i'm inlovepac murpheyplenary12713

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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The discovery of micro-moments of love and connection (even from strangers) and their impact on us at the biological/cellular level (Fredrickson, 2013), studies on how our body postures change our minds chemically and psychologically (Cuddy, 2012) and that appropriate stress is healthy for us (McGonigal, 2013), all feed into the social neuroscience of education (Cozolino 2013) which I contend allows us to dare greatly (Brown, 2012) as teachers and help students and teachers to be in love. Not necessarily in love with each other (although that is good too), but rather in love with learning, with life, with the environment around us! Amazingly enough, many of these things have been said in the past and are coded in our culture and art. Bringing these aspects of love into our classrooms is proving to be a game-changing phenomena – something accented recently by Sarah Bareilles in her song Brave (2013).


Daring Greatly Being Brave,

and Telling the World “You're in Love!”

Tim Murphey at PAC@PALT2013How your posture, words, and singing changes you! Mixing language education

with anthropology, neuroscience, positive psychology, fun, etc.mitsmail1@gmail.commitsmail1@gmail.com

This will be an interactive plenary.

Please introduce yourself to people around you

(Don't miss the chance to make a new friend!)

Be prepared to move and sing and talk.Thank You

Daring Greatly Brene Brown

Brave By Sara Bareilles

HonestlyI want to see you be brave!Say what you want to sayAnd Let the words fall out

Love 2.0

Barbara FredricksonPositivity ResonanceMicro-moments of love

SONG I’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love

Power Posing = increase in testosteroneTHE CONFIDENCE HORMONE

Small Posing = Increase in cortisone The STRESS HORMONE

Amy Cuddy – TED.com pres


Be the change (x3) you wish to see in the worldI don’t serve my dear world by pretending to be Small, I’ll stand talk, I will stand tall.When you change Yourself, You change the world (Gandhi & MJackson)




HomeWork For the Next 3months(or your whole life if you like)

Anytime anyone asks youin any languageHow are You?

You answer: "I'm in love!" OR "I'm young and strong &beautiful ..." and Sing as much of the song as you can!

SONGI’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")

Preface,origin of my title, 1 Iterative Task (1 Iterative Task (we just did it!)

4 Questions4 QuestionsSome short Songs & short videosSome short Songs & short videos

A Short Story of the lastA Short Story of the last

6 million years6 million yearsAnthropology & NeuroscienceAnthropology & Neuroscience

Curiosity, Challenge, PlayCuriosity, Challenge, PlayAltruismAltruism


SONGI’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")


did we stand up

6,000,000 years ago?

2. Later, why did women start birthing earlier?

13 months >> 9 months3. What changes did early birthing cause?

4. Why is a turtle trying to fly more beautiful than a bird sitting in a tree ?


2. Why did women start having babies earlier?

Standing up made the birth canal narrower and walking provoked earlier birthings.

AHH this is the exciting part! 3. What were the consequences of earlier birthing?

Babies were born, and still are, prematurely. The numbers of our species probably decreased dangerously for awhileUntil caretakers learned to give them more attention.This meant that caretakers had a longer and harder job and had to spend more time with the babies.

On the POSITIVE Side; Anthropologists hypothesize that the increased time together:A) Increased emotional bonding with caretakersB) Increased communication (the real beginning of parental babbling)C) And a more rapid development of cultures and communities, Midwives!!

How are you? The Talking Twins. V#1

SONGI’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")

Robert SapolskyStandford UniversityPrimatologistNeurologistBrain ScientistSocial Critic 

Stanford UniversityClass Day Lecture(day before graduation)September 2009 

How are you?

Anticipation of reward? (extrinsic) old“Agentive” and “In Control” (intrinsic) (Amabile, Pink,etc.)

when the success rate goes down to 50% , it adds the element of challenge and FLOW and mystery to agency.

25% -- too depressing   /  75% --too easy still

 “ God grant that my desire will always exceed my

accomplishments.” Michaelangelo

Striving brings out the best in us. May our desire always exceed our grasp. Super rich less happy.

How are you?

Ethan the Laughing Baby 笑う男の子、イーサン

as of April 27, 2010 /   2010 年 4 月 27 日 

Hits / ヒット数  : 34,233,733http://www.youtube.com/user/mitsmurphey#p/a/f/0/cXXm696UbKY

Task Based Bonding AffiliationV#2

“Mirror Neurons”  Ramachandran TED.com   

“The neurons that Shaped Civilization”ミラー・ニューロン / ラマチャンドラン  TED.com

“ 文明を成形した細胞”

75,000-100,000 years ago: Tool Use, Fire , Shelter

Imitation Emulation Empathy 7万5千年から10万年前

道具 火、隠れ家、模倣、競争、共感などの道具を使う

S&V# 3“I like your shirtMirror Neurons and Dopamine Rushes

Early Agency Imitation Near Peer Role Modeling

End of line 4 surprise

How are you?

SONGI’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")

DarwinKropotkinSuvival of theFittest


PlayfulnessAltruism &Collaboration

The Power of Play to Bridge Social Capital

Bonding social capital

Bridging social capital…

As Putnam and Feldstein put it:

“A society that has only bonding social capital will be segregated into mutually hostile camps. So a pluralistic democracy requires lots of bridging social capital, not just the bonding variety.”

[in Tim’s words Diversity Peering]. How are you?

Steven Johnson (TED.com) Where Good Ideas Come From 1650, the age of the Enlightenment

Going from alcohol >to tea and coffee>Liquid NetworksCafé space storying / languaging in Present Communities Of Imagination

“Chance favors the connected mind”

.” How are you?

Cognitive Surplus Clay Shirky

Today& Tomorrow’s Possibilities50,000500,0003,000,0006,000,000years agoWe stood up!

Many people are using their cognitive surplus to help others in need.This is what I am calling ALTRUISTIC AGENCY. Wikip.GraminBanks,NGOs, …

•Numbers of NGO/NPO in Japan Red is the number of NGO/NPOs in Japan. Purple is the number of NGO/NPOs that are accredited by the government. Reference: Japan NPO Center (2006) @ http://www.jnpoc.ne.jp/In 7 years from a few hundred to a few thousand.

   Girl Effect V#4

Challenge to follow the story linguistically.Challenge to grasp the message.Challenge to give something of yourself to the world. Providing AGENCY for others.Altruistic Giving= hope for the world

Change yourself, and you change the world. (Hans Rosling - Bangladesh)


Case Study: LLH, Analyses Reports, & Video V# 5


The real voice of japanese studentsケーススタディ: LLH 、分析レポート&ビデオ概要  日本人学生の生の声


SONGI’m Young Strong and Beautiful

I’m living an adventureThe world’s so fascinating

It makes me want to (wanna) cryI want to cry to the world

I want to fly all aroundI want to tell everybody I’m in love I’m in love x 3

I wanna tell everybody I’m in love(power posture and cry: "I'm in Love")





OF YOU & Others



Curiosity > Challenge > Play > Belonging & Altruism > Love> Imagination

The greatest madness  The greatest sadness  Is to see life only as it really isAnd not as it could really beReality is desperately in need of  Imagination

(Cervantes, Man of la Mancha) song5

Imagination feeds our agency in mysterious ways! Thank you!

Why is a turtle trying to fly more beautiful than a bird sitting in a tree ?

Books to GET Love 2.0The Social 

Neuroscience of Education

Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education

Thank you! Brene Brown & Sara BareillesGandhi and Michael J.


OF YOU & Others



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