ienijlr iirr cstr.rciil a;rcl enviror-]rlcrt o1'cirtreprc;rcLirshigr.

'l' \\'hat Elcasure is the Go'ernment tahing ro c,nsurc the fuH imprcnrcntation of 'oung

pcol;trc's rights (ciril arrcl political righrs r'r,l ".."""rr" unu social rights)?.ljrc GoN is fuijr coirscious about firll ir..rpieircntation of.loung people .s ri-eht. Nepal hascot,ilrittt-cj to l)l'oicct and tLrlfili the richis "r l"rin ir." enririoring tirroush trie constilLrtion.Arriclc 'i2 cf rhc c-'orrsrirurio, of'Ncpaipro'i<Jes irr" [igi- ro sociarjustice.It siaies "tire socialJ-i' backu'arrj \\'crren- Dulit. indisenous people. indigenous narionaiities.ljlil:;lr; l',::::,T::::: Ii::]1il,::.1:::r,r;i;;: :;;-eira,rzed .o,i,,u,,iii"s r\4us,imscirizens o1'back*,ard regions .,d i,.r;n.l;/ffi::?i:5}i ,:lJil:,.i1|,?::"i,1;,illilil,#,,LStaie bodies oir rhe basii of inclusi'c i*r.ioi":'rr-\4


c'laltse (7) o1'Sub-Article (i) o1-Article 51 of the constirutio'r ol.Nepar intends ro create anatrllosphcre coltducirc to the hril el!o'rrent of the political. economic. social and culturalriehts' rihile c,ha,cirlg thc,participarion of l,ouths in narional developrnent. to nrake theirpersortalitl'cle,elopnrent'-u:liiie providin-r rp".ior opfo.rL,ni,l,in ur"".'i,r.ira;,r* a,d e*pror,,]]:r, ftr. tI.,...,-,rporr,ernrent and deveiopment of the l,outrrs a,d provideihem *'ith appropriate opporrunitiesfor U,. ",:.,rf iA:;;i;;1rr"r, of the Stare.l-he GoN has taken policies' Iegislative. and p.ogrammatic nreasures in order to imprementthe .ights o1'1'oull-s people e,r'i-siorred in the

"n,rl,irrrinn. in. cox tr"s u""n imprerrentin_ril];i;i1',:i:11,f:""H3ii,::n;n'1ffi;'; in;' n"l;.,". nu'",.i,f ;; ;;,,. srraregic

J'he Youth Vision-2025^has recognized fir'e pillars in order to achie'e thc 'isior, Ion-' terrngoais and obiecti'es of^.it:Thc ive pillars'or Youtt., iision-zozs are l) eualitati'e andProi-c'ssional L.ducation 2) Empro1,r",.,'r. and Skiil <1e'eropnrent 3) llearthili j,,o,.jii,S,]j:;|,' 4) N4obilization. Pa.ticipatio, and i-eadership Deverop,renr. 5) Sporrs

Under the Act' the NYC has bee', eslablished {br coordi.ating prograrns for y,outhde'elopmerlt and mobilizatior. Along ",i,r-,,rr. "l ro,'rirr#

"f the council. an organi zatio,arstruclttre has been set Lrp fbr louih developmenr a,d ,rr"oii,r*.,r.-;,iif"."i, ffi;:Jjregarding the youtll mobilizarion are bcing implemented unaer the council. The Nyc is;ffit,::Tlii*Lf*i;::1"",,"enr oiganizatitns (herei,,arre,- rererrcd as ..NGos,,) rbr rhe

In Novernber 10. 2017. rhe6gtd N\.C nreetins has decided*,i1h r\\'C and irrerrg;qgYI NCOr- shall coordinate rvith-p, ?H- o* o* PflFil\l:'

^nffi i +iffi#"i 2vv a-ary+ffi-%rb*o*-

that all NGOs should coordinateIt4oYS. NYC mobilizcd various


\ illli:irit': ltllii irt"ti ies oi' (irl\- ftss()cirl;ors arc or-gairiznii.irs ct-rccrirccl rr lih ,\ (lriihtl' t t'ir)illllcIi ll:rii i:lLet';.ittiiilltrtl cioiroi'ascncics ibr ac]ricr]ir! tile tarpci .1'routir de.'e loi--rle*1irr ;r tort;'ri i;Ititrl liliillitcl-. I

(.rtlrl r'rt ltlcase gi'e erantgtles of Policics and progranrnles acioptecl fo su,port and('nrl)o\\ cr-\ oulig pco;tle in the exc.rcisc of'thcir righls ?

ilrr'( i,N lias bee'lt irnplellleltiittg NYP u'irh a 'ieu'to pronrcic basic ,or-*s alrd 'alues suchir! -\'oii{lls'alic!'iallce 1o llle nation. lrationalitv ancl the peopie: lullrl]nrcirt of'the basic needs

'rl lirr'-t'oulils: ihc poiicy o1'eclualitr anci eqLritable distribution. *orld peiice. co-cristerce atlc pt'omotiorl o{- basic nornrs ar<i 'alues Iike caste. lanpriage. cultur.c a*cl('!t \: i l'on ritL:nial Itet-itagc.

\\'l) clttcgoiizes and def incs the tentr ycluth accor.din,Iio prior.it1..l-he} are youth belongi,glo yrioriil, ariii special prior.itl, g,.,,rp" conllict victim youth. \,c11h at l.isk. phr,sicalll,tlrrrllc,sccj 'or-rrh and 1'ourh berongi,g ro nrarginariz.ed o,,J ,,ii;;r,;r-;r;,;;r,,-rnit_v. r-hist';ricrorizatii)n are ntade in ordcr to brin-u 1,ou1hs in mainstr.ealt_r ol.developrleni.

lLri'tiicrtltol-c- tllai,streanlinq o1'1'ou1hs has been taken as a crosscuitirrg issue. variousi\4irrisi'ies of'coN has been irnplenrenting programs relalin-u to the youlh suclr as educaiion.lre illth' asiicLiltut'e ' tourislt-t- Iabor. emplo)'lnent and sporls. l'he MoYS is coordinatirrg to bring;rll tltc activiiies under these nrinistries and to utilize Nyc nationu,ide structure.\'!;ri.r oirsoing pfogram 1'or cie'e lopnrent of l,outrr are as follori,s:-. \'outlts entrcpreneurships program

one vDC(villagetl'en Youth- Ten Youth one entrep.eneurship is the drea,r pro.jectof N4oYS as u'ell NYC to encourage youth to become entreprerelrr. 'l'his prograu-lmeis undern.-YC an<j NYC provide Nepali rupees five hundred thoLrsand lor each grou.)anci lronitor 1he u,ork and provide feedback.. \'ouths exchange program (International and Internal)

NYC fbciiitates intet'rlal 1'outli exchange progranrme i, coordination u,ith DistrictYot-ith Council's in clil'lbrent district,lre Iear.ning and sharing ol.r,ouths and1\4oY'S lacilitates interlrational Youth Exchange programme u,ith India. china. LrAErrrd Llrrluar.ia.

Youths parliamentYouths Pariianlcnl is the dream project o1'Mo\rS as u,ell asNyc. yoLrlhs parliamenlis a kind of'rnock parliarnent of Youths u'here vouth 'oice. issues etc" are collected i,t'iard ievel and representativc fiom u,ard Ievel bring voice from respective places ardthose issues are discussecl in National levcl Parliament module. l\4ock sessioir arecarried out *'here issues of 'outrr are discussed a,d addressec.

*"e -ffiffofl .f,H;$&:r* ffiM"6a 4^ ^\+!V_ffi.',

-4"-^eP;f"' 5

*>,?fir,,, &\-r" 1,,.,


Youti:s Yoiu uterl' i)rtigl*nr\lt,'\'> i.:ari :ttobilizcti tett tiroii>:ncl voiriir clL:rills calihqualie lbl rcscLle aird scal'ch.t.rncicr-iite tirr-urc of 1.A dar o1- \'oriiir 1bi Societr') i\{oYS and i.\\'C iit co-ordinarionri itlt ciif iclcnl ((--ilO) olsailizrrtioir rlobiliz-es volun'.eer ilt di{'f'crcnt activiiv andpioglam;r-ie such as lYi). l\\ D. Cii,il Ilospital Lilealting Clanrpaierr. pianiingprograrltic. anil relie 1'Ilaict'ial coiiectiott durirrg erlergencies and natural disaster arrds0 t)lr.

National Youth Talent Arr arrll\4oYS annualiv au,ards tcn nalional lcvcl ),ouih \\,itir "National Youth J'aient Au,ard".Ther-c is ''National YoLrth Taicnt Directive" in older to select thc au,ardecs. l-hecandicjates fbr au,ar-ds shall a;rpll'as perthe directives and MoYS selects ac:co;6iinn1otl:eir corrtributions. For seieclion process there is "lr-atiorral Yourh Talenl Directir.'e"so. those )'outh ri,hc {rt in the critcriathey appll,and MoYS select accor<jing to theii'il'ork.

,i. Hon'are vouth organizations or Youth-led struclure involved in developing,implemenling, monitoring and/or cvaluating policics and programmes on 5,outh in yourcountrl,?N)'C is resportsible 1'or coordinaiicxr and facilitation o{'the youth-relaicd proerammesconducted bv governnrentalas u,ellas NGOs and private sectors. MoYS is ihe lbcal Ministrl,lbr nottitot'ing and evaluation of plans and programs has been irnplemented irr relation iovoutirs. lt also revieu's effectiveness o1'progralrmcs. in-ipact oloutcomes and objectives ofthe NYP. For this plirpose. a Central Monitoring and Evaluation Conrmittee has beenproposed thal comprise-s represenlatives of the various Ministries having stalie on youthtlcvclol-rtnent is established under thc convener-ship of Secretari, of MoYS.N\'(' lils been coitstituted conrprising of lbur persons representing youih related variousot'llltnizrttion and associations as nrcmber and illieen pcrson representing the 1,ouih conLributioi'rsto the protcction and promotion of the rights and interests of the y,outhbelonging to ailivasi/janagaii/ntadeshi/dalit, phl,sically disable. minority commLrnity andbacl<u'artl arclls as inember. Therefcrre. council itself is r,'en,inclusive and considerable vouthl'eprescnlal iolr.

in adciition" sirrcc 39.0-570 o1'1,oLing people haye been elected in local level electiol held i12017. this has hcconrc grcat opportLrnitl, 1br 1,outh leaders to unleash thcir porver lor y,outhrJevelopi'ncnt anci crcatc oppol"tun itl, through their o*,rr perspeclives.

Linder the coordination o{'the N4oYS. national and internationalNGOs. cooperatives, 1,outhassociatioi'ts attd or-eanizaiions of political parties as u,ell as private sectors are mobilizedcollcctivelv lor achieving 1'outh development goals and objectives. Youths \/ision-2025 anci


%,ffi -^#lJ[.s".

\uiioitll ysir',jrs l)olicr, has betii fiii-tllitilttcti alir-i e\tcl)''\ir c coiist-tiiailrlrr lrith ('ll()s arrci

\ oriilrs i-cilia,.e ItlLiirir c ll"tlitl ci illel'.:rlt 1-lltt'i c1'lilc coill.ltl-\ .

\.'oirtit icr,i oi'ganizatioi.ts itavc sL:iiiccl iurplentcltiiltg pl'ogrllll.llllcrs ellvisiotied bv tire \rouths\1isio;r-2(125 ut line riitii the Si)Cs. J'hcrc is prrtr'isioir tti'ait Itr'ier-ir4inistlr Natiollal YouthsP31ic1 Lo,ri-dination C.ttntnriilcc rinclcr thc Chail-n.t:rnship o1'lhe lr''iinislcr fbr Yor-rtlts and

Spot'ts 1or iire bctter coordinaiion:ril-)ong diI'fcrcrrt stakeholders. \\'ith tile clran-uing

goyern;1ent sirLlctLlre in thc 1'edcr-alisnr. the 1'outh issues arc the prime resporlsibiiities o1'thejgcai ltrel as ri,eli as the prol'ir-:cial govenrt-)ent n,hicit u'ill be the advantages {br the elltire\ outh nrobiiization" their devc-lopitretrt and participation.



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